schöner wohnen badezimmer klein

schöner wohnen badezimmer klein

international seminar embracing a noble ideal dec 9, 2008; jan 5, feb 21,mar 22, 2009; france supreme master ching haiwearing "veggie fur" the history of earth-store bhikkhu december 9, 2008, france happy, happy here,she loves people very much. happy. if you call her, happy,she will come to you.

because there is no room,she cannot go in, otherwise she would. happy here, happy! yes, she will come here. go and say hallo, hallo.everybody loves you. everybody loves you. yes? she also comes for group meditation. here, here. happy, yes, okay.(happy, happy, happy.)

she turned back againbecause there is no room, no path. here, hap, hap, here, here. come here. she is very excited thatthere are so many people. hap, hap. if she licks you, it meansshe loves you very much. she is too excited,she can’t help it. there are more over there.(happy, happy.) she is too excited.

you can also speak chinese, right? if you let her,she will run around. she is too excited,because there are so many people and she doesn’t know what to do. she loves people very much. she loves everybody. she has never been unfriendlyto people, especially the elderly;she loves them the most. she loves the elderly very much.

for example,when she is behind the fence… i have a fence in my yardto prevent them from running about. when she sees old peoplewalking on the street outside the fence,she will start to cry out. she will run to the gate and lean her head on the fence,and start to climb up. she cries like this to greet them. she loves the elderly a lot. she loves the elderly the most.

but she loves everyone. she is a very loving being. yes, good girl, good girl. good girl. she also understands.she won’t bother others. she kisses around because she cannot helpbut love people. happy, she lovesthe elderly so much. seeing the elderly,

she cries and calls themto come in. she loves elderly so much. i love the elderly too. now, i will read a story for youto enjoy, okay, huh? let’s read a story about a dog. this is the story about a dogcalled shan ting. “shan ting” meansto hear auspicious things, you see? this story is aboutearth-store bodhisattva’s dog. earth-store bodhisattvausually had a dog.

the picture ofearth-store bodhisattva has a dog lying at his feet. the dog’s name is shan ting. “shan ting” is both a faithful friend and a vehicle to transportearth-store bodhisattva. i don’t know how big the dog was to give him ride everywherelike that? this dog can’t give your rides,so don’t try it, okay? this dog,i use a car to transport her,

not for you to ride on. this dog is different, okay? according to the story, whenever earth-store bodhisattvawent out to deliver sentient beings, he rode his holy dog. when they were at homeor in the temple, they were friends. according to the legend, shan ting - meaning this dog -

had two really powerful ears. one ear could hearthe dharma vibration from the buddhas in ten directions. the other could hear the sufferingof all sentient beings. that’s scary! any of you have ears like that? that’s why in the paintings ofearth-store bodhisattva, you see the dog shan ting, one ear lifts upand the other puts down.

i also have a dog like that,an adopted dog that i brought home to raise. his name is pomas. all the time, he puts one ear down,one ear up. it is like that every day and night,except when he is sleeping soundly. usually, we see other bodhisattvasriding a dragon or a crane. some rode on... what else? a tiger, a lion. but earth-store bodhisattvarode on a dog.

therefore, many people likeearth-store bodhisattva and his dog because a dog seems closer to us. but normally, the tigers or lionsthat were raised by the bodhisattvas, they wouldn’t bite or maul anyone,right? usually, samantabhadra bodhisattvarode on an elephant. see that? rode on elephants. what did manjusri bodhisattvaride on? (a tiger.) a lion. no problem. lion or tiger,it’s about the same.

just don’t come near. now, if we see themriding a lion or a tiger, and you also want to run upand ride on one, can you do that? has anyone tried yet?raise your hand. you don’t dare? yeah, that’s smart. that means you’re probablyenlightened already. the bodhisattvas or the saintsrode on elephants, tigers, or lions

because they have becomefamiliar with them. they had raised themsince they were babies. those tigers and lions werealready vegetarian, already tamed similar to us raising a dogsince he was a puppy. for example,some people raise wolves, you know? a wolf isn’t a dog,but it belongs to the same species. however, a wolf is a wild dog, and we have heard thatthey are very fierce, right? not like our dogs.

but sometimes,a wolf cub lost its parents and wandered into someone’s house,so the people took it in. they raised it all the wayto maturity, so the wolf became like a pet. the same with lions, tigers, elephants. the same with lions, tigers,elephants – they were raisedsince they were babies, see that?they were fed vegetarian foods, listened to the buddhist chantingevery day;

so they became tamed,similar to spiritual practitioners. the same with the animals, sometimes they are supposedto be fierce, but they are not, understand? there are bodhisattvaswho also reincarnated as animals. sometimes,the explorers went into a jungle, and suddenly encountered a packof wolves raising a little girl, taking care of herand bringing food to her. or sometimes there was a storyin the newspaper,

recounting a young girlbeing assaulted, and a pack of lions running inchasing those wicked men away, then they sat thereand guarded the young girl until the police came. when the police arrived,they handed her over and left. so, not all lions are ferocious. but hearing me say that, don’t you go homeand look for a gentle one. okay? leave them alone.

let them play in the jungle. don’t cause any problems. in formosa (taiwan), there was a bodhisattvanamed guang qin. a long time ago,he meditated in a mountain cave. he didn’t knowthe cave was tigers’ den; he went in and meditated there. then the tigress returnedwith her cubs. when she saw him sitting there,

not only she didn’t harm him, she even took refuge in him as well. she knelt down and took refuge in him because she knew he wasa spiritual practitioner. but you shouldn’t try it for fun,okay? he was a high level practitioner. we don’t know what level we’re. the legend doesn’t saywhere earth-store bodhisattva practiced spirituallyand where he came from.

however, the last legend about him began at a time in a countrycalled silla, which is the central regionof goryeo – that’s korea. there was a country called sillain the central region of korea. there was a prince namedjin qiaojue. jin qiaojue was a person who had much admirationfor buddhism since childhood. so when he was 24 years old, he voluntarily left the throneto become a renunciate.

he also admired the developmentof buddhism in china, so in the 4th year of the reignof emperor taizong of tang, this prince took his dog, shan ting,and traveled from korea to china to study buddhism. because he respectedearth-store bodhisattva very much, he also named himself earth-store. and this bhikkhu (monk) -a male renunciate, is called bhikkhu. bhikkhuni is a buddhistfemale renunciate.

so he traveled all over china, until one day he came to a mountaincalled jiuhuashan. jiuhuashan is a very famous mountainin china. its scenery is very beautifuland holy. when he traveled there, he liked the sceneryand topography so much that he built a thatched cottageon the mountain to practice spiritually of course, during the period ofascetic practice in jiuhuashan,

the dog shan ting was alwaysnext to him to keep him company. soon thereafter,there was a bourgeois elder. what is s a bourgeois elder?do you know? someone who is old and rich. elder means high in age. usually, older people are rich;young people are not rich. it’s really not fair, is it? when we are young,we like to spend a lot but we have no money.

and when we are already old,even if we have money we don’t want to spend it anymore.right? sometimes, we’ve lost all our teeth,can’t eat anything. we can’t really drive cars either –we’re already old. when we are young,we like to have a big and fast car, and lots of moneyto have a good time. but we don’t have money. when we are young,we do not have a stable career yet, and when we are older,

that’s when we begin tobe more established and accumulate our wealth, right? by the time we are rich,we are already old. there’s nothingwe really want anymore, there’s nothingwe really want anymore. we’ve tastedall there is in this world. even soy paste, soy sauce,rice with soy sauce – we’ve already lived through. we are so used to eating frugally

that by the time we are rich, we don’t care foreven luxurious meals. when we are younger, we drive an old car,from a car cemetery. the ones discarded in the junk yards, we can buy them cheap. besides, we can also say,after driving it for a while, it just lays there, right? otherwise, it can bea little dangerous,

running straight to the cemetery – both the car and the drivergo there and rest forever. the aulacese (vietnamese)call it a cemetery car. when i first came out, i also had a few cemetery cars. after on the road for a while, it didn’t like it, it just lay there. luckily there weremany people in the car, so we all got out and pushed.

that car was very convenient. if you’re poor,just buy that kind of car, it’s good becauseyou don’t have to put in gas. wherever you go, just push it, you don’t have to buy petrol. especially family cars – a big one that can transport5, 6 children. it saves a lot of money,very economical. wherever you go,just get out and push –

no need to buy petrol. that kind of car is very goodfor the environment, right? nowadays, that kind of caris very fashionable. you don’t have a car?(a motorbike.) a motorbike is okay,but you must wear a helmet. a motorbike is also very good. here, the area where we are,is considered rich, but many people… one or two doctors that i know,they ride motorbikes all the time.

