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bernhard laundry television journal of the importantbecause of the hour brought to you every monday wednesday and friday presentation of the laundry list of whathappened later on laundry the world's most al-kidwa and with distinguished companions of the world onits own g remains but the fact that
mary introduce our part of it for thisedition of the mounting kosto mister william bradford giri editor ofthe american mercury and mister cochran france editor of newsweek magazine our distinguished guests for thisevening is a horrible todd bridges united states senate up on your answer the opinions expressed are necessarilythose of the speaker so to britain as i'm sure there arejurors will be glad to hear back from the commercial again tonight sir
and as republican leader in the unitedstates senate why have we welcome your views on someof the current developments now for uh... senator past and in a rather important meeting withgeneral eisenhower and hear that you're interested in that and i'd like to tell our viewers justuh... what you think was the result of that meeting betweenuh... general and how intensive care i think it brought together
tour of the great factions of therepublican party and uh... i think that uh... there was ageneral agreement as a result of the comp i think that that means that role to perform a lot of the way theeisenhower camdensafe and i think that the differences whichyou know that it may have had before as a result of that conferences have beensort of all that the area of deference between the two was flight
and the staff to do it for the effectconference in or out of would you think this mean any change inthe content of the campaign in high sec if anything it will have a tendency ofthe staff to step up the campaign no preference in cleveland perfectly either capital pinpoint the issues uh... that he's uh... particularlyconcerned web and uh... intends to upon a very vigorous type of campaign ofcourse as uh... republican leader in the senate i know that you yourself havebeen uh... very intersted and uh... you making the party
now do you foresee sure that uh... by november the fourth you think thatyou will have a united republican party ideal yes i do a productive you don't think that any of the extreme right factions will hold back uh... from supporting general and moreeffectively as you will probably stop laptop five dr that uh... the right and conservative wing of the republicanparty has perhaps exemplified by the tap
to fraction of the cap leadership uh... role will be such a difference creamy envy left-wing temperatures of the democratic campaign not so they'll have no difficulty in making that choice they're there extremely interesting development now athat kind of course the smashing victory
of senator mccarthy uh... in wisconsin now early to tell our viewers there howyou interpret uh... the meaning of that as a surprise i think that uh... from atop this victory wisconsin by sector tremendous mott margin indicates that the people of wisconsin suddenly and awful hardly any objectives
which you saw which is to read thegovernment agents into this country of subversive alum clear suppressor at here is our live project that magnitudebesides that i was not surprised at the back reportedly is a private garden whichproduct you prelim and mccarthy support crying when during the campaign will bevaluable well i think that as well because ithink people to most people in the country mccarthyone of the agreed with all of these
methods all the defense uh... they agree that uh... mccarthy isout of a symbol of action the people on action in eliminating the bad influences the subversives from thegovernment of you know i don't know if it's critically of course there you'reinterested in electing republicans to mandates in it now do you think that mccarthy can beuseful outside wisconsin in the election of republicans to the senate
yes i think you'd be interested in manystates union hall where we have a republican karen is there any place where he didn'twelcome i think the only state that i've hadi've been particularly with the statement coming out of connecticutrecently where one of the candidates for all the some of them that they indicated thatcare even can make use of sam and cokie youregard that as a tactical error on the part of the republicans in connecticut
ideal yet would be a similar tactical errorfor eisenhower the continued commitment well i think i've maar as our character must recognize uh... looked out the victory there and should not be sandwich magnitude is there any reason to believe you will i rather think that he will get well senator in our viewers a number ofthe mantra know that you yourself have been making the number of uh...
