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today on grip: matthias is on a mission. his hunt for legendary film carsbegins in hollywood where he findsdavid hasselhoff's iconic k.i.t.t. and batman's patrol car. as well as the ultimate batmobilefrom the last motion picture. i'm driving the tumbler! an artist built an exact replica of it. the first destinationmatthias's trip: nate truman.
here we are at nate's house.he's a film car expert. and look, there's one now:knight rider k.i.t.t. hi, nate. nice to meet youhere in my secret headquarters. you have k.i.t.t.sitting in your driveway. oh yeah,that's one of my many film cars. i was working at universal back then, and a lot of k.i.t.t.sgot destroyed in the show, but this one survived.
and it's really original? david hasselhoff drove's my everyday car. and do all the gimmicks really work? k.i.t.t., wake up! turn it on by remote control. did you just do thatwith your watch? yeah, i made it myself. so, it's knight rider... i spent half my youthwatching knight rider on tv.
k.i.t.t.'s talking with us. there's the light. can you turn it off again? k.i.t.t., be quiet. unbelievable. you can get in if you want. k.i.t.t., roll down the window.- i don't believe it. that watch can do anything... can i give it a command?
okay, press that and then what? what should i tell him? that's are the original plates. it took a while,but now i've finally got them. then we can close the that hasselhoff's signature? yes, hasselhoff's autograph, and one from the car's designer. the interior is just outrageous. it's just like on tv.
just the steering wheel,and then all the instruments. that looks like... outer space. is it legal to drivewith this steering wheel? sure.- but not really, huh? not totally, but the law says a steering wheelhas to have about 40 cm, and k.i.t.t. fulfills that criteria. the most important button in this caris for the turbo boost.
because in the tv show,k.i.t.t. could reach amazing speeds with the help of that button. here he comes. knight rider. the tv series was cult in the 80's. one car. one computer. one man. a man and his carfighting against injustice.
it looks like there areabout 94,000 buttons in here. can you explain all this to me?- sure. here are the keys. okay. okay, all the displays coming on. if you think all the ledsare just for show, you're wrong. all the essentials work: tachometer, digital speedometerand warning lights. but plenty of fake switcheshave been built in too,
and they're pretty high quality. k.i.t.t. is no phony. is something going to explode now? that music just belongs to the car. nate, what do i do?it's beeping all over the place. is that the self-destruct program? k.i.t.t. is definitely my highlight. okay, everything's remote control. dave doesn't onlyhave k.i.t.t. out front,
he's also gotthe batmobile in the garage. so, this is my next little treasure. here comes the batmobile. are you ready? come on, open the door. crazy! it's hard to believe: this crazy thing was builtway back in the 60's. it took nate a total of 10 yearsto build this car.
every button, every detailis a copy of the original. and originalitymeans a great deal to nate. the majority of the partsare extremely rare. a lot of the unusual parts of the carwere from lincoln futura prototypes, like the special dashboardand the domed windshield. ford had a budget of a million dollarsfor the futura back then. i didn't have that so i learned: you can either pay 100 for a replicaor 10,000 for the original. a lot of times,i went for the cheaper option.
the futura wasa design study in the 50's, and became car maker dean jeffries'smodel for the batmobile. a few things are really special,like this camera from world war ii. it was from a fighter jet.they filmed attacks with it. from world war ii? the production companyused it in the 60's to film the flamesthat come out of the flame-thrower. i use it as a rear view camera, so i can make sure nobody's in the waybefore i light the flame-thrower.
in the show,was the car driven by an engine or by the flame-thrower? on the showit was fueled by atomic energy. but it was actuallyjust a normal car like this one. the flame-thrower made it hardto get the car licensed for street use. i asked my police officer friends. i could've hada real flame-thrower built in, but that's illegal. the alternative is a propane torch.
they looked it upand said there was no law against it. ok, nate.want to go for a little ride? take a little spin?your side is over there. okay, he's serious.i'm in the passenger seat. oh well. he's in the passenger seat for now,but you know matthias. that'll change in a few minutes. the 20-foot-long two-seaterdoesn't have an atomic engine, but it does have an honest v8. one thing's for sure: nate's batmobilereally drives, and isn't just for show.
you know what, nate?i think you're pretty crazy. in a good way, of course. but nate's fans are even crazier. that can even getpretty dangerous on the highway. by biggest fear is causing an accidentbecause of people taking pictures. then they swerve around... exactly. people even slam on the gas,and i think: please keep going. everybody's looking at me.i'm the only one watching the road. next stop, hollywood.
no other car featured on grip has ever gotten this much attention. crowds of people appear.everybody wants a photo. that was one of nate's reasonsfor building the car. people admire him for his batmobile,and he likes that. nate and his ride cause a commotionwherever they turn up. how about an example? nobody's ever dareddo this on hollywood boulevard. this is quite a spectacle.
gas is already coming out. maybe we should step back a bit. you can probably hear it. the flame-throwerhas to be lit manually. he wants me to light the damn thing! that's as extreme as it gets. matthias picks just the right momentto ask if he can get behind the wheel. nate, can i drive now please? i talked him into it,now that we've set the car on fire.
