schöner wohnen badezimmer einrichten

schöner wohnen badezimmer einrichten

(50,000 miles beneath thmy brain playing) (sirens wailing) can you love mewith a thousand eyes? can you seeright through my bones? i need a doctor! i'll get you a vet,you son of a bitch! you should haveshot him first! cop: (on radio) we've got twoclowns headed south on wall 51! four miles from the border.

(groans) and stop bleedingon my money! cop: (on radio)all units, be advised. suspects arearmed and dangerous. what the fuck! driver: well, hello,boys and girls. there's nothing worsethan a sad clown. unless it's a clownbleeding internally and coughing itall over your money.

well, i supposethis summer vacation with a big haulsouth of the border, was out of the question now. but like my old motheralways told me, "fuck off, loser. ” let your world spin free let it go,i'll do the same the jewels willshine on me (speaking spanish over cb)

...gringo border patrolsin pursuit vazquez bill! holy shit! (laughing)the circus came to town! vazquez, i'll tell you what. we'll take care of this. you better. you knowthe paperwork involved. we'll say they landedon your side. okay? no problemo.

comandante! (in spanish) load these guys in our car the bags too and put this shit out! we might have tobook them ourselves. bullshit. these areour prisoners, vazquez. not the way i see it, bill.they are on mexican soil. you're a pieceof shit, vazquez.

there's no way you'retaking these clowns. you're in no positionto bargain. i'd hate for ourlittle arrangement, every second tuesdayof the month... fuck you, vazquez! you thinking about blowing thewhistle on me or something, nun? yeah, if i need to. is that a threat, cabron? look, you're corrupt,we're corrupt.

there's one difference. we're honest about it. you better bury themin that goddamn "i don't give a fuck, slap on thewrist" beaner system of yours. you win, bill. you won't be hearingfrom them again. hey, what did they do? rob a bank? you figure it out, genius.

let's go. (yelling in spanish) luis, let's getthe fuck out of here! it's procedure! fuck procedure, let's go! no ids what's your name? i'm bozo,he's frosty with the... what's your name?howard.

dennis? fuck!ruben? (shudders) this guy's dead! don't worry. we'll givehim a nice burial, relieve you ofyour money troubles, and find you a nice place. you'll be happy there. driver: ah, prison.

i lucked out. it could'vebeen a hole in the desert. and since i didn'thave any cash, i guess they wereforced to charge me. god only knewwhere my cash was. but at leasti know who had it. (loud mariachi music playing) that's been playingfor six fucking hours. torture by mariachi. ah, what's this?(man speaking spanish)

check your guns,you know the rules oh. inmates. with guns. now that's kind of new.(in spanish) take care of this one i got a lot tolearn about this place. (cell door slamming shut)(in spanish) give me your shoes, bitch! driver:dancing with the stars. i see.

get your mind right. softenyou up in a holding cell with loud music,deprive you of sleep. oh, well, i guess i was gonna haveto take my lumps sooner or later. (mariachi music continues) zapatos!h u h? yeah?the shoes, puto! ah... (yelling) you look likeyou have really small feet and these are size 11!

(grunts) (groaning) driver: ah. fucking ouch. you'll have funin here asshole (speaking spanish) (music stops) this will beyour home for a while and we your family in a few hours

you will be movedinto the main prison you'll have some freedom but remember... this is still a prison use what you've learnedin this holding cell and don't make trouble for us or yourselves or, as the saying goes... small town...

large hell welcome this is "el pueblito" god bless you (mariachi music resumes) jack, you work too hard. the consulate's closed. i just came topick up the files. i think you may be forgettingto report an american citizen.

that's a seriousoffense, armando. honest mistake, jack. come see me tomorrow.we'll sort it out. (mutters) driver: five thousand songsor so later, g-24 - g-25 - g-26 - g-27 we were let outof the holding cell g-27 and transferred to thegeneral prison populace.