trips out into the country and uh... that you are supporting the ticketactively now uh... what uh... interesting observation do youhave for us from those trips that you've been making well i uh... come audio along with the definite feeling onjustin wrote back na from other a lengthy crap uh... that uh... the campaign republicanpainstaking out gathering momentum
and uh... if it uh... the recent camdensafe picked up to gather momentumcarry forward as i have every reason to believe that as well uh... i think it's a government is there a difference between the thingsthat the people you spoken to are interested in and things out in our district sincecaroline and i find that particular
people were rested and threatened about medicare workers you privatereverend confederate interested in career sorrow action manipulative railroad veryreluctant actually that are interested in reading delegate glimpses of the government fromall the communist influences but until that they're veryintersted in and intact if you think that's one of the majorissue yes i do a lot of literature when they feel that was felt by
sometime around then and taxpayers now ineffective because you are ofcourse there are a yankee in a new england area is everybody in the countryis worried about money that you people are are in a row up ignoring when we areinterested in money we like to see the american dollar worktomorrow and we're getting married i was over in canada or the other day but just an item for eight dollars i gave mister shopkeeper eight dollars
and he said thirty two more sense bodygod all written left is a much is yours today when i was a shock to me bybecause i was brought up the new england faith along the canadianbought it involvement are my childhood on the canadian dollar for a little bitcome up ten to fifteen frenchman mark in dollar amount of crime that uh... the american dollar selling ofthose are not the canadian dollar to perfect shop to make your senator larryyou've you have reviewed that in the senate there said something likenineteen thirty six and he liked your
number one and it by the time yes meaning you've been there longer thanany other republican uh... and you're still a relatively young mani believe now fair itinerant monthly returns null or agreat sense of a republican senate under republican house i think if we have anyfriend in this election which i believe we have that we have a untaxed income to captureboth the senate models but then it will
be by a small margin look we can capturebelieve campaigns in the clinton the house differently from the national campaignsfor about an overall will be that same but there are of the individualcandidates in the respective states well emphasized the looked at your own pacific issue are coming back to your steps uh... you regard yourself as aconservative in the united states senate now when i came to the east on it
to from the government here from newhampshire up there i was regarded as perot's regretted unfold most people did i ever got meultraconservative argumentative changes that may make you are opposed to theso-called schoolgirl at all and if there's anything that makes me sick andtired of stab uh... democrat from new dealers all around this country thailand of therepublican field and they'll turn back the pages
of uh... tubely docking ages sure undiluted bob and uh... as a matter of fact through republicans generally itprobably song social getting than anything inyour own record that indicates that i guess when i was governor of newhampshire uh... my faith but while the state of new hampshire wasthe first state in the united states to qualify under the federal socialsecurity act
we put through the first of thiseconomic climate insurance law in the country we put through mother's leg which was amoment to step in the country and we fed up with us cancer research uh... commission and uh... planets in the capital of therepublican chairman of the social gains local social beings legislations differfrom the democratic well i think that there are uh... that'sa good point
i think the the republicans would like to see cannot everything from within thefederal government we'd like to see the error cooperative venture with my campus wasput in the states local control local operation of cost the federal government only coming intoa fortnight of playing a small part of frost as a republican leader leader organs inthe senate
you don't know of any uh... tendency or your desire on the part ofthe republican to repeal any of the major uh... i don'tknow if this makes it more pertaining to any other all right that there may be from changes the that would be found in the rightdirection but bowman a torpedo anybody uh... found there are some peopleemployed and it would be two words state-controlled leading to educatepeople with the senator is a final
question sir since you are sickness and in the senateraces and her that you referred back to you too big states and which you think the republicans have the bestchance to gain seats in the senate this year i think we have a mexican counterfeitingto three thousand america uh... played in in now mollen
a seat in michigan street in wyoming proceed in new mexico uh... same west virginia mhm seat in kentucky maybe some others and uh... arizona uh... we have a over a fighting chance in arizona and manicure believes that there is anexcellent chance and cooler i can see
that where we could capture the senateby uh... eh to trail for goldman western certain that our viewers that very much appreciate these views fromunited thank you for being with us the editorial board for the position ofthe wrong thing in common folk art mister william bradford gillian andmister kyle here our distinguished guests what they areboth out of prison united states senate up on your lap logging watches appealed to a particularpeople
and women of distinction who look for public appearance and performance as well as and other things that theythought but from what we wrote also appeal toyou for excellence ample evidence ballgame is really wanted mister the winds and morals background prizes
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for throughout the world no i'm in a model option means so much laundry the world's most powerful premium product of the lawn jane whatnorwalk ca since eighteen fifty six maker bought those are the highest debt we invite you to join us every mondaywednesday and friday evening at the same time
for the wrong thing in common a television journal of the importantthing for the layout broadcast on the are all gone green the world's most all night long and whatnot distinguished companion forthe world on and on the if in fact not the miami herald that long to a man witha lot enthoven service from costa rica by more than four thousand leadingkiller