it’s quicker to go and seehis patients – that’s what he said. because a car is too troublesome. with a motorbike,you can zigzag like a snake, and it’s quick. otherwise, going by car, he said,sometimes the wait is too long. by the time he gets there,the patient is already half dead. that’s not good. doctors in this countryare very busy. are doctors in ã‚u lạc (vietnam)busy?

busy, right? (yes.) you’re also a doctor? so you understand right away. yes, it’s very pitiful. sometimes, they work in the hospitals. if they want to have moneyto pay back loans that they’d borrowed in the pastfor their education, they have to work extra, like visiting patients in their homesor open their own private office.

in the morning,they work in the hospital, in the afternoon,they’re at their private practice, and then maybethey’ll have enough money. usually, in ã‚u lạc (vietnam)or in any other country, people always think, wow,doctors are really wealthy, but no one knows how hard they work. it’s really hard. if you want to become a doctor,you have to study for ten years. after graduation from the university,

you have to go out for a few years to get the so-calledpractical experiences. at least eight to ten years,at a minimum, to become an expert. and in those ten years, they didn’t have much money – because they were like students,right? ten years are for studying only. a few years afterward,

you could only earna little bit of money. during the timewhen you earn only a little bit, you have to pay backwhat you borrowed during your studies. my god, it’s really tough. only after a long time,can you earn back the capital, just like business people. they spend a lot on capitalbut they haven’t seen any returns yet. it’s really tough.

if you have “healing hands”,that wouldn’t be so bad. if you don’t, then forget it. bourgeois elder is a rich person not only rich,but also respected by people. he’s advanced in age as well, so people call him “bourgeois elder”out of respect. so there was an elderwho went to jiuhuashan mountain. jiuhuashan had beautiful scenery, therefore people went thereto sightsee.

many spiritual practitionersalso went there to practice. so, this elder went up the mountain and saw earth-store bhikkhu sittingthere meditating alone with a dog. so the elder wanted tobuild a temple as an offering to that bhikkhu. “bhikkhu” means a monkin aulacese (vietnamese). earth-store monk. there was also anotherbourgeois elder nearby, a fu shang–

meaning a very rich merchant. his name was mr. min ge. usually, he contributed a lot of money to build temples and pagodasin the area surrounding jiuhuashan. he was a very devout man, sincere and very generousto spiritual practitioners. that elder also visitedthe earth-store bhikkhu and he asked how much landhe would like, so he could prepare for him.”

the earth-store monk repliedthat he only needed a piece of land as big as his kasa. do you know what a kasa is? it’s a cloak that looks like a blanket, a square piece of fabric,not a garment like this. the garment inside he already hadwhich is called monk robe. but the outside garment, which is a square piece of fabric,consisting of many smaller patches that are stitched together.

that was the past,but it’s also the same now; the monks in indiahave that kind of blanket, a square blanketsimilar to your blanket now. a square-like blanketthat is similar to your blanket now. you have a blanket, right? it’s like this blanket, for example like that. in china,they have a blanket like that. wherever they go,

they wrap it around their bodylike that. understand? like this blanket, for instance, it’s not big enough –it’s too small. usually the blanket is like the onewe use to cover ourselves. so, normally, the spiritual practitioners in indiawrap it around like that. if not, they wear iton one side like this. they wear it on one side, and wherever they go,if the ground is not clean,

they can spread it outand lie down on it. and in winter, they use itto cover to keep warm, right? if you practice the quan yin method, then you use it to coverso you can practice in private. so the kasa originates from that,right? why are there many patches like that? because originally,the kasa was only a blanket. you can take it with youwherever you go so you can keep warm.

but when you’ve practicedfor a long time, then it has holes here and there, so you find this and that pieceto patch it up. the more patches there are, the higher or longertheir spiritual practice. dozens of patches meansdozens of years of practice. one patch for each year! for example like that. so buddhist monk robes nowadayshave lots of patches,

hundreds of them, each square stitched together,one by one. now you understandwhat a monk robe is, right? so now, the earth-store bhikkhusaid to the merchant who had a lot of money, “i only need a piece of landthat is as big as my monk robe.” the monk robe is justa little over a square meter. so the rich merchant said, “why are you so humble?

okay, whatever you want is fine. a piece of land,the size of a monk robe, is nothing. i can even get thousands of those.” it’s because he was so rich. all the surrounding landsbelonged to him. unexpectedly, the earth-store monktook his robe, threw it up in the air, and it covered all nine mountains. all the lands aroundthe nine mountains

were covered by his robe. wow!the merchant had already promised, so he went home and soldall his properties and belongings to buy all the mountainsto make an offering to him. he was sincere to that extent. so after making an offeringwith the nine mountains, this elder admiredthe earth-store monk so much that he told his sonto become a monk. both of them became monks.

this son who followed earth-storewas his only son. it wasn’t likehe had two or three sons and just offered one awaylike it was no big deal. it wasn’t like that. usually, if a family had a son, the only son,especially the chinese, they would never leave. so he can continuethe family lineage and keep their family name.

they wouldn’t offer himto the earth-store monk like that. but it was because he was so sincere. at that time, the buddhist dharmahasn’t died out yet. perhaps it had been a short while after the buddha entered nirvana, right? a few hundred of years later,buddhism was still popular. so the dharma still there. initiation was still going on. so, that was whyhe respected the monk.

not because he wore a monk robe or sat in meditationinside a straw hut that he respected him so much that he told his only sonto follow the monk and become a renunciate. later, he also followed himand became a renunciate. so the statues of the bodhisattva, usually have two guardsstanding on each side and a dog at his feet.

now you understandthose are mr. min ge and his son. whose dharma name is tao ming. tao ming was his son. they practiced spirituallyto such an extent. while the earth-store bodhisattva was still practicingon jiuhuashan mountain, there were many legendsabout his great magical power. that’s what the rumors say. rumors mean people spread the storyby word of mouth.

just like sometimes you heard fellow practitioners say thati have this or that magical power. they spread it amongst each other. therefore, because of those storiesabout the great magical power, people of that timeand later generations thought that the prince who wasearth-store bhikkhu was truly the manifestationof earth-store bodhisattva himself. it’s possible. sometimes, the quan yin bodhisattvaalso manifests into this world

to deliver sentient beings. that happens also. now, jiuhuashan mountain isthe orthodox ashram of this earth-store bodhisattva. the earth-store bhikkhupracticed on jiuhuashan mountain for about 75 years. he lived until the age of 99. during the entire timeof his ascetic practice, he never once returned to korea.

he entered nirvana(eternal bliss) on july 30, in the 26th yearof the tang dynasty. three years after his passing, the door of his sitting-coffinsuddenly opened. and inside, his body and features were still exactly likea living person. his hands and feet werestill soft and flexible as if they could move. until today,

the physical body ofearth-store bhikkhu is still being worshippedat jiuhuashan mountain by devotees. it means he has already diedbut his body was still intact, just like when he was alive,soft like that. they still worship his body there. it’s also similar to hui neng – his physical body is stillbeing worshiped at the location where he practiced. these bodhisattvas, for example

the sixth patriarch hui nengand this earth-store bodhisattva, why are their bodies just likehow they were when they were living? do you know what it means bythe sitting-coffin opening by itself? it means when he passed away, he was still sitting likein meditation, so people made a casket or something likein the sitting position. they didn’t lay the body down. three years later,the door suddenly opened by itself.

usually it is buriedor left inside a certain temple, the door is closed already. suddenly, after 3 years, it opened and the body wasstill intact just like before – soft and flexible – so they were so happythat they brought it out to worship. they worship it until now. the story aboutearth-store bhikkhu is a true story.

and the character is alsoa real person, not like stories we were toldwhen the buddha was still alive. it’s a true storyand he’s still there now – meaning his physical bodyis still there. this story was writtenin the “stories of high monks” and “stories of magical monks”of china. it was also written clearlyin history. but not many people mentionshan ting the dog. after many people knew about it,

they added more about shan tingthe dog into the story. okay. do you have any questions? so now you want to go homeand raise a dog? who has a dog? how many dogs,raise your hands. one, two, three, four, five, six. wow, so many people have dogs? what kind of dog? aulacese (vietnamese) dog,“spotted” dog?