(counting in spanish) now i've beenin the joint before, but this waskind of different. (mariachi music playing) is this a prison or theworld's shittiest mall? if/ was going tosurvive in this place, it was time to dowhat i was good at. what's up, old man? anyway,i was out of cigarettes.

holy rolex. shit. (shuddering) gracias. driver: well, it wasbedtime at el pueb/ito. hmm. looked like all the goodpieces of dirt were taken. (man shouting in spanish)(bell ringing) get up you lazy bums! move it, move it!

you can talk later,let's move it! move it! you too gringo,get the fuck over there! let's go, let's go plastics you know, you gottalove murderers who recycle. heads up gringo,here they come! (chucking)

this is goingto pinch a little. (muffled) cunt. (g-grumbling)(in spanish) lunch! driver: somebody was running thisplace, and it wasn't the warden. ah. now he looks like somebody.people showing him respect. yeah, he's somebody.he's yelling at people. (cell phone ringing) so the little guy in the bad-tasteclothes is working for him

'cause he's makinghis life miserable. and... wait a minute,12 o'clock. guy in a bathrobein the penthouse. well, he must be ei hefner. no, no. those two guys areboth working for him. he doesn't evenhave to get dressed and he's making boththeir lives miserable. where'd he geta bathrobe like that? i had to improve my socialstanding around here.

it was simple, really. two bits bought youa day off work so you could focuson doing a real job. need some heroin? make tracks tothe smack shack, where businesswas always booming. (people shouting) (inaudible) got a cigarette?

yeah.can i have one? how old are you, kid? eighteen.get lost. i'm ten. can i have one now? no. you probably want meto keep my mouth shut. well, manuel's tacostand caught on fire, and rodrigo the doctor seemsto have some misplaced cash. if i talk, the shit's reallygoing to hit the fence.

cigarette? light? so, you're a watcher. you learn a lotfrom watching. what are you in here for? very funny. i'm only ten, father was a dealer. was? yeah, i live herewith my mom.

you speak pretty good english, kid.where'd you learn? sesame street. (muttering in spanish) what's with all the school kidsgoing back and forth all the time? if you're not an inmate,you're free to go in and out. what? they live here?yeah. hmm. if you have money,you can pay for your family to come live with youwhile you're serving time.

that's a new one. how comeyou don't go to school? i'm special.yeah? how are you special? i just lit it for him! let's go what did i tell you aboutthe fucking cigarettes! jack: most gringosare in worse shape after a few daysin el pueblito. yeah. some vacation, huh?

i bet you'd likeone of these. oh, would i! oh, yeah! (sighs) now, your, uh, file doesn't have a you have a name? yes. richard johnson. dick johnson, huh? it's unfortunate. yeah.

anybody i can contactfor you, dick? wife, sweetheart?no. boyfriend?no. i didn’t think so. says here you werecaught buying valium in a drugstore downtownwithout a prescription. that doesn't quite fit. what are you doing in here? you're right. it doesn't fit.that is bullshit.

they're making this up. two cops got a hold of me, they rolled me in and i ended up in gotta get me out of here. just misunderstood, huh? yes, that's right. you don't haveany fingerprints. guy who burns off hisfingerprints is a career man. even i know that much. you gonna get meout of here or not?

seems to me somebody'strying to bury you in here. no shit, sherlock. what do you want? i mean,maybe i can help you. like i said, i can't help youwithout any information. you're not giving meany information. you spring me out of here,i'll give you plenty. (chuckles)

you know,it's a lot easier to end up dead in herethan to survive. gringo without money in asouth of the border jail. ah, it's not so bad,you know. at least it's a shithole all right. (chuckles)you're not gonna tell me. that's all right. that'sall right, that's fine. i can respect that. but i will find the truthout for myself, you know.

well, even a blind pig has tofind an acorn now and then. (burps) you called me fat. be careful, my'll hurt my feelings. let me tell you something. there's a littleskinny guy inside of me and you know whatthat guy's saying? he's sayingsomething stinks about you. and i'm gonnafind out what it is.

nice meeting you. you too.thanks for dropping by. take care of yourself. yeah, don't sweat too much. oh, i never do! driver: the ugly american. i thought it was meuntil he turned up. i didn't like himsniffing around my business. nothing's free!

please! we havenowhere to go! you could stay with me you won't let me help you c'mon kids,hurry up, let's go hey, you speak english? i'm lookingfor a place to live and you look likethe guy that knows. real estate isa high commodity. what are you looking for?