proudly to play with them agent rainfall on jane with no out leave almost armored off you on june watches that one can work withgrand prizes forty eight gold medals and laura's for accuracy than any other time argue the world court on our part madeand guaranteed by the arguing with my laptop
plan for the aren't being honored television journal of the implementationof the hour haha you every monday wednesday andfriday a presentation about our game what aboutwhat happened later on lunging the world's mostarmored walk and what distinguished companion to the world onadvancing good evening allah co-editors for this edition of thelaundry in common school far
mister william bradford jewelry editorof the american mercury mr edgar baker managing editor oftime-life international our distinguished guest for this eveningis the honorable styles bridges united state senator from new hampshire the opinions expressed are necessarilythose of the speakers so it's a bit easier because it had along and distinguished career in the senate and tonight i promise to our audience istremendously interested and all that there are over thepresident's seizure of the steel mills
i'm sure that we'd like your opinionstonight sir this is an unprecedented action on thepart of the president said and that you only i've been in the son of sam sixteenyears by wednesday that to there has been a great here revulsion from the country on this in the last few days and many issuessince i've been in the sand except
the core packing schema presidentrumsfeld and the removal of general douglasmacarthur by uh... president truman i think going to both of those issuesuh... created a greater her come back from the country but suddenly next to a vote to issues the rescissionof the steel mills from this unprecedented action
comes next do you think that the publicis getting manure alice to you sir i've heard they are becoming around as theyreview of the consequences and the full reading of the city and and do you thinkit was there as a as a veteran of the do you feel that any gradeconstitutional issue is involved that there is just for kate and for thepeople's being arouse ideal now i'll tell you why mr hill because all of the four we've had private property seized by the presidentof the united states before in various places all those before
that's been based upon some statutoryfark uh... some basis of law this is the first time the president has ever tracked in such astep when we haven't had done the statutebooks a pacific war lychee attributed hisaction to you're telling either so what you're doing our audience that that in your opinion there is norespected on the books now that would justify the president's agar damaged
well senator one of the practicalalternative wearable whether alternatives lazar another course topresent to the following yes who prevented a damaging staged acertainly could have uh... invoke the provisions of the top top react butuh... you know mr baker he has solar few of the top top reactors are preppingmoret for a period of years that i suppose heuh... hesitated to use that miss simpson's buthe could invoke the top pot react which would have brought on a wait forthe study of eighty day
and then he could attack misstep by asking the attorney general unitedstates the brain and junction the courts against a strike and then the costly top five reacted andthe uh... we have all the legislation whichwould provide for in coming to congress barrier for recourse action well senator now with the president hasin effect fast ball back to congress by sending
his message which some people have beeninterpreted as a confession of arab uh... united concedes that the finaldecision does rests with the congress what what action would you expect tohave to be forthcoming from capitol hill i think that care uh... thursday should be examined verycarefully uh... by the judiciary committee of thesenate which is very uh... along to thecommittee of the senate most certainly is a local constitutional approach
and arab reaction that's occurred in thesenate would cheer her dressing room the papers tonight about the labor committee of the senategoing to have no holding hearings are dealing with something which is outside a ship issues involvedin the strike our side issue the fundamental basic issue as the president of the united statesassuming dictatorial powers in my judgment unseating a gradient your banksaid that the prosecution issue is overriding it must be decided first atleast
uh... before we decide that who's rightand who's wrong in the labor consequences of course what may happenin a way to the surgeon on these incidentally fumes what you have a uh... the wages uh... they always do you shop for thedole shop and so on in the uh... that's right and i have a very different issue wouldbe with the story may live radiation wasstill remaining uh... they acknowledge
mister jordan mr baker of the presidentof the united states conceded the steel mills uh... he can also by the same terry seescattle on the farms in the ranch is you can see is the poultry in the focus ison the farm he didn't uh... three private property anywhere becauseif you remember when he took the stand uh... and issued this audit he said i am uh... taking this stand by virtue of myauthority
a basket in me by the constitution andthe laws of the united states and as part of the united states and commanderthemselves he didn't list anne cooper said beforeand a definite law and over again will broad statement which he made whichuh... is over riding issue so you're saying sir thatthis is not enola gay america though versus a labor of managementversus labor controversy it is very definitely more than that uh... when uh... for instance
the produce a used the support of thecoal mine para during the war he sees them under adefinite statue which one of the smith calmly act when you say if the railroad he savedthem under the railroad act of nineteen sixty and uh... so when the story of themontgomery ward plan uh... easy is it uh... based upon me construction actual call
an hour uh... we have not always a respectable we have no one was that so you can stillmeet on inherent powers as commander in chief of the army navy and to be constructed nest a biker mice to kill anybody shouldhave done instead accordingly secondary commas in charge of the steel mills at p_s_ twoamerican energy for the army navy ship website very defensive gross allahabadin this case an eternity even in the