any kind of dog is okay;they’re all lovable. for example, if we wantto take care of a dog, it doesn’t matter which kind,don’t buy him, okay? go to dog shelters, dogs that were abandonedor given away. you choose the one you like,whichever one is fine. you will like any dog you bring home, naturally becausethey will love you so much, love you unconditionally.they’ll eat anything you give them,

even if you don’t feed them,they still stay with you. they would never leave you. they devote with their heartto his caretaker. that’s why everyone loves dogs. it’s because some peopledo not understand dogs that they abandon them,just because they don’t understand. sometimes, it’s like this. for example, for birthdays, or christmasor buddha’s birthday, etc.,

people bring gifts. many of them give dogsas presents. understand? for example, we love dogs, we think the other personalso loves dogs. it isn’t necessarily so. so you shouldn’t just randomlygive dogs as presents, right? people who like dogs, they will automatically go look forone that is suitable for them. they like the dog, so it’s easier.

but, according to what i know,you will like any type of dog. for example, i have ten dogs, take any one of them away –i would refuse. anyone who comesand asks for one, the answer is “no.” i love all dogs, and all dogs whole-heartedlyloves me. they love me more than 100%. human beings wholove each other 100%,

that’s already very difficult to find,right? if anyone loves us 70%,we are already very happy. and the 30% he saves itfor some other woman that we don’t know. not that he loves her,but just looks backs and forth. the 30% is for “looking.” 100% love between human to human,is hard to find, right? dogs love useven more than 100%, they can even die for us.

they would rather die to protect us,and they willingly accept it. therefore, dogs arevery, very sacred beings. but usually,all animals are like that. we raise themsince they were young, or we rescue them;they are very grateful. in ã‚u lạc (vietnam),we have a saying: “save an animal,and he will repay the favor.” it’s true thatwhen we rescue an animal, it will repay us,

it’s precisely’s not a monetary repayment. it’s not necessary that the animal has tobe near us to repay us. sometimes, after we rescued it,we set it free – meaning it’s not our dog, or we rescue an animaloutside, in the wilds, and set it free –often they will still help us. they help us by telepathy. they bless us

and suddenly our sicknessis lessened or gone, or our childrenpass their examinations, or suddenly our family’s troublesdisappear or we suddenly become wealthy. it depends on the kind ofmagical power or ability they have. each animal bringsa different kind of blessing, has a different kind of gift. i just say in general. it’s not that i desire anything,

but only after i raise dogsand birds that i know this. in the past, i didn’t knowwhat the animals could give us. i heard “save an animal,and he will repay the favor,” but i didn’t think anything about it. i saw them so pitifulso i brought them home. after a long timetaking care of them, then i knew. i have animal telepathy,then i knew. many animals give usvery special gifts.

for example, that animal comes,suddenly we have magical power, we know what will happen to usin the near future, for example, they have premonitionand they let us know. and it truly happens like that,for example. sometimes, a dog comes, for example,we suddenly have money. we think the money came fromour prospering business. no. not necessarily so.

sometimes, because of the dog camethat our business prospers, that we could think of waysto make money like that. understand? we don’t know that wasthe dog who helped us; because he brings that merit to us. birds are also the same –small ones and big ones, they also bring blessed rewards to me. it’s not that i needed it,but later i realized it, for instance. but no matterhow much they gives, it’s still not enough,because i have too many children.

i share it all what was given to me,so it’s the same like i don’t have it. if i didn’t have anyone,no disciples, and if i were, for example,an ordinary business lady who has so many dogs,cats and birds like that, woa, i would be rich,in good health, happy, famous, loved by many people, have a rich husband… something like that, understand?for example like that. or i’d be in very good health,

or suddenlyi’d become more beautiful. that also happens. many animals bringa radiance to your face, your look. many animals bring us money; many animals bringgood people to help us; many animals bring usgood friends, people who sincerely want to protect us. sometimes, if we are harmedby others, wrongly accused of something,suddenly everything comes to light.

many animals help us in that bad peoplecouldn’t come close to us, unable to harm us. there are manyextraordinary situations. so if you have a dogor bird or any animal, pay attention. pay attention and you will noticethat suddenly strange things happen. but, of course, the quan yin practitioners alreadyhave so many miracles in our lives

that we don’t thinkthe dog does anything. is that not so? so many miracles thatwith the addition of a dog, it’s the same. but what i mean is that dogs or birdswould never harm humans. their magnetic field is very goodfor everyone, for us. understand? each dog, each bird,or other animal, sometimes they bring twoor three gifts, not just one.

do you remember a story long ago that a deity appearedand gave us three wishes and so on? it’s similar to that. for example,we rescue a dog from enslavement or confinement the same as ifwe free the genie in the lamp. the animal also give ustwo or three wishes, but it’s too bad thatwe can’t hear what they say. even though we can’t hear,they still give us.

i had some dogs before. one of them gave metwo wishes, two gifts. the other dogs, one gave one gift, another gave 1.5 gifts, for example. no one gave meless than one gift. for instance,benny also brought money. but money or not, i spent it all. whatever he brought,i gave away. i mean no matter how muchwas given to me,

it’s not much different anyway because my life is like that. if you are an ordinary person,you don’t spend, you don’t donate to anyone, you don’t have a need,have no students, then that’s a lot of money, right? so much money. i’d spend it all in 2-3 days –all gone. or i’d give it to the victimsof disasters,

each one $20,000 or $30,000and it’s all gone in 2 or 3 days, nothing left, so it wouldn’t seem like much. not that every of them gave mea lot of money. it’s not like that. birds also bring a lot of money. what i mean is that no matterhow much they bring, it’s still not much to me. but for a normal person,one bird brings him $1 million.

can you imagine? for me, $1 million isn’t much – it’d be gone in a short while.understand? but imagine someone out thereworking very hard suddenly has $1 million! sometimes, he suddenlyhas the inspiration to buy a lottery ticket. buy a so-called“build the country” lottery ticket. normally we wouldn’t buya lottery ticket;

suddenly we bring homea dog and we think, “oh, how come i feel the urgeto buy a lottery ticket?” we buy a ticketand win $1 million, to an ordinary person, us$1 million is a lot of money, right? so it’s not a small amount. many animals bring big gifts – “big” to ordinary people,but to me, they’re very little. sometimes, when peopleencounter some kind of disaster,

i must share the money with them. “a morsel when hungryis equal to a bag when full.” not that i have a lot of moneyto give to the entire world. i can’t give hundreds ofthousand dollars at one time. sometimes i can,sometimes i don’t have it. sometimes justtens of thousands of dollars, sometimes a few hundred. it also depends onhow many victims there are, depends on how many peoplethe government has already helped,

and whoever are left behindwe can help. we bring them some moneywhen they are in need, living on thatfor 3, 4 days or a week. after that, they can find jobsand return to normalcy again. or the government gives them more, some rich nations, rich peoplegive them more. the aulacese (vietnamese) say: “a morsel when hungryequals a bag when full.” right? when people are starving,we bring food to them

so they can survive meanwhile. later,they can find for themselves. of course, i want to feed everyone. if i was given much more, i’d want to feed everyone,number one. number two, it’s also their merit. for example, sometimesi can’t give a lot. sometimes i beseeched heaven to give $10,000 or $20,000,then it would be okay.

i can’t give more. if i give more, they can’t receive it. or, they will have other disasters. therefore, what i give has to okayedby heaven. it’s not like i can givewhatever amount i want. sometimes i want to give a lot more,but i can’t. i want to give as much as possible, but up to a certain number only. then that’s it.

similar to the workwe’re doing for the planet – warning people to be veg, do good and avoid doing bad things to save the planetand save everyone’s lives – there’s a time limit,we cannot extend it. some people listened, that’s why the time we stay herehas extended. but it can’t extend forever,understand? i can’t sit here my whole lifeand talk forever. you see?

