klassisches badezimmer schwarz weiss

windows, what's about the atomic bomb? the trigger is stuck.... i don't understand how this could happen. the end of world started a few hour ago. my sisters, me, dooffy the vampirehuntress and her friend windows has to fight against a demon army.
the future of humanity depends only if window can start this atomic bomb. that gets my goat! and this morning everything began so nicely. oh, phydschyy... here is a personality test for you: how to balance one's life as a modern woman and modern witch?
first question: my boyfriend is a demon, what am i supposed to do? 1) killing him without hesitation. 2) converting to a demon-queen 3) i'm a virgin, i don't have a boyfriend. pepper? has deo repaired the washer yet?
no. but i will remind him of doingthat. do you want some more tea? and you phydschyy? oh, i have to go to work. hey phydschyy, what about the washingup? turn around and go back. girls, we have a problem. so what? this is not new to me. we have prevented the end of the world
about two weeks ago. fine. but this time it is much more worse! tell me more! hmm... well... once upon a time, a meteorite hit theearth. the main part of the meteorite vaporized in the atmosphere or evaporated when clashing the earth.
but a small part of very particular material has bome up under the impact. if the meteorite is activated properly it grants its user absolute power. may i have the honey... whilst cooling down the meteorite fell apart into three parts: a big,
a medium and a small one. the big one is guarded by the founders. the smallest one was found 1000 years ago and is owned by a vampire. the medium part was dug out by geologists last week.
but a demon killed them all and took away the meteorite. the single parts are useless. but at the time when somebody brings all parts together... ...then.... then tit's the end of world. as usual.... what do we have to do this time?
first you have to find out which demon got hold of the meteorite and then take it away from him. easy. secondly you will have to guard the big meteorite no way. the founders can do it themselves the founders think
that you are perfect for this job. what about the third part? don't worry about that. i will call dooffy and she will takecare of that. dooffy??? this bitch dressed in way too tight outfits and killing vampires? you want us to work with this amateur?
oh noooo....impossible never....ever i will place the meteorite here. i'm off, honey. who is going to do the dishes? i did it yesterday! your turn! stupid vision! was this funny move supposed to be anupper cut?
sweet. i'll show you how to box. do you really think you can stand achance? i'm the vampire hunter! didn't somebody teach you to switch off your phone whilst fighting? now, that's a weird ring tone!! it's mine...
hi windows, have you slept well? what shall i buy? buns and yam? for an evocation? ah for the breakfast... windows, are you still there?? what did you say? i didn't catch it... who called?
a meteorite.... two...three meteorites what? yes...yes tell me later. it's a birthday present of blade. isn't it cute? it's made from stainless steel... ...and has a silver-coating. what do you prefer?
classic or modern? ma que bello il lasermodus proper geniale! 2000 shots per minute in ultra fast fire mode. and thanks to the stabiolisatori so the precision is simply phenomenal
and you have surely constate the new starbuster light 2002 xgak is...how do you say?? "light as a feather." there is a guarantee for 2000 running hours eternal standby and everything ma que bello ehh you have found the sonistruktor
so fucking great! ecco, here you can change the power. this was just in piccolo modus. you have il grande modus. eben, provaci la grande try it! bello il sonystruktor, ?? but this is nothing
against this next one. it's called: fuocco del dragone how do you say that in english? dragon fire! that is the most favorite function on this gun. just push there! you have the technique
of a maestro, signore!! molto bravo ?? i just tell you, you get this gun and in a few days your sword-swinging demon-mob will become an elite hightech army. what is this button for? mamma mia no,
don't push this button please... my lord, i have been looking for you! i have heard, that an idiot has killed hundreds of demons whilst manipulating a weapon. do you want me to find and torture him? i never want to hear about
this incident again. it is even forbidden to think about it! what did you want to tell me? it's about the 3 legendary meteorites... the meteorites are useless as long as the third part remainslost. but the third part
has been found! what?? don't stare so daffy! if i am in possession of the 3 meteorites... ...the world will be mine. i can have everything what i want to have....and... tell all demons, that they will
be rewarded generously in case they bring me a meteorite. as you like, my lord! if i heard right: i have to go and hunt the vampire who has this meteorite and take it away from him. yep! a demon has the third meteorite?
