badezimmermöbel kiefer weiß

- oh no! - harambe's back? ♪ (yodeling) ♪ - dude. ♪ (industrial music) ♪ - (fbe) for this episode,we're gonna be showing you highlights of performances from the extremely popular european song competition eurovision. - see, i don't even know what that is.
- oh, cool! i love eurovision! - it's like a singing competition show. but it's all original music,which is very different than when they sing the top 40 hits. - (fbe) so eurovision is a competitionwhere each competitor sings original music, each representing their homecountry from across europe and a handful of other countries. and some consider italmost like the olympics
of singing competitions.- that's rad. - (fbe) so the first performanceswe're gonna show you were the top five of the show this year that just ended last weekend.- oh snap. okay. - it's either gonna be amazing or the stupidest thingi've ever seen in a long time. - (fbe) we're not gonnatell you how they did or which place they came in, because we want you to rate eachbased on how much you like them
on a scale of 1 to 5.- this is fun. all right, cool. - oh no! they're all gonnabe number one for me. - ♪ all alone in the danger zone ♪ (crowd cheering)- such a huge audience. oh my gosh, this is great. - ♪ take my hand? ♪ - dude, it sounds like adeleright off the bat. - she's got that adele thing going on. - ♪ all alone in the flame of doubt ♪
- oh, she's really good. - ♪ are we going to lose it all? ♪ - i love the production value of these.these are so magnificent. - ♪ all alone... ♪ - how rad is it to seeall the different flags. - oh, israel. represent! - ♪ ...ready to take my hand? ♪ ♪ all alone in the flame of doubt ♪ - wow, i'm impressed.
- i swear her... her voicejust changed three octaves. - this is the winner. this is the winner. - ♪ to lose it all? ♪ - oh, that was so beautiful. - it was a little basic. it was all right. but definitely i got a littlebelgium vibe out of that. - (fbe) so on a scale of 1 to 5,where does she rank? - i'll say a 4. - i'll give her a 4.
she's good. - 5. that was fantastic. - i'll give her a 3. there has to be better ones. - i'm gonna start with a 3. - i'll give it a 3. she should've brought it a little more. - a 3, because it was really beautiful. and oh my goodness,her voice was just spectacular.
- 4. i thought it was gonna be horribly stupid. now i sit corrected. - ♪ i can't go on ♪ ♪ i can't go on ♪- he's from sweden. - ♪ gotta keep it together ♪ - oh, this is cool. - ♪ don't get me wrong ♪ - oh. that was unexpected.
- oh. "can you hold this for a minute while i straighten my jacket out please?" - oh. boy band! - oh, is this a group? - ♪ ...take you home, wanna go ♪ - all right. i don't like this. - ♪ wanna go, oh ♪ ♪ you've got me good ♪
- whoa! - ok go already did that, but that's okay. - ♪ ooh, ooh ♪ - he's giving me someserious bruno mars vibes. - ♪ baby, i just can't... ♪ - this guy won. - (gasps) that was amazing. - the choreography wasso spot-on. holy cow.
- i'll give that a 5. that was great. - 5 out of 5 all day. - i'm gonna give that a 4. - a 2. i need something more unique. - 5. 'cause that's the best onei've seen so far. - 5 for sure. that was cool. - 1.
he was nothing special. - they're going for flashand some sizzle and some like, "hold my mic while i button my jacket" bs. this is a vocal competition.i'm giving you a 1, bro. - ♪ when the world shakes us ♪ ♪ trying to take us out of line ♪ - they're young. holy cow. - ♪ fear of tomorrow ♪- where's this person from? bulgaria.
- ♪ ...for a time ♪- this kid's good. - ♪ and we don't have a thing to lose ♪ - he almost looks likehe belongs in a k-pop band. - ♪ i don't want nothing more ♪ ♪ our love... ♪- see, that's a voice. - ♪ even in the line of... ♪- man, this is cool. - all of them have great presentation. - ♪ on the wire ♪- that rain effect is cool. - ♪ even up against the wall ♪
- damn, he's good too. - ♪ our love is untouchable ♪ - it's my favorite so far. - it was like wannabe zayn,wannabe one direction. might have to go for a 1 on that one. i did not like that. - i'm gonna give that a 3.that's pretty good. - i think a 3. that's the best so far.