i also want to do that,but i can’t, for example like that. therefore, if people do not becomevegetarians quickly, it’s going to be quite difficult. we already know the wayback home so we’re not afraid of death. we just feel sorry for the peoplewho don’t know the way, so we try to extend their lifeso that they wake up – give them some timeto think and reflect, to become awakened

so that they can turn to goodnessagain and do good deeds. master, may i ask a question? because i saw in the newspapers that some organizations areplanning some strategies to reduce global warming. they plan for the year 2050…then 2025… it depends. if they are not vegetarians,

whatever they plan won’t work.okay? (yes, yes.) okay, huh? will see you later. yeah. whatever plan will only havea little impact. at best, a few months or a few years, but it can’t prolong any further.understand? if we don’t have the blessed rewards,the planet cannot survive. okay? to have blessed rewards,you have to be veg and do good deeds. you must respect lives,then your life can be saved. we have to preserve the livesof other sentient beings,

then our lives can be preserved. cause and retribution, understand? thank you master. some of the benefitsof a vegetarian diet: lowers blood pressure lowers cholesterol levels reduces type 2 diabetes prevents stroke conditions reverses atherosclerosis

reduces heart disease risk 50% reduces heart surgery risk 80% prevents many forms of cancer stronger immune system increases life expectancyup to 15 years higher iq saves 70% of a total costof us$40 trillion for reducing global warming uses 4.5 times less land to grow food

conserves up to 70% clean water saves 80% of the clearedamazonian rainforest from animal grazing a solution for world hunger: free up 3.4 billion hectares of land free up 760 million tons of grainevery year (half the world’s grain supply) consumes 1/3 fossil fuelsof those used for meat production reduces pollutionfrom untreated animal waste maintains cleaner air

saves 4.5 tons of emissionsper us household per year stops 80% of global warming plus more… use our mind to discern the truth january 5, 2009, france once upon a time,long, long time ago, there was a small townthat has two parallel streets, one on the leftand one on the right. there are two streets like this.

they’re opposite each other. and now a dervish – a dervish, you remember already?muslim? – and he happened topass by this town. so first, he went on to one streetand then he walked to another street because they are parallel,you go to one street first, and then you walk to another street. when he reached the second street, some people noticedthat his eyes were full of tears,

and they were running down – tears were running down,running down. so suddenly somebody cried outand said, “oh, somebody died on the first street!” because he saw the dervishcoming from the first street, eyes streaming with tears, so someone on the second street said, “oh, somebody diedon the first street!” he presumed.

he thought that somebody had died. and then all the children nearbyheard that and they also joined in and said, “oh somebodydied on the first street!” and then they were all running backto their respective houses and saying the news, just like that. but they didn’t even ask the dervishwhy his eyes were streaming. can you guess why?

one candy. why? it was windy. perhaps.yes, it could be possible, yes. some people, when it’s windy,their eyes stream with tears or dirt, anything. what else can it be? his bad karma. his bad karma! my god, so serious.

he is happy. he may be happy, yes, it could be. when you’re happy, you cry, right?(yes.) possible. any cooks around here, chefs? slicing onion. onion! yes! but i gave you already a hintthat’s why. he was peeling onionsbefore he went out.

he probably was peeling an onion, and maybe he was short of soya sauce, so he ran out to the next street in order to buy some soya sauceto cook for supreme master television. who knows? so, in any case that’s what it was. he was peeling onions, and then he ran outto the second street because probablyon the second street,

they have some shopswhich sell things that he needed which did not haveon the first street. well, anyway it doesn’t explain here,but we could guess. so, the dervish ran outto the second street with his eyes streamingwith tears and now, after a short time, all this screaming about somebodydying on the first street reached every corner of the town, and everybody joined in.

they were so upsetand distressed and very confused. because this is a very small townand only two streets and everybody knows everybody here, and almost like everybody is relatedto everybody in this small town. it’s like a small family, so they all worried so much, “who could be the onethat is dying on the first street? could it be my cousin? could it be my uncle?

could it be my aunt? could it be my sisteror brother, or in-law?”, or whatever. everybody was stressed. and in those daysthey did not have telephone so they could not evencall each other so fast, to call whether you’re okay. they were just telling each othersomebody died on the first street, that was it and everybodywas stressed out. and then nobody evendared to make an inquiry

as to who was dying and why. why is there so much commotion? nobody asked becausethey were all so busy stressed out and listening to each other,“yes, somebody died!” and they were busy goingto tell the other one, “somebody died on the first street!” and that person was busygoing to tell the other one and the whole town was full ofthe news about this dying person. nobody enquired about who diedand why.

and in town there was a wise man,and he was telling everybody, “please calm down!at least go ask. why didn’t you askwho died first and why?” and then everybody wasso very, very stressed and confusedand they all talked at the same time and nobody listened to nobodyand very, very noisy and chaotic, and saying, “all we knowis just there is a deadly plague on the other street!” first, somebody was dying

and now there isan infectious disease going on, on the next street. “a deadly plague is going on.”oh, my god! as soon as they’d spoken thus, this rumor fly all over directionagain, and everybody now knewthat there was a plague, deadly disease, on the first street. then everybody, the whole population of the town,was thinking,

“that’s it. this is the end of the worldas predicted somewhere. finished! plague! infectious! oh, we are doomed!” and they all startedcrying a lot, a lot. first, they criedfor the dead person, and now they are cryingfor themselves and the doomed futurethat they’re awaiting. and then after a long time,after all the chaos,

all the crying somehowdied down a little bit and a little bit of orderwas restored, the two communities decided that they should talk to each other,finally. they have not evenasked anything yet. they decided that“we have to talk to each other, and move the leftover personsto the other community quickly before they all die of the plague!” that’s what they think.

so they began packing belongingsand calling children, and calling cow carts,horse carriages, whatever. and then, in no time, from both of the streetsthe whole population was evacuated. the title says this is howa tradition was founded, “the founding of a tradition.” so now, even many decades later the two streets, the town,is still deserted. nobody lives there anymore.

and not so far awaythere are two villages that’re probably born outof this plague. each village has its own traditionof how it began as a settlement from a doomed town,through a fortunate flight in remote timesfrom a nameless evil. they all tell their story in traditionhow they founded the villages. you see, this is one ofthe teachings found in the book of the teachingof the secret recluse in long time muslim tradition.

they just want to illustrate thatpeople are so ignorant that they don’t even bother to find outwhat causes what. it’s very difficult to reasonwith them once they set their mindon something, even listen to a false rumor,they still believe it. and then not just one personbut the whole town is evacuated – the blind leads the blind. they’re all going away like that. and that’s howa tradition has been founded,

just like many, perhaps,other traditions. that’s what the master wantedto tell us in this story. this teaching wasfrom sheikh qalandar shah of the saraswati order. he died in 1832, not long ago,maybe a century ago. he still has a shrinein lahore, pakistan. maybe it’s not a true story,but the master was a true person and was existing at that time,not long ago. the blind leads the blindand both go wherever.

so in this teaching, the sheikh wanted to tell us thatwe have to be discriminating. we have to useour discriminating mind to discern what is the truthand what is not. we cannot just hearfrom saying in such a matter like even moving the whole town. it’s possible thatthis is a true story. it’s possible like that. because the rumors are gettingbigger and bigger all the time

and the people just listen, and then they addtheir own imagination, and the next person addssome more imagination, then it becomes very great,a disaster, and everybody moved,just like that. similar to many belief systems. people just believe anythingwithout proof, without proof, without checking. like, god is light,but nobody sees any light,

nobody sees god. god is love, we don’t feel any love from hirmbecause we don’t even know god, so even thoughthere is a lot of evidence in the bible or buddhist scripturessaying that buddhas have light around them,for example, buddha nature is in you,god is in you. and buddha naturewe know is light, and nobody sees nothing.

just listening and thenjust continue whatever tradition that you happen to chance upon. and that’s it,the blind leads the blind, and then forever it’s like that. and when somebodycomes along and says, “i tell you what, i show you whatyou were reading there.” and they will think, “not possible. in my tradition,there is no such thing.

the tradition has been passed on ever since my great, great, greatgrandfather, it cannot be wrong. and you just came along todayand you say you can prove it? no, not possible!”yes? it’s like that. it’s a sad story, sad affair. but it is true in this. when the prophet was alive, they did not havethat much of a big temple anyway,

most of the prophetsdon’t ever have anything, mostly don’t have. jesus walked barefoot, buddha begged for alms, muhammad running away all the time,running from persecution. all the sikh masters, same, and any other masterthat i know of even. so just like that. so mostly in every tradition,

there are not many peoplewho understand the truth. even though it is rightin their religious writing, yes, it says everything in there,but they don't take time to study. they don't take time to question it. they even stated in the bible,you have to eat vegetarian: “don't be even among the meat eatersand wine drinkers,” even. not be among them, even. not to talk about you, yourself,eat it! nobody questions that.