nothing special. here we are!(shouts in spanish) get out, c:cabron! nothing special. there is a commonbathroom for tenants outside. tv and cable areadditional if you want it. fan, blanket, and towelare complimentary. welcome. perfect. (people chattering) (romantic spanishmusic playing)

all good general? take care of him driver: well, this must becell block a. gives a whole new meaningto doing hard time. a special wingfor special inmates. i guess you had toknow someone to get in. what the fuckare you looking at? fuck! why aren't you in bed?

i didn't want youwalking home alone driver: escaping is frowned upon. kid: it's harderthan it looks, guero. breaking out. i don't looks pretty easy to me. you can buy anythingin el pueblito. except your way out. even javi has to come backwhen he goes out. who's javi?

king rat he runs the joint. lives up there,where the rich people live. oh, the guy with the cheesybathrobe and the cell phone. yeah. cigarette? no. what do you mean,"when he goes out"? a veces sale. dinner,soccer matches, whatever. but even he has to come back. wow, he's really got a goodthing going for him in here.

oh, yeah. (speaking spanish)hmm? i'm gonna kill him. okay. why?what did he ever do to you? it's personal. remind me neverto rub you the wrong way. cigarette?no, kid. you mother hasa vicious right. she's asleep.she worked late last night.

yeah, i know.what's she do? shit for javi. last night was casino night. hey, who arethose two guys? ren and stimpy?yeah. the big guy, caracas,that's javi's brother. what about the littlereal estate cat? carnal. he's their cousin. he's a useless prick.even they hate him.

when i came in here,they took blood from me. i'm figuringit's not a health thing. no shit can i have a cigarette,for fuck's sake? you know, the other dayyou told me you were special. how are you special?fuck you! you're so special, get yourown fucking cigarettes. quit mooching off me. i gota 40 year habit. get lost. whoo!

(laughing) (singing along) (all clamoring) driver: ah, sunday. visiting day at el pueblito. bring the whole family to thecrappiest place on earth. enjoy our ever-popular,world famous cavity search. at 20 bucks a pop,they were making a killing. 30 pesos for fifteen minutes

go play kids! (moaning) (woman screaming) one. (mumbling)(in spanish) calm down,there's enough for everyone (children shouting) that's the kid,give him a hand! what's wrong with you?

tough guy, eh? shut the fuck up! touch him againand i'll out your balls off now fuck off! you good? hey, kid, that's more thana toothpick you got there. what's your plan? stab him in the heart. oh.

the aorta, the vena cava. those are pretty deep blood vessels.chances are you'd miss. how about the stomach? real grab bag.full of guts, liver, spleen. hmm. quick treatment wouldprobably save his life. the neck?yeah, good thinking. the carotid. too high for you,'d need a ladder. typically, you want to killsomeone instantaneously,

you go for the centralnervous system or the brain. lights out. (panting) have a smoke?i really need one. not until you tell me whyyou're so special around here. fuck you,you can't touch me! what, if i do thisthose guys are gonna kill me? you're holding out on me, kid.spit it out! fuck you, puto!

knock it off. is that guy javiyour father? is that why theyprotect you, huh? (grunting) you're a mosquito!sit the fuck down! a man who won'tlevel with you, that's a manyou can't trust. you don't ever talk to me again.get lost, kid. he killed my father!

i was seven wheni came to live here. my parents were doing 15,drug trafficking. javi needed a new liver. and my dadwas a perfect match. same rare blood type. he has my father's liver. i want to out it out of him, and bury it with my dad. okay.

but what'sthe deal with you? he's going to needanother liver. fuck.well,i guessyou are special. that's whythey took my blood. bingo gringo! they test everyone, but i'm the only match. i got puton the inside at 14 for trying to fuck upsomebody i really hated.

my dad. i wish someone had killedhim, i'd given him a cigar. he'd been beating up on my mom.the third time that week i snapped finally and went towork on him with a baseball bat. the only mistake i made,i didn't kill him. that's why i ended up in theshitter the first time. so you gottabe careful, kid. if you're gonna dothis thing, do it right. otherwise they'llfry your balls off.

and although you're notusing them at the moment, trust me, someday soon, you'regonna want those puppies working. you don't wanna kill javi. you need to kill javi. before he kills you. here, look at this. i was a sniper. snipers workin two-man teams. i need a up for the gig?

