badezimmer mit versteckter waschmaschine
cheers, guys. cheers (in spanish)! (cheers!) to good health. just say that in french. to good health! long live supreme master tv! (long live supreme master tv!) long live master!
(long live master!) is it good? yeah? yes, master. very good. they cannot make it quick enough. we have customers outside. the way you eat, we have to ask a robot. master, you look so young and beautiful. oh, thank you, thank you.
did she tell you to tell me that? hã²a, huh? did you ask him to tell me that i’m beautiful and young? because he’s very, very politically well trained. his wife even said that she was dying for himbecause of his mouth. because of his tongue.
he knows how to talk. did he pass on this mantle of spiritual know-how to you? do i look really young? mike, you tell the truth. five precepts. you look beautiful. thank you. when you love somebody,
they’re always beautiful. it’s the problem, yeah? but you really are also beautiful. you see, they say that 90% of american men do really love his wife and respect her. and even if she grows older, it doesn’t mean that she’s less beautiful to him.
she grows older doesn’t mean he feels that she’s less beautiful. because he loves her. america’s big. very lonely. if you can grab a woman, hold on to her. it’s normal. you know why i’mbeautiful today, and young? why, master?
i ironed the face but forgot to iron the clothes. you see what i mean? so, the contrast. makes my face look smooth and beautiful. that’s the thing. they say if you want to impressyour boyfriend or something, first time or any time for a date, you always
take an older girl with you. older and ugly. the older the better, the uglier the better for you. so he can compare. “okay, after all, she’s better.†so i don’t wear ironed clothes so my face looks good, looks better than the clothes.
see that? that’s the trick. that was the style. supermarket shirt. now here, this is vegan shrimp. thank you, master. yeah. mikey. (thank you, master.) here, guys. you have to eat with the sauce.
take the sauce back. first, you dip it in the sauce, then eat it. okay? oh, what is that for? also for this? (spicy.) for this? okay. good. thank you. it’s very spicy. okay, guys?
“ahh!†i haven’t eaten it yet. just scare you. i just invite you symbolically. because we have more people who worked for supreme master television, not just you guys. you guys are just sitting there and processing
the materials mostly, right? (yes.) but i cannot invite the whole world here. okay? whenever they eat or drink, you film them. okay? just the way you did to me. why share the joy? why don’t share the suffering?
you know, about five, ten minutes each. so they know how i suffered all these years. if you have a flash light, even more delicious. if you don’t know how, i do it. when they eat or drink or poke their nose or something, or scratch their head,
then you do it. it’s fun. now you don’t dare to eat. you just sit there. yeah. honestly, when i sit on the chair in front of the cameraand light, i don’t even dare to scratch my head when it’s itchy, i just try to bear it and smile. especially when it’s live, you know? terrible.
here is not too bad because you can, like, delete something you don’t want. but when it’s live like we used to do, oh my god! sometimes i have painor also itchy somewhere, i cannot even move. because the whole world is watching. uncle sam also is watching. because the cameramen,
they’re relentless. they just sit there and hold it. they don’t careif you want to blow your nose or scratch your hair or whatever. sorry. (it’s okay.) work is work, no? (yes.) you’re not in supreme master tv team. today is only for supreme master tv.
special! special suffering when you’re eating. now you take a break. and then there’s some more food and then the cameraman will be on you. make sure (to film) when they stick their tongue out or something… to put the food inside, and the mouth is big and the food goes in
and the tongue sticks out. oh, that’s a good shot. zoom in. zoom, yeah. zoom maximum. and if there’s some salad on the teeth, zoom on that, too. now you see that you feel sorry for your politicians or not?
leaders, no? they always have to be on the camera. sometimes it’s live. when people protest or throw things on your face, it’s still on camera and the whole world is watching. terrible. so if you think being a leader or president or prime minister is fun,
you rethink again. we wouldn’t want to change for that. in some former lives, i used to be king and queen and all that. and high officials. i picked a good time to be one. now i don’t want to be. cameras everywhere! even in the supermarket.
in those times, (it’s) okay to be king and queen, whatever. right now, i don’t want to be. because there’s camera all the time. and you have to wave in a certain way. and you know the new pope? in vatican? and now he’s in brazil. i felt sorry for him.
