badezimmer schwarzer boden weiße wand

badezimmer schwarzer boden weiße wand

- [voiceover] previously onescape the night... - i'm getting really fussy! - [voiceover] justinefailed to save andrea from the grips ofthe ungodly machine. we then recovered thefirst of four artifacts and learned a shocking truth. - one among you in leaguewith the evil of the house. (heavy breathing) (grunting)

(romantic french music) (ominous drums) (thunder crashes) - hey, hurry up. (screaming) - god damn it! (woman crying) - please, no! - [hooded figure] get the chain.

(heart beats) - [hooded figure] is she inside? - yeah. - [hooded figure] bury her. (shovel scrapes) (ominous string music) (heavy orchestral music) (chaotic yelling) - one of you guys.

- yeah, yeah, yeah. - [lele] how do you evensee that from that far? - i have good vision. - bullshit, i'vegot good vision! - we can't blame itall on one person. it could genuinely be any of us. - we could blame you too! - what about thesetwo back here? - who's to say it's not you?

- (gibberish) no! i think maybe joey is in league with this evilnessthat's going on. he has to be, it's his house. - any of us could be inleague with the evil spirit, but it's not me, so idon't know who it is. - all i'm saying isjustine took out andrea, she sabotaged theentire death machine, it's gotta be justine.

- i told her not to pickme 'cause i'm stupid! - that doesn't change thefact that you killed her! - for me, either it'sijustine who's behind this or it's matt, one ofthose two have to go. - this blame game is goingto be the death of us. we need to stick together. okay, listen, listen, guys,avor brought back a note that was with the artifact. what the heck?

it's a super creepy picture. i don't know her. - [glozell] who is that? - with the last artifact,we got this photo of a woman and she has piercing eyes. - hold on, i have anote that came with it. the location of the nextartifact can only be found by speaking to thewoman in the photograph. the inconvenience is she isno longer with the living.

to get answers fromacross the grave, you must perform a seance, but to ensure thecircle does not open a doorway to unwanted spirits, there must be acquired aunique part of her beauty, an article of clothing,or her birthstone. - it says that we needto perform a seance. like that is the lastthing i wanna do right now is speak to the dead.

- [joey] look at theback, read the back. - if you seek the three,you must study the picture, giving it all your attention, but must tear it to piecesright after you proceed. once the objectshave been found, return them to the golden dish and the seance ritualwill be revealed. - [tim] so we need tofind the three items and return them to thisdish for our next clue?

- [glozell] what do you see? - [eva] a scarf?- [lele] green. - emerald, emerald, right? - [female] yeah, emerald green. - well she has earrings on, shehas a very vibrant scarf on. - and she also had some reallynice blonde hair as well. - any women's items we shouldjust be on the lookout for. - [joey] okay, ripit up, we're good. - we can't forget what thispicture actually looks like

or we might be stuckin this house forever. - girl, hurry up and rip it up. i'm ready to go, hurry up. (ominous music) - what? - [glozell] the drawer is open! - [justine] keys! - [matt] there's three keys. could this be to therest of the house?

- okay, so we should split up, let's split upinto three groups. - may i suggest thatwe go check upstairs? - [glozell] i don'twanna go upstairs. - please, come on,everyone, this way! - [oli] upstairs in thiscreepy flipping house! - excuse me! - whose house is it? it's joey's house.

there's somethingfishy going on. - [matt] joey, how manyfloors is this house? - need to redecorate this. - [matt] i think we'regoing up and to the left. - [oli] yeah, let's try here. - [matt] did that open up? i see a bed. - oh my god, thisis just creepy. - [oli] okay, we needto look for a scarf.

- we go into thisold lady's room, we're supposed to findthese emerald earrings, she has jewelryall over the place. - here they are, here they are! - [tim] is that it? - [glozell] that's emerald. - no, they werelong, they were long. - [eva] look, there's wigs here. - [sierra] okay,there's a lot of wigs.

- i think we're lookingfor a lock of hair. that's what the clue said. - i kinda forgot what the hairlooks like, not gonna lie. after we rippedthat up, i was like, "wait, what colorwas her hair again?" - my question for you is, now that we're awayfrom everybody else, who do you guys think isworking with the evil spirit? - i don't know.

