schöne badezimmer decken

schöne badezimmer decken

alright guys so i am super excited for thisapartment tour because this week we are living in a cave. what a dream. so we are currently visiting matera in italy. this is the third oldest inhabited settlementin the whole world after aleppo and jericho and we're staying in the old town where itis all stone dwellings so when we were looking for airbnbs i was super adamant we're goingto stay in a cave. exactly. and we found one at a really good price becauseit is low season this one was only $70 but

if you go inside it is like very boutiquestyle high end but also like super rustic and cozy. so we're going to go in and we're going togive you a tour of this place. okay but now let's go indoors because it ispretty chilly. it is late november so let's give you theactual tour. it is also windy. it is. urgh. (key sounds)

okay so we are in. it is warm and toasty. i was actually kind of worried that it wouldbe super cold in winter in one of these stone dwellings but you know they've got modernconveniences so it is actually been great. i love being in here. so first up if you look up we have these likerounded ceilings. they are almost like arched ceilings whichkind of gives it that cozy cave-y type feeling. um, the floors are really cool. it is like a mix of brick and like these cooltiles.

um, and the color scheme is all very neutral. it is nice and beige which i like. yeah. i guess we should begin with this space. we're in the living area right now which isa little bit small but you know it works for two people. we have this nice little couch which we haven'treally used a whole lot. we just checked in. um, that is true.

this is super italian we've got this coolcoffee maker. i know. we had some trouble figuring out how it worksthis morning. look at the size of it and look at all ofthe different choices you have right here. like espresso, espresso lungo, espresso macchiato,cappuccino, mokaccino, latte macchiato. there is everything you could possibly imagine. there is basically options galore. and you drink your morning espresso in thistiny little cup. of course which is kind of cool.

and we went to a market and bought these littlecookies. i would call them biscotti but here it sayscantuki. so yeah, we're going to be eating these withour coffee and tea. perfect in the morning for a snack. pick me up in the afternoon. so then let's continue over to the kitchenand again we actually went to the market this morning and got a whole bunch of fresh produce. oh my gosh. vegetables.

we got an insane amount of produce for 5 euros. like our bags were full. it was crazy. i've never bought mushrooms that look so white. yes, do you want to see them? yeah, show them the mushrooms. they are so good. they look so good. so fresh.

it is like they were look at the size of thepeppers as well. they were massive. the quality of the produce was just like offthe charts. omg. looking good. look at that. isn't that beautiful. those looks like gorgeous and we're goingto throw them into the pasta tonight. of course we're having pasta.

when in italia. show the pasta that we've got. it is right over here. so we got this one. what is it called? trafilatura al bronzo. i don't even know if that is the name of thetype of pasta. but anyways that is going to be our dinner. um, this is our kitchen again super cool.

i like the wood stuff. i like the sink. yeah, this like deep sink and it looks likeit has been splattered with paint. yeah, we have the stovetop over here. yeah and why don't you show inside the cupboard. it is very compact. how they have the dishes. so this is where they store everything. yeah, those are all of the dishes right downthere guys.

i mean it is not super convenient for likewashing and drying stuff. yeah, we've been having to like wash and usethe towel. and then in here this is for the garbage. these are all of the plastic bags that i'msaving. and then quickly over here this is our workdesk and dining area. and dining area. it is compact. a cool old photo. yeah, check out the photo.

yep. and and we've got a little can you call ita balcony. you can't actually go out. no it is more just like a lookout. yeah, a little lookout. so let's try opening it. okay. so it looks like blinded by the light. but again there is a screen guys.

yeah, the views are pretty stellar i haveto say. anyways so if we continue to the next spacethis is the bedroom. again all neutral colors which is super cool. i'm just going to go over here so that weget good light. to show you. and we have like another little balcony inthis room as well. yeah, we do. and then over here there is the bed. nice big bed.

with a duvet. i love myself a good duvet. true. tv which we don't really use. we never use the tv. no. that is the secret. cool little wooden and iron nightstand. and a whole bunch of books and magazines toperuse if we feel like it.

um, i also like the storage that they have. like this old-fashioned trunk. this is looks like a it is to hang up yourlittle suit. your suit jacket. i don't think i brought my suit jacket onthis trip. you know what? the guy who checked us into the airbnb hewas so well dressed. we were like he was impeccably dressed. like his trousers looked custom fit.

like tailored. tailored. and like his tight blazer. and then i'm walking in with like all disheveledand i know with like sweatpants and having not showered because of the ferry. because we were on the ferry. yeah, it was pretty bad. haha. we have this other old like armoire maybe.

i've just thrown in my computer bag in here. but you can actually hang clothes. there is hangers in there. more storage in case we get cold and needmore blankets. true true. um there is a cool book of matera that i haven'teven opened yet. but look at that. it looks like photographs of the old city. let's see a few shots.

it is upside down. oh, there we go. that looks like our neighborhood. it totally is. totally is. come on in. oh, this is kind of cool. they have a blue light in the shower if youturn around. tada.

look at the ceiling here. all panning all the way down there is a shower. you said the shower was wonderful. the shower is amazing. it is one of those rainforest showers. oh yeah. like tropical showers which is so cool. i love that. and they also have a little handheld thing.

again a really cool sink with like splatteredblue paint. which is awesome. toilet. bidet. um and over here yeah that is the bathroom. it is quite spacious for a european bathroom. i also like all of the little details. there is like a little hanger for the towelsif you have a look. those are faces.

wow. can you see that. so yeah this has been a really really coolspot. it is probably one of my favorite. no, my favorite. my actual favorite airbnb of the year. living in a cave. there you go. so what else is there to say about this place?

do you want to go talk. yeah, i'll wrap it up on the couch here. let's do that. alright so to wrap it up let's talk aboutyour thoughts on this cool little cave-like apartment. well, i also really enjoyed it as well. it is just like this is one of the reasonswhy i like to stay in apartments versus hotels. it is like imagine just getting an experiencelike this. this is incredible.

it just adds to the whole travel experiencethat you have yes for sure when you're visiting a place like this. and so far our initial thoughts of materais that it is an incredible city to explore on foot. mmmhmmm. it is the kind of place where you just wantto get lost, go down back-alleys. you know. check out different viewpoints. it is just there is surprises around everycorner.

yeah, it is an amazing place to wander aroundfor sure. and in terms of the price to get $70 us dollarsis a steal. normally this place i think runs for it isa hundred dollars. um, yeah we got a really good deal partlybecause it is offseason i also think partly because we booked it for multiple nights. yeah, unlike other places we are not stayingfor a full week. we only have 4 nights. we originally were going to have 5 but wehad that issue with the ferry. our ferry was canceled.

uh. so we have less time here than we anticipatedso that means we are not going to be doing too much work. we're going to be doing mostly exploring. yes. and yeah we definitely recommend coming hererenting this type of accommodation. a cave. yeah, like how often do you get to rent acave. how often do you get to stay in a cave?

like for real. so um yeah come to matera get a place likethis and just enjoy being here. um, that is our biggest tip. so we will see you guys soon. we will have um more food videos from here. tata.

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