he never liked to be in the limelight. he was always humble even though he was a cardinal, but he was humbly working for the poor. and he asked everybody, please don’t vote for him, but that’s what he got. and i saw it on tv live. when he first came out in the public,
it took a long time for him to come. i guess he was trying not to come out. and then when he came out, i saw him like he froze in front of everybody. the first moment. and then, i guess everybody was thinking whether he could evenopen his mouth to speak. he seemed to be so frozen.
he really didn’t like public. i can see that. and then suddenly, he broke the silence, he said, “good evening†(in italian). so everybody clapped so hard. very nice voice he has. i like him very much. he’s a nice person.
good pope. now they’re cleaning the vaticanof all kind of things. monks are also humans,make mistakes. also, outside people, sometimes they push them into that kind of action and this action. even though they don’t want to. but sometimes, it’s just difficult to decidewhat is right, what is wrong,
when you’re always in the public and working and all kinds of... and so easy, you know, so easy. it’s difficult to decide. i feel sorry for any leaders. luckily i’m not one. so i can come and sit and eat and poke the salad out of my teeth.
i don’t see anybody eating. it doesn’t matter, lamsoon, really. it doesn’t matter whetherthey open their mouth, put the food in or not. you know why? because they saw the camera, they already know anytime it can happen. so they’re already very, very nervous. i just want you to have a taste
of what it’s like to be me! every time, all the way,all the time, camera! in my bathroom, i have to close the windoweven in hot weather. even daytime, even in my own place. my own home. you know, not at the center even. i always have to close the bathroom door, the toilet window, everything.
and turn on the light, at noon. because i’m scaredanybody just passes by any time pretending not to understand,or pretending that, oh, they have something to do there. it happened before, all the time. so i always have to close the windows, even when it’s so hot. and turn on the light inside,even if it’s daytime. (yes, master.)
so all the gates are lockedbecause i don’t want people to run around to the backyardand look into my toilet. not because there’s anything there to steal. the only thing valuable is me. they are not after anything,they’re just after me. (yes, master.) it’s really like that. so give them some taste, plenty of it. now every time we look at youin the video camera, we will have a different impression.
yeah, yeah. have a different thinking. that’s why sometimes i am away in some very high mountain somewhere, or remote area. there’s no internet connection. and the phone, you have to walk down the mountain in order to call. so sometimes i have a conference with you,
without internet, without camera, anything. it seems like… i told you it’s a little bit no high-tech where i live. it’s a little bit no high-tech where i live. and you think i was sad? no. i was so happy! because i have a good excusenot to show my nose to everybody. or not to clean my salad – in front of all the cameras – from the teeth
or blow my nose. the happiest timewhen i answer your questions is when i have no camera,no internet, nothing, just a stupid little phone. just a very simple phone. it doesn’t even have a cover because i lost it somewhere. maybe the dog ate it already. a very simple phone.
this is all i have, not even ipad, iphone, inothing. only i. imaster. don’t eat too much! there’s some more coming! ladies first. come. you’re welcome. there you are.
and now, the first comes last. enjoy while it’s still steaming hot. some more coming, don’t worry. please eat slowly. we don’t have ambulance around here. is it good? i like… yeah, pass on, pass on. some more fried rice coming.
i love this fried rice. kitchen, fried rice is very good! you take some more and then pass on. take as much as you like and pass on. actually at home, i don’t cook with this. broccoli or anything. you know, right? (yes.) today i’m breaking my own precept. but we thank the plants and all involved
for this wonderful food. yum yum. piping hot. come on, piping hot. there you are, guys, girls. sorry, just symbolic. you’ll get more later, okay? master, pasta genovese. genovese pastato.
nice. thank you. help yourself. this is mine, right? green beans. oh. i normally don’t eat beans at home. okay. exception. you know we don’t have beans at home? right, you know? you have to use, oh, you don’t have.
then use this, otherwise it takes too long. together. okay, let me show you. if you have a fork, should be like this. otherwise, it doesn’t go in the spoon. come on. here. you see how much i get? yeah, and go.
give them this clean fork so that they can do it. you know how? no. it’s not my problem anymore because you’re far away. wow. look at the animal, a giraffe. how they are endowed with such a long nose! must be very nosy indeed. if i had that neck.
then we don’t have to have camera or high chair or nothing. i just float on the crowd, on top of the crowd. everybody recognizes immediately, “ah, here she comes, the long one!†“long live!†then i can spot the maya
from a thousand miles away. oh! here comes the horned one. wow, look at that. it’s very good. is it good, everyone? you have to learn a couple of french words, man. everybody’s so quiet, busy eating. camera is on, you know?
