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mother, stop! you've been talking for three days. i've thought it over. alright, i'll get married. good! to what sort of man? what sort of man? is it up to me? you always speak of money.why not marry a rich man? marry a rich man and you'llonly be his concubine. let me be a concubine.
isn't that a woman's fate? miss, looking for someone? i'm songlian. we met once, remember? it's our fourth mistress! please wait... we sent the bridal sedan for you.didn't it arrive? i walked here myself. - let me carry it.- i can manage. wait here. i'll go take a look.
who are you? fourth mistress, please come in. so the fourth mistress is you! yes, i'm the fourth mistress! bring my suitcase inside. this is where you will live. my name is chen baishun, the housekeeper.i am at your service. why are there so many red lanterns? because you're coming!
fourth mistress,this is part of our family custom. i'm here to serve you. you'll get used to it. fourth mistress. we're here to do yourhair and help you change. master, congratulations on your wedding. how was the foot massage? a woman's feet are very important. when they're comfortable,she is healthier... ...and better able to serve her man.
pick up that lantern. yes, that one. higher... look up. educated girls are different. now, undress and get in bed. put out the lights. what? i have all these lanternsso i can see. i like it bright and formal.
who's there? third mistress is sick.she wants you to come. i'm in bed. it's an emergency. she said you must come. it can wait till tomorrow. if something serious happens to her, we'll be blamed. damn it! what is she up to?
i'll have to go see.or she won't let me sleep tonight. the master is leaving?going to the third house? yes! light the lanterns at the third house! fourth mistress... fourth mistress. according to our custom, you should visit the other three mistress. take your breakfast later. it's our custom to have allmeetings and meals here.
the chen family's customsgo back many generations. it is important that you obey them. kowtow to our ancestors. first, go to greet the master atthe third mistress' house. it seems they're still asleep. we'll come back. first mistress,the fourth mistress is here to visit. big sister. how old are you?
nineteen. i heard you went to university. for six months. it's good you're educated. you'll get used to living here. get on well with your sisters. serve the master well. you can go now. such sins, such sins...
what is she, about 100 years old? ancient! second mistress,the fourth mistress has come to visit. fourth sister is here. come in! second sister. do come in. what a pretty face! what is your name? songlian. a pretty name, too. i'm zhouyun. just call me by my name.
you look like a student. i was at university for six months. why did you leave? my father died.the family couldn't afford it. how old was your father? fifty-three. so young! life is so unpredictable. tea, fourth mistress.
fourth sister, please have some tea. where are you from? fengcheng. they grow tea there. my father was in the tea business. his shop closed down. your mother let you marry someonefrom so far away? she's my stepmother. i see.
so, how was the foot massage last night? is it like that every night? silly. you can't have it whenever you wish. where the master spends the night... ...that mistress gets a foot massageand lighted lanterns. with a new wife as youngand pretty as you... ...i'm afraid i won't be enjoyingthese privileges for some time. but don't underestimate theimportance of this custom.
if you can manage to have afoot massage everyday...'ll soon be running this household. yizhen, come meet your fourth aunt. fourth aunt! how useless! i only have a daughter. it's getting late. we must visit the third mistress. sorry, i just keep talking. of course you must meetthe third mistress.
she was a famous opera singer. she sings well and is pretty too. but she can be so difficult. asking for the master on... ...your wedding night! so impolite to you! wasn't she sick? sick? she's just spoiled! has the master left?
just now.they're putting out the lanterns. let's meet the third mistress. third mistress saysshe isn't feeling well... ...and says she'll meet you another day. third mistress' son, feilan. same age as miss yizhen. come meet your fourth aunt. ...this is yan'er. master says she'll be your maid.
yan'er, come greet the fourth mistress. fourth mistress. i've seen her before.bad tempered, isn't she? no, she's a good girl.quick and hardworking too. been here for several years. no lice in her hair, are there?i hate lice. let the fourth mistress take a look. kneel down. let's look at your hair. what is that smell? go wash your hair!
didn't you hear? i only washed it yesterday. and wash the clothes i just tookoff while you're at it. go, quickly! or the fourth mistress will be angry. go! yan'er! why haven't you washed your hair? the master favours you and youthought he'd choose you as a wife. you as our fourth mistress?
you were born to be a servant. serve the fourth mistress well! don't waste your time dreaming! and don't forget to wash your hair! where is meishan? the third mistress is coming. doctor gao is writing her a prescription. here comes third sister. third sister, this is our fourth sister.
you haven't met, have you? third sister! songlian is new here.take good care of her. from now on, you sisters mustget on well with each other. let's eat. why aren't you eating? i don't like meat. what vegetable dishes do we have today? master, today we have...
