wohnzimmer weiß modern

wohnzimmer weiß modern

even though oslo is a big city with a lot ofmodern buildings i think it has an original spirit to it. so, you feel like you’re in norway even though you are in a big city with a lot of tourists and a lot of people from all around the world. my name is nicolai walther wilhelmsenand i’m a photographer. my goal behind the photos is to inspirepeople to come travel to norway. i’m a really spontaneous person. for me freedom is about being ableto go wherever i want whenever i want. what i love about oslo is thatyou can be in the middle of the city and then you can take a car ten minutes out of the city and you’re in a beautiful environment.

i love being on the road. i can drive for hours. especially when i know thati’m going to a beautiful location. having this type of freedom also gives you creativity because your mind kind of opens more and you get to use your mind more because it’s free. i’m not sure when i started to besuper passionate about photography. but i think it started when i started to love nature because i wanted to capture these landscapes and share them with other people. so they can be in their living room at home and actually being part of that adventure that i’m on. but sometimes i get to caught up ingetting the perfect photo for all the people.

and i forget about actually experiencing this for myself. sometimes i have to put the camera away and just soak up all the feelings that i getfrom watching these beautiful landscapes.

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