ikea badezimmer schrank weiss

ikea badezimmer schrank weiss

what's up makers? welcome to the second and final installment in the mancave makeover over at my buddy al's house. in the first part we made a concrete waterfall countertop with an embedded river ofleds that cascaded over the edge. if you haven't checked that out make sure to doso after you watch this one - the link is in the video description below. in this second part we make a tv feature wall and install ikea cabinets and a built-in fridge under the concrete counter. beforewe go into detailed steps of the cabinets and the tv wall, i want to giveyou a quick overview of the project. one of the highlights is the tv panel thatappears to float because of the leds

illuminating it from behind. the floatingtv panel is made from a plywood back frame, which is attached to the studs andhas led strips wrapped around it. we then add a plywood top panel, which serves asa mounting surface for the tv and hides the leds. these two panels haveoverlapping cutouts that allow the tv wires to be hidden in the wall. we coverthe wall and tv panel with a material called "stikwood" which we'll get tolater in more detail. to simplify things we decided to use ikea sektion line ofkitchen cabinets, and we added an under counter beverage center to round off themancave. we then installed the waterfall concrete countertop ,as i detailed in mylast video. after installing some

aluminum trim on the tv panel, weinstalled the tv with a tv mount. after cutting the back frame for the tv panel from 3/4 inch plywood, i drilled countersink holes in it for the screwsthat would attach it to the studs because we need the top frame to sit flush against the back frame. next we went to install the aluminum tile trim that would give us a nice edge on either side of the wood feature wall. i'm just using outdoor double-sidedcarpet tape to install the tile trim. both the tile trim and the double-sidedcarpet tape are available at your local home depot. so, for the walls, we used aproduct called stikwood, which i really

like. it literally is peel and stick wood.it's a little on the expensive side, but it's so quick to install, which saves a lot oftime and labor; and time is money. to install the stikwood, all you do ismeasure the length you need, take it to a miter saw and cut it, or cut it with acircular saw and a speed square, and then peel off the adhesive on the back -- whichis 3m vhb tape -- and apply it to the wall. for the cabinets, we decided to make ourlives a little bit easier and buy ikea cabinets. for our cabinet fronts, there'sa new line that's a gunmetal matte black, which looks really cool.it's called the kungsbacka line. this is actually my first time using ikeasektion kitchen cabinets and i thought they

were really nice. the blum hardware,they come with is very high end. it's got nice, soft-close drawers, and i reallyliked him. i had to remove the pre-existing baseboards so that we couldinstall the cabinet's flush against the walls. having an oscillating saw madethis a little bit easier, but it's totally doable with just a crowbar andrubber mallet. i won't go into a lot of details about the cabinet installationbecause ikea cabinets do come with instructions. generally, the processinvolves installing a long hanging piece which extends the length of all yourcabinets and screws into the studs. then you hang the cabinets from this piece. that way once you make sure the hanging

piece is level, all your cabinets will belevel and even with each other. then we installed the refrigerator and cabinet carcasses. i want to mention that it was a mistake to install the cabinets right now. we ended up uninstalling them so that we had room to access and finishinstalling the tv panel, and then reinstalling them later.before installing the front frame on the tv panel, we wrapped the led stripsaround the back frame. and i just used the adhesive tape on the back of the strips adhere it. there's a link to these 30 led per meter ws2812 led strips in the video description.then it was on to make the front frame

for the tv panel. i cut a hole out ofthis that matched up with the hole in the back panel, so that we could run thewires through the wall. we set up the laser level again to mark the exactposition of the front frame, and then screwed the front frame to the back frameto complete the structure of the tv panel. with this arrangement the ledstrips are hidden so you don't get the spotty led look, and just get a nice glow.for the front of the frame, we use the same stikwood material that we did on the walls, so it really kind of blends in. it's just a subtlefloating effect. while we're installing the stikwood, i wanted to take a momentand remind you that if you like my

videos please click the little redsubscribe button below, and also click the thumbs up button to let youtube knowthat you like it, so they can recommend it to other people. and one last thing tomention about stikwood is you're going to use a j-roller to releasethe chemical in the tape, so it really adheres to the surface it's on. afterreinstalling the cabinets, it was time to install the waterfall concretecountertop that we built in part 1 of this mancave makeover series. and, on thesides of the frame we use some fairly inexpensive aluminum trim that weordered from home depot. we spray-painted it with a rust-oleummetallic hammered finish which gives it

this really cool hammered look, almostlike it's a pin driven into a piece of steel to give it some texture. i am a big fanof this product -- i'll have a link in the video description below. we use thedouble-sided carpet tape again to attach this aluminum trim. i've found this tape is justa really handy thing to have lying around. while we're installing the tv mount andthe tv, i wanted to mention the reason you haven't seen me discuss theelectrical behind the tv. we hired an electrician to do this,and it's something i definitely recommend you hire a professional forunless you really know what you're doing. and that's it for the mancave makeover.this was a fun project -- it's my first

remodeling project. so leave me a comment and letme know if you want to see more of these or if you don't want to see more ofthese. and, as always, if you like this video, please subscribe to get notified aboutfuture videos, and click that thumbs up button to let youtube know you like it,because that really helps me out. thanks, and i'll see you next time

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