shall i go, too? no, the hellway-sister will do that. hellway?? are you talking about that weird girls running around in miniskirts killing demons? exactly! they don't have the faintest idea ofmagic and very little power.
why do we have to work which such fools anyway? well... i'm going to sleep. what? are you crazy? you have to look for the meteorite. that can wait till tonight. tonight, everybody in hell will know about it. we have to hurry up.
do you want me to check all caves and garages in town? of course not. i will detect the meteorite withmagic. fine. i will take a shower. it is safe here. nobody will look in the toilet for a meteorite. we have to prepare
for an upcoming demon attack. it's best if you write the spells and i prepare some magic potions. you prepare the magic juice??? of course! go, we need a spell. ??? ????? ?? i have one!
stupid demon... i can't read this... demon from the hell-what does that means? is it "e" or "a"?? from the... halll? hell! hell hall what??.. turn to dust!
why dust? turn to dust... quickly! and leave the floor clean... why doesn't it work? there are too many spelling errors!! bullshit... stupid is written with a p and not ab. there should be a comma here.
demon is written with only one m. alright, i will do it again. i shouldn't have done your homework back then. stupid demon from hell, turn to dust quickly quickly and leave the floor clean clean. shutout defeat!
what's this: o 7 34 8 o n 47 31 69 these are coordinates. i wasn't able localise the meteorite properly. so i gave you these coordinates. you only have to go there and find out which vampire has the meteorite.
can't you do it like every normalwitch? it's pretty simple map and pendular. no, i'm connecting myself directly tothe gps: only amateur witches are using a pendular. gosh prã¼! aren't you able to control your telekinesis?
i have told you a thousand times, that you shouldn't throw demons headlong into the wall! great! i just saved your live and you criticise me?!? deo deo... what do you do?
prã¼ has again dashed a demon into the wall. you have to scrape the brain off the wallpaper or there will be again stains left. well? i assume the demon having themeteorite is somewhere in kleinhã¼nigen. okay phyydschy, we will go there.
prã¼? you are staying here with deo. phyydschy and me will go to kleinhã¼nigen and look for the meteorite. let's go. phyydschy, i can't find my keys? alright, i will try to find them. yes please!
have you found them? drop the pendular! i can't... wuahhhh.... phyydschy...for god's sake!! pepper help me!!! no! watch out! the toilet... attention! pull! stronger... my god, it is heavy!!
and pull even stronger, stronger heave...ho! now, we know were the car key is. and how do we get it out?? deo will manage that. do you have an meteorite? quoi? a me-te-o-rit-e? comment?
oh no, it's an alsacien guy. je cherche un må½teor un pierre qui vole dans le ciel est boum! forget it... hey phydschy, i found the second key! we can go by car! what's going on?
that's weird. the car doesn't start! deo come on, the car broke down!! deo, fix the car! this is going to take some time. yes, possibly. i hope, we will still find the demon. deo? are you finished?
do you know how complex a car is? deo.... ...yes, go on... what's going on? demons? no demons! we will take the tramway. meanwhile, deo will finish repairing the car. we'll later on talk
about your dream. she has tachycardia. we have to defibrillate. i need gel. crap, the tube is empty, what shall we do? 300 volt, go away! we need more adrenaline! 20'000 volt!
asystoly. she is dead. let me do that. that's my area of expertise. oh no..she again! we will never find that demon. he's already left. look, over there! this wall looks weird. let's have a look?
physdschy, don't touch it! here are again two witches who lose themselves. your magic doesn't work well done, vreni! come here! sit! sit i said! top quality!
this leads us to the issue of: are you virgin? no -no that's stupid... bello only eats virgins. blond ones... 90-60-90 bello is that bello?
no, that's vreni... this is bello. yes, i know that these girls are no virgins! do you have an idea of how difficult it is to find virgins who look like top models? no, you will not get vreni! eat these witches and be quiet!