...fragrant mushrooms, chrysanthemummoss hair, bird's nest... ...thrice-fried mushroom,five-color vegetables... ...vegetarian hot-pot andalso heart of cactus. according to custom... ...the one with lighted lanternscan have whatever she likes. what would you like? i want spinach and beancurd. bring some spinach and beancurd. also some young bean sprouts.
master asks you to wait atthe door for instructions. what instructions? please wait outside. the master may have instructionsbefore he retires. but why do we have to wait outside? it's another old family custom. all the other mistresses ago. but i wasn't called before. not for nine days after the wedding.
this is your 10th day. light the lanterns at the fourth house! well? lighted lanterns, foot you like it here? after a few days, you won't want to leave. who is it? third mistress says she's sick again. she wants the master to come over. third sister is asking for you must go.
meishan is so impossible! go, don't come to me again. you don't mean that. tell the third mistressi won't see her tonight! what am i to tell her? nonsense! what do you mean? tell her i'll see her tomorrow! - who's singing? third sister?- yes. she was sick last night...
...but she's singing at this hour. she won't let us sleep. she sings when she's happy,cries when she's mad. that bitch! never mind her! third sister, have you recovered? did i wake you from your sweet dreams? yes, you did. good, or you'll sleep till you're silly. silly, hardly!i came up to hear third sister sing.
do continue. you want to listen... ...but i don't feel like singing anymore. you went to hear meishan sing? i've spoiled her. when she's angry,she even curses my ancestors. bitch! i must teach her a lesson. what? angry?
don't be childish. i'll take you to wumei lanetoday to eat dumplings. didn't you say you likedthe dumplings there? you really don't want me to stay? there are others desperate fora foot massage, you know. the master has left!blow out the lanterns! yan'er! yan'er! coming! can't you walk faster?
go away if you don't like working for me. don't think because the mater touched you,you can behave this way. always pulling a long face! no, i wouldn't dare. but any face is better than having none! why did you come to me? tired of your new wife already? what's so good about my place? she's mad at me.
of course it's good here. you are gentle and you'll sing for me. well done! the more you sing,the better it gets. again! fourth sister! fourth sister, come down here! i've something to say to you. fourth sister. why wandering alone?
come down. i'm looking for you. you don't look well. no more lighted lanternsand foot massages... ...are you unhappy? i don't care. i like being alone. you don't want to be alone in this family. no foot massages for a few days... ...and the servants don'ttreat you the same way.
the master can come and go as he pleases. doesn't he find these custom troublesome? lighting lanterns is an old family custom. it was like this when i arrived. this is silk from suzhou.have some dresses made with it. i'm embarrassed. i should be giving you gifts. why? i thought of this silkwhen i first saw you.
i wouldn't give it to that singer... ...even if she paid for it. did you see how self-satisfiedshe was just now? what is that small room for up above? it's locked with a big chain. that house of death? don't go there.several people have died there. what people? women from past generations.they hanged there.
don't ask about this.nobody here wants to talk about it. visit me when you have time.don't go there again. the master's out. he said you shouldn't wait for him. let's eat then. why is there no spinach and beancurd? there are too many vegetabledishes already. go, bring some pork steamedin lotus leaves. yes.
why so many meat dishes today? the third house had lightedlanterns yesterday. didn't the master remarry recently? who knows about these things? it's up to him. the house with lighted lanternssets the menu. we just follow orders. yan'er. why are you sneaking around like that?
third mistress asks youover to play majong. me, play majong? what an idea! i won't go. fourth sister... ...we need one more player. come! i don't like majong. come on. don't stay in your house all day. still angry about the spinachand beancurd? i couldn't care less.
good. i knew fourth sister wasn't petty. don't like losing your money to me too? don't worry. i'll let you win. since you put it that way, then i must go. but no need to let me win. who knows how the game will end? good! this is doctor gao, a regular visitor. he is our family doctor.
his friend, mr. wang. this is our fourth mistress. please sit down. let's start. our fourth mistress was auniversity student. i'm only an opera singer. she plays to win today. both of you should be careful. come, it's just a game.
third sister's house isdecorated like a stage. no one can forget their past. the master's back. why wasn't it announced? i just came in. the master must be tired. where is she? playing majong with the third mistress. i'll call her.
never mind. why can't she stay in her own house? light the lanterns at the second house. the master's back. he couldn't find you... ...and went to the second house. nevermind. let's play. fourth sister has done zhuoyun a favour. she is so lonely. lend her the master for one night.