very very few days which elapsed betweenthe time of the decision union strike the president's action we lost a halfmillion tons of steel comparison was based on a very practicalvery practical situation a practical threat uh... to the national defense effort and and he cited his inherent powerswhich i believe the courts and in a number of occasions in the past indifferent situations help with the are inherent dollars uh... of the presidency
what are your feeling are there nopowers the president can use in a situation of of this nature with thenational defense may be endangered joi couldn't vocal we have more of the toptop react as i said eighty days waiting period he could have the vied for the attorney general of thebrain injunctions in the courts mood at the separately says that he canmake a a report to congress and uh... foraction by the congress and ask
uh... that no started with plenty ofthings for him to do well certain at this is a political year and so what are the politicalimplications here specifically uh... as a practical politician do youthink that this was smart politics for the president well i i don't know i think uh...somewhat question of the president was going to run again to be done it butuh... uh... he's apparently not a candidate uh... may i point out also use handicapfor the fact that he's conducted this
section of london war in korea he says this is a preset i think we're in a war in korea the program has avoided that issue andjoe he couldn't really talk to the fact thatway or another and a great uh... war he said had to and assume some police lecture are somewhaton no well now sir where do you think thisthis business
it is a isn't overriding issue i mean doyou think that the american public should be gravely concerned in short isthis a step along the road toward a possible dictatorship if you have anyserious yes i don't believe that there were on the road to dictatorship hereyet but i'm saying that we had we could be starting on the road noprinceton's and all of these socialistic country where we are trade-up socialism miller and so on there's no socialist
country that has achieved by order ofthe ruling power uh... mailings for instance when they goto maximize the steel mills and uh... uh... great britain they perceive martinanother manner according to the law or the land you're saying that not even in thesocialistic country says they've been so aggressive in action on the flyer youhave to get into the dictatorship dollars
where that pair uh... you know the communists willassist us underground where you see examples of this would you say that this is a step toward possible nationalization of the steelindustry and sudbury eset dot hope not but it could be final power web addresswith the fact that it should address mister baker where the call and if we had independent free corpses ihope we have in some instances certainly
it might be in the courts butter in a in any case the final resultwould be the banking according to our constitution of thelegislative against the executive process as we understand it is that ifight between the congress and the president and we very much thank you forbeing with us tonight the editorial board for this edition ofthe laundry and promised go for it mister william bradford theory and mr edgar baker our distinguished guests with thehonorable styles bridges
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golden service from coast to coast by more than four thousand leading to aminute who proudly display of the emblem agency paul long-chain with norwalk time for the plunging television journal of the importantissues of the aisle partial you every monday wednesday andfriday presentation of the laundry list of allwhat happened
lodging world's most holocaust and lifting off distinguished companionto the world honored laundry this is ninety nine may i introduce our color that goes forthis edition of the laundry in prosto mister william bradford u_n_ editor ofthe american worker m and most of them i have editor of the freemen and contributingeditor of newsweek magazine our distinguished guests was the main is the honorable ourselves bana unitedstate senator from utah
the opinions expressed aren't necessarily those of the speakers the senator bennett you've makes avigorous speeches lately about the presidency the steel industry how wonderful and ask you what you thinkthe principal factor that's easier now likely to be financially long-range implications and some thatare affecting us already i think the principal long-rangeimplication
will be felt in the continuing study ofthe american people of the powers of the president we're concerned again about uh... whether there are anylimitations on the powers of the president what do you think will be done aboutthat cases reported to have diet decision and i think if the supreme court should not do it
we may expect before preamp to see it proposed amendment to theconstitution which might spell out in theconstitution interpretation given by judge pack you're saying you're telling ouraudience on that day that in the event the supreme court doesnot sustain jets that do you think that there is thatcongress within the camp to make it sprang this decision to writeit into the constitution is that correct sir
and i think that will happen everyhappiness this session of congress which has a short life ahead of it for whether that mightbe postponed until nineteen fifty eight as a member of congress and you thinkthat said congress must soon uh... in effect there specificallydefiantly the inherent power to the congress has the power and amend theconstitution and the only power to initiate that buti didn't read the states have a
concurrent power but i think uh... congressman exercisethat pat what you think they have the intention you think that's the sentimentof congress of the present time that if the supreme court fails to sustainjudge hides decision that immediately congressman dosomething of historic i think your food matter were up for a vote tomorrow both houses would act that way overwhelming we willhave any effect on labor legislation
if anything yes i i'm not sure how many of theeffect will be because of course the president has thetaft hartley law he hadn't used it in this particular case and there many ofus in congress who feel that we shouldn't have any new labor legislation situation exists until after thepresident has used taft-hartley for the long run i would expect some new labor legislation to grow outof his
