badezimmerschrank weiß lack

badezimmerschrank weiß lack

somewhere in lain a secret location 10 youtube stars were selectedto take part in a ground breakingsocial experiment. to see if they could survivefor seventy two hours in a simulatedzombie apocalypse. [screams] these are the videotransmissions of thatexperience. fight of the living deadexperiment 88 previously onfight of the living dead.

[growls] test subject shannawas eliminated on a mission to retrieveemergency protocol binder #9. - oh shanna, died. and vitaly was blamedfor the mission's failure. - i grabbed the wrong binder. - shanna died for that. - we have to go back. during the repeat mission...

test subject fouseywas eliminated. - no. - yousef's dead. - cynthia proved to be one ofthe most uncooperativevolunteers we've ever had. - cynthia, do you want to help? - we have to find those coils. - finally, after successfullyretrieving a resonance coil from the seeker ward. - can you help me?

[zombie noises] - run. - cynthia protected them. - yea, she did. - wooh.- yea. the experiment safehouse was breached. conop thanks youfor your continued viewing. [jingle] the following is an importantmessage from conop.

experiment safe house breached. - get that open. let's go. - run, run. no. [bleep] - jc? - jc's down. - holy shit.

- who's done? who's out? - jc?- yea. - dammit. - oh crap. you know we lost akey member here. that's not good. that's not good forany of us here. -oh my god i can'tbelieve jc's gone. - jc.

[chanting] - jc's death happened so fast, it was justkind of unbelievable. so we get back tocynthia's safe house and we look around andthis place is like weird. the place is trashed and it'slike a child's room with toyseverywhere. - wait a second it saysmust restore order. - we lost our safehouse, this is it. this is more depressingthan the last one.

- right now we're incynthia's safe house. this is asuper creepy place. i'm scared, like i havebutterflies, like i'm sonervous. i'm happy to be here,i'm happy to be alive. like i've made this far, but i'm just, i'm so tiredit feels like i'm at the end. - i found them. - okay. - uh huh.

- there's definitelysomething not right withcynthia. i mean she doesn't talk. well i think dr. ella hassomething to do with that. - uh huh ella - so i think cynthia definitelyhas the stockholm syndrome,for sure, because she's beenthere for so long in that hospital that shedoesn't know what's going on. and she thinkseverything's normal i guess.

- yea they wererunning full force. if it comes out to afull-fledged, like a race, i'mdone. in this suit and me having2 feet legs, no way. - 2 feet legs? - probably, i'm 4'11"so, you know - oh yea. - my legs are super short. - how did the fat kid stay uplike in first of the group? - yea, your ran fast as hell. i look around and i notice

there's only likea few people left. it really makes you think likeit's more brain than brawn. i might be able to have a chance ofsurviving this whole thing. - that was so hard getting thatcoil, and it's back there. we have to get that coil. as far as i'm concerned,vitaly is on my shit list. i told him, i specificallytold him to grab that coil. if anything, he shouldhave to go back to that safehouse.

- you're going to get it. - wait.- we got it the first time. - hey, relax. yo that's like, i mean you were gonnaleave the safe house. - i don't know why you'relooking at me because what did itell you? - no, no you're right,i'm going to do this. - i ______ up and i agree. - it should havebeen you, not jc. jc deserved to live,it should have been you.

- excuse me? why? - jc would have listened to me. but you. - really? all right. so tre's talking about melike i'm on his shit list and that's not cool at allbecause i didn't do nothing tohim. i actually liked him, butnobody even thought about thosecoils. everybody justran for their life.

like you're not gonnathink, oh hold on, let me getthe coils. why didn't you just take thatshit and come with it here? - because it's a group decision. i'm not making decisions on myown, it's a group decision. - no you are, you think you'resmarter than everybody. - no we're a team. bullshit why is everybodyblaming me? - so we're finally incynthia's safe house. everyone's arguing.

honestly the men have alittle bit too much testosterone at this point and all i'mtrying to do is figure out what's the next step? what are we supposedto be doing? there's always somethingwe're supposed to be doing and arguing isnever one of them. and that's when i seethese numbers on the wall. hey just so i'm not the onlyone, somebody else memorizethat. 67337 equals kill.

don't know what it means, but... - you don't remember? - 6, just remember it,just remember it. [jingle ] an important messagefor our test subjects. the following is a criticalinformation transmission from conop. please refer to your monitor. [beep]