if you lose money, have her pay you back. then you're even. i heard the fourth mistressdidn't finish university. why? what's the use? i'm just one of the master's robes. he can wear it or he can take it off. master, i want to give you a son. meishan was famous for singing this opera. that was years ago.
this place must be haunted. haunted? nonsense! that room on the roof. two people hanged there, that's all. need you ask?they were having illicit affairs. who were they? nobody you know.two women from past generations. concubines? don't talk nonsense!
what is it now? she's peeping at us. - who?- yan'er. what's there to look at.she can't see anything anyway. you're always on her side. i can smell her miles away. - who is it?- master. what is it? the fourth mistress'spinach and beancurd is ready.
the other mistresses are waiting. i'm not going. ask them to bring it here. that's not right. we should go or they'll talk. them! what do i care if they talk! alright, we'll eat here. go, tell them to bring the food here. the master asks that you go ahead.
he isn't coming. the food will be taken tothe fourth mistress' room. we don't have this custom here. is this not the fourth mistress' idea? third sister, don't be angry. let's eat. big sister, let me make this clear. if my lanterns are lit, i want my food brought to me too. you want to be as foolish?
how does that make our big sister feel? what do i matter? i'm just an old woman. one of these days,this family will perish in your hands. who is playing the flute? our young master.he came back this morning. feipu, son of the first mistress? i heard he's always away. he's very busy. he's going yunnan in the morning.
are you songlian? you shouldn't call me by my name. how should i address you? fourth mistress? did the music bring you here? go on, don't let me stop you. can you play too? feipu, come down here. my mother wants me. i must go. come here.
did you open my suitcase? yes, to tidy up your clothes. did you see a flute inside? flute? no. only men play the flute. you stole it. fourth mistress.why would i want to steal it? you're always sneaking about.stop pretending. don't blame it on me. ask the other mistress.
have i ever stolen anything? fourth mistress,i really didn't take your flute! i didn't! fourth mistress, i didn't! i didn't take it! don't go in! i didn't take your flute! then what are you afraid of? i must take a look! how dare you light lanterns here!
you're only a servant! don't you know the rules here? do you know what could happen to you? i beg you. don't tell anyone. alright, then give me back my flute. i really didn't take you flute. "songlian." you've put a curse on me! you want me to die!
don't cry. i shouldn't treat you this way. i'll forget what you did. you can't read or write. tell me, who wrote my name for you? i can't tell you. don't be afraid. tell me who wrote it. i'll keep your secret about the lanterns. is it the first mistress?
then it must be the third mistress. the second mistress? zhuoyun? zhuoyun? zhuoyun. who are you mad at now? where did you put my flute? i didn't want it to distract you.i took it away. who gave it to you? it belonged to my father.
sorry for being suspicious. i thought it was one of the boysat university. where is it? give it back. i had it burnt. burnt? it's only a flute. i'll tell them to buyyou several good ones. i hate nothing more than peoplethrowing tantrums. why not go to zhuoyun?
she always has a smile on. i'm going! light the lanterns at the second house! yan'er said you weren't well. are you really sick, or just angry? what brought you here? get up and give me a haircut. haircut? i don't know how. ask the other sisters.
how can they? you're better. you went to university. i want you to cut my hair. get up! come! why do you suddenly want a haircut? didn't the master spend the nightwith me last night? i told him i was getting old. guess what he said? he said i'd look younger with short hair.
since he said that, i must cut my hair. go ahead, cut! i've never done this may get hurt. don't worry. go ahead. alright... my ear! what happened, second mistress? go away!
what are you looking at? fetch a doctor! third sister, what's so funny? if i hated someone,i'd cut her ear off too. i'd cut all of it off. you think i did it deliberately? who knows? zhuoyun has a buddha's faceand a scorpion's heart. she's the true wicked one. you think i'm against you.
she's the one i hate most. i'm no match for her. perhaps you can do better. i thought so when i first saw you. do you know about our giving birth? we both became pregnantabout the same time. when i was three months along... ...she slepped some medicine into my food. i was lucky and didn't have a miscarriage.
when we were due, she wanted to have her baby first... ...and ordered expensive injectionsto speed up the delivery. she was in great pain. in the end, i was lucky... ...and had my boy, feilan. she only had a cheap little girl... ...born three hours after my son. you're new here and the masterisn't tired of you yet.