vreni don't worry, he will not eat you! damn phyydschy, i told you that you shouldn't have put the ork's eyes into the same glass with the unicorn ovary. you know what happend?? as i mixed it with the onion liquor... what's this fuss?!?
it's typical... instead of hunting demons you are sitting here having fun and i have to do the donkey work! why are you behaving as if a huge monster was standing right behind me?! bello, spit out this astralprojection. you will get diarrhoea from it!
stop this bullshit! phyydschy run! stop it! bello, catch them! so much about the meteorite. this is your fault! why did you have to touch that wall?? even as a kid i used to tell you, to keep the fingers off the rã¶sti!
oh, a message. it's by pru. she doesn't feel like doing an astralprojection anymore... if you had just been eaten by amonster you wouldn't be pleased to do it againeither. she has mixed the monkey vomitus with the elbes intensins... and now there is smoke...
she wants to know if this is a bad sign? didn't you say that you have always wanted a new kitchen? s new kitchen? what? hi, windows? hello! it's the 8th time this month that
i have to reanimate you! be more careful! it's your job, sweety! i will not die anymore - this week! thanks a lot...very kind of you! you there..wait a moment! can you clean this? for once. it's disgusting...
...all this blood! they will try to lick it off... not anymore! good job... thanks guys, let's go on! do you have an meteo.... damn, to late. dooffy, your jacket!
do you remember the last reanimation you got a cold... i have to go now... i have a date at the beauty salon. bye!! greetings by tara! i have already asked you!-"holy water"- have you lost your brain in thenirvana? feel free to look for it there.
we are back. we still haven't found the demon. is deo still cleaning the kitchen? or is he demolishing it? no, i was able to throw the ape's puke out of the window before it has exploded. prã¼, no!
where are you hiding the meteorite? i can feel it. it is here! you stupid witches! i will kill you! you will roast in hell like sausage on a barbecue! what was that? nothing happened.
is this the end of it? how have you become a demon? i won a darwin award! and how did you do it? i needed gun powder, hence i opened a grenade with a chain saw. was the fireball too hot? did you burn your fingers?
do you need a plaster? you have to practise a little more. shall i help you? no. no... no problem. ...go on cleaning the garden oh sweetie pie, you scared me to death! uhh, i broke a finger nail.
god, everything is dirty. i have to clean it up quickly, otherwise the stains might remain. look at that! a hole!! i have to be careful or the hole will become bigger and then the cloth will be useless. it gets bigger and bigger.
you know, little girl, famous vampires like me have to take care of everyday stuff,too this woody, spiky thing here? i'm hunting. cute! a hunter! all these job opportunities you have nowadays. in former times, this was only
a man society. real men with leather boots and hunter hats. they used to carry big double-barrelled guns. but this has become old-fashioned today wood spikes are en vogue again. as i understand it. what do you mean by hunting???
wild sows and bunnies?? or the other stuff, you know what i mean??? other stuff... i'm the vampire-hunter! i'm not afraid of you. i'm baron draculasz. the nephew of count dracula.
watch out, you are smoking? stay calm. i just want to know whether you have a meteorite? we once had a family-meteorite. it was a heirloom from father to son handed on over 158 generations.
i sold it a couple of years ago, and had a new kitchen built in my chateau in france. with a steamer and induction cooking stove. my regards to dracula. be careful with your spike! do you know how expensivse this suit was?
chees, that's heavy! watch out, the floor. attention...slowly...carefully! forget it! we will never get it inside. but it is safer here than in the bathroom. no... it's too small. phyydschy, do you need help?
nooo... it's funny to contend against avampire. a vampire? shouldn't we help her? if dooffy can do it, phyydschy can also manage it. it's not difficult to fight a half-dead human. good morning!
good morning! we are representatives of the "new-christian-society-for maintenance-of-religion-and-morality" ncsfmram may we present our organisation completely non-committing to you? come in. don't worry. my sister likes to beat up demons.
d...de..demons? right now she is fighting a vampire i don't know why. please take a seat. ah, i understand you are preparing for carneval? can somebody call dooffy? this vampire sucks.