i asked you if it is good. is it good? (very good. delicious.) say, “yes, it’s good, madam.†(yes, madam.) they’re very polite. the french people, they also say, “yes, sir. yes, ma’am.†just like in america, they say, “yes, ma’am.â€
yeah? “yes, ma’am.†what a ’assle! what a hassle, to eat! that’s the french people. they don’t pronounce the “h,†you know? so somebody comes to my hotel and says, “ah! it’s a ’assle to get into your ’otel.†it’s a hassle. but they pronounce
like ’assle, it’s an ’assle. “it’s an ’assle to get into your ’otel, madame.†and when they tell you the “truth,†they show you the “tooth.†you know, right? it’s more fun the other day in our own home, huh? but we would never dream that we would be able to eat
at loving hut with you. why not? you don’t have to dream, you just eat it. but now, it feels different eatingwhen being filmed. yeah. if you have not been in “the king & co.†and made a fool of yourself, then now you know what it is. but in “the king & co.,â€
you’re all made up, nobody recognizes you. here, show your real face, man. it’s like a reality show. wow. a lot of food. you guys still can eat or not? if not, we stop. because they’ll be cooking forever. no, really. (i’m full.) anybody who’s not full,
maybe still want some more? because if not, then we eat the cakes. yes! if there’s any left! because i did not order anything. just spontaneous, come here just to scare them like that. and see how they react.
because if the boss is coming and they all know in advance, then everything is picobello (perfect). so i just, “surprise!†surprise them. okay. good. now we’re going to have cakes and tea. and coffee, whatever, yeah? honestly, do you guys feel nervous
because the camerais going around or not? no. (i do, yes.) you don’t care? (self-conscious.) some don’t care. some are so used to with the cowboy style. who is nervous when knowing the camera is filming youall the time secretly? only you two? (it’s weird.)
the other ones are not nervous? we can edit it out. we can go home and edit it out. this one i won’t give you to edit. i’ll tell to keep as is. original. original, courageous, and “tooth†(truth)! the whole “tooth†(truth).
okay. you guys eat quick! if you don’t, then whoever finishes will eat the cakes. and if some left over, then they are lucky. you like cakes? they make very good (vegan) cheesecakes here. i hope they have it.
(vegan) cheesecake, chocolate cake, apple pie. anybody would like a toothpick? it’s written “d-e-n-t.†but you don’t say “dent.†you say “dou.†cure le dent (pick the tooth). if you want to learn french, it’s very easy. just cut everything. like if it’s written with an “n†at the end,
you just cut it. then it’s correct. like “maison.†m-a-i-s-o-n. and you just say, “maiso†“zo.†and your mouth is round – maison! and you just cut the “n†and then you’re correct. like “information.â€
it’s written exactly like english. but if you want to speak in french, then you say, “information.†and the “garã§on,†means boy. garã§on, garã§on, huh? with the “n†at the end. how do you say it now in french?(in french?) yeah. “garã§o.†you got it!
and if it’s an “h,†you just don’t say “h.†you don’t say “hotel,†you cut the “ha ha ha.†you cut the “ha†away. you say “’otelâ€! then you are french already. yeah? and if you pronounce the “r.â€
“robert,†you know. “robert.†“robert.†“french.†then you’re correct. i’m just trying to give a crash course in french. i’m just joking, okay? they speak very elegantly, not like that.
i just make fun, okay? don’t tell the french people. say something in french. please, did you enjoy the dinner tonight? did you like the food? she asked you… she asked youif the food is good or not good. and you say, “c’est bon†(it’s good). c’est bon (it’s good).
merci (thank you). merci beaucoup (thank you very much). merci, madame (thank you, madam). “merci, madame.†say it. merci, madame. no. “merrr†with “r.†“merrr.†say again, now! are we good french students?
not too bad. they’re very polite, okay? so if you speak wrong, they forgive you. and they will try to correct you. so no problem. okay? we have to laugh a little bit, so we can enjoy the next, you know, digest. now, if you like coffee or espresso, you have to
ask the lady there. i want tea, i told her already. if you want coffee, you tell her. you understand? yes, madam (in french). and you have to say “madame†or “monsieur.†“monsieur†means “sir.†yes, yes, sir.