but if you don't give him a son... ...there will be hard times ahead. you may be a student andi'm only an opera singer. but our fate is the same. what happened? the master spent only one night with me... ...and fourth sister alreadyhates me so much. she almost killed me. doctor gao said the scissorsjust missed my artery.
that serious? it's your said i'd look younger with a haircut. that gave her the idea. you sisters shouldn't be like this. alright.i'll stay with you for a few nights. the fourth mistress is here. fourth sister, you've come. second sister! do sit down.
how are you doing? doctor gao said it wasn't serious. i'm so sorry. i didn't mean it to happen. who said you did? we sisters are friends. don't think about it. it's funny. i should thank you. if not for you... ...the master wouldn't havestayed with me.
softer, aunt cao. if you're alright, i'll be going. i won't see you to the door. what is it, fourth mistress? where were you? come massage my feet. i don't know how. you do as i say. softer.
i said softer. i said i didn't know how. if you're able, get aunt cao to come. leave it! "if i'm able" just wait and see what i can do! she's really pregnant? yes, fourth mistress hasn't beenlooking well lately. congratulations,'ll have another son.
according to custom, from today... ...the lanterns in this house... ...will be lit day and night. yes, day and a symbol of longevity. go light the lanterns! fourth mistress,drink this lotus seed soup. aunt cao, someone said i couldn'tget you to serve me. who said this about our fourth mistress?
you're very precious to us now. call me anytime and i'll come. first mistress, i'm bringing thefourth mistress her food. big sister, did you do this when you werepregnant with master feipu? why don't you eat? third sister is truly a singer. even her laughter sounds like music. but that's nothing.
if fourth sister has a son... ...someone will be very unhappy. all of this food can't shutboth of you up! master asks the second mistress... go to the fourth house after lunch. the fourth mistress isn't feeling well. master wants you to giveher a back massage. she knows i can massage? of course the master told her.
it's the master's idea? it's his order. second sister, you must go. show us how you take goodcare of the master. if fourth sister feels better, won't the master be pleased? feeling better? much better. softer, second sister.
right, just like this. it can't be! are you sure it's blood? it looks like it. yes, fourth mistress. what are you up to? have you seen my white pants? i washed them. washed them? "how happily they danceand sing in the sky!"
"lush are the mountain flowersand the trees high and low!" "locked in a golden cage i pine away." "let me return to the forest tosing my carefree songs!" good, the next poem. "the moon goes down,crows cry under the frosty sky." "dimly lit fishing boats beneathmaples sadly lie." "beyond the gusu wallsthe temple of cold hill." "ringing bells reach my boat,breaking the midnight still." master, the second mistresswishes to see you.
master. fourth sister seems very tired lately. when i was pregnant... ...i nearly had a miscarriageand didn't even know it. you should ask doctor gao to come. thank you for reminding me. tomorrow, ask doctor gaoto visit the fourth mistress. yes, master. doctor gao has finished?
finished. thank you, doctor. where is the master? i must speak to him. please follow me. doctor gao...'re here. third mistress, are you better after taking my medicine? much better. only i can't sleep at night.
when i've time,i'll change the prescription. fine. how is fourth sister? i can't explain now. i'll tell you later. doctor gao! second mistress! how is fourth sister? not serious, is it? i've got to see the master first. sorry for troubling you, doctor.
not at all. please have some tea. i don't know if i should be frank. go, leave us alone. is anything wrong with songlian? master,the fourth mistress isn't pregnant. what? is it true? i checked carefully. she isn't pregnant.
you're trying to cheat me? tell me, why did you lie? don't you know we've rules in this family? rules we've been following... ...for many generations! how dare you! - cover the lanterns!- what did you say, master? cover the lanterns! yan'er...
why did doctor gao come all of a sudden? where are my white pants? i'll fetch them. a servant secretlylighting lanterns in her room! who let you put lanterns here? who do you think you are? have you no respect for the mistresses? does this family have rules or not? stop making a scene!
don't act like one of the servants. no, this is one of your rules. rules are rules, but everyone can make mistakes. let me remind you that they'vejust covered your lanterns. but i am still a mistress. mistresses are mistresses!maids are maids! big sister, the master is away... front of everyone here... be the judge. i broke a rule and theycovered my lanterns. what happens if a servant breaks the rule? follow the old custom! the first mistress said... could get up if you apologized. why do this? have her drink this hot ginger tea. it'll make her sweat.
has the doctor come? he came several timesbut she isn't improving. said to send her to the hospital. who could tell the fourth mistresswould be so vicious? yan'er shouldn't have made her angry. - housekeeper.- yes, master. get her good medicine.never mind the money. or people will say we let our servant die. fourth sister,what are you doing here so early?