i would never call such an amateur. give me the phone, i'll do it myself. it's up to you. here! thanks. what did you want to talk about? we are from ncsfmarm. our organisation wants to assure
and support christianity. a lot of persons are drifting into the dark. that is why ethics and religion are threatened hi dooffy, phyydschy here. we have a problem: a vampire burst into our house and now tries to kill pepper.
we have developed a system to stop the decay. for example: a book of very rigorous rules that will lead people onto the right path. as an example no cigarettes, no alcohol,
no drugs, and no co..co..coitus. you mean sex? don't say it, it's blasphemy. the co..coitus may only be used for children bearing. what?! witch blood tastes better??? who tells these tall stories?
anyway just tell me how i can kill this vampire? we also prohibit evolution theory and every physical laws not stated in the bible. sun light? but it's sunny outside. ...a daywalker???
what? his mother born when he became a vampire? the other way round! be more explicit... blade? never heard about him... physical laws?? thermo dynamics, quantum mechanics,
hmo-theory, tetrahedral transition state, lanthanid contraction... furthermore, we postulate a dramatic censorship of television: no violence, no naked people, no ominous activity... a picket?
we don't have something like that... ...at a pinch a chair leg will do aswell? we claim for only one channel where there are masses and preaching of the pope, and other religious activity to be watched. sounds very american?! no, they are more crazy in the states.
phyydschy, do something. i'm running out of time. yes, shit... what? it needs to be made from wood? for supporting our organisation you can buy various authentic items. phyydschy! don't touch this chair! grandma gave birth to mum on it! for example this wonderful
interactive dvd "praying for beginners" or the eternal best-seller or the holy toast of salt lake city. when toasting it, a picture of the virgin mary appears. or this crucifix made by teenagers in our indoctri...er... self-discovery camp.
it is available in different sizes. may i have... what's your problem, you stupid cow? you didn't help us at all. nanny goat. oh you... isn't that yours? what you think about demons and witches in your organisation?
witches and demons are fantasycreatures. they don't exist and are forbidden. and what about angels? angels? yes of course, but we can't see them. are you sure? yes, it's written in the bible. yeah, but now pay close attention...
deeooooo! are you convinced? that's not an angel. he doesn't have any wings. deo, beam the couch away. now they have killed my favourite sorcerer.... are you listening to me or why are you gaping so foolishly?
i always listen to you, my king! the hellway-sisters are killing all my demons. do you see!!! these are your so called "well-trained" demons!! but my lord..it isn't my... shut up! stupid demon, that's unfair!
i will manage the hellway-sisters themselves! i need to fend for myself. deo has been working such a long time despite there was only fuel missing... yes that's deo... he is so cuddly! left? yes.
crap, i lost the signal. phyadschy! come here. something is moving there. you see? let's check that out. i didn't know that demons do that,too. good afternoon. we have some questions.
are you from the fuzz? no. 10 francs per gram... actually... we are looking for a meteorite. everybody wants a meteoritetoday. i used to have one. and where is it now? a evil guy with a black
batman cape came here and bought it. phyydschy, thus guy will surely go to our house. let's hurry. hey ladies! do you have fire? of course. good morning, have you had nice dreams?
i'm looking for a meteorite? a meteorite... ...do you have one? you have no chance! and much less if you use a japanese cooking knife. drop the stake! that's unfair! vampires usually only carry
knifes or primitive weapons. why do you have guns?? look, a garlic merchant! hi everybody! i forgot to ask... just wait. i'm looking for a meteorite, do you have one? a me-te-o-rite
that's a stone flying through space and sometime it drops on the earth... bullshit. didn't you learn anything at school? what do you mean? do you understand me, if i speak high german? yes, damn!
i used to be professor in astronomy really? tell me the difference between a meteorite and an asteorid! i don't give a shit. i have passed all my exams. you should care. there is a fundamental difference. perhaps you are looking
for an asteroid and not a meteorite?? what are you going to do do if i gave you an asteroid and not a meteorite? that would be downright silly, right? yes, it would be silly. sit down! a meteorite mainly consist of silicate or iron nickel alloy.
