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hey everyone, it's us again, nathalie and yann from unbeschwert erklã¤rt. today we have something really cool for you. we're going to show you, how to make a really cool upcycling lamp out of old milk boxes. and it looks like this: it looks just really cool! really cool! everything you need for that is
ridiculously much of milk boxes. so drink milk, wether you like it or not. and yes, you need time. this lamps consist of just milk boxes, actually. if you like our video please subscribe to our channel so you won't miss any other videos and give us a like and don't forget to share our video. yes.
at first you need to take care that you have a lot of milk boxes. you do that by drinking a lot of milk. wether you like it or not. before you can start you need to unfold and wash and rinse the boxes. like this,
for the ease i just take a piece of metal or the grip of a fork or knife, push it through here, and the box's upside is perforated. tadaa. it is important, that is silver inside. now i take a knife, and as you can see, there is a seam.
and in this i will cut lightly so i can better rip it up. and let's rip it. don't forget the downside. so, we're going to clean the inside of the boxes. simply with water and rinse aid. if you don't do it properly,
it'll start to stink very, very badly. nobody would want that. before we start with the cutting you have to know that the lamp mainly consist of these things here. that are hexagons. they are called hexagons, because that are six triangles.
and what else you need are so called pentagons. they almost look like pentagons. the difference ist, that there are not six but five triangles. now i'm going to tell you, how to make them. let's go. so, let's get to the cutting.
for the hexagons. the hexagons consists of six slips 21mm (0,827 inch) and six slips 19mm (0,75 inch). now we're gonna cut this here. i cut of the upper slip. we don't need it anymore. and i cut off the bottom side. we don't need it either. of this remaining piece, you are going to
cut the slips in this orientation. now we have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 slips 21mm (0,827inch). you will also need an auxiliary slip. a 7th slip 21 mm (0,827inch). you will need it for the whole lamp. now you take one of the slips and put them together like this, so they form a kind of t.
the back slip here should be aline with the front slip. looks like this. now you fold it 5 times, so you get 6 edges. or 6 layers or 6 segments that's how they are also called.
now we have 3 layers, 4 layers, 5 layers, 6 layers, and folded 5 times. now we cut off the rest. we don't need this any more. now we detach these. unfolded it looks like this. when you fold it again,
you can see, that it looks like a triangle. in this triangle, each side is doubled. you do this with the other slips as well. so, now have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. now you need 19mm (0,75inch) slips for the conjunction pieces.
for that you take the 21mm slips and a 19mm slip. like before you put the slips together like a t both of them aline. this time you only fold 3 times, so you get 4 layers or 4 segments. 1, 2, 3. it looks like this.
you need 6 of them. now i'm gonna show you how to build these things. such a hexagons. you take the 21mm slips in 6 layers. these triangles. then i'm gonna take another triangle and hold them together.
now you need a 19mm conjunction slip and i put it into the triangles. one end into the top triangle, the other into the bottom triangle. now it looks like this. now the upper parts here are folded inside. now the triangles are joint. and now the next one. conjunction slip
into the triangle. fold inside and i get to the next triangle. and the hexagon is finished. now we get to the pentagons. it works almost just like the hexagons. you need 5 slips 21mm.
and you need 5 slips 17mm (0,67 inch). you fold the 21mm slips just like for the hexagons. you put them together and fold 5 times. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, now you have 6 layers. 5 pieces. now you take the 17mm (0,67 inch)
and do the same like the other conjunction slips. fold them 3 times. 1, 2, 3, that you havee 4 layers or segments. you need 5 of these. now you need these pieces and conjunct them to those pieces. like before i hold
two triangles and take the conjunction slip and put it through the upper triangle and through the lower triangle and fold them. i take the next piece so as you can see that are only 5 pieces
and basically there is a piece missing. that's why this pentagon is a little more unter tension. that's why you need a little thinner conjunction slips, so the triangles can work better. now the last piece. and the pentagon is finished. now, when you have at least 5 hexagons
it's goes on like this. now the hexagons are being joint. and you joint them piece by piece. here we have 19mm conjunction slips like you used before here. and with those you joint 2 hexagons together. the next hexagon
doesn't get right on the top, but it gets joint shiftet by one segment. here i have a 19mm conjunction slip. the next hexagons gets joint here. and the next one over here.
but one piece after another. if you can see that like this and this. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. as you can see it's arching quite a bit. and that's what the circular shape comes from. what you also notice
is the missing piece in the middle. now you need the pentagon. because there are 5 sides, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. and this thing has 5 sides. so it fits perfectly in there. and now we joint his pieces with the others. like
again with the 19mm conjunction pieces. and the lamp consists of there shapes. when you have finished 2 of these shapes you joint them. for that you use the 19mm conjunction slips already used you put them together like so. so quite easy. and the following shapes fit perfectly together. so you can't do anything
the wrong way. so, you want to have a lamp. so you need to install a bulb holder. that's quite easy, i just bought such an e14 bobholder with a cable for about 3,4 meter (11,2 feet). now you just take one of the slips 21mm for a hexagon triangle. you put the cable through it,
make a triangle of it and get the next triangles just next to it, so you make a simple hexagon out of it with the 19mm conjunction slips. and it's ready. you install this in the lamp and the lamp actually keeps
the weight just by itself without any glue. now, as you can see the lamp is almost finished. the last shape is missing. this one. until now, you could push the conjunction slips from the inside through the outside and grab them from the outside an fold them.
that is not possible at the end, because the last shapes closes it up. so i did this: i placed the conjunction slips all around the edges an now i am going to push the last pieces from the top inside the sphere. so that such a conjunction slip is pushed inside and the rest
peeks inside the sphere. now i inserted the last shape and as already thought it fits perfectly of course. now i have to pull out the conjunction slips somehow from the inside to the outside through a triangle and fold it so the last shape ist joint tightly as well.
i though of this: i take a chopstick an a tweezer. with the chopstick i am trying to move the conjunction slip inside in the way that i can tweeze it and
pull it out the sphere. oh, and it works quite well. there i have one. there! now i have to fold it and it is joint. that's what i do with the others as well.
so guys, now it's your turn to make your mega cool mailbox lamp yourself. if you do it, do us a favor and send us a picture of your lamp to the following email adress. i'd be so happy to see, that our tutorial is just super!
see you next time.