success! matthias is finallybehind the wheel of the batmobile. it's sheer pandemoniumon the streets of l.a. everybody's going nuts,men and women alike. it's a real spectacle, and gets some real attention. pretty girls giving us free drinks.i like it! hollywood is in a tizzy.there's chaos on the boulevard. enough of the spotlight. matthias and nateare back on the freeway.
we sit in a lot of sweet carsthat make people go: wow! but i've never been photographed as much as i have been in this car. everybody took out their cameraor their cell phone: "may i take a photo?" yeah, it's really... it's the no. 1 pick-up car. nate, thank you so muchfor letting me drive your car. no problem.
it's one of the craziest experiencesi've had on four wheels. that's saying a lot. mission accomplished.but grip takes it a step further. matthias has a very special date1,800 miles northeast of here. rumor has it that chicago is hometo the sickest batmobile of all: the tumbler. an artist by the name of bob dullambuilt an exact replica of the monster. he also claimsit drives just fine. matthias's hunt is a success.
that's madness on four wheels. on four back wheels, to be exact. it took bobalmost five years to finish the car. and it doesn'tseem to be a phony either, but rather a detailed,exact replica of the original. hello, bob. you must be completely crazy. yes, i am. to build a car like thatwith your own hands...
i just built myself a new hat, too. i don't have any hair,so that looks pretty cool. it's comprised of 138 pieces. how did you do that?it looks exactly like in the movie. i just watched the filmand analyzed photographs. but without any was all visual. i know exactly the day. it was january 1, 2005. then for four months,i thought about how i could make it.
i looked at photos on the internetand just kept thinking: how can i do this? while i was building the tumbler i often got stuckand didn't know how to go on. that happened at every stage. what do i do next? and after solving a lot of problems,at some point it was done. and where did you build it? back here in my double's a bit of a mess, unfortunately.
i built the carusing about six power tools. you built this monster in there?- that's right. with your own hands?- correct. that's sick. it looks like a pigsty in here. this is how my garage lookedwhen i used to work on my scooter. show me what you've got here. the tools that i used the most were that drill press,
and that welder right there. what's that big thing over there? that's an oven. i pretty muchbaked the whole tumbler in there. i use to ovento make the parts of the body. they're made of epoxyand i put them in there at 250 degrees. every time i heat themthey get stronger. the fact that he built that thingin his garage is totally nuts. but he really did.
i mean, hollywood hires200 people to build a car like that. they build four or five different cars.each is built for just one scene. each car can only do one thing: it can take a corner,or go straight, or just has buttons. bob's car can do it all,and it's just one car. it's a real featto make something like that. the view from this garageis the most beautiful i've ever seen. it really is a beautiful sight,looking out from this garage. the tumbler is completely self-made:
the frame, the body panels,the powertrain. bob planned and builteverything himself. the interiorhas only the bare essentials: a seat, automatic lever, an airplanecontrol column for steering. bob didall the electrical wiring himself. the tumbler is poweredby a 444 hp, 5.7 liter v8 race car engine. i really like the design. it has less to do with batmanand more to do with the military look.
i just like the style.the rawness, the brutal feel. it's not a glamorous just looks powerful. the knowledge bob neededto build a vehicle like that is colossal and all-encompassing. bob, what's your profession?are you a mechanic? i'm whatever i have to be at the time. a mechanic, engine specialist,or sometimes a sculptor. whatever i need to bein order to get the job done. the big moment:matthias gets to drive the tumbler.
but just getting inis anything but ordinary. getting in this caris like getting on a horse. horseback ridingis my second passion, after all. i think batmandid this a bit more gracefully. oh, god! that's a tight squeeze! okay, bob.where's the ignition? right here, behind you. just flip this up, and push. okay, it's definitely running.
it's really unbelievable.when you see it from outside, you think: it looks thrown together.but in reality it's all really solid. the v8 is running,and sounds pretty good to me. i'll go aheadand slide the gear lever to d. you can't see a thing out the back. oh, we stalled. wasn't that a backfire?
yes, but we'll be rolling in a second. the motor doesn't like itif you give it too little gas. look at that!the monster's actually is moving. i'm driving the tumbler! that's no jobfor the faint of heart. after all,there's no power brake unit. and visibility is close to zero. bob recalls his favorite momentwhile building his baby.
the very first timei put my foot on the brake, put it into gear and felt the thing move... i thought: "wow, i'm moving!" "i've worked on this for four years,never knowing if it'd ever move." but i realized,as i put it in first gear, that something was happening. "i'm driving. i've got a tumbler and i'm driving it."
i only went down the driveway and back,but it was huge. then i bought myself a six-packand drank it right away. bob's steering systemis especially challenging to drive. you need some serious muscle. left! left! don't hit the grass. this vehicle definitelywins malmedie's medal for the most difficult car to drive. this tumbler drives
the way it looks: totally sick! the steering wheel with the two grips,my knees were tucked way up here, and the steering wheelkept rubbing against my knees. it was very hard to drive,but it worked. that power, that soundwas really cool. another mission accomplished. matthias drove the tumbler:the ultimate batmobile. okay, bob.that was an amazing day. thank you very, very much.
no problem.- for letting me drive your baby. you passed the test. now you're officially... batman.