are we going to shoot him? it's not about's about watching. waiting. we'll see him,we'll get him. yeah.fucker's livedto long. what do you mean why? he's stealing from us,and he's an idiot carnal is family he's a liability you straighten him out,i don't want to deal with it

you may not have a choice he's getting out of hand people hate him what do youwant me to do... kill him? just get him off real estate it's a big job,too much money give him an assistant (whistles)

deal with it brother hey, come here. mom's here, she's cooking what'd you find out? mom! a sight for sore eyes aunt flor and your cousin? he's coming

how's his health? is he drinking? don't worry so much i'm holding you responsible jack: hey, fellas! who the fuck are you? i'm with the us consulatein tijuana. really. you a cop?

couldn't pass the physical. so what do you want? no. what do you want? the man who drove this car or theguys who were spending the money? both. one stop shop.welcome to costco. yeah. here's mymembership card. oh, come on.take it easy, cowboy. all i want is the joyof seeing justice done.

it'll be for the right price,i'm not greedy. hell, i'll get you a picture. i'll take youto him personally. huh? how do you like them apples? (cl-cheering) (javi speaking spanish) let me remind you... that all the money raised... will go to the family fundhere at el pueblito

so cough it up! straight from juarez... the king of the skies... magno! that's magno.he's running in fourth. and there's no way he can beat blue demon jr.he's a champion. and the demon jr. the referee... our dear friend

mr. ringo starr (coughing) him and sansoare like the best. they're like the shit, man. before my dad got locked awaywe went to go see his match. crowd: (chanting)blue! blue! blue! hey, you gotta... you gottaknock this shit off, kid. come on.get yourself another habit. sugar. here.

get yourself an ice cream. orale. thanks.bring me back the change. behave mom! hey-hey- why the money? ah, you know,he worries too much. he needs to bea kid for a while. why, you gonna hit me again? (chuckles) he doesworry too much.

today he looks happy. he talks about you.told me about your dad. and how you talked him outof something stupid. that's not easy. well, he's smart.he listens. he doesn't talkto many people. no? want a beer? (all cheering)

you got a visitor! oh, i have a visitor.i'm sorry. mmm-hmm. i'll take you up on the beer later.thank you. right. well, howdy, buckeroos! (greeting in spanish) looking sharp! (all laughing)

thank you for your financialcontribution to our families. don't mention it. we took care of frosty,by the way. (hums circus music) he did want a cremation,didn't he? oh, l didn'tknow him that well. we have a serious problem. is this somethingi can help you with? well, the thing is, two ofthe cops that were with us

when we first met,turned up dead. cops die all the time,it's part of the trade. what is disturbing is thefact they were tortured. badly. so we wanted to ask youwhere you got the money. we are just concerned thatsomeone might be looking for it. and if they are,we need to know who it is. i see. two million bucksis a lot of money. two million dollars is a lotof money, you're right.

well, it says here they werefound in a brand new mercedes. what... what model was it? listen, things can geta lot worse for you in here. oh, let me guess, you'vegot friends in here, too. well, i'm sure javi's powerstretches outside these walls. i mean, he knows about themoney you stole from me, yeah? i mean, you gave himhis cut, right? listen, you fucking gringo! you may think you havethis place figured out,

but you don't know shit! just tell us whereyou got the money. i'll tell you what, whoever tortured those copssurely knows you're in here. if you tell us,we could help. otherwise, it's just a matter oftime before they come get you. no, you're right. and here's the thing, and i'msure you two will agree with me, they'll be comingto get you two first.

so here's my advice stopspending my fucking money. put it someplace safe and thengo and hide yourselves. okay? because when they find you,they will kill you. and then i'll neverget my damn money! suit yourself. and watchyour back in here! yeah, take it easyout there. you have no idea who we are! (laughs) you're vazquez. badge number 903489.

you're romero. badge number 1...oh, fuck it! you ever been fishing? never been outof this joint. no? well, you got a treat instore, but it's kinda like this. there he is. you know what to do.divide and conquer. that's my watch hey kid! where are you going?

come here you prick what? come here you little fucker fucking indian damn! hey, c:cabron.! sorry. sorry. (continues in spanish) give me!