not “mon-sieur†because you have to cut the “n.†even in the middle, you cut it. so it’s not “monsieur,†it’s “mo’sieur.†right? yeah, yeah, yeah. i know everything. thank you, love. thank you, thank you. it’s written “m-o-n-s-i-e-u-r.â€
but you have to cut the “n†in the middle. not “monsieur,†but “mo’sieur.†i told you! the french, they’re no-nonsense about it. anything unnecessary, they cut. and i don’t knowwhy they put it there to begin with. just have something to do. in time of crisis, it’s hard to find jobs. so somebody has to put an “n†there
and somebody has the job to cut it away. job to do. but when the french people, they speak high french, it’s very, very, very nice. very elegant. very lovely to listen. when somebody really has a good education, not like my french.
no, excuse me. but when they’ve really been well trained, they speak very, very nice. especially ladies. they speak very, very crispy. very nice. but hard to find. no, i’m joking. people also have to have language skill,
also have a nice voice. then the french is very lovely to hear. you say something. i loved the food here. the meal was delicious. loving hut is a restaurant. whatever i said before about the french elegant people, it doesn’t apply to this guy.
he’s stayed too long in america. not because i told a lie, but because he’s a hybrid. he also ate a lot of curry in india. before he came to america. so this mixture doesn’t help. doesn’t help his native tongue. when i say it’s elegant and nice to listen to,
it’s somebody else. i’m sorry, i offended you, huh? in english, if it’s “o-u-p†at the end, then you say “group†or “coup,†right? but in french, no, also cut again. “coo.†“merci beaucoup.†it was just joking, my god! long face like a horse!
no, no, you’re very elegant. speak so good. better than me. i always make people laugh. so if i have nothing to make fun about myself anymore, then i try to pick one of the scapegoats. so they can laugh at our expense. long time you don’t speak
french anymore, huh? (yes.) all these americans, they ruined your talent. no, the french people, they’re very proud of their language. so if you try to learn a couple of sentences, even if you speak brokenly, they like it. better than speak english. when i first came to france,
i tried to look for a job. a student, i was a student, and i didn’t speak french much then. and then, i little bit “blub blub blub†somehow and then i said,“do you speak english?†“no! i don’t like americans!†he said, “i don’t like americans.†and then he hung the phone up – bang – on me.
from then, i learned french. learnt. they’re very proud of their language. there was one time even, some kind of maybe law, not very heavy law, but there is some law passed out that you cannot mix english with french. you have to speak real french.
they were worried that the beautiful heritage of their language becomes “mã©lange†(mixture), become mixed, like a salad. so you cannot say, “c’est cool.†you cannot say, “it is cool†like that. “c’est cool†means “it’s cool.†you have to say…
how to say “it’s cool†in france? i don’t even know. he lost his heritage. you lost your heritage. you, too much with the americans! it is the americans who ruined you, who ruined your... ah, “c’est froid†(it’s cool). “c’est froid†(it’s cool).
yeah, but “cool†means, in the young language, like, “it’s nice.†like “it’s good.†this is trendy. no, “it’s trendy� yeah, the french, they don’t have that word, you see? (yes.) because it’s a slang, a new slang for the younger generation
in america or in england. the english people, they say, “it’s cool, man. it’s cool.†it doesn’t mean i have air-con. it means, “it’s okay, it’s okay.†or “it’s good.†you don’t have that word, so the younger generation of french wants to import that word.
so they always, “c’est cool, c’est cool.†and the government worries, don’t let them speak like that. have to say, “c’est…†whatever. i don’t know the word in french. because it’s not really like that in the dictionary as well. it’s not like “cool,†but now they use it a lot,
so everybody understandswhat “cool†means. means “okay,†“you’re okay.†“you’re okay†or “your clothes are okay†or “your style is cool,†means your style is okay. means admirable. but in french we don’t have that word. they’re very serious stuff.
french people are very serious. also “chewing gum,†we use “chewing gum.†we don’t have a word for “chewing gum.†yeah. that’s why, but the government tried to avoid all this kind of... like, you cannot say, “j’ai le feeling,†no? means “i have the feeling.â€
no. cannot say like that. i read in the newspaper before, i’m not sure if it’s true or not. but the government tried to tell the people, “don’t say, ‘j’ai le feeling.’†say, “je me sens quelque chose.†means, “i feel something.†but you cannot say, “j’ai le feeling.â€
“i have the feeling.†cannot import the english into the french. because they worry the french will be no more french. and then the younger generation keeps importing more and more words from ã‚u lạc (vietnam), china, america, and then finally we speak greek.