it is a like stone. it has an extraterrestrial origin it crosses the atmosphere and crashes on the ground. and an asteroid... ...is a small planet-like orb which can be found on keplerian orbits. okay...i'm really looking for a meteorite.
do you have one? nope... furthermore, there are also comets. but then we have also comets. comets exhibit a visible trail. they travel on strongly ecliptic... professor? yes? i can't remember
....what is agno3? agno3? that's silver nitrate... but you don't find that in comets. comets are mainly consist of ice and and...and...and dirt. yes..and..and and phyydschy?
have you found the meteorite demon? where is he? right in front of our house... to be more precise: he is in our house! i'm the sewer, ruler of all demons. give me the third meteorite and i will try to ionise you
as softly as possible. telekinesis? i was able to cope with that when i was a baby. gosh, pepper! you are able to freeze, you don't need to destroy everything. buh... freezing yes freezing, now!
i can't hold it any longer, we need more weapons. magic juice thrower! demon cutter, highly concentrated! fun is over. are you going to give me yourmeteorite? yes or no? no!!! what's that?
that's our power of the three. i completely forgot that. you can't win against our power. alright. now i will eliminate your witcheries: enemene mein, end all witcheries. witch witch! oh no!
what do we do now? shit! i have accidentally eliminated my ownwitcheries! i didn't mean to be harsh when mentioning the ionisation. i checked up in the light absorbing book appendix f. it reads: you will get back your witcheries
if you bisect the sewer. cut in halves? in real or metaphorically speaking? in real. no, the other way. gosh deo, can't you help us instead of shooting? we lack a demon bisection in our family archive.
i have a bad hair day. i found it... there's something wrong. take cover! that's disgusting. a real mess. deo, the vacuum cleaner. come here, i found the meteorite.
the meteorite is in here. what are you doing? eating. what? fighting makes me hungry. fighting? you didn't fight at all. get the meteorite out of here. in the garden, please!
no, not stabbing! durgol doesn't want to die! i have one question only. only one question? only one little question. a treasure? yes, there was something about it... don't give her our treasure. why not?
she promised not to kill us. crap, vampire hunter kills vampire. i will hand it out anyway. as you like it. who are you talking to? you aren't schizophrenic, are you? schizo.. schizophrenic? wait, we have to check it out.
hey, you, are we schizophrenic? schizo, of course not! okay, it's unanimous we are totally normal... great, that we could make that clear! what about the meteorite? take it away. no, i don't want to. let us go now.
okay, as you like it. we are a good team. yes, i agree. hey dooffy, i hate these vampires. look, i organised you an gps. you just enter the coordinates and an arrow points you the way. it's really fool-proof...
i already have that! ok you don't need it anymore. hi! we have found our meteorite... oh, you too... okay, we are waiting for you. see you. i'll be back. what were you up to?
you are dirty... ...up! you shouldn't dress in dressy clothes if you are emptying a vacuum cleaner bag. up! you have to put on old clothes for that. men...
look, the 2 losers have just arrived. hey, you two! why did you need so much time? did you get stuck in a cloud?? i just cleaned up before. take off your shoes! or deo will beam them away. take down your arms...my god. dirty stuff....
come in, be careful with the rock. watch out, phyydschy... i don't want any scratches on the cupboard... move to the side... slowly! slowly, slowly and depose itcarefully. attention, the stone floor!
i'm an expert, let me do that. dooffy? here, the tiny one. and the other one? deo? deo? now, i'm the most powerful person on this planet and i will mop you up. windows?
can we go on?? the only way to destroy the meteorites is to.... don't you have an anathema to keep the demons away? haven't we killed you already?? killing?? killing me??? you can't kill me that easily.
i'm... i'm the most powerful demon on earth. damn! attack! samunhapra! your majesty? get the book! which book? the book!
ah, this book get out, i have to do that by myself. sure, your majesty. wait! tell all demons to assemble in the great hall. as you wish, your majesty! one moment!
you know, afterwards i will have god-like power. this... this we have to celebrate. shall i get some virgins? to sacrifice them? not today... just put the champagne in the fridge?