where'd you get it? i found it in the trash it's mine i'm going to tell caracas what are you looking at? kid: bang, bang. come here. heart shot. yeah. well, you spot,i'll shoot. come here.

we did better thani thought. here. there's your cut.oh, nice. oh. here. and i got thisfor you, too. what is it?nicotine gum. what does it do?yeah. stops the craving. don't flash it around.don't spend it in big chunks, that's howyou get boned, okay. hey, how aboutthat beer now? oh. twist my arm?

which one?this one. thank you. i was a user.that's how we met. then i helped him out,cutting the shit. packing it... we got bustedwith three kilos. got 15 years. at least,i got cleaned up in here. you have a cigarette?

yeah. you remind meof someone. yes. if you tell him,i'll kick your ass. again? worse. where is he? is he around? i think he went for a beer. oh, shut up. so, guero, you married? easy, mamacita,you're moving a little fast.

that's a verysensitive subject for me. i was. um... she ran off with a formerbusiness associate of mine, one reginald t. barnes. we were doing a job,i got away... he got caught. he ratted me outfor immunity, and i did seven yearsin the slammer. she ended upshacking up with him.

nice, huh? you know, i still haverecurring dreams about it. yeah, there's a knockon the door. reginald opens it,he's wearing underpants and eating a bowlof cornflakes, weird, huh? mmm.yeah. not a pretty sight. there's milk spillingdown his chin and shit. and my wife's makingcoffee over behind him. and these two goonsat the door,

whip out thesemassive cannons... (mimics gun firing) and they startfilling his chest full of holes, he hits the floor,dead as a mackerel. she drops the coffee andstarts screaming her ass off. and then? well, then i wake up. the resentmentwill kill us all. but them first.'s to resentment. (door opens)

i know you knowabout the liver. well... how rare can blood be? very. it's calledbombay blood. one in half a million. javi found a match. your husband. and my son. i never know whenthey'll come for him.

yeah, well... we're not gonnalet that happen. are we? (people talking indistinctly) what's up? the money you trade rentpayments for sex others pay you with drugs you're out of control

you're a disgrace we never should havegiven you this job tough's a family business maybe you're the fuck up if i was in charge,no one would steal from us enlighten me i was robbed by whom? i don't know

there area few thieves in here you and your fucking lies don't bullshit me the money, or the fuckerwho robbed you you're my cousin... but if you don't deliver,you're finished fuck off,i'm not your bitch! the money, fucker when did you get robbed?

who knows when i got my watch back? i don't know! maybe do you think i'm an idiot !? where'd you get the watch !? i found it! did the gringo help? no, it was just me!

get him! caracas. think you can fool meyou little fuck !? (sobbing) get off her,you son of a bitch! i'm not done with you! what did you idiots do!'? this room was built for me! now you're bleedingall over it

he had the mom... he was going to kill the kid son of a bitch! what the fuck did you do? idiot! answer me! now what? javi! it's aunt flor

answer it answer it, man! hi, aunt he can't talk right now... he's lying down okay, we it's going tobreak her heart what could i say? if the gringo hadn'tkilled him, i would have

what about the gringo? what about him? he's not family,he's not mexican... i'd kill him i saved yourbrother's life. i saved your life, too. iprotected the kid and the liver. i terminated twotroublesome employees. fucking gringo! one of those was my cousin!

don't tell me you weren't thinkingabout killing him already. i saved youthe embarrassment of having family bloodon your hands. and if he was willingto kill your brother, he was comingto kill you next. in about a minute and ahalf, to be precise. so, i saved yourfucking life twice. (yells) i need a drink

(panting) fuck! cut him loose! yeah, okay.give me a minute. i need to change my shorts,for god's sake! he knows about my liver he knew aboutour problems with carnal he seems to knowwhat i'm thinking who is he? armando doesn't know either

so he's in here with no name,charges, or fingerprints? you're in chargeof security! how does this fucking gringoknow everything? so kill him then you idiot! don't be hasty! first, find out who sent him find out who he is then we kill him

driver: which one? number three yup. jack: hey, there. oh, hey, butterballs (chuckles)yeah, butterballs just checking in. wantedto see how you're doing. fine.yeah. well, you know, i see you'restill hanging in there.