okay, we eat together. there’s a lot here. it’s a clean one. so i cut it off. i will never finish all this anyway. i never eat them. rarely. i rarely eat any sweets or ice cream. nothing. you talked about the dentist.
you don’t want to… no, it’s not about the dentist. it’s just i don’t like sweet stuff so much. i only liked it in indiabecause i didn’t have enough nutrition then. and i only liked it when i was younger because also i wanted to be vegetarian then. the whole house ate a lot of meat,so i didn’t have enough nutrition, so i ate a lot of sweets. but now i hardly eat it ever.
very rarely. okay. dig in. dig… dig, you dig it. here, phæ°á»£ng. take one each, three of us. every one has three, you see that? so you can take one piece each and tell me which one is nice.
just take any. take one at a time, eat it and then take more. (okay.) good? good. oh, yeah, this is the lemon something. but they’re very popular here. this is (vegan) cheesecake. (vegan) cheese and cherry. wow, my god, so sweet.
don’t be polite, you two. at least two for one or three or something. take here, have some more here. share with the neighbor. this for two and that for three. which one you like most? which one? so far, the yellow one. yellow one?
that’s the lemon one. lemon curd. (it’s sour.) he likes sour. the spanish ethnic, they also love sour. everything, put lemon in it. lemon and salt, lemon and salt. there was a mexican who lived in my house before.
everything he likes just put lemon and salt, that’s it. until he discovered soya sauce. the chinese people like to use soy sauce because they think… of course salt already, yeah? but if they have to dip something, they use soy sauce. they feel it’s less harsh.
not too harsh. you don’t go see your parents now? i will, i will. at the end? either at the end or (more or less.) in the middle. i’m not sure. okay. did you call them? you have to call, make an appointment, no? i wanted to surprise them.
no, no, don’t be. maybe you will be the one to be surprised. it’s vacation time, maybe they decide to go on the 50th honeymoon. and then you stand in front of the doorwith a lot of food and nothing happens, nobody. you can cook this food for them, a little bit here and there, and invite them.
they’d like it. (yes.) just to show your… my cooking skills. show your love. eat more, more, here. anybody welcome. look, the sour guy, here. a whole piece for you. i don’t think they care too muchabout sour stuff.
you eat it. (okay.) take the whole thing. (okay, thank you, master.) take the whole, no, the whole sour only, and you eat the rest. would you like to eat more, master? no, thank you, no. hey, you guys don’t drool on the camera lens, all right?
when i see my face blurred in the video, then i know what happened. maybe the food they can withstand it, but the cakes, oh my god! all sitting there and eat like that. and they have to stand by and watch only. eat, eat all. eat all. okay? you have them at supreme master tv?
(these kind of cakes?) yes? rare? sometimes at one veg world, they make cakes. this is a good one? eat it, eat it. please, long time no eat, just eat it. eat as much as you want. maybe some more,
i ask them to bring more. if you want more, this is fine. because the chair was so big. and also when they put iton the second floor, and it’s so heavy, it’s for downstairs, maybe the floor gets trouble. and they put that big chair that they put now in the gallery
for me to sit on, that was on my upper living room. imagine! the house is so small, my living room is about like this and the sofa is like this. when you walk in, it’s only sofa. so far, only the sofa. nothing else.
oh my god. don’t even know the sense of matching. that was tong, she likes everything big. actually, i don’t really like anything big. i like the big ocean, big mountain. but nothing… everything else is enough is enough. it has to be proportionate,
that’s what it is. my upstairs living room – just necessary, only about… very small sofa, very small. and the arm and the cushion should be this thin only, a little bit like that. but not the arm chair, the arm on both sides
like this and like that. and behind the back is also like this thick. and when i sit there – i’m already small – i sit in that big chair, i feel even tinier. if it’s just a little bit bigger, then you won’t find me. i blend in, swallowed up by the sofa. but this is nothing new.
nothing new. they do that all the time, everywhere. when i was in california, i had a little mountain, i bought a mountain. there is nothing up there, just some water. there’s a water well, that’s it. nothing, no electricity, of course.