i've come to listen to third sister sing. you sing so well. good or bad, it's all playacting. if you play well, you fool the others. if you play badly,you can only fool yourself. if you can't even fool yourself, you can fool the ghosts. people breathe, ghosts cannot.that's the only difference. people are ghosts, and ghosts are people.
don't mind me for saying this... ...but you shouldn't have madesuch a fuss about yan'er. she's only dreaming ofbecoming a mistress. she's only scapegoat.i was after someone else. yes, she's only a maid. someone is behind her. look how pleased zhuoyun was last night. she thinks she's so smart.i'll take care of her soon! light the lanterns, blow out the lanterns,cover the lanterns.
what do i care? what do people amount to in this house? they're like dogs, cats or rats. but certainly not people. isn't it better to hangyourself in that room? don't talk about dying. why think about what people are like?just go on living. don't be so unhappy. look at me. i always keep myself amused.
of course you're happy. you've got doctor gao. what do you mean by that? nothing. i should thank him for coming to see me. don't joke about this. if you tell anyone, you'll have me to deal with. to be honest, i'm meeting him soon.
what can they do to me? you frightened me. i thought nobody was here. master said i'd be your maid from now on. i may be old, but i'm experienced. not like those young girls. get me some wine. what? i didn't hear you. bring me some wine. today's my brithday.
your birthday? twenty. why didn't you say so earlier? i'll get the wine. the wine is here. why are you looking at me that way? yan'er is dead. she died in the hospital. when?
i don't know. they said she died calling your name. why? did she think i killed her? i'm only repeating what they said. she can't blame you. it's her destiny. where is she now? her family took the bodyback to the village. they were all crying. it was very sad. why cry?
it's better dead than alive and suffering. she's lucky to have died. fourth mistress, stop drinking!you're drunk! i'm happy today. it's my birthday. my twentieth birthday. young master, you're back? please talk to the fourth mistress. she's drunk! you're back, young master.
why are you drinking? sit down. i'm celebrating my birthday. have a drink. congratulate me. alright, i'll have some. may you live to be 99. nonsense! i don't want to live that long. save such wishes for your father. i heard what happened.
you're so foolish. how long could you lieabout being pregnant? foolish? i'm not foolish. i had it planned. at first it was a lie. but if the master stayed with me, soon it would be true. i was planning this,but they were plotting against me. everyone is plotting against each other. what is the meaning of all this?
this is from yunnan. take it as your birthday gift. only women give this to men. not the other way around. don't want it? never mind.someone gave it to me. hypocrite! which woman gave it to you? if i take it, won't my hands be soiled? i was just fooling. wasn't reallygoing to let you have it. fooling? i'm used to being fooled.
everyone is fooling me. and now you? get out! get out of here! feipu! i'm going. master! master! fourth mistress, please stop! why is she drinking? she wants to drink.
ask the first mistress formedicine to sober her up! don't go to that old witch! see how crazy you look! people will laugh! what is there to laugh at? the master likes you. meishan has gone to meether good-looking doctor. what do i have? i've nothing! nothing! she's meeting the good-looking doctor.
what do i have? nothing! when did the third mistress go out? what am i afraid of? nothing! big sister! the medicine is here. make her drink it. i won't! i'm not drunk! don't just stand there! hold that crazy woman! hold her down! quick!
get out! let her scream!let her make a fool of herself! the master's away and she'sturned the house upside down! fourth sister, are you sober now? i'm glad you told me yesterday. or there would be such a scandal! it's cold here. go back to your room. the third mistress and doctor gaowere in a hotel in town. when the second mistresshad the door opened...
...they were still in bed. such sin! did the second mistress say i told her? you told her when youwere drunk yesterday. i was so shocked. i said it? you did. i wondered why you told her. is it that you hate the doctor?
you drank a lot can't remember. what will happen to the third sister? they've gone to fetch the master. what must happen... will happen. go and rest. or you'll catch cold. such heavy snow! must be a bad year! murderers! the master is here. - master- master
the master is back. what did you see? you murderers! meishan is dead. you murderers! nonsense! what did you see? you didn't see a thing! murderers! you murderers! you're mad! you're gone mad! murderers... you murderers!
housekeeper! housekeeper! the lanterns are lit! the lanterns in the third house are lit! what... what? where? it's haunted! it's the third mistress' ghost! the third mistress is singing! the housekeeper congratulatesthe fifth mistress on her wedding.
who is that? she was our fourth mistress.she has gone mad.