kleine würmchen badezimmer

kleine würmchen badezimmer

let go of ego what is ego? for those who don’t know, it’s me, me, me. and when you think “me, me, me”, you cannot go to supra-consciousness. humility. how do you say humility? kenkyo: humility.

this is the most important tool to open the gate of supra-consciousness. in the teaching of elohim that i transmit to you, there is a... it’s inside: it's in the symbol of elohim. like i explained yesterday, there is no “now” and there is no “here”.

and we are everywhere and nowhere and we are everything we are everything, and nothing. we are nothing. we are the most wonderful thing in the universe and dust. we are kings and queens of infinity

and worms, mimizu. the biggest problem of people in humanity: they only think about themselves. ego. when you are a little child, no. you feel part of everything. you look at flowers, you are a flower.

you look at a snail, you are a snail. and slowly, education makes you being very important. from school, and it starts before school. your family. most of the families

are very proud of the family name, which is nothing. i am proud to be a dupont! proud to be a smith! i don’t know what is the most common name in japan? i am proud to be a suzuki! totemo baka: completely stupid. we don’t have name. our family names,

where they comes from? the first human beings created by elohim, they had no family name. just they called adam and eve but no family name. and for a very long time until very recently people have only first name. little name. shisa...? little name

and to recognize, because they have children and children, it was peter, son of paul, son of george. and they recognize people like that. i am mary, daughter of george, daughter of paul, there was no family name. but the kings they wanted to have money, tax.

there was no photography. so they couldn't recognize who pay tax and who don’t pay tax. so they created family name. in every country. don’t be proud of your family name! it’s a number. instead of number it’s letters but it’s nothing, it’s shit. it’s bullshit.

family name, the king decided that ok, we need to give a family name, like that we can collect tax. so for example in france, people living near a bridge were called dupont, “near the bridge”. du pont. and those living near the forest:

dubois (from the woods), that’s all. every family name is where or job: boulanger “bread maker” boucher, “meat seller” dupuis, from the... where you have the water? a well. “from the well”.

english same. carpenter. famous singer, the carpenters. family name carpenter. black, yellow, every family name every race, given by the king. it exactly like if they didn't have mathematics at this time. nobody knew mathematics. if not, you would have a number,

instead of family name. you would be 100 250 for example. and you family father would say: “be proud to be a 100 500” so stupid! but i know in asia, in china especially: “ah, we need to have a son" to keep... "to keep the family name!”

no baby is born with a family name. everywhere in the world, everywhere in the world, is the same thing. so, family names, there is nothing to be proud of. and there is no need to keep it. remember: the first human being made by elohim didn't have family name. nobody has family name.

your real name is your dna. and that’s difficult to remember. each of you have a name. that’s what the bible said each human being, each animal, each plant have a name. and stupid christian think: “ah they have a name”.

it’s a dna. which is very long to say: a c g t a c a c c c g t a … very difficult. your dna, my dna, which is very similar to every animal and every plant. very little difference in the dna of pig and human. that’s why we can use a pig kidney and transplant to human. even with a mouse, very little difference.

between you! very little difference, but there is. you all have a different dna. this is your real name. but it’s your name. it’s different from your father, different from your mother. and if you have children it will be different.

your dna happened only one time in history of humanity. and you have to be proud of this. this is beautiful. you are unique. only you have this dna. not a family, not your brother, not your sister, only you,

but it is dust. before, you didn’t exist and when you die it disappears. mimizu (worm). be a little worm, proud to be you and humble in front of the universe. but education,

after the family which say you are a dupont you are a suzuki. be proud to be a suzuki! which is very stupid. after, the school comes: you are french. be proud to be french or chinese,

or japanese or korean or american. completely stupid! you are not american, chinese, french! from the sky you don’t see any border on earth. you are human beings. there is no difference. oh a little difference in the eyes, color of skin.

when you see cats, you see a black cat a white cat, you don’t make a difference. “oh there is a cat!" nobody says: “oh there is a black cat” or “there is a brown cat”, no. “there is a cat” and that’s for human beings, human beings. are we human beings?

can we be proud of being human beings? you can have in the universe beings who are not human. can be looking like spiders, or dolphins and same level of intelligence and supra-consciousness, as us.

can we feel superior to them? no! the level of supra-consciousness is important. that’s what we are. we must never be proud to be suzuki, chinese, french, black,

yellow, or human. we must only be proud of having supra-consciousness. and when we reach this level, we feel one with every supra-consciousness of the universe. the level of consciousness is higher and higher. at the lowest level:

“i am proud to be a member of my family” huge ego. my family first. other people can die. my village first. other villages we fight. my country first. other countries are dangerous. chinese say japanese is dangerous.

japanese,... japanese say chinese is dangerous! north korea say south korea is dangerous! north switzerland say south switzerland is dangerous! no. and then comes the stupid idea of star wars. extra-terrestrials are dangerous.