so every night we had a fire to cook. and we brought a couple of trailers, old ones, used ones, a few thousand each. brought it up, so we could live there, and cook, and shelter when it rains. otherwise, we ate outside, because the mountain had a lot of dry wood falling everywhere. so we brought the wood
and made a fire in the middle and cooked every day. and then later, they felt sorry that i lived in the old second-hand trailer. so they nailed a wood house for me. a little bit bigger wood house. it was about maybe 3 by 3 (meters), something like that.
and they bought a king size bed, put inside there. i could not believe it. the king size bed is for the king, no? okay, if they really wanted to exaggerate, they could buy a queen size bed. no, a king size bed! put into that little wood do-it-yourself house,
with a tiny window, a little creaky door, and a king size luxury bed with curves in the bedhead, everything. the mattresses were as thick as my size, as thick as my height. you open the door,you jump right in the bed. no, not jumping, climbing! the bed was already high, king size, elaborated, everything.
and the mattress, double mattresses, one was down already, i don’t know whythey have double mattresses. i don’t know. really i don’t know. but they were double mattresses, some beds are like that. the bed was already very high. okay? i don’t know whom it was made for,
what kind of king, i don’t know, but very high. and then the mattress was this big. americans’ comfort, you know? and then another mattress on top of it. and the house is 3 by 2, or 2 by 4, or whatever that was, very small. like those readymade wooden storerooms. but this one, they do-it-yourself.
and because the mountain is not flat. on top you just happened to find just a little clearance somewhere and then you put a house there. it’s very difficult to go up to the house already because the land is not flat. you have to try to climb somehow (to) come up. and then, as soon as you open the door,
oh, it almost hits you back down to the mountain again. because the door opens outward. you open it and you, “oh! my god!†you have to grab something or you’d fall down backward, rolling down. so i told them no needto wait for me in the car, i’ll just roll down myself. that was a very peculiar mountain
because the way you go up, just like that, “zzzzzp!†so they brought me a bronco with a lot of bullet holes all over the car, bullet holes in it. my god, i’m already scared to be noticed. a bronco, so big! i’m not exaggerating! at least two dozens of bullet holesin the whole car!
i don’t know what they used that car for, like target shooting or something, or maybe they have been doing things with each other out in the field somewhere. and i told them, “but why did you have to buy cars with bullet holes in it?†and my attendant, she told me,
“it’s the cheapest we can get. almost immediately available, master.†my god! when i sat in that car, i put my head down very low, hiding behind the chair. i was worried the police would stop us or see my face. and then they’ll take a picture or something
just for the story to later on use in case, for reference in the future. “the woman with a hat and umbrella and a lot of holes, bullet holes in the car.†but that car is very strong, can go straight up. oh, really, you have to go… it’s very straight, yeah, like this. i’m not joking!
san jose, the mountain. i sold it already, of course. and we still came up and down every day. funny. and we wanted to make a road. the asphalt road is easier to go up than just dirt and straight 90 degrees like that, or at least 45.
terrible. before, they just went up to hunt or something. american cars are very strong. they use jeep or bronco, bronci whatever, to go up. so later on, we, just me and some attendants, some male, female, we bought cement
and we hired those cars that mix cement and poured it out on the street together. so we made a kind of cemented roadto go down. it was easier to grip to go up. but before, it was just likethe movies, “voooosh,†and then it goes “grrraah.†and then it goes “vooo,â€and then, “grraah grraah.†“don’t worry, master! i got it, master!â€
“vroom, vroom, grraah, oooo!†every day, every day. “don’t worry, master.†and the wheels kept rolling on. “don’t worry, i got it, master!†“aah grraah grraah.†go back… “brooom!†i told him, “don’t talk to me, just drive!†i said, “i’m not worried.
i’m dead already!†because just one road upand so steep really, and if anybody knows about it or not… hã²a knows? nobody knows, huh? nobody (was there) at that time. but you can ask like tong, the earlier ones that could go to america with me.