vegetarianism in religion the bahai faith regarding the eating of animal fleshand abstinence therefrom, know thou of a certainty that,in the beginning of creation, god determined the foodof every living being, and to eat contraryto that determination is not approved. ~ selections from the baha'i writings on some aspectsof health and healing

buddhism … all meats eatenby living beings are of their own relatives. ~ lankavatara sutra(tripitaka no. 671) also, after the birth of the baby, care must be exercised not to killany animal in order to feed the mother with meaty delicacies and not to assemble many relativesto drink liquor or to eat meat… because at the difficult time of birththere are innumerable evil demons,

monsters and goblins who want toconsume the smelly blood. by ignorantly and adversely resortingto the killing of animals for consumption… they bring down cursesupon themselves, which are detrimentalto both the mother and the baby ~ ksitigarbha sutra “be careful during the daysimmediately after someone's death, not killing or destroyingor creating evil karma by worshipping or offering sacrificeto demons and deities … because such killingand slaughtering committed

or such worship performedor such sacrifice offered would not have even an iotaof force to benefit the dead but would entwineeven more sinful karma into previous karma, making it even deeperand more serious... … thus, delay his rebirthto a good state.” karma means retribution. cao äã€i “... the most importantthing is to stop killing...

because animals also have soulsand understand like humans... if we kill and eat them, then we owe thema blood debt. ~ teachings of the saints christianity meats for the belly,and the belly for meats: but god shall destroyboth it and them. holy bible “and while the flesh wasyet between their teeth,

ere it was chewed, the wrath of the lord was kindledagainst the people, and the lord smote the peoplewith a very great plague.” confucianism “all men have a mind which cannotbear to see the sufferings of others. the superior man,having seen the animals alive, cannot bear to see them die; having heard their dying cries, he cannot bearto eat their flesh”.

~ mencius essenes i am come to end the sacrificesand feasts of blood, and if ye cease not offeringand eating of flesh and blood, the wrath of god shallnot cease from you. ~ gospel of the holy twelve hinduism since you cannot bring killed animalsback to life, you are responsible for killing them.

therefore you are going to hell;there is no way for your deliverance. ~ adi-lila, chapter 17 “he who desiresto augment his own flesh by eating the flesh of other creatures lives in misery in whatever specieshe may take his birth. ~ mahabharata, anu islam allah will not give mercy to anyone, except thosewho give mercy to other creatures.

hadith do not allow your stomachsto become graveyards of animals! jainism a true monk should not acceptsuch food and drink as has been especially preparedfor him involving the slaughterof living beings. ~ sutrakritanga judaism and whatsoever man there beof the house of israel,

or of the strangersthat sojourn among you, that eateth any manner of blood*; i will even set my faceagainst that soul that eateth blood*, and will cut him offfrom among his people. holy bible*blood: meaning “flesh” sikhism those mortals who consumemarijuana, flesh and wine – no matter what pilgrimages, fastsand rituals they follow,

they will all go to hell. ~ guru granth sahib taoism do not go into the mountainto catch birds in nets, nor to the water to poison fishesand minnows. do not butcher the oxthat plows your field. ~ tract of the quiet way tibetan buddhism the offering to the deities of meatobtained by killing animate beings

is like offering a motherthe flesh of her own child; and this is a grievous failure. ~ the supreme path of discipleship zoroastrianism “those plants, i, ahura mazda (god),rain down upon the earth, to bring food to the faithful,and fodder to the beneficent cow.” ~ avesta everybody knows thatvegetarian diet is good for health and to save the planet.

they will be awakeningtheir own great, compassionate, loving, self-nature. and then their levelof consciousness will rise up automatically. and they will understand morethan they ever did. and they will be closer to heaventhan what they are right now. in italy, they have that kind ofpig’s delight mushroom, remember? truffle, it's hidden undergroundand the pigs always dig it and eat it. and if people, even, in italy,

the famous region who have truffles,they use the pigs to go and sniff so that they knowwhere the mushroom is. these are very expensive mushrooms, and they're delicious, like a truffle. you know, right? they are rare, that's whynot every one of you know. i just want you to knowthat it exists. it still exists and people still use pigs to goto sniff the mushrooms.

and when they sniff it,they dig it with their feet and then the people go after itand dig the mushroom out and sell it. they're very expensive. you can't find them just anywhere. just in good class restaurants,they have. and they give you just a little bit. they slice it very thin,like tissue-paper thin. not big. the mushroom is aboutthe size of a fist,

and then either black or white. there are two kindsof this mushroom. i ate them both so i know. delicious, delicious. and they just scrub a little,just a little bit, very thin, or very, very fine, like powder and they mix itwith some risotto, rice, or they just put a little bit on topfor decoration only. the smell is delicious.very fragrant.

you would never eat anythinglike that. ordinary mushroomsnever taste like that. so the buddha ate that, of course, he was offered thatas a delicacy. buddha had a lot of discipleswhen he was alive, so of course, when they had something rare,and be it from foreign… or in india probablythey have it also. they call it "pig’s delight”or “pig’s feet"

because of that story, because of the pigswho are able to sniff that and dig it out for people. sometimes the pig digs alreadyand then the people go get it, so they call it "pig’s feet" because it’s under the feet ofthe pigs and they dig it out. so the buddha, poor buddhadid not taste any pork but ate a big “pig’s feet.”oh, dear god.

and jesus had to eat fish,of all things. he had to eat the fish. and you see, prophet muhammadalways told people to eat vegetarian. we can find the evidenceeverywhere in the qur’an. he even told his cousin not to eat it, "ali, please don't eat that. don't eat the animals because the animal qualitywill come within you.

don't eat that. don't eat that." even that.but now, people don't question that. some of the diseases related to meatconsumption/production: q fever norovirus swine flu ebola-reston virus cured meats and fish increaseleukemia risk in children

antibiotic-resistant"superbug" infections from a strain of staphylococcus aureus blue tongue disease e coli salmonella bird flu mad cow disease (creutzfeldt-jakob disease,90% of the population at risk) pig's disease (pmws)

listeriosis shellfish poisoning pre-eclampsia campylobacter clostridium difficile diseases hiddenin healthy-appearing livestock some of the costsof meat eating: infertility eating just one servingof meat per day

increases the risk of women’s infertilityby 32 percent, with additional meat consumptionincreasing the risk. heart disease over 17 million liveslost globally each year cost of cardiovascular disease isat least us$1 trillion a year cancer colorectal cancer over 1 million new colon cancerpatients diagnosed each year more than 600,000 colon cancer-relatedmortalities annually

in the united states alone, colon cancer treatment costsabout us$6.5 billion. millions of people are newly diagnosed with other meat-related cancersevery year. diabetes 246 million people areaffected worldwide an estimated us$174 billionspent each year on treatment in just the united states obesity

worldwide 1.6 billion adults areoverweight with 400 million more who are obese costs us$93 billion each yearfor medical expenses in the united states alone at least 2.6 million peopledie annually from problems relatedto being overweight or obese environmental uses up to 70% of clean water pollutes most of the water bodies

deforests the lungs of the earth uses up 43% of the world's cereal uses up to 85% of the world's soy cause world hunger & wars 80% cause of global warming plus more... some of the costsof milk consumption cowpox from milking cows bacterial microbes, pesticides,and enzymes found in cheese,

derived from the inner stomach liningsof other animals up to 80 percent of the caloriesin cheese are from pure fat breast, prostate and testicular cancerfrom hormones present in milk listeria and crohn’s disease hormones and saturated fat leadsto osteoporosis, obesity, diabetes and heart disease linked to higher incidencesof multiple sclerosis classified as a major allergen lactose intolerance

for more urgent information,please visit it takes a really sincere mindto question the right and the wrong. you have to be a little smartand take a little time. no matter how busy you are,you have to take time to understand the teachingof the old prophets, of the old enlightened masters. otherwise we just follow,we don't know anything. and at the end of our life, although we were very, verydevout christians or devout buddhists

and we truly wanted to knowbuddha nature, and we truly wanted to be onewith god, but we wasted all our human lifedoing nothing, finding nothing. and then we have tobe reborn again. that's that. because our quest is not quenched,we will have to be reborn again. that's the nature of our soul:to quest until we find it. that's the purpose of our evolution. so if we didn't find itin this lifetime, we have to come back again.that is for sure.

the soul will not restuntil it finds the truth and be one with god or become one with buddha nature again. that's it. i hope you find! now you know. traditions. we have to respect traditionand follow, but only what is good. what is detrimental,we have to question why.