so... i know there's money.i could still help you out. all i want isa piece of the pie. talkative as ever, eh? that's was nice knowing you. sorry if we got offon the wrong foot. good luck're gonna need it. driver: butterballs was putting thesqueeze on me sooner than i thought. it was time to play e cardi'd been holding beck.

try and get my casha little closer. buen dias. what do you want, guero? i have someinformation for you that i think youmight find valuable. uh, two oops,vazquez and romero, badge number 90348... okay, okay, okay.we know our oops. oh, you know them?mmm.

well, in that case you'llfind this really interesting. they took a sizeableamount of money from me when theybrought me here. and i figure i'll neversee the money again and i just wonderedif they gave you your cut. why? what's in it for you? mmm. nothing now probablysince i told you, but... look, i think a finder's feewould be fair. how much?oh, i don't need much.

ten percent, maybe.okay, eight. uh-uh. how much money? you know, i only stole it. ididn't have time to count it. uh, but ballpark, twomillion, maybe a little more. you know what will happenif you are pushing my leg? si. i know.i wouldn't push your leg. see you later. get vazquez and romero and bring the money too

(muffled yelling) (muffled screaming) yep, i rechecked million seven. where the fuck's the rest? i swear on god.that's all there was. that's bullshit. it is true. hello. can you see me? uh,yeah,boss.i can.

okay, good. is it all there? no, there's only 1.7 and acouple of new cars out front. where's the rest? it's all there.except for what we spent. the cars, some hookers. we bought them shoes. and tacos. that's all. amigos, where isthe rest of my money? that's all there was.

talk to the gringothat stole it. cut the toe off. well, we already did that, boss.two of them. cut another one off. no, please! i swear,that's all there was! no! (grunts) hey, mr. vazquez.listen very carefully. you see, i'm missingfour million dollars. you're missingthree toes so far.

i'll give you a momentto do the arithmetic, then it's up to youif you wanna talk. (mumbling) what did he say? he said, "what doesarithmetics mean?" oh, fuck it. just kill 'em. no! hey, hey! no! (romero sobbing) hey! hey, no! i swear!

no, please! there was only two. last chance, vazquez! no! no! i swear! i swear!sure? (screaming) hey! that's my money! that's javi's share! javi?

i was going togive javi his cut! ja vi huerta ? you keep it! hey, hey-' (laughs) javi. motherfucker. i'm gonna fucking kill you. oh, jesus. i'm gonna kill you, javi. with my own fucking hands.

leave them there i told you the gringowould be trouble he stole big timefrom frank in san diego frank knows we have his money you need to slow down my big brother... (coughs) always worried about me you keep drinkingand smoking like this...

and the kid's livermay not be enough go get the gringo you buffet?you got it. if you're hungry,try the tacos de pescado. it's their specialty. there's three of them will the watchtowerbe covered? have we ever failed you? three guysare coming for the gringo

cover them they'll be easy to spot there's some bad shitcoming down on me, i don't want you twocaught in the middle of it. so if you don't see mefor a little while... (screams) (people clamoring) (all talking indistinctly) there is somethingyou're not telling us.

javi: this gunbelonged to doroteo arango. do you know who he was? no, but i'm guessing he's dead,because you have his gun. he was betterknown as pancho villa. this is the same gun he fired in theopera restaurant in mexico city. have you ever been there?no. the hole'sstill there in the ceiling. they auctioned this gun off a few years agoin the states.

they thoughtthat was the original. fucking gringos! idiots! during the revolution, therewas a shortage of bullets. and pancho waswell aware of that. so he always made surethat every bullet counted. (gunshot) if you really need a name,it's barnes, reginald t. and i'm sorry about the mess.i didn't mean...

just kill him already that's not a good idea there are two reasonsnot to kill me you never mentionedyou speak spanish nobody asked me i need practice frank is nowa big problem for you and what'sthe second reason? i can get to him

i did it once already don't do me any favors it's in your bestinterest as well this is too much, javi a shootout!inside the prison if you get me out of here... i'll kill frank i'm not joking! this bloodbathwill have consequences

armando... you chose sidesa long time ago we can change thatif you want no problem but why don't you clean upthe mess out there instead get the fuck out! okay go kill him but don't come back

the money you stoleis the price for your life i'll need a little cash... guns... and a car you've been spending timewith the kid and his mother. keep away from them. and thisis the last warning you'll get. hurry up! javi's waiting for you! (door opens and closes)

what name?barnes. reginald t. barnes. cacaracas javi we need to talk, javi you look worried the shootout wasthe final straw the governmentis closing the prison they've tried that before it's a surprise raid,even i don't know when