and where was i? “grrrh.†the bronco, he was trying very hard. but with so many bullets in his body, i think he really did well. it was rolling, it “brrrm, brrrm and brrrm,†and then finally “zoopâ€! every time, every day. and he kept telling me,
“don’t worry, master. i got it.†and the road was already so steep, and so small. if one mistake, he will roll over to either side! and he kept talking to me, one hand drive. that kind of situation, and braking and gassing,
and breaking, gassing, and still managed to talk! always telling me,“don’t worry, master. i got it, i got it.†i said, “just drive! don’t talk! i’m not worried! every day! and there was some guy who wanted to visit me at that time. he couldn’t make it,
his car couldn’t make it. he had a jaguar, man. it couldn’t go up. animal, jaguar, but could not go up. so he left the car down there and walked every day up. oh, man! talking about sincerity. and a guy with suit, business man,
black suit, black tie, shiny shoes, everything. by the time he goes… by the time he climbs that dirt road, 45 degrees or 50 degrees to my house, he’s completely changed the color. like those lizards that change color to suit their environment.
oh, he completely blends in. you don’t recognize him anymore when he’s up. the color changed completely to the dirt color. it’s like magic. i asked, “since when did you learn the art of camouflage for the environment?†poor guy.
and not only that, we have mosquitoes, by the way. not because you’re climbing it doesn’t mean the mosquitoes just stand by and say, “hoorah, go, go!†the mosquito is lazy to fly because it’s too high, he hitchhikes on your skin.
you’re driving or not, he just takes a ride with you, free. and then it comes up, oh, a lot of pimples on the face as well. also same color as dirt. you don’t know it’s a mosquito bite. it’s not red. it’s all brown.
and in that kind of situation they still could manage to bring the king size bed! into that little wooden hut. i really have no idea how. put it inside even! despite the door is that big! they took it all into pieces, went inside, they couldn’t even stand inside to fix it.
they stood outside, through the window, through the door to fix it. and climbed under the bed to fix it from below, fix the nails. and two mattresses! by the time i climbed the mountain and i climbed to my house,
i see the bed, i don’t want to go in there. i don’t want to climb another “mountain.†oh, but that’s what they do. if you always ask them, “why you did this? why you did that?†they say, “i love master, that’s why.â€
see what i mean? always love and then do all kinds of things, because “love master.†love, but don’t have to have a big bed like that. just to show their love is big or something. i know why they had such a big bed in that small house. because once i came inside,
i probably crawled into the other side of the corner, the wall corner. like that i’m safe, they thought. because if it’s a small bed, then maybe if i roll down the bed, then i roll down the hill. but if it’s a big bed, then i probably have time to grab the pole or something,
or the pillow, hold onto it, and call for help. there used to be a little tree house also for the children of the neighbor. they used to go up and play next to it. so i said, “well, i’d rather go to that tree house.†because at least i know it’s a tree house, and it’s smaller.
and i would be safer in there than just rolling on that bed and might be able to even roll down the hill. incredible. you don’t know that place, hã²a? san jose mountain, you’d not been there? no. you have been there?
yes. i have been there. you ask him! the road. yeah? remember? later we sold. because i wasn’t there anymore. otherwise, i like that place very much. a lot of good memories, good laughs. i don’t know why.
i like it because we could make a fire. we didn’t need to buy anything. electricity, didn’t need. we just bought a battery and connected with the neon lamp and we were done, inside. and then just made a fire
every day, cooking outside. we didn’t have anything to chop the wood. so sometimes we got small wood, okay. sometimes big wood, we just put the whole thing in, in the middle,
and then we put small wood underneath and then finally it burns, too. you don’t even need to buy anything. it’s so simple. and we had good meals there. hey, surprise. cook with fire, tastes very good. and we were just maybe
just five, six people only at that time. hã²a, did you eat there? (yes.) together at night? yeah? there, you ask him, it went like this, zzzz. master advised us about sustainable living. grow own your food. oh, grow “your own†food, not grow “own your†food. so we took your advice
and we started to grow our vegetables. where, in lucky house? yes. lucky and our house. you have a garden there? yes, small, small garden beside lucky. and the garden of the house. and we started growing, and it grows very well. and it grows very big like,
our vegetables, very like… heavy. we have a whole tree of oranges. and tangerines, and it grows a lot, and our vegetables grow so well. and it tastes so good. and the bầu (winter gourd) is like this big. (bầu. bầu.)
bầu. winter gourd. (yes.) winter gourd. it tastes so good. like cucumbers and tomatoes are so tasty. so we just harvest it and just eat like several, like fruits. (yeah?) so tasty. oh! wonderful, good.