- i think it's joey. we're in his house. - see, i still think it'seither lele or justine. - i don't think lele. i think lele's just-- - leilei's just crazy. - i don't wanna be stuck here! - this is greatstuff, to be honest. - [lele] i wanna go back home.

- how much you thinkthese things are for? - i know, right? it's not here! - where could the scarf be? - [joey] i have no idea. it didn't give us anymore clues, right? - i think it's eitherjustine or joey. - [eva] whoever it is,we need to be careful. - we're looking everywhere

and we just can't findwhat we need to find. there is nothing here. - [joey] wait, ifound something. i found it! - [oli] where was it? - it was in the tissue box. - [justine] let's go, wegotta find the others. let's go, let's go, let's go! guys, we found something!

we got the scarf!- [matt] we got the scarf! - [justine] meet us downstairs! - [oli] well atleast we found that. - i'm looking at this cabinet,so i take the cabinet out and in the back, isee two earrings. i found them! - [lele] oh my gosh! - [woman] i found them! - oh, you the best!

we're not gonna die! we got it! - you got it? - bring it down! - [oli] you found it? - yup, found the earrings. - um wait. i noticed that thereis a crease in the wall and i go to sort of pushit to see if it opens.

there's a bathroom inside. there's a wig in the shower! i look in the shower,and there is the wig. let's cut this lock of hair,let's get it downstairs, and let's start the seance. - [joey] did you find it?- [man in suspenders] yes. - [joey] perfect, add it in. - [woman] anotherdrawer opened up? - [matt] what's in it?

joey, what is that? - it's a scroll. (groaning) - i've never donea seance before and it's scary, like i don'twant to mess with that stuff. - guys, read this. - this is so creepy. - you are now readyto speak to the dead. you may constructthe seance circle,

enclosed with white sand. - ladies and gentlemen,marvin's our groundskeeper. here is some sand. - [eva] and eachparticipant sits in front of a candle. one among the groupneeds to act as the voice of the deceased and sit in thecenter of the circle. - we needed somebody to bethe voice of the seance,

well, go figure, sarahthe creepy maid decides to volunteer herself. - [matt] yeah, the sandall around in a circle. - you know what, weplayin' with some real scary stuff right now. - it also saysthat the circle has to be seven pacesacross in diameter. - oh god, i'm not goodat reading directions,this is crazy! - this seance is a mess.

- we have to pay attentionto the instructions because if we didn't, someonewas gonna get possessed. i saw the poltergeist. - no one is dumb enough tomake the triangle like this unless they weretrying to sabotage us! - everyone stop for one second. the way you guysexplained the diagram, this line needsto be behind her. - yes.

- [man in suspenders] solet's just move the sand back a little bit. - we're all gonna die. - we supposed todo this triangle and the circle'ssupposed to go this way, and we kept messin' up. obviously nobody knowhow to do geometry everybody done failedthat math test. - yes, that looks correct now.

- yeah, that looksreal good, joey. - sarah, please sit down. everyone, get aroundthe circle now. and read the invocation, please. - alright, here we go. caroline eastwick, youwho lived yesterday, hear these words, hear our cry. we seek your guidance inrecovering an ancient artifact cross now the great divideand show yourself here.

(thunder clashes) - oh hell no! - i am here. (gasps) my name is caroline eastwick. i'm speaking through themouth of your friend. - sarah, she goes out of body. - oh my goodness gracious. i must've prayed four orfive times, it's spooky.

- we need to ask her something. - i was taken against my will and buried in a coffinbound with an iron chain. my life was taken in order to hide theartifact from the living. to retrieve it, youmust find my coffin, exhume it from theearth, and release me. - i don't like being locked ina room where i can't get out, there's no handles,there's nothing, i'm stuck.

so going to funeralsand seeing coffins, that's not somethingthat i wanna see. - you must also find the key to unlock the chainthat seals it. the path that leads tothe key starts at the... - [woman in cloche] atthe where, at the where? - at a fork beneaththe weeping tree. - the weeping tree. - do you know where that is?

- [sarah] take the low road. - she said take the low road. - i do not know where thecoffin has been buried. i remember being carriedpast the red stone. - red stone. - near the back, nearthe back of the house! hurry, release mefrom this hell! - back of the house! - now?