champagne... world domination... i'm coming! stupid microphone! dear demons... thanks to my new forces, we can finally obtain world domination. we will go to the surface and
kill everyone who tries to thwart us. to enhance your strength... i will make you resistant to magic..... stupid microphone. you are back. and...what's new? i have a bad and a good news. first:
the founders all think, that you have to do something. idiots... and second: the sewer immunized all demons against magic. no... when will the demon start the attack?
i assume... now! it's best if we establish an overview. windows, can you beam us closer? no, the sewer will be able to detect us with his new powers. we can go by car. deo, get the car. don't you have broomsticks? you're crazy...
none of us is harry potter. wait... we will not fit in the car. we are 6 persons. did you need a calculator to figure that out, you amateur witch? the hunter has superpowers. she can keep up with the car.
great...good idea... are you done with your chicks war? a guardian angel who drives a car? that's suicide. shabby witch you are surely not able to drive acar. knucklehead, you bitch! vampire-spiking pretender! foolish angel!
know-it-all! stop it, we are not in kindergarten. we can't go by car. there will be demons everywhere. okay...that's true...right we could have a look into the crystal ball?! crystal ball?
you don't see anything in this blurred black-and-whitepicture. we can connect it to the beamer with a surround composition and make some popcorn. good idea...why not? the end of the world is near and you want to make popcorn. you are completely crazy.
no birdbrain. the beamer is a good idea. i have an old optical fiber converter in the cellar, we could use this as interface. okay... it can't get any more worse.... phyydschy, look for the crystal ball.. pepper, get the beamer.
what did you want to say just before.. hå h?? about the destruction of the meteorite. yes...you know... we will have to destroy it because the sewer gets almighty powers from it.
but we will need an extremely big detonation to destroy such a massive rock. let's start! windows beam yourself to russia, find an atom bomb. i think that should be enough. no, it's out of question that this zealous witch
runs wild trough world history with an atom bomb. deo, go with her. i will not let a guardian angel beam me up. they're responsible for allbeam-accidents. i can't find volume 7 of the light-absorbing book. have you seen it?
wait...i'm thinking... volume 12 and 18 are on my bedsidetable. and... prã¼ has volume 8 it might be in the bathroom yes, there it could be. i will see. indeed, it was in the bathroom. here it is:
in porcita in vulnera... when will deo and this silly witch finally come back? where is the bomb? in the garden. deo is rematerializing it. in the garden?? in hollywood movies, nuclear heads
are only this big... it's an ancient model, but the only one that had been unprotected. that was my loveliest flowerbed! see that you fix it again otherwise no sex... ...ehh no dessert for you anymore.. listen carefully!
it will be a hard and painful fight. and not everybody will survive. but we will save the world without lamenting the victims. it will be a day of broken swords and splittered lances, but the force will be with us. the victory will not only be ours, but also for baselland
and for the rest of the world. we will not go down in silence in the dark of the night. hey, where have you all gone? do you want some cheese? what are you up to?? eating dinner! how did you manage to survive that long?
anyway, here is our battle plan: windows, me and the 3 amateur witches beam ourselves down to hell. deo stays here with the nuke. after having found the sewer, we will distract him. windows, you give deo a sign. when you get the sign, you activate the nuke
and beam it down. then, we stand in front of the bomb and protect it heroically until the very end. sure, let's do so... since all demons are now resistant to magic you might need weapons from our armoury.
which armoury? we have an armoury?? why don't we know about it? you never asked for one... i would never have thought you ofbeing capable of that!!! that's fucking great. yeah that's wicked! i'll take deos old rifle! i will slag them all off...
cool, i take this one. the beam doesn't match your hair colour. shit now, it doesn't match your nail polish. what do you think? better! don't you have
something more respectable here? no swords? no lances? no combat axes? maces? bazookas? bazookas will arrive on tuesday... dooffy, there you go. fair enough. wow... this plasma gun...
