badezimmerschrank weiß rattan

badezimmerschrank weiß rattan

oh my gosh. where do i even begin? from 1 to 10 my stress level is at about a 6. um my stress level today is probably in-between a 7 and an 8. can i want that please? well my phone was just a stressful situation. i dropped it, i lost all my contacts. cause i just came out of court and just trying to relax, trying to get away from all that stress. i want to study.

my recent break up is a little bit of a stress. i'm an independent contractor and i work for myself. one thing that brings me stress is deadlines. it always seems like it is going to fall apart at any second. i drove to arizona and back yesterday. the top three things that stress me out is not having enough time..*kid squeals* all i want to do is relax. i just don't know how. *exhale*

welcome to this guided meditation. are you ready? let's begin. find a comfortable position. close your eyes. take a deep breath in. *inhale* and as you exhale, let you body begin to relax. listen to the gentle purry of the happy kitten. purrr purrrrr

now open your eyes. meow! *cheerful music starts* *music pauses* *dog wimpers* *cheerful music resumes* you can't be stressed after sitting in a box full of kittens. being around young creatures just reminds you to take it easy. it was great, unexpected and adorable. can i do that again?

you want to do it again? yeah right now? yeah!

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