- his voice was good. i'll give him a 5. - 3. i just didn't like that performance. - 5-plus. that was great. it's not like he seemed likehe was trying to act and put on a show. he was really into his song.he was feeling it. - ♪ se um dia alguã©m ♪ ♪ perguntar por mim ♪
- wow, the audience is huge. - ♪ ...vivi p'ra te amar ♪ - wow. - ♪ eu sei... ♪- that's so kawaii. i wasn't expecting himto sing in portuguese. - (emotionally) oh. i have no idea what he's saying,but it's so beautiful. - he's got a pretty voice. - ♪ se... ♪- see, it's like so far
the second guy is winning because he's done somethingcompletely different. - ♪ ...depois ♪- (exhales sharply) it reminds me of bossa nova.i'm loving this. - ♪ ...coraã§ã£o pode amar pelos dois ♪ (loud cheering) - (emotional sigh) i have no ideawhat he was saying, but that was beautiful. - (heavy sigh, snores)
that's how i feel. it's just like... i feel i'm just gonna pass out. like, it's the olympics, bro! bring it! - he's a 3. - i'm gonna give him a 5. - 5. that was so moving. - i will give him a 4. - this one has to get a 3, too,just because of the vocal talent. - 5, 'cause it was different.
showed so much range. - it's another 2, man. - i'll give it a 5. that was a tricky choice.i liked it. risky. dope. - ♪ hey, hey you ♪ ♪ you will never hidewhat you think of me ♪ ♪ i see your clue ♪ ♪ know, you worry,but it don't meant to be ♪ - there's already brassinstruments on there,
so this is already winningso many points with me. - ♪ and i say ♪ ♪ mamma, mamma, don't be so down ♪- okay. - ♪ i am not that unfounded boy ♪ ♪ mamma, mamma ♪- do you see those microphones with the flowers? - ♪ ...going round and round ♪- oh yeah. - ♪ come on! all right! ♪- oh! okay. ♪ (saxophone solo) ♪- the saxophone. i love the saxophone.
it's my favorite instrument. ♪ (saxophone solo) ♪ - that is the sassiestsax player i've ever seen. - no, where's the rest? - how can i possibly giveanybody a bad score? because all these videos are so good. - (fbe) finally, what wouldyou rank the last one? - um, that gets a 2. you know how many songsi hear on the radio
that sound the exact same as that? - i'll give it a 4. - that's a 1. i can't go for flashif it's a vocal competition. - i'm gonna give it a 5. i'm just gonna be a 5 giver. - i'm gonna give that last guy a 4. - straight-up 5 all the way for me. that was magnificent. i want to see more.
- he stole the show. they get a 5. like, five more for the sax player.he was so good. - (fbe) so the actual winnerof eurovision was... - (imitates drum roll) who was it? - (fbe) the song from portugal. - worst one. the worst one. - oh my gosh. you have to stand out fromthe rest, and that does not-- he doesn't stand out to the rest.
- oh, he was like my second favorite. i loved his little ponytail. - ahhh. nice. it was a great performance.and i mean, he was into it. and i love the portuguese. - oh! (laughs) i've kind of guessed, becauseit was so beautiful and moving. - (fbe) so now we're gonnashow you a medley of some highlights from the competition.- okay, cool.
- yay! ♪ (singing in italian) ♪ - oh no. ♪ (lively pop music) ♪ - no, it's too cheesy. - (disapprovingly) what? - oh my gosh, wait. i want to knowwhat the words are. - ♪ (singing in italian) ♪ - this monkey. that's so european.
- i love how colorful that's spectacular. - that's weird thata person with a dancing, dressed-up gorilla didn't make top five. - ♪ i will never give up on you ♪ ♪ you're the one that i'm running to ♪ - wow. look at those colors. - how pretty. - ♪ together we're dancing through... ♪ - (laughs) her facial expressions.that was funny.