2000 soldiers...police...snipers i have to get out of here it won't be easy if armando lets you out... they'll go after him... thenthe mayor, all the way up i can't go to another prison maybe for a whileuntil things calm down no, i can't risklosing the kid i need that liver transplant

and i'll be too weak to move so get me an ambulanceand barricade this place nothing interruptsthe operation what do we do with barnes? have our boys up northkill him once frank is dead (dog barking) welcome to the united states.hey, thank you. what's your citizenship?usa. where were you born, sir?

chicago, illinois. (spanish) what if he doesn'tkill frank? give him forty-eight hours...then kill him (spanish rap song playing) (telephone ringing) stephanie: good morning,warren kauffman's office. oh, one secondi'll see if he's in. (intercom beeps)

mr. kauffman. um, clinteastwood is on the line. (clears throat) hello? hold formr. eastwood, please. (in deep voice)hey, how are you doin'? thank for takingmy call, sir. well, it's quitea surprise, mr. eastwood. i'm a fan of your work. woman: this is bullshit! you know what, man? this isnot what you guaranteed me.

excuse mefor a minute, sir. woman: this is notwhat you said. okay, now, that's better. that's better.okay, move along. that's all right, man. you all right.yeah. hallelujah to ya! whoo! cut! all right,set up for take two. sorry, sir.i'm a workin' stiff.

you gotta make your timewhere you can. (laughs) what can i dofor you, mr. eastwood? well, you know,i'm going to be in san diegofor a couple of days playing a golf tournament, and all the proceeds are goingto the stroke association. i play golf myself,you know. well, my associatesand i are looking to make a meetingwith you if we could.

sit down and letyou know how you could be part ofthe stroke association. it's doing goodin the community and it's a damndecent tax write-off. well, it sounds interesting. you think you could make it tomy office tomorrow morning? yeah, i'll havemy assistant, mr. barnes, be in touch withyour assistant. make all the arrangements.

great. you'll, uh, make my day.(chuckles) ha ha. that's a good one. (breathing heavily) go! regina, it's time! javi: i'll take better careof this one. we have to do thisas soon as possible. get in

don't come out,no matter what i need the donor. driver: thanks. microwave's over there. oh, i'm not goingto eat this shit. man 1: what the fuckis going on here? man 2: all right,pop the fucking hood. (electricity crackling)(grunting in pain) (gasps)

i admire your courage i didn't expect any less you know we'll kill youand find the kid why waste more time? i treated you well took care of you both i tried to findsomeone else but time ran out (electricity crackling)

woman on phone:hi, i have warren kauffman from repcom for mr. jackson. one moment, please. i have warren kauffmanon the line. the snip guy? secretary:that's what they said. put him through. hello? hello, mr. jackson, thanks for taking...excuse me for a minute.

thanks for taking my call. my pleasure, can i help you? i understand you representa mr. frank fowler. yeah, in some matters. are you familiar with mybusiness, mr. jackson? from what i hear you're thelargest ship builder in america. among other things. look, can i assume that ourconversation is confidential? (sighs) yes. of course.

good. i'm interested specifically inmr. fowler's marshmallow export business. i don't know what you mean. you don't?well, then, i'm sorry, i must've been giventhe wrong information. perhaps. well, how specificallycan i help you, sir? could i arrangea meeting with mr. fowler? i'd have to checkhis availability...

ooh ia ia. ...but i'm sure we canwork something out. unfortunately, i can onlymeet tomorrow morning. if that's possible. uh, if you canmake that work, at my office, downtown, therepcom building, say 10:00 a.m.'? we'll be there.great. ooh.woman: hurry up. (singing softly)

(snorts) don't move! who's the brunette? what the hellare you doing here? tomorrow. morning. very important meetingpick you up at 9:00 a.m. warren kauffman. the warren kauffman. yep.

