badezimmer planen tipps

badezimmer planen tipps

hey guys! - hi! my name's luisa and i've been studying abroad for one semester in bali with my family for about 3 months now and this is - nani, and i've been living in bali for 1 1/2 years now with my family and nani is a doctor - right and in another video we offered you to ask us or her a few question about health, medicine in bali and stuff like that and this is our answer

ok, so let's get it started "hey luisa, it would be great if you could talk about inoculations. which inoculations are necessary and which aren't? and how much do medicine cost in bali?" ok, that's more than just one question ok, so let's start with the inoculations. which are really necessary before traveling to bali? - beforehand, i have to say that some inoculations are not being paid by the international insurance so that means in your homeland you have to find out which of the inoculations are being paid by your insurance - right, because there are a lot of differences. some of the insurances pay nothing at all some of them pay it under certain conditions in connection with a semester abroad they pay it, but when you're only gone for vacation they don't.

and some others have a cap, that means for example they pay 250 euros per year for your health - and everything over it has to be paid by yourself - and you always have to pay 20% of it, yourself - we are at the "tk", they pay 90% of everything it doesn't matter why, they just do it maybe it would be a great idea to think about switching to another health insurance company because i heard from others that they had to pay up to 1000 euros for inoculations. if you let yourself getting injected for everything - vaccinations are expensive and it's important not to go to the doctor one week before you're leaving

because the inoculations takes time.. it's not okay to let yourself administer 10 inoculations that just doesn't work so it's better to go to your family doctor 2 or 3 months before you leave and if the family doctor has knowledge that's perfect if not he's gonna send you to another doctor partly, the inoculations have to be ordered the most important ones are the regular inoculations you need in germany, too something like: tetanus, polio/ infantile paralysis, whooping cough and so on i'm sure you got all of them as a child, but it's important to refresh them every 10 years

everybody always thinks about certain inoculations, but it's important about the standard inoculations, too so first of all it's important to get these reinoculated and then there are a lot of other ones you can get inoculated the best thing is to look on the internet, the websites are linked in the description and that be something like: hepatitis a and b. i can highly recommend that to anyone who wants to go to bali and if you don't wanna get hepatitis b, it's important to inoculate hepatitis a because it can be transmitted over polluted food and the next thing is: typhoid. typhoid helps you not to get diarrhea and that's pretty good

whereat the inoculation only protects you from 50 to 80% that means that if you got your inoculation you can still get typhoid but it can protect you up to 80% "what's your opinion to the anti-rabies inoculation?" well, you can do it but you don't necessarily have to do it hm.. if it's important or if it's not ok, so rabies gets transmitted by animals, by dogs or by monkeys in bali it gets transmitted by the dog 99% for example, me and my kids do not have an anti-rabies inoculation

because it's the only inoculation you can get after you got bitten that means if a dog bit you, you can still go to the hospital afterwards and get yourself inoculated so that means if you take care just a little bit, and don't cuddle with every dog on the streets, you won't need it - has there been a student coming to you because of a bite of an animal? - yes, very often. but mostly it's been a bite by a monkey though - ah ok, probably because of the monkey forest, right? - exactly. they were at the monkey forest in ubud and got bitten there and then it is very important to put the wound ,where you got bitten, under running water for 10 minutes to clean the wound

- is it important to go to the hospital with that kind of bite? - genreally, i would say yes. but when there's really no blood and it just nipped a little, you don't have to go to the hospital and it doesn't mean that every bite gets an inoculation personally, i wouldn't get the anti-rabes inoculation. i would prefer hepatitis b, typhoid and also japanese encephalitis - ah, that one, too? - yes - someone told me that if you wanna get infected by that sickness you would have to wrestle in a paddy field with a big at night - theoreticaly, yes! it gets transmitted by the pig - i do not have it

- i don't have it either well if you're here as a stundent and you decide to stay in the touristic areas most of the time, you do not need this inoculation but if you decide to make a lot of trips to the middle of the island, you should get that inoculation the inoculation only costs 4.000 rupiah over here, that would be around 30 euros but it pretty much costs nothing, i don't know how expensive it is in other countries or you just say, hey i don't need it, then you'll just use mosquito spray and a lot of cream and blocker and then you're protected, too - we also recieved the question: "between which international health insurances can be chosen?" you, as a doctor, don't have so much to do with german international health insurance companies, right? - not really. because most of the times you have to pay in advamce

and after it you pass in your bills to the german insurance but if you have a scooter accident or something, the hospital tries to call the german health insurance in that case it is important to know if the insurance has a 24 hours opened service-center because if it happens at 2 a.m. or something, in germany it will be late, too. and if you have to wait til someone is answering in germany, it can cost you a lot of time - ok so, we wrote an article on our blog about it the link for it will be in the description and in there we put a schema, where you can see the different insurances with their prices and offerings we are, and i think most of the others are, too, covered by the "hanse merkur" insurance - or many are covered by adac - adac has something like that, too. but the offer includes a deterrent fee and that's not so good for traveling to bali

because a lot of times you'll have nothing to serious over here it's very very rare that you're deadly sick and have to go to the hospital to get operated but surely you will get the squits or you'll get fever or you don't know what's going on and then you'll go visit her so you'll go and see a doctor and that will cost you something everytime of course it's not that bad to have a deterrent fee like 50 euros, but when you have to go to the doctor more often it can get pretty expensive so just go and read the article and you can decide by yourself what fits you the best "is the dengue-fever really as bad as i've heard? if you got it, should i travel back home?" - no. well, of course you can die from dengue-fever

but you can also die of a normal flue you just gotta weigh it up - everybody over here knows dengue-fever. i mean even my neighbor, who has no idea about medicine, knows what dengue fever is he knows the symptoms. over here it's like a flu everybody knows it, everybody got it already or knows something who has it or had it dengue isn't even that bad actually ok, so there's no healing. you go to the hospital and you get attended symptomatically but all the people i attended were, at worst, in the hospital for 2 or 3 days but they never died from it or traveled back because of it

