schöne badezimmer sets

schöne badezimmer sets

hi, everyone. it's alejandra. and i'm goingto do a quick video today to show you guys how to fold t-shirts inside of your dresseror your closet. now, i posted a picture on my facebook recently of how i tackled ed'st-shirt drawer. and i love the way it came out. there is a secret tool that i used tomake all of the folds and the t-shirts are perfect or appear as if they're perfect. now, i am not a big folder. actually, i hateto fold. but if you use the tool that i'm going to show you, you will get a perfectfold and your drawers will look very organized. so let me grab the camera and show you guysexactly what i did. ok. so this is ed's t-shirt drawer that irecently tackled. now, this looks like it

took a lot of time to fold and to put away.this actually only took 30 minutes to do. now, as i said before, i hate folding butwith the tool i have, it just makes it go really fast. so i'm going to show you guysthat tool in a minute. but i just want to show you that right whenyou open up the drawer, you can easily find the t-shirt you're looking for because allof the fronts of the t-shirt are folded upwards so you just immediately see instead of likeannoying stacks of t-shirts that if you want to get to the bottom t-shirt, you have totake off the whole stack and pull it out. with this, you just like pull up. so let me put the camera down and i'm goingto show you how easy it is to pull one out.

it's hard to pull one out and hold the cameraat the same time. ok. so if i'm going to take a t-shirt out or take a few t-shirts out,i want to show you that the other shirts don't really fall over and get unfolded. like theymight fall over but because the t-shirts are folded so small, they don't really unfold. so i'm just going to return like, "ok. i'mcoming to take this yellow shirt out. so i want to wear this." so i just take that out.let's see. i'm going to take this one out and put it over here. i'm going to take thisone out, put it over here. do you guys see? i took three shirts our alreadyand nothing is really falling over. like maybe this one fell over a little bit but it didn'tunfold because these shirts have such a small

fold. can you guys see that? do you see howsmall these folds are? and it's like so thick that it doesn't really unfold. so let me go ahead and just take out one moreshirt. i'm going to take this one out. and you can see that they don't really fall again, if they do fall over like let's just say that falls over, it's not reallygoing to unfold. ok. so this is my secret folding tool to getthe perfect fold in your t-shirts. now there's a link at the bottom of the video in the descriptionthat's going to take you to my list of my favorite organizing products that i've tried,i love, and i recommend. this product is on that list under closet products. so if youwant more information, you can check out that

list. ok. so let's go ahead and try folding a t-shirt.i'm going to go ahead and put my t-shirt down. now, you want to have the back of the t-shirtfacing up and the front of the t-shirt facing down. and you want to make sure to flattenthe t-shirt before you start folding. now, these t-shirts are old t-shirts whened and i used to travel to people's houses helping them get organized. so we have likeso many of these t-shirts. ok. so the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to justfold in the left side just like that and then i'm going to fold in the right side just likethat, and then i always like to turn over like that. and then you want to take the bottompart and fold the bottom part end.

see, it doesn't take very long. and then whenyou flip it over, you have a perfectly folded t-shirt. but i like to take it a step you guys know, i always like to take it one step further and then go like that andthen fold it over just like that. and then there you go. you have a t-shirt that is readyto be filed inside of your drawer. ok. i just want to do one more to show youguys how fast it is. like i was doing it kind of slow before because i was kind of showingyou guys what to do. but once you get the hang of it and you start folding really fast,you can see that this does not take long. and there you go. you have a perfect t-shirtready to be filed once again. ok. so that's how i'm folding all the t-shirtsin our dressers and in our closets. it's super

easy to do. like you don't have to be thebest folder in the world to get the perfect fold if you just use the tool that i showedyou then you can create that perfect fold that you saw upstairs in the dresser thati just showed you guys. so if you have ideas or tips on folding thatyou want to share with us, leave a comment below or create a video response and showus. and i'm sure everyone else would love to see it as well. so i will see you guyssoon. bye. 2

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