badezimmer hocker weiss

badezimmer hocker weiss

so we are exiting here and.. the truckdrivers of waberer's aren't staying on the right side, but on the left okay? so, we are exiting on exit 48 you have to pay to park here, 2,50 euros per hour, if i'm correct, but soon i'ma tell you exactly pidou's is closed on sunday i guess i don't really see the point, why it's right there

pidou it's written like that i did some research for what people like mostly, it seems it's alcohol in this region the alcohol is cheaper than anywhere else that's why i didn't really know it i've been there a few times, but i don't really know anything about it on the left is transmark, though it's on both sides and we turn left here, it says scania service on the right to the left.. i hope they have room for me

people walking around with full plastic bags it's forbidden to enter here can't see many people around there the place has fences around it, but it doesn't mean anything and you can see the "army of waberer's" don't you tell me, i never go there oh, the police is also here officers we got a few places, barely

hungarian drivers in there, mostly supernova waberer's these 2 are the most common companies you can show your girlfriend at home that where you are, what's transmark it has a few disadvantages, for me especially, if you accept a few criticisms not sure if this concerns everyone, but me if you have to pay when you are paying, i mean

you can pay in this side of the building you have to stand outside like a homeless, can't find a different word for it and the security guard is takingthe money through a small gap this isn't really a problem on sumer but for example last time i was here, i didn't have other choice than staying here the weather was windy and the rain was icy i wasn't really upset about this(irony)

you pay loads of money to stay here, and you don't even get a closed, warm place this was my criticism nothing else, really i was parking in a "last minute" parking zone, but.. we can all agree on this so, you arrive here this parking lot is kinda yellow this gate is about to open in front of us like you arrived to a military base

open up and it's open then you come inside they have gas, so you can tank they have restaurant, washing machine i'll show you everything okay? shower.. which i really need now i'm not here to park we press this button here

"take the ticket please" and where is the ticket?.. do you see any tickets? press the button again we had to press it a bit stronger i was too girly left and right sides, if you came with english truck i wanted to ask this, please write a comment, what's this? is it good if ipark here? i don't want to go too inside

but if i stay here you are going to tell me that i'm not sharing i can see it in your eyes but for real, i'm curious can i park here or just.. i don't know we gonna shoot a drone scene here i just wanted to know if there is any camera or anyone is walking around here bent poles here because of the reversing trucks

so much sunlight here so.. it's so good to arrive here, like a military base, nato fence but why is it inside? look are they out of their minds? it's inside.. i don't want to climb out for god's sake the real masterminds.. but maybe i'm wrong here i don't know what you think about this

i get inside and i can't say any good words about the place but the trucks are nice oh it's chocked, really nice professional seriously.. we are closed.. really.. oh is it already lunchtime? they are kind of late with that we are doing a lap of honor here

tv there, really good, it's working, a supernova look at the waberer's trucks, they all have chocks where should i park? i should park somewhere near the exit what? they are all hungarians i'm feeling uncomfortable well, listen enjoy your meal they are all gone

everyone has disappeared should i park between all these waberer's guys? well let's go here, that lad is ready to go don't you tell me i never do it.. here.. i'm doing it holy.. don't hit my trailer that's it no one's here we sneaked inside you are watching my video, pulling the curtain

god damn it, he is here again.. i can't believe it on facebook, on youtube and he is parking next to me i'm done i'm straight like an arrow and they tell me, you can only go straight in videos? no no every milimeter counts here, because i will be posted on the waberer's franchise site "look, this guy can't even park

it's not that simple, you gotta gel your hair, put make-up on good we are here, and i'm going to show you the bathroom i don't really want to talk, not so many drivers like to be recorded they might be eating, drinkin orsomething, i don't know why is it open? there is a small stool oh he is turkish, okay

i'm gonna go inside and show you the place, and i might put some voice-over on it afterwards okay so, i'm done with the shower, this 1 hour was for free i didn't see this anywhere though we are good to go well, i didn't really see any familiar faces we must do another lap of honor? we are going this way don't unncesseray rounds i spent 28 minutes here the bathroom inside was really worn down

but okay beggars cannot be choosers oh, them english trailers, man so yeah this is what parking is like if anyone could explain that nato fence to me, i thank you already like this, and we sneak out so that one is closed, go this way

you asked me to make a video of a parking lot, but i'm not gonna make one, i see what i see, but i won't make a video of it seems like this road is crushed where the trucker goes, everyhing is going to be ruined you stop here and via camera, you don't need any ticket or anything you stop above the green zone and your lincence plate number is getting checked, feel me? like this and if god wants it, i will be released

red, yeah let's go well guys this was the so known transmark, we are going to make a round in pidou aswell oh yeah, drone scene, well.. i'm not even surprised that i can't make one i can't here's a photo, so this is that certain zone flying zone

you can't take off inside it you are not allowed and i don't know how to turn off the gps i could've taken off with the parrot bebop 2, but i don't have it now you are not going to see an aerial shot of this listen, you can't take off above dunkirk neither above, calais not with this drone you can't take off, so that's it i didn't really want to fly anywhere, just wanted to shoot a few scenes

like i'm parking between the waberer's guys that's why i couldn't do it, if you are going to ask i did my best and now, well all you can do here is walking write a comment, what you can do here, i think you can go inside calais you should check the beach, if you dare i don't know anything about it right now i used to check it in the

in the old times i had been there, in the jungle, but it's gone it was a long time ago it's not so expedient to go there these days it happened back then too, when a hillbilly was coming at you there used to be tents and stuff like this and this is the pidou look at that guy with the backpack, who's that? he is on the phone

oh boy that's too dark it's was too dark there looking for a taxi? let's see 2 backpacks, fully loaded reebok bags, hood on well, yeah.. there is a migrant, man! careful! there is one we saw only one

guys, this was the.. this certain, famous, remarkable, transmark resting place so you can show this at home, where you are staying for the weekend if you have a weekend

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