badezimmerschrank weis hochschrank
it doesn't matter who i am... what matters... is the plan!.. no one cared who i was. ...until i put on the hat.. aaaahh!!â¡â¡ alright..... gotta do everything again! hhhh
haha... i don't even know if i r- *dies* i don't even know if i remember! clearly... oh, my god... okay! here we are at the balls, everybody! the ball game . easiest one!
go go go go! there's an opening! bababababa! damm it ! babababababababa!! bababa! ba! *dies* bababababababa! come on, man! *high-pitched voice* come on, poodiepie! you can do it!
hey! look at that. ok, great! let's do all of that again! yes!! yes!! hoorah! okay. alright, i remember this. dammit. dammit! and you had to go up...
and then down super fast! ooh! oh, i did it!! oh, my god! he's the best! and then there was this bit... *goes into insanity* no! no!! stop!
stoooop!! you know what never gets old? repetition. du! duah!! duah!! (deja vu) duah!! (ooh! times two!) *lol jk* *failed attempt to sing theme music*
*dies inside* bababababa!! ahh, there you go! suck on my toes!!! can you not? can you not? (cute voice)can you just not .can you not do that pleaasee. plea- *dies in game*. *poods fan* can you not do that please pleasseepleasee aaaahhh
this part is easy.honestly, if you die in this bit, you can lick on my turtle neck go look, at that look at that boy, hey, you wanna follow, me?guess what, you can't! stupid this bit is super easy, unless you're pathetic, little moron pathetic little degenerate son of a *pause* easy, this is easy what i am trying to say. *talks to the game*you are gonna come here and i am gonna eehh *screeches again* eahhh ahhhhhh
yes! then you can su.. everyone can suck on my toes.everyone please stand in ..line! oh! i forgot to bomb it. ooh! alright here we go come on brahhhhh!you didn't bomb all of ityou brahhhhhhh *screams* here we go.look at that look at guys, we did it
yatta.ã‚„ã£ãÿ ã™ã”ã„ ã§ã™ ã yatta sugoidesu ne( it was amazing) ã™ã”ã„sugoi(amazing) alright as soon as it jumps,we are gonna go! brrrr aaahhhh stop! go, go!i f___ing hate this bit! (christian channel everybody) ahhhhh ehherwah! *laughs* i'm playing on an ipad i'm a gaming, channel guys you know, what i really like repetition you know, what i also really like repetition
you know what i really reallystfu! alright, here's the ball bit ball bit!! balls ruin, my life, go! *dies*damn, balls come on balls, show me what you got them balls come on balls come on balls is that all you got balls brrrrrrr brrr oh my god, can you suck on my toes. i just pretend i'm not as good as i am for the sake of entertainment value look at that look at this first try
i am in my little submarine now. guys please subscribe to pewdiepie oh god, alright first try everybody subscribe to pewdiepie for more epic gaming channels like this one look at that first try not even i did it blindfold ok alright alright.this part is a little tricky if you're a moron that is look at this dahhh i know, i know what you're thinking how is he so great and good-looking at the same time, well you know it comes from.. *dies at the game*
look at it. look at it okay? ahh ahhhh alright i get it we are gonna drop one there why, forgot about, no i'm not gonna look, at that you suck on my ninja turtles damn it now this pathetic disgusting snotty noise pimple-faced vader gamers i can't even beat a game and get all a pathetic look, at me when they actually very first ride all the ball bit some people say the ball bit is difficult if you're a moron?
perhaps i could, agree look, how easy this is? no can, you edit it in so i do it on the first, try here we go? finally, good job can you start moving what are you doing what do that again come on hello, everybody epic gamer 69 here let's begin this video starting off right
(poods what are you doin?) stop judging, me i'm not, lying alright i'm starting now welcome i just started playing this game? let's begin the gameplay wow this game is so easy how. could anyone first pdd you'd have to be a complete moron today i bet you jacksepticeye could, never beat this, game look at this look at it look, at it i'm on the roll, baby i'm always on a roll out edit that out edit that out i'm on a roll baby zero dance everybody this is incredible never done before look at
that look, at that i'm not even a gaming channel anymore and i can still eat any game with my superior skills look, at that dude look at that drop the bomb and go through go, yes, oh, oh i have never made it this far. oh my god, oh my god guys, i have never made it this far oh my god guys can't we hit and leave a like of this video right now this is so epic. i need to actually blow my nose so that doesn't happen again, because that was disgusting
where did he go, when will he return the prophecy states that a time will come when our? dude even the music changed how epic is this alright so this is easy it's, gonna, be the classic. sliding bit where you slide off the the pad i'm not gonna slide off because i'm not in any way, oh? my, god this is so damn it stop fighting oh, oh, where the hell, did the platform go, oh it melts damn it come on no now
stop, stop, killing, me i lost all the progress i have to do all of that, again, that's great that's great i'm at. before you, men i'm glad that's, oh? look, i level up everyone here, we are again mr. eyes man ah so, we meet again? our battle begins jump, jump damn it our battle continues. jump jump don't go in her battle continues , my friend , jump jump our battle begins
can you get inside him it's not even hard it's not even second all right - why are you going there positive attitude - guys let's believe press press like if you believe you, didn't believe hard enough don't you feel ashamed so, we meet again mr. ice huh huh. huh, jimmy no come on you can, do this feller come on feeler come on feelings, we believe in you i'm trying, oh? my, god this game is so easy, ah the easy, sliding technique great
boom boom hey, look, at that first try everyone i am practically a genius, what is this? what, is i'm serious? what is? how am i supposed to do here what the hell is this, what do i do? what do i do am inside him what do i d- oh my, god supposed to shoot him, die dammit d-d-di- yeah, oh no!! no
*struggles* yeah, anyway guys hope you enjoyed this video you did it, oh anyway, guys honestly it means the world to me if you, would leave like on this video perhaps share it with your friends show, your support for the gaming of this channel let's #bringbackpewdiepiegaming if you want more epic gaming montages like this one make sure that you watch another one and another one never stop what else you gonna do with your life, honestly you made it this far in the video honestly it's pathetic anyway, brofist!