we must protect the human race. aliens. monsters from space. all the stupid hollywood movies. and then you reach higher level, where there is absolute love. so from the village, family name,

to the nations, to the races: “whites are better than blacks" "i love white i don’t like black people” to higher: “we love human" "aliens are dangerous”. you reach the top: when there is love

for everybody. and the elohim are watching us. not only the elohim, an infinite number of extraterrestrial civilizations are watching us. and when they see that we fight between nations for a piece of land, for different religions,

for different color of skin, they cry and they say: “poor human beings" "we cannot have contact with them”. "for just being black or white, they are terrible." "imagine if we, extraterrestrials looking like spider" "we come on earth" "they (we) will kill everybody. "

so they stay far away from us. the earth is for all extraterrestrial advance civilizations a no-fly zone. like in some countries, like new york there are some places where there is dangerous mafia people never go there. because there are gangs, it's dangerous. all the word civilizations look at the earth like that. abunai! (dangerous)

“did you see what happened to earth?” they are talking about us. they are watching our news. and they say: “wow!" "they are not ready." humanity will be ready one day, by raising the level of consciousness. how? with love. and love,

and supra-consciousness is the same. when you reach supra-consciousness there is only love. intelligence, is war. intelligence is violence. the bombing of hiroshima is a fruit of intelligence.

you have to be very intelligent to create an atomic bomb. but, no love. intelligence is a thinking brain. war is the fruit of a thinking brain. being proud to have a family name is a thinking brain. being proud to be chinese or japanese or french is a thinking brain. it’s terrible,

it’s garbage. nobody is born chinese. nobody is born french. we are born with a supra-consciousness. but then education brings us down. and the most terrible thing in schools, especially in japan: competition.

competition which is the top ego trip. competition is “i am better than you”. and many students in japan commit suicide because they are pushed to study and remember and be better than others. this is pure ego. and then you reach professional level: competition! everybody want to make more money than other people

and more money and have a bigger house a bigger car. everybody look neighbors: “oh he has a bigger car than me" "then i go to the bank, i ask money to have a bigger car” competition. all life. and people are so conditioned to this ego trip of competition

that from children to adult and even death: they want to have a more beautiful tomb than others. “look, i am dead but my tomb is bigger than yours!” i love cemeteries. i enjoy visiting cemeteries. wow! some people... i enjoy! i laugh a lot. this is big big stones. wow! some people just a little hole.

but inside: same bones! same ashes, same dust. we are dust. for a short time, we can be very selfish, pure ego, or supra-consciousness and love. as soon as you let go of competition

or ego, then love comes. instead of saying “i want to be better than you” your brain thinks: “i want to help this person" "to be better than me” completely different. you know when you wake up in the morning, i will teach you a beautiful meditation. are you ready?

ok, normal people, they wake up, less light please in the room, a little bit less and here also. merci, thank you. less in the room, yes ok. and normal people wake up, most of the people: “oh what a terrible day!”

“oh look at this face!” their face in the mirror. ...waah!... ... ahhh!... "losing my hair, older" and look outside: “oh it’s raining” “oh i come to okinawa seminar and it’s raining!” you know who is thinking that. “i could go on the beach, in the swimming pool, it’s raining”

and then: ”oh this room, i have not a good seat." and i know i cannot find good girlfriend again." "every year i come i try to have a good girlfriend and no” and negative, and negative. they wake up and they expect their day to be terrible. and it is. if they expect the day to be very bad, the day will be very bad.

that’s the lowest, majority of people. and everything in the society is made to make people like that: politicians, religions, everything, advertising, everything. so, these people they wake up negative,

they put the tv or radio, there is a war, many people die, there is a tsunami, there is a thunderstorm, inflation, you will lose your job, to make everybody afraid. and if you are christian,

you wake up: already guilty. when you open your eyes, oh! i am guilty. i am guilty, of the original sin of my ancestors. and i will pay all my life for the sin of my ancestors. then, you say "ok let’s forget with some sex" "masturbation, oh! forbidden."

"ok. i need to go to work." then read the bible: to go heaven you need to be poor. ok. so the life of christians is terrible. but less and less people are christian, thankfully. then you have next step, a minority of people

who practice positive thinking. it’s good. it’s still not the best but it’s good. they wake up, ah, what kind of wonderful think will happen to me today? it’s better than negative. but it is not still not good, but it’s better. you can try that level if you are at the first level of negative you go to this one. step by step.

next step: “ah, what wonderful thing will happen to me today?” you go to the bathroom, look in the mirror, wow, what a beautiful boy, what a beautiful girl! oh i love myself! ah i love my job. i go to work with happiness.

oh it’s raining! great! my garden will be more beautiful. you are in the seminar, it’s raining: wonderful! we can have more communication with other raelians. everything positive. and if you expect positive thinks, your day will be positive. but this is not the supra-consciousness.

this is me, me, me. what wonderful things will happen today to me. you don’t think about others. so the highest step which is supra-consciousness, you wake up and you think about love. what can i do today to give love to somebody? to make someone

happier? what can i give today to other people? if possible to somebody i don’t know. yes, i want to make happy my family or people living with me, yes, my friends, yes, but that’s not enough. how can i make the world a better place?

