badezimmer klein ideen pinterest

badezimmer klein ideen pinterest

autonomous driving? huh? everyone talks about the future of driving. but no one talks about the drivers of the future. that’s why we invented a new car. the smart fortomorrow. a car equipped with every feature the future has to offer. sharable and fully autonomous.

and now we put it to the test. hello jordan. i’m not jordan! i’m captain zog! ok, jordan. the car of the future will automatically recognize synergies for car sharing. calumn needs a lift to the slide. shall we pick him up?

no, he can walk. he needs to exercise. the car of the future will make the streets a safer and a more peaceful environment. hurry up, charlotte! sorry. i can’t let you crash. ouch! it will be able to adapt to all the driver’s wishes.

pink! more pink! blue! purple! pink with sparkles! almost all of the driver’s wishes. how do you do that?

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