wohnzimmer regalwand weiß

wohnzimmer regalwand weiß

quick question: if you live out in the countryside and the closest other residence to you is like a kilometer away would you consider them your neighbour? but if you live in the city, is someone who lives of that same distance still your neighbor? hmm... [intro] i've never really had problems with neighbours amongst all of the houses my family has moved to as i was growing up. most have been relatively nice, and while some have been kinda sketchy and suspicious,

they kept to themselves and didn't really bother us. it was only when i moved out over a year ago that problems have risen. i'll admit, i was the problem at first. as many of you know, i have a dog. her name is nala, and having a dog in a building is way different than having a dog in a detached house where your neighbours aren't in such close proximity. when my roommates and i first moved in and we had to go out to eat and such, we'd always just leave nala out in the open within our suite because she's quite behaved, and that's what we always did with her

when i still lived with my family. except i forgot that nala, despite being the little (cute) pupper that she is, likes to play guard dog and tends to bark at any sounds that she may find threatening. now, this wasn't really a problem back at my family's house because my neighbours were spaced out far enough that they couldn't hear her going ape-shit over a knock on the door. but i forgot this factor when i moved into my new place. one time, my roommate went skateboarding,

and ate shit because a pebble decided that he was going to have a bad night. he went down a hill too fast, fell off of his board, and tore off a chunk of his chin! he came back and thought, "it's not that bad." as he's dripping blood over his shirt. when i saw it, i immediately thought, "dude, we gotta go to the hospital. that's gonna get infected for sure."

"is it that bad?" "let's say your face is ice cream. it's like someone took a spoon, and scooped out a piece of you. we gotta go." in the rush, we left nala behind as usual. and this was around 1:00am when most people are asleep. he gets patched up at the hospital, and we head back home. the next day, i get a call from the building manager to meet at her office.

*childish voice* "oooh! dom's in trouble!" it was like being sent to the principal. i get there, and she tells me the neighbours filed a noise complaint about my dog. apparently, nala was barking at the door for most of the duration that we were gone the previous night. which was about two hours.. i guess someone called security to my unit, and when they came to my door and knocked, no one was there to answer and only triggered nala to bark even louder.

and it wasn't even just the next-door neighbours but the people from the floor above complained as well. damn nala! you gotta relax! *woof* i explained the situation and apologized. she was very understanding and cut us some slack because we were still new to the building. but from that point on,

i always have to lock up nala in my room before we leave the condo. she still barks, but the concrete walls are definitely thicker than the front door. a month or two later, i decided to get a tv for my room and mount it on the wall. right beside the failed attempt of a shelf that the previous resident made. i don't know if you guys have ever tried drilling into concrete, (unfortunely, yes) and i wanna believe that i was using the right tools because i trust the dude at home depot, but it was hard as dicks!

the first time i attempted it, it was pretty late in the day... okay it wasn't even daytime, it was 9:00 pm. now to an night owl, 9:00 pm is pretty much still like the middle of the day. i was aware that some people might be getting ready to head to bed, but i thought that maybe i can test out the drill and see if i can do it quick enough that my neighbours might not notice..? probably a dick move on my part because,

because they totally did. i attempted it. and this is my best impression of a drill- niiing ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning ning and i was like: "yep. okay, that's- that's pretty loud. uhhhh...

let's not continue that.." so i stopped and thought "i'll just try again tommorrow." about 20 minutes later, i hear a knock at the door. it's the building security, and he told me that someone complained about the drilling. i said "i'm very sorry sir, i understand and realize my mistake, i've already stopped it won't happen again." and for some reason he didn't think i got it- like i was gonna attempt it again once he left.

or maybe he wanted to make the best of his time for trekking it all the way to my unit.. but he continued to scold me about how drills are loud and that people are asleep during this time, i'm like: "i get it, i stopped a while ago. it won't happen again, i apologize." he continues for another minute and then leaves. now i understood my mistake, it was a dick move i disturbed my neighbour's peace and so i wanted to make it right. the next day, i went to the mall

and got a giftcard which was redeemable for any of the hundreds of stores inside. i came back, waited till evening assuming that's when my neighbour would be home, and knocked on their door. no response. i didn't wanna just slip it under their door because i felt like my apology won't feel genuine. so i waited an hour or so and tried again.

still no answer. eventually it was nearing their assumed 9:00 bedtime, so i thought: "ehhh i'll just try again tomorrow." that same night, at like, 4:00am when i finally decided to crash, i hear music. it wasn't coming from the living room or anywhere in my suite, but from the wall of my neighbours side. oh, sweet hypocrisy how unkind art thou

now, it wasn't as ear piercing as drilling into concrete but i could hear the music pretty clearly and the bass was loud enough that it was bothersome i still eventually slept through it, but come on i got pretty salty because this happened on multiple occasions and it just didn't seem fair at that point to complain about my ten seconds of drilling. but have parties at four in the morning might be a little immature because of my original intent but

i decided to keep the gift card. and to this day it still sits on the self by the front door waiting to go in case. i'm a bother again to my neighbours.. which did not happen anymore because a new contender rose and took the stage and yeah, you probably notice the title and assume this will be continued and it will be because i'm going to talk about it my prostitute neighbour in the mean time, why don't ya'll indulge yourselves with some

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