- we had a lot of people who had dengue, not even all of them had to go to the hospital and somewhere i read an article where a doctor said that 90% of the people who had dengue don't even realize it - exactly - they just think it's a regular flu so, it's not always so bad that you have to go to the hospital and yeah, you can get an inoculation for influenca in germany, too - we aren't. and you probably aren't either and you could die from that, too - dengue isn't as bad as everyone says

just put on some mosquito lotion or some spray on you by day and also by night or if you wanna go out at night, just put on some long clothes that's just the easiest thing you can do - and that's more important for the people who come here in the rainy season than for those, who come here in the drying time, right? - yes, absolutly - we arrived here in march and at that time, the mosquitos were pretty aggresive and by now i don't even put lotion on anymore, i don't get bitten so there aren't as many mosquitos over here right now - yes, right, it's totally alright

- but speaking of dengue, what's with malaria? - well, bad news: there's no inoculation for malaria good news: there's no malaria in bali so that means, if you stay in bali you don't have to worry about malaria at all but if you wanna travel a little bit, especially everything that's in the east of bali, like lombok and gili for example, you should definitely take a malaria prophylaxis you can buy them local you have to take the prophylaxis 3 days in advance and one week after that means you have to start 3 days before plus the (for example) 7 days you're in flores plus 7 days after you come back

and that equals 17 pills, 17 days where you have to take the malaria prophylaxis " it sounds so exciting, we really wanna go to bali, too but we're not sure yet... .. is it usefull at all, to think about traveling to bali with a pregnant woman and a child, or a baby and a child?... ... what kind of inoculations are necessary in that case and what kind of sicknesses did you guys have already?" ok i will tell you that in a second so you're not only a doctor, you're also a mother. and i am a mother, too. so we're kind of in a mother-talk right now what's our opinion of being in bali with little kids? - eh, why not? - if we didn't want to do it, we wouldn't be here, right?

- i mean of course bali, or indonesia, is a tropical country but here you can get a flu, too or something like that if you got the normal inoculations, which are the same in germany and indonesia, that should be enough my kids have just the normal and regular inoculations, i don't overrate with the inoculations or something - nope, our kids are normally inoculated and uhm.. about the sicknesses we all got sick at some point and we kinda had everything you could have, like stomach ache or something - it just happens - you can write that down on your to-do list when you will be here for a long time, as longer as you're here you will definetily get stomach ache

it's just different to other countries. i had the same thing in egypt once and i thought i'd die from diarrhea in countries like that it just happens, and most of the times it's just diarrhea - and of course when you have fever over here it's more uncomfortable because it's much hotter than in germany because no matter what you wear, it's always too hot but it really is nothing too bad, really. furthermore, the people over here are very very child-friendly so it's the best idea you can have to come here with your kids - i think so, too the kids love it over here the kids didn't feel homesick for just one day

they love to hang around at the beach, and the less toys they have, the happier they are so as soon as we go into a store they're so overstrained that they start crying because they wanna have everything and can not decide what they wanna buy but if you really don't take anything with you they have so much fun. right now you cannot see them but they play with a coconut and roll them down a hill all the time and they have so much fun - over here, there's a lot of stuff lying around like a coconut, corals, a few branches, alga - and sometimes they just sit in the sand and let it fall down their hands for a few hours it's just so easy, right? so, if you really wanna relax, just go to the beach with your kids - and the great thing is: after that they'll be tired

- you're right, they're totally knocked over they fall asleep on the way home - exactly, they'll fall asleep on the way home, so just lay them in their beds and the rest of the evening is yours - definitely, it can't get any better but i'm not sure, is it different with a baby than with a little child? - ehh, i mean you'll get your pampers over here, too you'll get the formular milk if you don't wanna breast-feed you're baby - there are pediatrists, too - the pediatrists are amazing over here

so i don't go to germany for inoculations or something, they were born here and they get everything over here that's why it shouldn't be a problem and now the best mother hint you can get when you wanna go to bali or indonesia and you have a little child, let's say up to 4 years: you have to bring a baby carrier or something like that - yes, no buggy - no buggy, you won't need that but a carrier or some scarf you can take with you all the time, is perfect you can take them with you're scooter if they fall asleep, or you can go over the market when they get tired that's the only thing you should really bring with you - we should make another video about that

- and sun blocker but we'll say that in another video now we got a question about first-aid kit and we will cut the video right now you will find the answer to the last quesion on nani's channel, the link is in the description box and she's gonna upload a video just like this one on her channel - part 2, more or less - right, part 2 so if you wanna see that, check out her channel so if you have any more questions, just write it down in the comments

and maybe we will answer them in the next video, too - we will reply, too and if you have any more question for videos to her or to me, just let us know and yeah, we will see us again on next friday with a new video, and do not forget to subscribe

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