badezimmerschrank weiß hoch

you okay? yeah, why wouldn't i be? i don't know, what did they ask you about? uhm, just hetty... afghanistan... wanna talk about it? nope i always find that it helps me when i talk about the things that are bothering me funny, 'cause never helps when you're bothering me touchã©
except i'm being serious come on, partners don't keep secrets partners... i mean that's what we are, right? we're partners come on, low five hit me! don't leave me hanging you didn't really even connect! you gotta make good contact, otherwise it doesn't count oh my god, come here! i'm so much tougher than this
i know you are. you're tougher than me and that's tough even with this... adorable... venir and just like this, the moment is way gone that's okay i got more moments whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa i could have just picked the lock! yeah, and miss this opportunity to impress you? you are a part orangutan
you're looking at my butt, aren't you? damn right, you're looking at my butt actually i was spotting you in case you fell, but for that... now i'm not you know i lived on the street down here after my dad died? uhm... no, i didn't... no, i didn't know that you're lying to me! i know hetty told you hetty, no, come on, hetty didn't tell me anything actually she specifically said that she didn't tell me anything you can fool everyone else, deeks
can't fool me deeks, the only reason i didn't tell you about being homeless really? is this the best time to have this conversation it was the worst period of my life made a lot of mistakes and i only ever want you to see the best part of me, okay? okay just to narrow it down for me though the best part of you, is that your ankles?
'cause you got pretty sexy ankles i mean your feet are alright, your tows are a little weird, but those... that's exactly why i never talk to you i also know you better than you think, missy yeah? what's my favourite colour? - blue- wrong oh, i'm so sorry, let me be more specific cornflower blue that was such a lucky guess
oh and i also know that you hide girly magazines under your bathroom sink i do not i mean not like girly magazines, but i mean like magazines for girls things like cosmo and modern bride because our kickass kensilina has a softer, lazy ladyside, that no one knows about but me and i love it you couldn't have said that any creepier it's pretty crazy how joelle can't tell callen how she feels about him
yeah well, if she can't give him a gift that says i care about you, how's she gonna have that conversation? #just saying, life's a little short for that kind of hopscotch amen to that oh, my gosh. you plan these things to say, and when the time comes, you can't say them um... just you and me. kensi and deeks, deeks and kensi a-alone, we're bold, we're brash, we can move mountains and... together we're... um... we're safe yeah, together we're safe
yeah, i know i want to be bold, deeks but i want to be bold with you so no more games then? no more games chips on the table? all in tonight tomorrow
and the day af... rock beats scissors, you're going up wha... what? nonono, the winner stays, the looser goes who came up with that rule? i think it's pretty obvious, because the winner lives and the looser faces certain death fine, i go up. you're such a gentleman no, alright, i got it, i got it hey, what, whoa, whoa, whoa this is why you should never fall in love
ohh... i think we're moving to fast and it's awesome we're around each other every day mmhm, totally awesome we see each other every night totally and completely awesome deeks, this isn't normal we're not normal. our fondest memories include taliban bulletholes and hetty lange
alright you're no bridget jones and i'm no... whatever the male equivalent to bridget jones is you hated my best friends! i didn't hate your best friends! i just spent four hours talking about brunch spots, love actually, and-and... and fantasy engagements while they wore these matching t-shirts that said: "keep calm and eat cupcakes" they make me happy wait, do i not make you happy? yes, you make me happy, but it's a different kind of happy wow
ouch that came out wrong is this really happening? are we just having our first fight here? you got any, uh, gurkha wisdom for me? 'cause kay-kay's been fighting me ever since we woke up fighting since you woke up? hold on. last time i was here, you were still trying to figure out your feelings. how long since...? christmas
and you've already moved in together? no well... i mean, we spend pretty much every night together, and, obviously, every day together are you crazy? maybe who moves that fast? last time i was here, i advised you, be patient. you think we're moving too fast?
most new couples do. spending every moment together staging photos to display their happiness introducing them to friends and family it feels real before it... it becomes real your place or mine? uhm... you know, i was thinking about that, and i was thinking that maybe we should... i don't know, maybe we should take a night off every now and then i'm so glad you said that
what? your smile is so perfect and there it is good night just go home i'm already there