[static] - hi i'm dr. ella karlsson,this is tk422, trial 1675b. we have increased the doseof the bio-agent to 12cc's and used a custom designedretrovirus as a mechanicaldelivery system. this subject has beendead for 24 hours but within minutes ofadministering the re-engineeredplutonics bio-agent we should begin to see results. this is the finally productof project tk422. a necrotic bio-form.

a being who is biologicallyalive, despite complete organiccell death. we have classified our testsubjects into 3 different tiers. type i subjects have lowcompatibility with the plutonicsagent resulting in sub-optimalreflexes and cognition. by administering a stronger doseof plutonics compound b to livetest subjects we are able to create what wecall type ii necrotic bio-forms. [growl] these subjects havedemonstrated increased strengthlevels that surpass livingcontrol group subjects.

however, their reflexesare still sub-optimal and there are still moreside effects that we're tryingto fully understand. some subjects possess what wecan only call a supergene. in these cases, thebio-agent doesn't just reanimatetheir tissue and organs, but actually improves themthrough rapid cellular mutation. we call thesespecimens type iii. the thing is we've dealtwith type i zombies. that's pretty easy,walk past them quietly and they won't attack you.

the type ii is reallywhat freaks me out. kind of run, kind of jog, andwe just have to play it smart. we haven't seentype iii yet. supergene,possesses supergene. what does that mean? i don't even know. it's just uncharted territory. - hello, cananyone hear me. i repeat, can anyone hear me.- yo, listen.

- this is dr. bradley. i need some assistancei'm trapped in the... - the walkie. dude, the walkie. - can anyone hear me? this is dr. bradley. - dr. bradley, do you copy? - i really don't want to leave. - i'm trapped. i havea resonance coil. [gasp]

- he has the coil. - he as a coil. - our coil? - god, they're here. hold on. i'm across from the armory. get to the armory. jesus christ they're coming,get to the armory fast. - get to the armory.

- where's the armory? - do you know wherethe armory is? of course you do. - what's armory. - guns, gun room? - guns. - yo, we get guns. we've lost so many peoplealready on these missions. it just doesn't feel likeit's worth it anymore.

even though dr. bradleyhas what we need, it kind of sucks, but from whatdr. bradley says, he's by anarmory. armory means a placewhere weapons are stored and so that kind of, that kindof gives me hope. will you take us there? - okay.- yea, she's taking us there. - dr. bradley, we are headingto your location. dr. bradley, we're about togo into radio silence.

- you're the strongest dude, go. stop being a wimp. don't let the door slam. - shit. - we're safe, getin, get in, get in. - weapons holy crap. we saw the mostprecious thing ever. a locker full of guns. that just filledme with a rush.

just seeing all that. the only bad part wasthey were locked up. - i'm asking for the code. there's papers here. - okay, i got it. is this it? - no.- is the code on there? - hey, just so i'm not the onlyone, somebody else memorizethat. - 67337 equals kill.

67337. - copy that. - yes, i'm so gladi remembered that. - you, because you,you remembered the number. - yea, you did.- she did. good job raya. i feel like in this game we're gettingto the point now where we're startingto figure things out.

and one of those thingsis pay attention. - i'm strapping up. - give me one of these. - give me a gun. - do you want a gun? here. - yes, please.- i don't need a gun. - you don't need a gun,you're coming with me. - yea, i'll be here,i'll be in back. - head shot, go for the head.

- doctor? do you copy? - hello? - doctor, whereis your location? - i'm in a glass room,i'm surrounded by zombies. you can't miss it,you cannot miss it. - everybody either hasa gun or a shield? cool. - vitaly, me and you go first,we have the bigger guns. - good, good idea.

- you stay in between us,you stay behind us. - all right, here we go. in 3, 2, 1, go. here we go, i gotyour right side. - right when we get these guns,i feel confident. strong. i feel likei'm a terminator. we get readyto save dr. bradley, we walk out and there'sjust tons of zombies.

- i count 5. - i think i see you. - i got the gun, i feelinvisible, i feel like i'm ontop of the world. we'll see how muchbullshit they give me after i kill allthese zombies. - say hello to my little friend. [gunshots] [bullets striking zombies] now releasing type iinecrotic bio-forms.

- behind us watch you back. - got it, copy that, copy that. [bullets strike zombies] - come over. - more coming. [gun shots] - get the little one,get the little one. - oh no, oh no. - watch your back, watch...

- ahhh i'm out of ammo. i'm out of ammo. - so, should we go?- get the wall key. - coil, coil. - hey, open theroom. that's it. - get in, get in. pop him. - with what? who has ammo.