- he didn't make it 'cause she doesn't know whatto do with her hands and-- (chuckle) - he was so good.i got the chills listening to her. - ♪ so what went wrong this time? ♪ - it's like the new wilson phillips. - ♪ crime ♪ - okay.- ♪ what's with the universe ♪ ♪ why you? ♪ - heck yeah. (laughs)
- ♪ (holding note) ♪ - ♪ cry no more ♪ - see? that's hype. like, that's so tight. - here, people sing coversor take other people's music. and they're like, i can do it better. these people are creatingoriginal songs. that's impressive. all of them are winners. - ♪ there's a miracle, my friend ♪ ♪ and it happens every day ♪
- oh, why this guy didn't get far? - ♪ ...your hand ♪ ♪ don't let it slip away ♪ - oh my god. he can sing. - ♪ io so che esiste ♪- whoa. is he going a different language there? - ♪ ...esiste guarda meglio... ♪ - that is so cool!! (chuckles) - ♪ ritorna ♪- oh no!
he's looking at himself in the back! - oh, look. (giggles) so the schizophrenic guy didn't win? - that was really cool.i'm sad he didn't get far. - i really liked that a lot. - ♪ have my skeletons ♪ ♪ (i can only trick you once) ♪ - all right. here we go.
- ♪ have my lungs, my millions ♪ - all right. here we go! - she kinda sounds likelady gaga. it's crazy. - ♪ drum drum drum ♪ - horse masks just refuse to die. - you got the gorilla, and nowwe got the horse on a ladder? - i'm sure there's some symbolismwith that horse, i guess. - (chuckles) i was not expecting to seea horse mask at eurovision.
- that was fantastic. - the one thing i really like about this is that they giveeveryone a chance to kill it. - ♪ if you never try,you'll never be alive ♪ ♪ you are gonna miss out... ♪ - oh, they're so cute. - ♪ (yodeling) ♪ - oh! that's pretty hype. - ♪ (yodeling) ♪- (laughs)
how cool. - yes. (crowd cheering) - ooh! whoa, whoa, whoa.that was a little-- little rough. - the power of yodeling. (chuckles) really makes you wantto make out with someone. - i almost wish we had somethinglike that here in america. - (fbe) so eurovisionhas taken place very year for the past 60 years.- 60 years?
- i obviously live under a rock. - (fbe) and people eitherlove it or they hate it, not just due to the talentor the competition aspect but also becauseof sometimes over-the-top, kind of campy that the show has become.- okay. - i think camp is very important, and i think it's great to havesomething that celebrates the happy side and the campy side. and yeah, it's so cheesy to link arms
and sing "kumbaya" around the campfire. but who doesn't feel good afterwards? - (fbe) overall, what do you thinkof the premise of the show? - it's entertaining. like,you need different type of things, crazy stuff to keep peoplewanting to see it. - it brings a continentand different countries together, and it sort of makes us equal. i would love if he had somethinglike that in the americas. like, if we did north and south america,that would be sick.
- the olympics brings kindof the world's athletes to a stage where this would bring the world'smusical artists, vocalists to a stage together. - whether you need a gimmick to succeed or you're just there for pure talent,getting that exposure within-- what?-- like a coupleof seconds on national tv, that can do wonders for people. - (fbe) so finally, over the years, eurovision has added new countriesto those competing,
including countries who are not in europe. and many want to see the the competition. so should the u.s. be allowed to compete? - i think we should stay out of it. why do we want to take everything? - best for them to keep us out of it. i would wait till the united stateschanged a little bit before i'd let them in. - we should, absolutely.
- if they're allowing for countriesthat are outside of europe to participate, then yeah. - let 'em do their thing. i'm tired of feeling likewe force ourselves, force our hand on everyone else. - we should stay out of this one. we kind of put our feet inand hands on everything. let them have their thing.that's tight. that's cool. and we'll have our ownthing, and that's cool.
- thanks so much for watchingthis episode of adults react. - subscribe. we have new episodesalmost every day. - bye, guys. see you later. - hey, everybody. i'm dallen,and i produced this episode. - and i'm cara, and i edited this episode. - do you think the u.s.should be allowed in eurovision? let us know down in the comments. - see you guys.- bye.