- go to the back of the house. - [lele] you okay, you good? - we need to find this coffin. - so we break off into groups and there's a group that goes and finds the keyto open the coffin, and the other groupgoes to find the coffin. - so my group heads off togo search for the coffin, and in our clue, it said thatwe need to find the red stone.

- that's a red stone,we found a red stone! - [lele] you did?- [joey] you found it? - [lele] oh my goodness! - [joey] go to the tree27 paces from here. - is that the tree?there's so many trees! - [joey] probably,it's probably up here. ready, one two three-- - i am not wearing theright shoes for this. - guys, what are you twodoing back there, hurry up!

- we're just chatting. - [eva] 26, 27!- [joey] 26, 27! - [eva] look! - [joey] oh, there'sanother clue, guys! come on over here! - string? we're supposed to pick up thestring, put it on the arrow, and then unravel thestring until it ends, and that's where thenext clue will be.

- [oli] where wouldyou bury a coffin? - okay, so nobody hereis the rat, right? - i'm not. - you know, i do likehunting and everything, but i would never kill anyone. - everybody here,i trust you guys. i don't know aboutthat other group. - why? - because i still don'tlike the way justine handled

the challenge, and ithink she's the rat. - okay, i've knownjustine for a long time, there's nothing fishyabout her, i trust her. - [justine] there's anotherroad down here, guys! - [shane] that's theroad we came up on. - [justine] we tookthe wrong road! there are so manydifferent roads, there are so manydifferent paths. i mean, any way that we gocould potentially be correct

or wrong, dependingupon which way we go. - the string is over. - guys, i think it's here. are we positive that this is... - [lele] we found it! - we found it, i toldyou it was there! we found a piece. - the heart of the forestlongs for missing half. take the string andfold it in half.

- using the druid statueas a center point. - [tim] so we use the statueas the center point, right? - [oli] make a circlewith the string. inside of the circle,you'll find the other half. - okay, so this is thedistance that we can go on any way from the center. well, let's lookaround in this area. - you think it'saround the tree? - [justine] there's a piano!

- [lele] i'm sorry, what? - it was really creepy. in the middle ofnowhere, a piano. i don't even know ifwe should go near it. - [justine] hey, look,i don't do coffins, but i'll do pianos. - these are theonly two white keys. - i see a piano,and straightaway, i notice that allthe keys are black

except for two white ones. i mean, it doesn't looklike a normal piano. - the keys pop up,so maybe something... - oh! - we found a little, what's inside? - nothing?- [shane] is there a key? there's nothing inside? is something hidden underneath?

- shh. listen, it played a song. (disjointed piano) - no it didn't. - check the trees, guys. - we're looking foranything at this point, we're looking on the ground,we're looking in the trees, this is like the worsteaster egg hunt ever. - found it! - [joey] she found it!- [glozell] what?

- [eva] it was in the tree. - [glozell] yes! - [eva] okay guys, come quick. - [tim] oh here we go. (energy hums) - what is that? (gasping) - the floor starts tolight up with the moonlight and the coffinspace is revealed.

- so this is where we dig. - marvin, shovels please! - [glozell] we gotta doit and get outta here. - [eva] okay, let's dig, guys. - we found the coffin, now we'rewaitin' for the other group 'cause they haveto have the key. (piano note rings) - wait, listen to me, thismusic box is playing a song. we need to replicate that.

(slow piano music) - so we gotta gohigh to low to high. - okay, i got it,i got it, wait. (piano notes ring) (piano thuds) - [lele] oh, it fell! - [shane] the key justfell out of the piano? - guys, we found the key! - [shane] we gottafind the group

and open the coffin up. - [glozell] oh my goodness. - [eva] i see them! did you guys find it? - we meet up withthe other group and they're diggingup this coffin. ♪ we gotta dig, dig dig deeper ♪ - this is my first timedigging up a coffin, but i went for it, it was hard.

- i just don't like this at all. - [glozell] suck it upijustine, it's gonna be alright. - we've seen somuch death already, what is your problemall of a sudden? - [man] justine knowswhat's in this coffin. - [glozell] yeah cause maybeijustine knows what's going on. - [tim] i think so! - [glozell] there's the lock! - oh, the lock's righthere, who's got the key?