...seems to be great. i will try it out. ...fits like a glove! not bad.. here is a shield generator, it blocks plasma balls. awesome!!!! you have a picket master 2000, with nanostructured carbontubes
and a coated silver surface. no, that's a picket master 2000 deluxe! with an anatomical grip and flexicoil suspension. this is even the limited special extended edition signed by van helsing. i bought it two years ago
for fighting vampires. wicked! i will take it. no-o, it's much too expensive to use it in a fight. come on, we still have to figure out how to beam close to the meteorite.
this shield generator is fucking heavy. we could pack it in a backpack and give it to dooffy, to carry it like a burro. real witches can neutralize gravity don't you know? written on page 28 in the book 'conjure for beginners'
fucking funny, you bragger!! you are only jealous... then! let's get down to work. deo, you clean the table! gosh dooffy! take good care with your sword! you will at least kill someone! best would be a localisation-conjure!
but the sewer might detect us! yes... we could also change the cercha-potentum conjure. no, it would take too much time or a recovery juice? that might work. we just need dragon's dandruff and mandagora liquor...
what about newt eyes? no, no, no newt eyes?? ...cut in small pieces... i've got it! let's do it! get out of my way! dooffy, come on... what are we doing actually?
no idea! i didn't understand it. me neither! but the wannabe witch is sure that it will work. dooffy, i need you here! just tell me what i have to do! sit right here! stand here!
arms up! and lift up the right leg! and you do like this! no you have to tend your leg! and smile! is everything all right? yes... c'est bon, c'est bon
can somebody turn on the light? wait, i have read a spell somewhere, how to make light.... lumos major! no, that was a harry potter spell ...it was more complex... how was it?? i'm good, right? your spell was shit!
we have actually wanted to beamourselves to the meteorite and now we stranded in such a waste yard. - we would manage better without you- gosh, phyydschy! not bad, this wine rack... i will help you! come on, stronger! a location spell would
have worked better. let me do it. as if you were better than us. just wait... and? beginner's luck! pepper! "never work with a vampire stabber", even grandma told me that.
pepper, come on! it's a disaster with this incompetent vermin. pepper!! what?!? can we beam us down? no, if we use magic, the sewer will find us. first, we'll have to place the nuke!
it's only a small wall... ...we can climb down easily. yes, of course that was a joke!! really funny. welcome to hell -unknown constructor-5882177 m3-80 mio habitants -ruler: the sewer-vice-president: samunhapra list of floors
plan of site -you are here-iron forge -blast furnace-big arena our new attraction: the meteorite! where? big arena, north entrance! it's hot here. dooffy did you see this morning?
i bought you in beathe uhse' s sexshop a pack of g-strings. there was a fabulous promotion... an sm-package with purple plush bracelets. windows!! and there was also a manual: "sm for advanced users" show me that at home...alright?
the elevator slows down. okay people, let's kill demons! thanks... look at that train... ...looks like back then in disneyland. look at these losers... they already got flappy. if i only had the strength... of a vampire slayer...
yeah, i can lift a quadruple of my own weight. your gun is feathery. that's really kind of you ...thank you so much! thanks! what did i do wrong? something smells strange. demons!
that's demon sweat. no, that's windows. she is behind the furnace and hm hm hm.... hey hey shrinkheaded witch something is sticking to your bum. you stole it! i can't believe it. it's mediocre!
you are nuts! i have only borrowed it... they are coming! hide it!!! we have been waiting for hours! it's fucking heavy! the only heavy thing here is your silliness. they tried to attack me
from each side, but i turned them into dust what can we do? i will show you how a real hunter works. no, wait. they don't stand a chance against me... yeeha!
shouldn't you turn into dust? psss....dooffy... these are demons and not vampires... okay... ....no offence... i wish you a wonderful day. great job, huntress. now, all demons know that we are here.
give deo a sign, quickly! pepper, i just killed two of them. wait, i have to count... i killed 37. 24 25 26 go on! there are more and more of them. deo, hurry up! there are much to much of them....
we're all going to die!! shut up and keep fighting! windows, activate the fucking nuke and let's get out of here. damn, the trigger is stuck i need more time. deo, we need more weapons! no, dooffy messed it up again.
