bad dusche modern

bad dusche modern

oh look awesome. okay. look help see there my friend. it's okay. oh [oh] god, oh, okay thank you ronnie are you okay? oh? yeah? sure, yo don't touch don't touch office. i'm so gonna use you did good good good good. good work good job. thank you. you [can] go um took some water. thank you so much. yes, okay?

now look good at all. yeah was it look like fuckin thickest champ. let's wait till [what] okay because i? can't reach. i just need you could go get down there and just [down] no. i can't do that. though come on [did] [you] push it out okay? oh, hi? i'm gonna help you we're going to displace the situation together okay, okay? okay? think about things that turn you off. maybe like like your grandma's [on] where mm-hmm okay, maybe like good posture just very still stuck yeah hey no [go] [knee] damage don't bring the children. hey mitchell snitches here rana. you pumped about the qualifiers buddy. you know it man i'm just i'm really really excited to equip my double major in robotics in computer science

and really really do something with my life. you don't need to look down there. do not touch you're not even touching okay? wow, okay? i'm sorry you got your beef and your biscuit stuff down it's gonna be okay. i've been through it [too]. not a big deal yeah, absolutely i was stuck in a woman for hours one couldn't get out here summers biggest comedy arrived you just said look at my boobs. [oh] worse [daring] whoa guys does anybody see this home where he won't stop staring at my boobs. i'm not welcome to baywatch that's how we roll

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