what the helldoes he want from us? we don't build ships, do we? he wants to dobusiness with us, frank. okay. 9:00. you're a good mother but i'm tired you want my liver? here's your fucking liver (all shouting)

(wailing) (frantic talking) (kid groaning) hi.stephanie: hi. i'm here to see mr. kauffman. mr. barnes? and you can onlybe stephanie. (chuckles) yes. so good to meet you, at last.likewise.

mr. kauffman is ready for you.excellent go ahead and just follow me. uh, we were expectingmr. eastwood, plus four. oh, well,the tall one is en route. you'll hear him drop in,cowboys and helicopters, he'll probablybuzz the building. (chuckling) are youexpecting rain, mr. barnes? well, you nevercan tell, stephanie. please, step in.thank you.

mr. barnes is here, hisassociates are on their way. mr. barnes.thank you, stephanie. please show the gentlemenin when they arrive. mr. nice to meet you. likewise. and thank you fortaking us on such short notice. my pleasure.look at this view. mmm. and this is, uh,think outside the box. you know it.

i live by it. hi, we have an appointmentwith mr. kauffman. yes, they're expecting you. stephanie: please, step jackson: thank you. gentlemen.what took you so long? mr. kauffman'sjust in the restroom, he should be outin a minute. that chopper turn up yet? no, not okay.

well, make yourself at home. ah, warhol?no. that's a nine-dot puzzle. now the trick is you got tojoin all nine dots together using only four lines, nevertake your pen off the page. (chuckles)oh. you gentlemen likesomething to drink? a coffee would be great.sir? no, i'm fine. thank you.

hey, i think i got it. oh... oh, my god! mr. kauffman! oh, my god! mr. kauffman! there's a bomb or something! (sobbing) mr. kauffman... (screams and gasps) mr. kauffman! oh!

are you okay? oh, my god! oh, my god! surgeon: the kid is stable. barely missed his liver. how fast can we go? first thing in the morning. no, you tell mewhen you're done. we go tonight. jack: put it in your mouth!put it in your mouth!

eat the chili, bitch!come on! suck it! suck it!(shouting in spanish) eat it all! take it all! now! now! now! now! (sobbering) (spanish song playing) you better feel something. jack: all right, do it again. open your your mouth.

open your mouth, puta! (indistinct talking) hi. how did you find me? i followed the bread crumbs. even in a town like tijuana,you're kinda unique. i need to spring somebodyout of prison here. oh, yeah,what's his name, 1.7 mil? stupid son of a bitch, whydidn't you let me help you?

we could havebeen splitting this. and now what? now fat chancegetting it from javi, before he's shipped off tofederal with a new liver. what was that? it's over, the governmentis shutting the place down. they’re raidingthe joint tonight. that fucking moron, javi, (laughing) he's having an organtransplant in the middle of a raid.

you're not going to leaveme like this, are you? i sure as fuck am. these credentials willcome in mighty handy. hey, hey, hey- you said my carwas in the impound? where is that? there's a federal impound,next to the race track. i wouldn't exactlycall it a car anymore. ladies

here take your time. make him squeal (women jeering in spanish) (muffled shouting) ...but you gotthe money, right? i paid you, fucker! they're here go fuck your mother!

make sure armandohas the ambulance ready leave that openfor a quick getaway nobody gets in here! (people screaming) (machine beeping) us consulate. ah! (cocking gun) put it back.

where's the boy's mother? (stammers) in the dungeon. bring her hereor i'll kill your brother. okay. okay, okay. park over there thank you, malaina.(in spanish) go fuck yourself! he'll be okay thank you

they were assholes just like my husband stop! it's an emergency! help us to the ambulance! be careful what happened? male, ten years old under anesthesiafor liver transplant

vital signs are stable mine. he needs to getto a hospital (soldier shouts in spanish) we're in a hurry (shouting in spanish) (banging on door) reginald t. barnes? honey, want some coffee?

no! hola. please. salud. to us can i bite you? yes only if it's really hard and don't leave any marks

(laughs) come hurry up i'll be back driver: well, boys and girls, to the untrained eye, it looksas if crime pays, doesn't it? but bear in mindj for guys with my particularset of karmic could-be's, there was bound to bea bump or two down the road.

ah, what the hell. i'm going to enjoywhat's left of the summer. english - us - psdh

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