wohnzimmer wandgestaltung mit farbe

wohnzimmer wandgestaltung mit farbe

in a world of global commerce and competition,excellence matters above all else. outstanding brands distinguish themselvesthrough collaborative enterprise, creative marketing, and superior products. these areexceptional brands which stand apart, elevating themselves to the prestigious distinction of being named a superbrand. alpina is a superbrand. alpina is a market leader in interior andexterior paints, interior lacquers and glazes, and paint-mix-facilities, continually inspiringthe market with new directions and products. alpina’s continuing success is the resultof its ongoing product innovations, and by providing assurance and guidance to consumers.alpina’s high quality and unique coverage

power have mades it the number-one paint-brandbrand for both white and colored paints for generations of consumers. since 1995 the white cat has been a uniquebrand-icon for the brand "alpinaweiãÿ" as a symbol and a sympathetic character to consumers,representing purity, cleanliness, the finest odor-free quality and ease of use. alpina’s colour paints, lacquers and glazeshave achieved the highest level of prominence with 95% of the market. mainmarket is theclassic "do-it-yourself" store, and 72% of german "do-it-yourselfers" have used an alpinapaint product, making it the most popular with consumers.

alpina’s products have been approved byindependent test-institutions. it’s lead product "apinaweiãÿ" is currently winner of"stiftung warentest" in the category of dispersion paint (5/2012). innovation and progress are the key pointsto keep the leading position of a brand stable. alpina continually performs market researchto discover needs of the consumers and create new products. as a result alpina maintainsa close relationship with customers, helping choose the right product for each project. alpina maintains its commitment to sustainability,creating products that are environmentally-friendly, and focus on health, value and the highestquality.

consumers can always be confident that productswith the name "alpina" are easy to use, even without professional know-how and guaranteea perfect result. alpina’s brand promise is a combination of simplicity and perfection,appreciated for generations of consumers – always at the state of the art. many consumer simplysay "alpina" when they ask for "wall paint". superbrands: the international award for sustainableexcellence

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