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pick up and they're anderly face bookinvestor peter file has given a one point twofive million dollar you tell me there's not a problem people like this have too much moneyawaz this guy needs a tax cut that's whatthis guy needs one point two five million dollars to and initiative to create a floatinglibertarian countries in international waters and we need to give these company it weneed to give you know these uh... these
companies in these millionairesbillionaires we need to give them more money todaycreate jobs substitute builders barges is billyknows right it is a backer ease of deceased addinginstitute which seeks to build sovereign nations on oil rig like platforms to occupy waters beyond the reach of lawthe sea treaties with all due respect the jimmy reefercake the amount pop that these libertariansmissus you consume and uh... lists hai i'm pro pot incidentally
but i don't though inga i don't get highand then spend one point two five million dollars aundh pune ideas that literally are are italian these guys get high it's meagain after the first time and when they have a billion dollars theirs like what uh... you know it's andi don't know the ideas for these countries to startfrom scratch free from the laws regulations moral codes of any existing place
the experiment to be a kind of floatingpetri dish for employees implementing policies that libertarian stymied byindifference at the voting booths have been unable to advance no welfare looserbuilding codes no minimum wage and fewer restrictions on weapons you really wanta looser building slum nazi hot listen on one hand i think this guy's insanehe's got too much money but i would love to see this indivisiblethere's a place like that actually already whizzer principality of sumanth
have you ever heard of it is a floatingyet this guy disguise found a like old like world war two or something like fort in the middle the ocean and he moved there and the criticdeclared in a country it's a population of three people oh organise said you know what i can'twait to see what happens what do they do in pirates are comingthere i mean what to take until someonedecides to attack this island uh... and then they build and i havebeen a build an army
and then they're right back to where weare because they want to start paying forthe army hiding a paper that army everybody's got a contributor at eight all that's going to mean taxes it's it's ridiculous ridiculous they plan to lunch today an office parkoff the san francisco cuz next year with a full time settlements following sevenyears later in july
to technology sounds pretty cool butthen a technology to find a job that he had it's just ridiculous it's just ridiculous liberty medal libertarianism as an ideology is a choke it is a joke give me five minutes were there anylibertarian and i will show you why they are full of crap
there will be one or two questions thatthey refused to answer or that they resent having to answer and we all know what it is right amin bubble that hypothetical that's in thepast so you do believe that people should beable to discriminate with their property i don't know i don't know a restaurant no blacks allowed that's a libertarian ideal uh... tear duct on the need to build anisland ah... nation to try minor and
libertarianism it's alive well and smile you know theuh... but if you're going to give it a shot please please let's hope the theytake the rest libertarians with them we normal people would be relieved to nolonger have conservative thinkers when mr the reason why they can't go to smile isbizarre to poor people there libertarianism very well may work injust a small country club with rich people you know but notice where they are intheir money
inside no no making money in their little island doubly making it back here on themainland what they should do if they really wantto do this thing right is no contact with organized society butthere's good luck to them goodluck with
making your living depended upon the commerce you cancreate on your floating island good luck with that they cheat even in their own ideologythat's what's so pathetic about they break their own principles all thetime it's completely arbitrary and they do not admit they will whisper we do need some typeof safety net you see it's completely arbitrary for them but they will not admit it
so they bride on their principles untilit's time for them to sort of whisper about the lugo shortcuts they're taking