good, of course, we don't question. not good, we have to question. sometimes bad translation, sometimes the peoplewho don't understand who taught us wrong also,especially spiritual matters are not like mathematics,2 and 2 make 4. something like that. so, we have to always question. that's what we have the mind for.

that's what we have the brain for,right? any question? comment? (no.) no, that's it. tell me. in the church that i grew up in, there were a lot of concernsabout abortion. (yes.) and that touched people very deeply.(yes.) and so sometimes, i've talkedto others about vegetarianism

and why that's important and that's something thatthey don't seem to be able to make the connection to. the same. although they're reallytouched about abortion. so sometimes i wonderhow i can make that connection? tell them it’s the same. if you don't kill animals,why kill your own? (yes.) if you're vegetarian,then you're vegetarian, right?

killing is no good in any case. there's no excuse for anything. if you stop eating animalsit’s because you don't want killing. just tell them the commandment,"thou shall not kill." if you go to the church,just one commandment, that's all,there's no need explaining nothing! right? i think i'm going. see you other times.

everybody go and be good. have a good day. thank you, master. be veg to save ourselves and the planet february 21, 2009, france i just learnt fromone of your sisters, she said we can dig the tunnel. she told me, remember? i haven't read the info yet,but i'm sure you can dig something.

you can pay for it. in america, they madeready-made tunnels. one of your sisters just told me. you can order by with credit card. i said to her, "so small and five, six peoplecan live in there?" she said, "yes, temporarilycan live there for ten years." i said, "then after 10 years,what to do? maybe the companydoesn’t exist anymore.

and all the freight, all the airplanesdon't exist anymore, all the ships gone, how do we order another onefor the next 10 years?" well, if we live after ten years,it would be okay. there are masks for gas,and tunnel, everything – a small tunnellike your garage size. they say they are going to diginside the garage or something. oh my god!they think of anything. they are really well prepared.

i’m surprised.why aren’t they more well prepared? like just be veg. if everybody be veg,no need tunnels anymore. i heard that the tunnel haseverything inside already. you can have some storage for food and all that and 5, 6 peoplecan live in one tunnel. well, you can, of course. all you do is just sit and sleep, so even 10 people will be okayfor the size of the garage.

and over there you can just goevery day. go wherever you want,back and forth or left, right. just going every day and eatand then go – eat the canned food. i’m telling you, it could be fun, freedom at last. if you have enough money,just like 40,000, 50,000, you can buy a tunnel like that,get ready. then you put some food in there.

ten years, it’s very long already, provided if you live that long. we are all already over middle age,most of us, so if we live ten years,it’s already very lucky. it is already countedas a long life, no? not a bad idea. she said that we have also masksfor poisonous gas, those they usein the military operations and like nasa.

i asked her whetherwe have any masks for dogs and she said, “don’t have.don’t know yet.” i’m sure they make somefor dogs because nasa, mostly if they use –or the police or army – they use dogs onlyfor maybe sniffing something so they give them masks. so the thing is, i do hope thatpeople really turn to vegetarian diet because if not, even if we dig a tunnel,how do we live in there?

a tunnel is like a garageunderground, a small one. of course you can have bigger,or many tunnels connected together, but that’s not the point either. always cooped up in do you bear it? it’s okay maybe for emergency, but to live 10 years in there,imagine! oh, god! now, i don’t see any solution,with tunnel or no tunnel, and gas. can you imagine wearing thatall day?

look like “star wars.” remember the film, your favorite star warswith this talking through the mask? probably that’s what it is. you see the guy who talkalways like a machine? vader, darth vader. i don’t watch that muchbut i know about it. i watched maybe half an episodeor something here and there; everybody knows about it,

i remember himwith a big mask in front and with a long noseand he speaks through it, like a machine, funny voice. maybe in the future,humans will all look like that; maybe it’s not fiction anymore. so scary. how difficult it is just to throw awaythat piece of meat? and then have everythingjust like what we have now, at least, because we still can stop it.

it’s already contaminated,the air and the sea and all that, but it won’t get worse if we stop. and then, if we truly want to survive and go through everything we canto survive, then that strong will,and coupled with the loving action, will help us. well, anyway, what can we do? the world is so big, even. we say the world is small,but it’s not that small, is it?

i mean, it’s small,but people’s will are so big, you can’t talk to them all. oh my god. i don’t knowwhat everybody’s doing. it’s already so urgent and they’re justnot moving fast enough. if it were me, i’d just move it,just change. how difficult can it be? how much more difficultthan losing the planet, losing your only place,

your home and your childrenand all that? i don’t understand it. it’s so easy to understand,so logical. and all the evidence already toldeverybody. not like, “okay, master ching hai,she’s a spiritual person, so she always protects the animals, so that’s why she talks like that.”it’s not just me, is it? it’s scientifically proventhat we should be vegetarian. it cuts off 80% at least of all,

the gas and all the affectedand the related problems. then the global warming will stop. it’s already so urgentand nobody seems to move, or is it me who doesn’t know? everybody’s moving, right?they are moving? can do more. you can do more?like what, like what? advertise. writing letters. write letters?

then please do that. if you know, you could do that,then please do it. then go home and write letters. write as many as you can. master, like in us, the brothers and sisters,they go out passing flyers. so each day you can passlike 5 or 10 flyers for the people around you,around the area, (yes.) so, if each day adds it up to 10,

then throughout the yearthen you give it to a lot of people. yes, sure. each of us just… any amount, yes. yes, so don’t have to carrya big pack of flyers to give it out. but each of us like take 10 flyers,put in your pocketbook, when you go shoppingor you go wherever, (yes.) and then you have itto pass it out to others. yes. even i carry flyers.

before, i used to goand give everywhere, in the restaurant, or in the hotel,whomever i can. but you are too busywith your schedule, we are not that busy, so we can do the job,easy job like that, take the flyersand give it out to the people. we should do. when you go out to work,you always find somebody. when you stop the car,there is a car next to you.

you roll down the windowand say, “hi, there.” yes, very simple. (yes.) or go on the bus,before you get down to the bus, you give everybody.they’ll take it. it’s no harm, they would take it. master, i actuallyhad that experience. you know those little stickersthat we’ve put on our cars, “be veg, go green”? and one day, this man pulled upnext to me and he was hooting

and he was waving at me,so i opened my window and he says, “i am a vegetarianand i am green. what are you all about?” so i gave him a flyer, and he said, “that’s fantastic!thank you very much.” (you see?) then he drove off. even people ask for it. if your car has somethinglike “i am vegetarian and green,” or “vegan and green,”

they will wonder what is thatand they will ask you also. didn’t even have to give them,they come and ask. but you have to go all out.i can’t do it alone. you are more in contactwith many people. master, in south africa there’s only 1.4 million peoplethat are actually able to watch smtv because of the decoder. so, we want to make a dvdto hand out with the flyer, with all the footage onto give out to people

who don’t have internetor who don’t have dstv, because most peoplehave dvd players. so that should work. can do that also,if you can afford it. just some short introductionabout climate change and being veg, how good it is. whatever you can do, it’s fine. there are many ways to do things. that’s what happened to mars.

people were like that, too. but what they don’t realizeis that if they don’t move, they’ll lose everything and then it’s too lateto blame anybody. like we have not been warnedor something. we have been warned. we’ll seal all the windows. we buy like a submarine. on the boat, at leastyou live a few more days,

that’s the idea. until your food runs out anywaybecause if everybody’s submerged, where do you get your food. supermarkets gone.malls gone. farmers gone. so, even if you survivein that bunker for 10 years, after 10 years, what? see what i mean? technically speaking,it’s not safe, is it? people nowadays,they rely on technology.

they think, “okay, less co2, i have to go bicycle,don’t drive the car,” or don’t do this, don’t do that, turn off the light,turn on the… whatever. but that is not reliable. that’s just maybe temporary. maybe can prolong one, two months,or even one, two years. how long it lasts?just makes it worse. why don’t just be veg?

be veg, go green. be veg first, and go green,we have time. i wonder how peoplewho have children don’t even try to do anything. everybody should writeto the government and tell them to do something,not just we the initiates. we are a small groupcompared to the whole population. everybody else has towrite to the government and tell the governmentwhat they want,

like, have to change the policy,change the habit of eating. that’s’s very simple. you could change the house. you change the cars. you change your carpetnow and again. why not change the diet? maybe they’re doingsomething somewhere, the government and the people,but too slow. we don’t have enough timeto dally like that.