and we have a lot of fruits and vegetables. (good.) and we feel like it’s a gift from master. why? i didn’t do anything. we can feel like, it’s like, because so small garden, but it gives a lot of abundance to us. (yeah.) and we feel love and blessings. so we very appreciate it and enjoy a lot.
good for you. good for you. but you are a lot of people,how (is it) enough? enough, yeah? enough? yes. we have a full tree of tangerines… good, good. yeah. you can even grow things under the trees as well. yes, and we have all sorts of herbs.
make use of space. yeah, it’s very good. leafy, leafy green vegetables. cool. (it’s very good.) it’s cool. i have the feeling that it’s cool. anything else? yes, master. (yeah.) what was hermit’s and
happy’s relationship before? they were friends. why? curious, master. i have a story. not too long ago, master, about a few weeks ago, there was this customer, she’s american, and she
came to one veg world. and i’ve never seen her before. i think she’s a new customer or something. but when she was at the counter, she ordered food, and the way she talks, i feel she’s so different, master. (yeah.) in my head, i was thinking, “wow, i wonder
if she’s an angel or a goddess that manifested here.†but i was thinking, “she’s so kind and she’s so gentle.†and her energy, you feelshe’s so light, master. but i was like, “oh, god! i can’t tell.†and i was just thinking all those things. and then later on, she looked at me, master,
and she told me, “you’re so kind, you’re…†exact words that i had in my mind. that you’re thinking about her. yes, exactly. whatever i thought about her, she repeated it back to me. and then i was like, “oh, my gosh!†and then before she left, master, she turned around
and she looked at me. whatever i thought about, either “you’re a saint†or… i was thinkingwhether she’s a saint or a god. she looked at me,“you’re like a saint or a goddess.†i was like, “oh my god!†lucky you didn’t thinkanything bad about her! yeah. sometimes gods and goddesses, they come visit.
she just wantedto let you know, “be careful what you think becauseother people can read.†that’s what it is. okay? she just wanted to encourage youto think positive. that’s what it is. you see? very clearly. (yes!) okay, good. how many more of youlike that? how many visits?
just that one, huh? lucky one, huh? see, some people can read your thoughts, not just about saints or angels. but she just wanted to warn you that, “be careful what you think.†yeah, yeah. it’s transparent. i wonder why we bother wearing clothes or makeup
because everybody, most, everyone can see us, through and through. that’s why some indian yogis or yoginis, they don’t bother wearing anything. also troublesome. go shopping, and sewing, and washing, and then ironing. and you have to have a washing machine
if you are old like me. too tired, a washing machine. oh, it’s good news. well, even though we didn’t see gods or goddesses, but at the performers’ rehearsal, a friend of one of the performers said, “i see that cute girl from the poster coming to rehearsals every day.â€
so they saw you, your manifestation body, somehow. oh, yeah? and you guys are all blind. always wait for other people to tell you. you ask yourself. ask yourself. it’s not just you guys. other brothers and sisters
of yours, initiated, same. always the family member who is not initiated told them, “oh, your master came.†and this and that and others. but it’s also good like that. because like that, they also believe that what you told is true. you believe already anyway,
so maybe you see or not see, doesn’t matter too much. because jesus said, “blessed are the ones who don’t see but believe.†he means the blind. i also have miracle. i make all the blind see. now and then, see a little bit,
and they’re still blind but they can see a little bit. that’s why i have to invite you to here to eat because otherwise you couldn’t see anything. just the physical body. it’s always the same. this story is the same everywhere. just like the journalist who told you that, “the girl came, advertised for herself.â€
“the woman, why does sheadvertise for herself?†i wouldn’t do such a thing. imagine you go out and distribute flyers with your photo on it. “here! i am the master, look at me. take one, get blessed!†but like that, even if you couldn’t see, you believe more also. and the outside people,
or the non-initiate, they also get to believe something. also, it works both ways. with your infinite transformation bodies, master, can you set them to sit in all the blessing levels at the same time? like you can put several of them in the karmic immunity area
at the same time. while you’re here with us and some are… yeah, yeah, yeah. okay, okay. no, it doesn’t work for me. i’m not allowed to use my own power to do things for myself. otherwise, it would be too easy. it doesn’t work that way. you have to sign the pact.
but nowadays, i can manage better. like, put it on hold for a while or something until i finished doing something. it’s okay then. okay. if you have nothing more important, then we go. thank you so much, master. you enjoyed, yeah?
yes, master. very much so.