- i have the key. - [glozell] open up, open up! - [tim] there yougo, you got this. - [sierra] i got it, i got it. - [oli] grab that rope there. - [glozell] oh mygoodness, whew! - i can only assumethat caroline's bodyis in this coffin and i'm not looking forwardto seeing a dead body. - are you guys ready?

- we are thinking themost climactic things are about to happen. - guys, come here! - [glozell] what could it be? - we open the coffin... - [glozell] it's empty,where did the body go? - we open the coffinand nothing was there, but there was a letter. - there's a note, hold on.

i can feel your presence near, my spirit will soon be free. there is only one moretask ahead of you. the hiding ritual usedto conceal the artifact required an unwillingsoul to be buried alive and it was mine. now another unwillingsoul must be buried to reverse the spell. - so one of us?

- only then will the artifactrise from its earthen tomb. i know it is a horriblething to require, but if i had toldyou in the beginning, you would neverhave come this far. the group must vote, but only one name willbe drawn this time. that person must be takenaway against their will and buried alive in this coffin. - oh god.

- please do not falter now. - we've gotta kill somebody. - oh my goodness. - we need to bury oneof our friends alive. - it's not a big dealfor me, i'm the mobster. i get rid of bodiesall the time, but usually, they're dead. - each of you comes uphere and writes the name of the person that you thinkshould go in the coffin.

the more votes for asingle person go in there, the better chance ofme drawing the name, but it's still up to draw. - we are all reallyshocked at this point, we're scared, noneof us are safe. - i am so sorry thatyou guys got invited and messed up in this, but please do not putme in this coffin. i'm not working with the evil,

so they can think whateverthey want, but i'm not. - who do we think's beenworking with the spirit because someone's beenorchestrating this entire thing. - [lele] justine!- i will not, i won't go! - look at how scared she is! - [glozell] i thinkit's time for her to go. - please do not, whatever youdo, do not put me in that box. - let's disperse a little bit. justine is trippin' out.

- why, why is sheacting so strange? none of us are,we're all scared, but we're not crying and saying, "oh, i don't want it to be me." - she's acting so sketchy, guys. - please don't vote forme, i can't go in that box. - i'm not gonna vote for you. it's not gonna happen! you're not gonna go in there!

- we are talking about puttingsomeone in a coffin though. - someone has to go,do you want to go? no, it needs to be her. - it's either her or all of us. - i say tim. - i say tim as wellbecause he has been out to get me this entire time. - are we unanimous? - yes, i better trust you guys.

- i love her, but it'stime for her to go. - this is the worst party ever. - let's put it to a vote. glozell, please go first. - i don't feel like ican go through with this. i don't wanna putanyone's name down. we're going to chooseone of our friends to go in this coffin and die. - and now, we're going todecide who's going in the coffin

and be buried alive. this is terrible. oh my goodness. - justine. - no, you guys, why wouldyou guys do this to me? - get her! - grab her feet! - [glozell] you'vegot to do this! - [joey] guys, stop,no, we can't do this!

- joey, no! - this is sick! - guess what, it's aneye for an eye, justine. - everybody get the shovels. (muffled screaming) - i'm sorry justin,we've got to do this! - we buried her right away and you hear her screaming. - joey, you're notgonna help us out?

- [joey] no, i'm not gonna help! - [tim] do you wantus all to die, joey? - this is sickening! - joey needs to at leastshovel one pound of dirt. - no, there, happy? - i don't want any part of this. i'm not gonna do it. - [eva] wait, wait, wait,guys, do you hear that? i think she stopped.

- it's unexplainable. we are burying somebody that was just standingnext to us, alive. - we're just trying tomake it out alive here, we have to do whatwe have to do. - wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! what's that noise? - [shane] it sounded likeit came from over there. is there something there?

- [glozell] yes,dig, come on yeah! that's it, that's it! - it's got the marking on it. joey, can you open it? - [tim] yes, see?- it's the artifact. see, it was all worth it, joey. - [matt] what is it? - just a box. - [glozell] it doesn't open?

- alright, i'm done, let's go. (somber piano music) - like, i've had enough of this. - i don't want todo this anymore. it's breaking my spirit. - i can't believewhat we've done. - this is definitely adark point for all of us. there's blood onall of our hands. - joey, i'm sorry, man,

but one of us had to go. - what do we do now? - we're gonna do this. (dramatic music)

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