no, the trigger is stuck! how about doing a manual override?? i already hit it! do you think i'm hanging around and drinking coffee or what? capture all demons in a diameter of 10 kilometres. you over there. go to the surface
and tell legion 21 til 34 to help us. quick! fucking imbecile demons. thank god i was around and this morning you have promised to not die again you really take me on! wuhh...what did you eat? windows, what about
the atom bomb?? i have something else to do, foolish witch. it's all your fault. why did you have to perform your "i'm-the-vampire-hunter" show? we could already have had accomplishedit! take your jacket! or you will get a cold again.
deo! pepper, the storage batteries are low! thanks prã¼. the hunter is annoying. you! heele! go for samunhapra come on...faster. cadmium bars stuck. uranium core overheating.
self destruction in 15 seconds. deo we need your most powerful weapon. to stop the sewer. hey prã¼, catch! well, you are dooffy, the famous vampire hunter. finally, come to know personally. do i know you?
no, you don't know me... but i have been observing you for years. a fan? so nice! do you want an autograph? with a dedication? you only need to tell me your name. i'm samunhapra.
my father is anubis and my mother sachmet. oh please not again... no lecture on egyptian mythology. i don't have divine powers, but as a daughter of the god of death, i'm virtually... ...immortal. i met lots of people who pretend that
just before i introduced them to the contrary. what's this funny twinkling gadget? don't they know that i'm invincible? computer, capture the sewer and start the fire. hey, you beginner, i'm not afraid of your christmas illumination.
try to hit me! i'm here. seeee. holla! is this all you can do? if i were you, i would go back to my martial arts school and ask for a refund. is this punny gun
everything you have? now, huntress, what do you think about your situation? are you also a psychologist as a hobby? wannabe godness? your talk is mythical. where can i buy a cd of it? i'm not afraid of you little twerp, i will.
don't worry, i will not kill you like that. in the end, it is supposed to be amusing. the atom bomb is ready. let's split people! where is dooffy? in the back, she is fighting somebody. fighting somebody?
that's not a challenge for her. dooffy, stress you! beam us up! now!!!! is this a counter?? step aside! i think i'm able to deactivate it. what's that stuff.... what is happening?
something went wrong. pepper, give me back my clothes. why are you wearing this, it is pru's? my god, who do these shoes belong to? these are my shoes, give them back, quickly. how can you walk in these? you are to stupid, to wear these.
ewww, who would wear such clothes?? these are mine, what's wrong with them? they look like lesbian's clothes. are you after homosexuals? i am not, but i don't like lesbian clothes. if you would know who is lesbian here... you will surely tell it me.
how can you wear this clothes? watch, here you can get sun burns and here cystitises and this stupid shoes blisters. i donã•t know your problem. i have never sun burns and this shoes are very comfortable. my clothes are hot. hot?
but not everybody can wear them. hey pepper your clothes are cool. i should have more often a look in your wardrobe. donã•t dare, sister! you will not get them. and give my clothes back. i donã•t want to wear more longer this disgusting huntress-clothes
which all vampire had fondled. whatã•s this? thatã•s vampire dust. souvenir of my ex-lover. hey donã•t touch... ...give back㉠ã‰dare youã‰. ã‰.my weapons㉠thatã•s unbelievable.
girliesã‰donã•t mess㉠thatã•s only clothes. my jacket-thatã•s your stuff. who has this stuff? your bra! who has this suspenders. and this fucking shoes... whatã•s this leather belt. dooffy, here you disgusting pant.
donã•t watch the other woman. freez also the camera man he is drooling. how are the things? how many time do we still have? hmmm 5 minutes... something with 5 15 seconds. never mind.
iã•m immune against explosion. yes, you are... ..but not the meteorite. what??? nooooo!!!! look, the volcano disappeared! people, i'm hungry and you? oh yes, sure lets do a fondue!
yes...good idea...great! bon appetit! pepper your fondue is exquisite! sweety, your are the best! you are a much better cook then a witch! great! people, i have an idea! the first person who looses his bread has to do the washing up.
yes... funny..all right oh no...