if the humans are noton this earth anymore, will earth be a higher level planet? the earth is not just the treesand not just the ocean. the earth is a being. so, she’s trying toshake off all these burdens. that’s why we havemore disaster nowadays. but she won’t get low. has nothing to do with her. she only gives and gives and gives,so she will be higher, of course.

just we are the oneswho should be worried about. if we destroy the planetand we destroy the environment, number 1, we’ll be gone. number 2, spiritually speaking,we’ll have no merit; we won’t be any higher. god can reach you, but you have to open your eyesto see it. the sun is useless to a blind person. even if he is standingin the middle of the empty space

and the sun was right on top of him,he won’t see it. but if you are not blind, even you stay inside the window,inside the house, you can see the sunshine,and you know the sun is there. you can even peep outand have a look. even if you coverand have just a little hole, you still can look at that holeand you say, “oh, the sun is there.” but the person who is blind, he is standing in the openall day long,

he won’t see any sun. you keep telling him there is sun, he won’t even knowwhat it looks like. if he’s been blind from childhood, he won’t understandwhat you’re talking about. if it's only gas, maybe after 100 yearswe can come up, or 20; it depends on how muchand what kind of gas. but if the gas triggersalso climate change, hot,

then all the treesand all that would die. and no trees, and even less rain, and less rain, less trees, and then we won’t be ableto stay up there, there will be no oxygen anymore. right now a lot of trees are dyingin america or anywherebecause of climate change. they just die for some reason,like sickness. because if it's too hot,then they get sick just like people.

or, a lot of bugs, beetles and all,like in canada, so many forests have been destroyed, just become dried and died like thatbecause of the beetles. and similar things happenin america now, and if it continues like this,we have no trees left. just because it looks okayaround here with manicured treesand things like that, and we feel it's still okay; but it's not always okayeverywhere else,

and it might not be okay hereeven in the future. scary. live life with a noble purpose mar 22, 2009, france you are beautiful, master. be veg. go green. 2 save the planet! that’s it. be veg. go green.2 save the world, yes! you look more beautiful today.

did you have anything to eat? (yes.) did they cook well? (yes.) we just finished breakfast.we had breakfast at 8:30. really? what did you eat? we had bread, soupand some jam made by a sister. what kind of jam? sesame. (jam?) a sister made it herself. homemade.

yes. she made it herself. she bought it? they planted some fruit trees.they picked the fruits to make jam. then they brought the jam here. to share with others. it’s wonderful. like this, they will earn merits. what kind of soup? was it good? very good.

it was very good. we provided hot water for themto make hot cocoa to go with the bread. that’s what they ate? (oatmeal.) how long did it take you to get here? twelve hours. thirteen hours. about twelve or thirteen hours. you took the’s very far.

we are very happy. that’s great.having a seat is good enough. some people can’t even pitiful. yes. the world is not aswe would like it to be. that’s why we have topractice spiritually to get out of this sea of misery.okay? if the world was good and free, i wouldn’t need to teach youto practice spiritually. staying here would belike being in heaven.

if the world was heaven, we wouldn’t need topractice spiritually. because there is suffering,inconvenience and bondage, that’s why we want topractice spiritually. that’s why i said because there is sufferingin this world, we have the sincere longingto be liberated. right? (yes.) if the world was full of happiness, it would be very difficultfor us to practice spiritually.

we would be too enchantedand too happy to practice. there is so much sufferingin this world, and yet some people stilldon’t want to practice spiritually, let alone if the world isfull of happiness. that’s why some souls in heavendon’t want to practice spiritually. they don’t want to practice. some souls are too happyin heaven to practice spiritually. they are busy enjoying lifeevery day. they are busy traveling,

sightseeing and doingmany interesting things. they are happy every day. that’s why they can’treach high levels in spiritual practice. after their merits are used up,they’ll drop down again, like indra. last time, i told a storyabout a stingy person, then i told the one about indra. indra was froma very high spiritual level. he was the king of a heaven, and yet, once his merits were used up,he also dropped down.

therefore, when we are in pain,we should not be afraid. because of the suffering, we would want to practice spirituallyand be sincere. i told another story. there were two peoplewho died on the same day - one was a bus driverand the other was a minister. both of them died on the same day and they went to heavenon the same day. then saint peter, who wasthe first disciple of jesus christ,

gave the minister a very small house. there weren’t many thingsin the house except the basic necessitiessuch as water, electricity, a small kitchen and bathroom, etc. for example like was small. but he gave the bus drivera very big house with everything, such as a tv to watchsupreme master television, fast internet, broadband, email, a telephone - everything!

and a big beautiful car, many rooms to entertainhis relatives and friends, and a big swimming pool. he had all the good thingsthat you can imagine. then the minister complainedto saint peter, “did you make a mistake?is this a mistake? i am sorry,but i was a minister all my life. i dedicated all my life to god. i gave sermons to peopleand taught them to do good deeds.

then i came up here and only gotthis small, basic, wooden house. he was just a bus driverbut you gave him such a big villa. is this a mistake?” saint peter said, “no, no, no. we don’t make mistakeshere in heaven. it’s written clearly. i do things according to this book. it’s written in this bookthat the bus driver has great merits and that’s why he received a villa.

you only have a little merit, and that’s why you receiveda small wooden house.” he said, “how comemy merits are little? what did he do to earn great merits?” saint peter said,“when you were giving sermons, people fell asleep; but when this bus driver was driving,people kept praying to god. they think of god intensely and pray very sincerely!

therefore, during his entire life he made many peoplethink about god. every day, whoever sat in his buswould think of god, but whoever attended your sermonswould fall asleep. so, of course, he has a lot of meritsand you have only a little. that is why.” i will speak aulacese (vietnamese)now. so, how are you, comrades?

you came from ã‚u lạc (vietnam)? all are aulacese?(yes.) do you want to ask anything,comrades? are you happy? very happy, master. we fellow practitioners from cã  mau would like to respectfullysend our greetings to master. thank you. we all have vegetarian cafã©s, master. making tofu.

also selling newspapers. very good, very good. okay. as long as you have money,earning an honest living. i’m from hải phã²ng, master. what do you do over there? i sell clothes, master. that’s good. having a job is already very good, but doing business is better.

if you win a big contract, then you’ll make a lot of money,if not, then your money will be gone too. having a business is the best, right?(yes.) it’s easier to make money, right?(yes.) having a veg caf㩠is the easiest wayto make money. (really?) (yes.) why don’t you change your job? i’m planning to changemy job when i get back. i’m thinking about it.

really? if one persondoesn’t have enough money, then many people put money together and you can workand share among each other. (yes.) share the profit and the loss. at least you still have leftoversto eat. that’s right. if you’re a good cookthen your business is good. you will have money, but if your food is not good,then at least

you have leftovers to eat,and not go hungry, understand? (still be full.) still be full. (yes.) a lot of people want to eatvegetarian food now, master. really? (yes.) i’ve been in the businessfor over ten years, i see nowadaysso many people are vegetarians. a lot of people? (yes.) business is a lot betterthan before, master.

(really?) more people arevegetarians, master. i prayed all the time. i yearned for spiritual practiceall my life so i could see you. i am grateful to you, master. okay, thank you. i know.i know you pray in your heart. i know. the aulacese (vietnamese) fellowpractitioners miss you a lot, master.

i know, i know. you go home and try to practicediligently, first thing. second thing, advise everyoneto practice spiritually, let them know the true teachings, and the vegetarian diet. at least be vegetarianto reduce the karma of the planet. when the bad karmaof the planet is reduced, you will also feel at easeand carefree. you see, before whenwe were not practicing,

it was more difficult. now, you can overcome’s so much better. (yes.) before, even if you had money,you still couldn’t buy a fairy. yes. thank you, master. now, it’s the same as in china – china or formosa (taiwan)is the same. before, formosa (taiwan) and chinadidn’t communicate with each other, but now, they shake hands,and make friends. now, every day,

so many people from chinacan come over. how many peoplefrom china are permitted to visit formosa every day? now they allow more people to’s very convenient now. great! it was not like this before. they couldn’t do that before. now, they can come and go,like going shopping. (yes.) it means that the more peoplepractice spiritually,

the purer the atmosphere will become,thus everyone benefits from it, right? it’s like heaven on earth. so, it’s the resultsof spiritual practice. you can see it clearly. (yes.) since more of youhave practiced spiritually, now every countrycomes to ã‚u lạc (vietnam), shaking hands, (yes, yes.) giving money and help, (yes.) having diplomatic relations,everything.

