badezimmer selber machen ideen

badezimmer selber machen ideen

hey! today i am going to show you how to build a nice little stool for your house. we are going to use some leftover pieces i got some walnut from a current project - a few little ones and one larger piece. and i found this while cleaning up. oak and wenge glued together. i have no clue when or why i made this...but weâ´ll use it today! enjoy it! first of all we are going to cut the legs from the larger piece of walnut. surely to save most of the rest. i think i am going for legs that are 2,5x2,5cm. just adjust the fence. i am going to cut one large strip that should be enough for the four legs of the stool. so, we've cut four legs from one strip.

and because we want the legs to be at a slight angle, we have to cut a angle to the top and bottom of the pieces. i might be going for 10â° on both sides. that will make the legs stand in a 80â° instead of a 90â° angle. that should look really nice on our stool! go! you may have noticed that i placed a little spacer under my workpiece for this cut. i did that, because of the angle on the piece and a slight bow, due to the relieved stress in the wood - the length stop of my saw didn't really catch on the workpiece. by raising the workpiece with the spacer, the length stop worked just fine! with this, all four pieces came out perfect and exactly the same.

i am not sure if this is the best tip ever, but it sure worked for me! be sure to hold everything steady. now weâ´ll continue with cutting the top plate. what i really missed beforehand is, that there is no straight line on the piece of wood. how do we get a straight edge to reference to. itâ´s quite simple for me. i just draw a more or less straight line, in fact a dead straight line on this piece. and now i am going to cut this with my handsaw and a guide track. and after that we will be able to reference every other cut from that first straight cut. lets cut it. iâ´d say, that was really a resource friendly cut.

thin as paper. we really use the full width and length of the workpiece. we don't need this anymore - off with ya!and on we go! now that we have the seat and the legs - i made sure that the legs will end somewhat flush with the seat. i don't has to be perfect for me, i little more inwards or outward will be fine as well. next, weâ´ll lay out the legs on the seat, so that we don't need to calculate the length of the stretcher. we lay them onto the top, flush to the outer edges. and just take a quick measurement between the two pieces. we have exactly 15,5cm, that's easy to remember!

that means the stretcher that will help stabilize the whole product has to be 15,5cm long. we have to do this again for the longer stretcher and then we can assemble everything and we're done! iâ´ve cut the dominos for the legs. and i got a super expert advise for you! buy a white marker! because, marking dark walnut with a dark pencil and than work in a "dark" area is just really stupid! lets see, if everything fits together. we have assembled both leg constructions. but we still need the horizontal stretcher. we need a 10â° angle for that and use the table saw again to cut the two pieces. the dominos are already cut. the ones in the stretchers need to be cut afterwards.

then weâ´ll assemble everything again - if it fits, we apply glue and we're done! our stool is done, everything fits nicely, the angles are well cut. but! i have to take everything apart once again to apply glue. then i am going to sand everything a little. not too much because the customer wants it to be rustic. so the wholes will only be sanded a little. but over all the stool will stay as it is right now. i will show you some pictures of the oiled product, but the video will end here for now. iâ´ll do the boring stuff off camera. therefore, have fun rebuilding this and see you next time!

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