- let me in, let'sget in. guys. - we can't stay here,we can't stay here. - you know it really worked out. vitaly finally didsomething to help the team. he distracted 2 zombiesthat were eating him while we were able to getdr. bradley and get out of here. so vitaly finally didsomething for the team. - let's go, let's go, let's come, come with us. - where are we going?

- doctor here we go,here we go guys. - try not to stepon any of them. hey wait up. - brandon, come. here we go. here we go guys. -my safe house or your safehouse? - are there windows here,there's no windows here right? - okay to go?

- i don't know. - please make sure there'sno zombies in here. - we lost vitaly. - you survived. - i'm sad.- i miss him a little bit. - he's a little bit of anasshole, but i love him. - he was the _____ asshole ofthe group, but he was, he wasstrong. we just lost vitaly. i didn't really expecthim to go.

i thought he was gonna beone of the last ones to remain in the game,but, you know, we lost him. i feel like i can, i cantrust dr. bradley here. he seems like he cancooperate with us, you know. i feel likehe knows a lot. he seems level headed here and he could probablyprovide us with a lot ofinformation. - what are your names? - my name's brandon.what's your name?

- dr. bradley. - nice to meet you sir.- nice to meet you. - what is your jobhere? what did you... - i'm a lab tech,i was a lab tech. i was a lab tech for,for multiple doctors. dr. richardson, dr. cunningham,dr. karlsson. - what was your involvementin this whole process? - again i'm just a lab tech, idon't know anything else besidesthat. i worked underneath dr.karlsson, dr. ella karlsson

with like 8 other people. all of a sudden wehave dr. bradley and he's a little weird,you know. he doesn't know anythingwhich is crazy. it almost feels likeeither we shouldn't trust him or he's going to bedead weight. the only thing that dr. bradleydoes have is a coil, which is really good,but also reminds us that we left the coilwhich was probably

because the safe houseis a death trap. - i think we needto get that coil. - that's a good start,that's a really good start. - that safe house is sodangerous, there's so manyhiding spots in it. they could pop outof so many places. - the coil's on a shelf,on the tool shelf. - oh god, that's theworst place for it to be. - i don't trust you,you're too clean doc. - how do you not havelike a single blood spot?

- i do want to knowhow you're so clean. - i can understand whyyou wouldn't trust me, i don't trust you. idon't know you guys. - you shouldn't. - i appreciate you savingme and i appreciate that. - you're welcome. - because the first coil is lost we have to backtrack now. so now you need my help.

[crying] - cynthia? - you okay? - anything you want to share? - have you given her anything? has she eaten? - yes, we've givenher water and food. - what's that doctor'sname again cynthia? - ella.

- we're gonna help save her and,so you can see her again. - attention test subjects. [bleep]- what is that? - is that oneof our people? is that fousey? - that's fousey. - what the heck? whoa. we just saw fouseyon the screen

and i feel like thisgame is just like taking a really,really weird turn because this is somethingthat hasn't happened before. like it's been, we'vebeen a team this whole time and if somebody's gone,they're dead. and now all of a sudden,fousey was dead and now he's alive, orhe's kind of alive. he kind of looks like a zombieand personally, i don't want to risk it.

like i don't want to riskhaving to walk through thisentire place you know, maybe oneof us gets killed to save somebodythat could eventually kill us. like i don't trust him and this is just takinga really, really crazy turn. the antidote for the tk422 virusis with your fellow test subject in the behavioralconditioning ward. you must report therefor further instruction. he looks infected.

look at the left side,his face, look at his face. - extremely pale. - yea, dude he's infected man. - do we save yousef? - i think we shouldat least try. -what happens if we save himand he's fine, and we're all in here waitingfor the next message and he turns on us in here? it's yousef, wecan't contain him.

- i'm not saying weshould save him. i'm saying that we should atleast see what they did to him. - all right.- let's head out. - i really, reallywant to trust fousey. i really do, but i... like how,how can we? we have no clue whyconop is doing this. like why would they give us one of our teammates back

without anyrepercussions, like? - come here. thank god. raya. - are you okay? - yea, i need the antidote. - we don't have it. - anyway you can...- look at me real quick? - stand back.

- he's infected. - oh brandon, brandon. - watch out. - shh. - he's been infected,but he hasn't turned. here's the good news. you have an opportunityto save your test subject. this is an antidote and nowyou have to make a choice. do you save him and bring backone of the strongest players inthis game?

if you don't, therewill be consequences. - please help me. the antidotes gonnawork, just help me. music [reel sounds] [wind chimes]

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