you see it clearly, right? (yes.)it’s the same in mainland china. now, people can travel more freely. it’s very good now, okay. so, that’s whywe have to practice diligently. practice diligently so that the vibrationof the world becomes purer and more elevated every day,so everyone can benefit from it. as more people practice spiritually,

the world’s wisdom will increase: the atmosphere will be better, everyone will be happier,living in comfort and prosperity. if more people become vegetarian, the world would be better already.okay? of course, it’s even better if they practicethe quan yin method. if not, being veg is already good, so we should recommend peopleto be veg.

open a vegan restaurant,make vegan cakes and all that. if opening a vegan restaurantis not possible, then open a vegan coffee shop, a small shop, a vegan noodle shop, vegan sandwich shop,just specialize in one vegan item. yes, my husband and iopen sandwich shop. opening a vegan sandwich shop...that’s good. that’s enough to earn a living?that’s very good.

if not a vegan bakery, then a vegan noodle factoryis also good. a tofu factory is also okay. a rice paper factory,vegan fern-shaped cake factory, vegan aulacese pancakesrice cake, dumplings. plain rice flan... what else? sticky-rice cakes, sponge cakes, “thuẩn” cake(from central ã‚u lạc) –

all kinds of cakes. sometimes you canmake a lot of money with just a cake shop. or open a caf㩠shopwith all kinds of cakes, western-style cakesand things like that – chocolate cakes –but they have to be vegan. yes, it could make good money. yesterday, our tv aired a programabout a lady. previously, she didn’t have a shop…

because she loved animals she only bakes without eggs or milk. she only made them for her familyor for the neighbors and so on. later, they saidher cakes were so good, why not open a bakery? so, she opened a bakery. now, her bakery is the most famousin the entire us! her bakery has everything. anything you see out there,you can find it in her bakery

and they’re all veganand so delicious. all over the us, sometimes people drivehundreds of miles, thousands of miles to comeand eat her baked goods. she is famous to that extent. so you can go homeand open a sponge cake bakery, and become famous nationwide. a useful trade is a gold mine,understand? whatever we are good at,

it is becausegod gave us that talent, so just do that - cement factory, steel factory, copper factory,whatever factory is fine. i mean you just dowhatever you’re good at. just work hard at itand that would be sufficient. there was an aulacese(vietnamese) refugee. remember the one thati told you a long time ago? he was a millionairein ã‚u lạc (vietnam).

but when he went to the us, he lost all his money,so he started all over again. he only sold sandwiches; he didn’t even have his own bakery. he sold sandwiches for his cousinor something like that. he and his wife workedfor that sandwich shop, and they asked his cousin to let them stay in a small roombehind the shop. so the couple lived there.

they were very frugalwith their meals. they cooked there. there was no bathroom, so they used a small towelto soap themselves and then wipe with water. for three years,they didn’t need to take the bus, they saved their money –they didn’t need a car, they didn’t need a houseor any kind of insurance. they lived togetherlike that for three years.

so they saved enough money and bought the sandwich shopfrom the cousin. and they continued to livein the room in the back so that they could continueto save money. a few years after that, they had more money,they sold that shop, bought a different oneand they became millionaires again, just from selling sandwiches,working for someone else. therefore, a useful tradeis a gold mine. understand?

whatever you do, be diligent. making a lot of money isn’t good. knowing how to save a lot is good. when we save a dollar, it’s the same as we earn a dollar,understand? and if we spend a dollar,we’ve lost it. if we spend whatever we make,it will be gone. therefore, knowing how to be frugalis good. okay? being frugal is good.

therefore, many people just like you, they make evenmore money than you, but sometimes they don’t have moneyto travel like you. right? because they don’t know how to save. they don’t have a goal in see? they work and take it easy,then they get bored, don’t know what else to do, so they go out and drink wine,smoke cigarettes, and so on – squandering money,

and degrading their bodily healthalso. and then wasting more moneyon doctors, you see? they lose their job,waste more time, to work to make more money again. they’ve lost their money,now lose even more. they lose money on alcohol,lose money on doctors because of ill health. after drinking alcohol,they suffer from liver failure, lung disease, intestinal problems,all kinds of diseases.

then they have to spend moneyfor treatment. while being treated,they lose more money as well, because they can’t go to work. they just sit there and eat,for example. therefore, it’s so miserablefor people who have no ideals. some of the tragic tollsof alcohol: 2.3 million alcohol-related deathsper year worldwide cost of alcohol-related illnesses: us$186.4 billion in the united states

up to us$210 - 665 billion globally disease higher amounts of alcohol increasethe cancer risk. even half a glass of wine daily increasesthe risk of mouth or throat cancer by 168 percent. cancer of the liver, breast, colon,esophagus, rectum liver disease cardiovascular disease metal toxicity

brain damage amnesia and dementia brain shrinkage organ failure heart liver kidneys stomach pancreas

eyes birth defects children afflictedby anxiety and depression mental retardation fetal alcohol syndrome: stunted growth; facial deformity sudden infant death syndrome miscarriage

alcohol-related violence child abuse: 50% of cases violence toward loved ones:30% of cases violent acts: 40-80% of cases suicides: 20-50% of cases some of the tragic tollsof tobacco 5.4 million smoking related deathsper year worldwide cost of smoking related illnesses: us$96 billionin the united states alone

"light" and "mild" cigarettesjust as harmful causes cancer and diseasesin animal companions speeds the aging process toxic residues of third-hand smoke coronary thrombosis cerebral thrombosis kidney failure mouth, liver, breast, and colorectal cancer lung cancer

esophagus cancer kidneys cancer bladder cancer chronic obstructivepulmonary disease emphysema bronchitis stroke impotence additional harmsfor second hand smoking

childhood arteriosclerosis leadingto heart attacks and strokes in adulthood sudden infant death syndrome infertility, miscarriagesand premature deliveries childhood asthma,bronchitis, ear infection cleft lip or palate hyperactivity and aggressionin asthmatic boys circulatory problems in women some of the tragic tollsof addictive drug abuse:

over 200,000 deaths each year costs of us$181 billion every yearin the united states, us$33 billion in the uk lifetime cost of current drug addictionamounts to us$575 billion in the uk harmful effects: brain damage stroke heart disease tuberculosis

cancer depression suicide permanent memory loss mental illness higher infant mortality increased crime and violence impotence crime and violence

illegal drugs are a factorin 50% of burglaries in the united kingdom each year. in the us,60% of people arrested each year have been taking illegal drugs. six hundred fifty heroin addictsin the us committed 70,000 crimesin a three-month period. social costs us businesses loseus$100 billion per year due to employees’drug and alcohol abuse.

australians pay us$53 billion per yearfor health care, law enforcement and lost productivity of drug users. environmental costs every gram of cocaine produceddestroys 4.4 square meters of rainforest, with 300,000 hectaresof rainforest lost each yearto cocaine production. death 52 people die each daydue to drugs in the us.

in canada, substance abuse isattributed to 21 percent of total deaths and 23 percentof potential life years lost due to early mortalities. but you have your ideals, right? you have your ideals –you save money so at least you can donate itto others. you see? or do dharma charity meaningyou print flyers, etc. - “be vegan, go greento save the planet” for example. we have our ideals, you see?

our life has a purpose,we have a goal that is very noble. therefore, our life whether comfortable or roughwe don’t mind because we have a purpose. (yes.) we work for that purpose. all the governments, organizations,or heroes in the world who are famous or left a legacyfor later generations, it is because they hada righteous goal. from the beginning to the end,they focus on that only,

therefore, they havestrength and stamina. nothing can stop them for long. it could only block themfor a little bit, and later, they would find ways toget around it, for example. you see? it’s because they have an ideal, they live their life to its fullest. they lead a very meaningful life. therefore, that’s what’s goodabout spiritual practitioners. so, now, we advise peopleto become vegan to save the planet,

then they will alsohave the same ideal. understand? if we are vegan, we can save so many peoplein the world and we will be able toprotect the planet. therefore,they also have a similar ideal, and that’s already very good,you see? if they have that ideal, it means their souls are elevated and they will receive meritsfrom heaven.

after they die, they willalso ascend to heaven, a high heaven, not an ordinary heavenlike the astral heaven, or the so-called second heaven. no. a big heaven, very big. let’s meditate, okay?

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