how can i find a way to help people i don’t know, feeling love? because giving love to your wife or your boyfriend is easy. ok, simple, but going outside of your house, you have thousands of people you don’t know, and you put your brain in auto pilot.

who can i help? to whom can i give love? can be an old woman with a heavy bag, and you go and help her. can be somebody blind trying to cross the street and you go and help. can be a child crying and you go and say "what’s happened to you?" and you help. it can be a man or woman alone and crying,

and you talk, say “what's happen?” you give time. there is no ego, you only think about others and then you make the world a better place, because, everybody you give love to will be surprised, in this world of selfishness, suddenly, they will say "wow!" ”some people are good” and then they will do the same to others,

because it's contagious, like a disease. when you give love to people you don’t know, they want to do same and it spreads everywhere. that’s how we can save humanity. not by thinking about me, me, me. me, me, me is hiroshima,

fukushima, war, army, nations, that, for sure, 100% sure, will destroy humanity. and my mission is to save humanity.

can i do it alone? no, sorry. i would love to have a little magic and stick and poum! i save the world. i cannot. but with your help, if each of you

feel another maitreya, because you are all maitreya, i am trying to make you maitreya. everybody, maitreya and maitreyette! everybody, girls, boys, transsexual, homosexual. does not mind, does not matter.

together, if we spread this love and this supra consciousness, we can save the world. we, we are born for that. i was born for that. the elohim created me to do that and they also created you for that. you know why you are born.

everybody in this room, except some curious people who just came because they are curious, they want to see sexual orgies, raelians are cult, sex cult, but the most of you, the real raelians, you were born with something different of others,

not by accident, and you know from little boy and little girl, you were different of others. others were laughing of you because you were different, more pure, more dreamer and all the stupid boys and girls, “ahahah”.

and here you are. and we are the same. when i was at school, they were also laughing of me. all other boys were bullying me because i was loving love, not competition, not violence. and you were same. and here we are.

and why are we on this planet? to save humanity. very little job, huge. but it's our mission and together we can. with simple things, very simple things,

just giving love. how many people? five hundred people, michio? 500 here. you start, you must start right here. you must start right here to give love. look at the seat left and right of you. look, do you know who is sitting beside you? do you know?

this is a human being like you. maybe next year or tomorrow, he will be dead. every second, we can die. myself, i am not sure i will be alive at the end of my speech. every second, it is possible, suddenly, uhhhh! finish.

hello, daddy i am coming. every second. i am ready. and you need all be ready. but look right and left. it's possible, it happened before that one raelian died in seminar. look right and left, this person, this unique person may not be here tomorrow

or next year. take the hand, left and right, forget your pen for just one second, feel this human being like you, these brothers and sisters loving elohim and willing to save humanity by giving love, that’s our mission.

message is beautiful: “we created humanity in laboratory, bla bla bla”. yes. it's not the most important. the most important is love. it is a love story. so, let go off the hand. you will feel one together. but now, in your imagination take the hand of all humanity,

feel one with everybody in africa, in iraq, in palestine, every people suffering, take their hand, spiritually and send love. and commit yourself to say i want to help this planet

to heal the world and then you can start in this seminar. you should not leave this five days seminar, five days, without having hug at least one time everybody. it's crazy to spend five days with maitreya and not hugging everybody at least one time,

not every day. at least one time. because you sit always on the same chair you sit always on the same chair, and you hug the same people, the one you now. how are you? hello! please, at least every morning say hello to five or six people you never say hello before. i saw that happening one time

in france. two people in a bar, raelians, of course they recognized me and they came to say hello. and they were at the seminar. and one said to me: “oh, it was seminar, i was so good last summer” and the other one say: “i was there also!"

they didn't know each other! that’s terrible. so please, before leaving, make sure…. don’t choose the sexy girls, of course everybody wants to hug sexy girls. choose the old people, our friend from china, 85 years old, everybody should hug her one time.

all the people who have problem, we have one person who is blind, we have many people, give love to everybody. not sexually attractive, it's not sex. just love. and then you can change the planet. if we don't bring more love between us,

how can we give more love to humanity? you must love each other so much that just people watching from outside, say: “wow" "they love each other so much" "i want to know what is their philosophy” because what is important you spread? eh? bad raelians: message, message, message! "i have a message for you!" ok! people say "ok, ok" like jehovah witness,

like scientology. no, just be the message. yesterday was wonderful. yesterday, one person came and said, "this person, this raelian was so happy" that i wanted to know her philosophy. who was that? yesterday i heard somebody said that.

"i met a raelian who was so happy that i wanted to know." who was it? yes, yes. yes. yes! nobody came and said “read the message, read the message!” and people put a public thing: message! some people: just your happiness. that’s the love you have in your eyes when you look at other people. your smile for no reason. laughing for no reason,

this is the message. not the elohim came and nanana nanana... be love, give love and then people want to know: why you are so happy, like this wonderful woman. this is the best tool, the love you give

to yourself first, to your brothers and sisters and to everybody. then, you change the planet. do you want to help me save humanity? one more time. translation first. do you want to help me save humanity?...

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