wandgestaltung neubau

wandgestaltung neubau

substrate 1: plasterboard + tierrafino base reinforce joints between boards. fill joints and screw holes with a suitable joint filler. let each 1 mm of applied gypsum dry 1 day. tierrafino contact primer for tierrafino base onto smooth substrates. mix tierrafino contact well. dilute with max. 5% water when applied onto very absorbing substrates.

apply contact with a brush or a roller. distribute sand in the primer equally over the surface. under normal circumstances (+20âºc en 60% relative air humidity), contact is dry between 4 - 12 hours. contact is hardened out after 2 days. mixing tierrafino base add 3,5 - 4 kg base each 1 liter of water. use tierrafino base without straw as a substrate for

tierrafino i-paint. mix to a homogenous plaster. add water to enhance the plasticity. apply base 7 mm thick onto primed plasterboards. consult the tierrafino base product sheet on www.tierrafino.com for base onto other substrates to create a suitable substrate for i-paint. flatten the surface with a straight edge. float or trowel visable marks away.

check to see if base is straight with the straight edge. follow "finishing damp finish" in the tierrafino finish movie to give i-paint the right substrate. substrate 2:gypsum plaster + contact fine apply a good quality masking tape onto adjacent walls and ceiling. contact fine is a primer for clay paints and -stuccos onto smooth and/or very absorbing substrates in the interior.

mix contact fine well before use. apply contact fine with a brush or roller. under normal circumstances (+20â°c and 60% relative air humidity), contact fine is dry between 4 - 12 hours. contact fine is hardened out after 2 days. tierrafino i-paint: first coat tierrafino t-paint is available in 8 standard colours that can be mixed amongst each other. consult the tierrafino pigment product sheet for mixing

tierrafino pigment with i-paint. i-paint is ready for use after mixing. mix standard colours well with each other before application. i-paint can be diluted with max. 5% water when applying the first coat onto very absorbing substrates. apply i-paint with a small brush or roller along the sides. apply i-paint with a roller that is suitable for wall paints, commonly a sheepskin roller is used.

i-paint is a mineral paint, the covering capacity can only be seen after drying. only be seen after drying. i-paint can also be applied with a brush. use a good quality paint brush. the brush strokes will be visable after drying. repeat brushing or rolling after a few minutes without adding new material to refine the texture. this will also enhance the covering capacity. create the desired texture and let dry.

tierrafino i-paint: second coat wait at least 6 hours and apply the second coat of i-paint in the same manner as the previously described first coat. under normal circumstances, i-paint will be dry after 2 - 6 hours. extras i-paint can easily be used with stencilling techniques. use standard wall paint stencils or a good quality,

lightly adhering masking tape. apply tierrafino wax acryl to give i-paint a washable finish. note: i-paint's appearance will change. wax acryl has a satin sheen and will give i-paint a deeper shade. with thanks to maarten oudshoornoudshoorn leemwerk consult the tierrafino i-paint product sheet on www.tierrafino.com for more information. although this product description has been put together with utmost precision, tierrafino will not be liable for any indirect or direct damage that may occur, by using the information offered in this product description.

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