badezimmer planen programm kostenlos

badezimmer planen programm kostenlos

hi todays tutorial is on how to setup some free virus protection software on your mac if you go to the app store and that'sthat little icon that has an "a" on it i right in your dock and you look for ina program called clamxav you will be able to download it for free, it's afree application you simply would click on this litte icon and it would download it, once it'scompleted downloading you'll find it in your applications folderright here

and you would simply open it up as soonas you open it up it's going to ask you do you wanna let download the latestvirus definitions before continuing and of course you do because you wantthe latest and greatest of the the virus definitions because that's what protectsyou from the viruses and as you can see it's downloading itright now it may take a while and as you can see it's updating myvirus definitions at this point once you have this i you can set up some preferences on howyou want to use this particular program you canhave it alert if it detects a virus

you can have an an alert if it doesn't scancompletion it can animate dock icon and update viruses on definitions onlaunch is always a good thing to turn on i because you definitely want thelatest and greatest it'll protect your computer through-out the week through-out the yearit can also scan email contact for more malware and fishing, you may want that on you may not that's up to you i think it's always good to have it on,you might want to set a quarantine folder which is

where the computer can put files that it wants to quarantine you can putin your documents folder and call it you know bad files if you want it doesn'treally matter, lol and you hit create and open and that will set a place for it to quarantine certain files at afriends viruses are as you can evaluate it and decide for yourself,there some files you that you can exclude i that you don't want it to be checkedand that usually happens when it's

creating problems and you want to keep it goingfaster not slower than your computer you definitely want to log the resultsbecause you can always happen that i'm taking a look at and most importantly you can schedule it you can schedule exactly when the virus up days happenyou can do it every day on you could record it wasn't your inboxcan schedule which you can do here but i think it's pretty much okay if youdo a setting as well and hit ok and at thatpoint

you're done the virus definitionsyou can see are still updating it may take a while but i when you're done if let's say youwant to take your user folder you can also start to scan and what it'sdoing here is it's actually going through my hard drive and looking to see if it'sdetected any viruses that are in the system inif it detects one at that point it will probably put itin the quarantine for folder or do exactly what i

might be expected that i should do tokeep it safe so it's running a scan now it's kinda of going to through it as youcan see that's what it's doing it will take quite a long time because thehard drives are not small and it will go through every single file so we are not going to actually keep the video running for that but what you can learn a little bit about how to step it up andhow to get it started and how to set the preferences if you want to stop this at any point inand have it pick up a little later you can always pause it and hit continue and you can check your machinery you can simply stop it

and let it do it automatically so atthis point i hasn't found any infected files andobviously it did not go through the entire harddrive so it eventually it will scan this but this is a great way of having itrun and then getting it removed

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