expiry well along what lines would be a limitation of the right tostrike is that one of the lines of the nineteen eighty seizure experience has shown that there is a limitation ofthe right to strike even the union agrees that it will not strike againstthe government and judge pirro goldsboro in nineteenforty eight indicated with the court's take the position labor may not strike against the
ultimate interests of the nation eventhough the government isn't involved and that there be any effort to restrainindustry-wide unions are from try to prevent the growth of these enormousindustry-wide i think that's a possibility i was interested to discover that whenthe sherman law was passed in eighteen ninety unionswere included as well as individuals and corporations specifically included yesand they have since escape by it well by implication and via directamending legislation for one thing uh... immunized so to speak of theclayton
electorate and uh... and revision morris regarding acting outback may be restored answer to you say that there is deep concern in the senate over thisconstitutional issue do you believe that the american public is also deeply concerned and i wish there were more deeplyconcerned and uh... i have a feeling
this may have introduced a new issues inthe forthcoming campaign and i hope the republicans will do whatthey can do create a more uis great concern you saythat you wish they were more deeply concerned actually you have you heardfrom the public uh... from your mail and otherwise to be rather apathetic itdenied has precios if the public are more concerned about theimmediate effects strike and the seizure and the implications of the price
control problem and uh... they're not aware of thefundamental constitutional problem there as a practical politicians there why do you think that the american public is not greatly concerns over thisconstitutional issue which you regard is so important twelve in the first place many americans feel that allconstitutional problems were settled
a hundred and fifty years ago in thisweek past the point for a fundamentalproblems have to be clean resulted well there's a difference doesn't seemto be reflected in the press you think that there's a gap between the protestin the press the present and the feelings of people active suppressed or or call me came out uh... in opposition to thepresident's plan gives me hope that in the months ahead it's attitude
we'll actually be reflected in the public opinion i'd like to ask what theyhave selected this action will be on the control powers on the extension of thecontrol powers and the kind of control powers if you think gave people incongress and let the president had and all the facts are already have it so far as the senate is concerned the senate banking and currencycommittee has completed its work on the want to extend the president's power
it looked back quickly finished with its work when thesteel seizure half and then it stopped dead and since then it has gone back andcompletely revised its proposed law in these interesting respect originally they were to be extent of theyear now it's eight months originally they didn't do very much tothe wage stabilization board now as a result of this experience theypractically re
well-off acting wage stabilizationborden take away from all the powers that claimed in thisparticular decision so they would still have a waystabilization born that would be fixing wages while theywould be a price control of fixing prices and neither of them would paymuch attention to what the other was doing it seems to be that situationpresent without the continued on and i was like i would imagine she will becomemore important maybe it would have been carried to thequestion is that wages are within the stabilization
have nothing to do with union shopperfringe benefits and its membership will be made up of publicmembers only and does it have to be confirmed by the senate so we have our hands on the wage theydecided uh... i do you come from the very interstingstated yourself uh... your governor governor lee hasattracted a great deal of attention then you have a senator that's up forreelection this year so i'm sure the relatives would like toa if u expression try me on the
political scene in the mountains states now has the uh... utah delegation the republican national convention been selected that was selected homemade i can't remember the day but it was likea couple weeks ago in salt lake and it is one hundred percent for senator tech fourteen dog
and what's a situation generally in themountain states in the republican party senator taft will have the great majority of the delegates fromthe mountain states there have been one or two places where and eisenhower delegate arteries areslipping overwhelmingly it's overwhelmingly thatcountry are you personally supporting such atest harry have announced my position thatway and do it
i'm happy that my state supported me and and census you have uh... says the governor governor lee isup for reelection and also senator what consumers would you get a verdict for our audiencehow utah is likely to go in nineteen fifty two sex is the uh... attitude in utah is that there aseverywhere else there's a great unrest a great feeling that this is time forchange
and i'm sure it's going to sweet bowl senator walk-ins and governor lee backinto office together with many other republican nominate what do you think the effect is going tobe on the election of ms truman stand on seizure hasn't enough that carried his partypretty far over the last with these statements by vice president barkley and secretary told on and so on what's goingto be the effect on the nomination well i think
kidneys made it very difficult for themiddle of the royal democrats for the jefferson jeffersonian democrats to stay with the democratic not only with him as an individual butwith the party kathy says he's going to match do you think that is selected and thedemocratic party this year will have a a new deal around the knee and that theywill run on a own on the new deal platform in the steady a platform thatthe president is insisting upon
i think there is every every evidence that that will happen the only possible candidate that can save him from that issenator russell and i've got that he's got power enough to get the nomination you don't think that it's likely that a candidate this nominated by bothparties i'd certainly amount in favor of theone-party system
and i hope the republicans don'tcontribute to it and there and and you also think that you'd theywould be best for the country if there is a we'll debate and a few erased between a vw dealer for delay and they have a conservative republicani think the american people have been wanting that for twenty years and i hope we have here
wisdom to give it to us and as a final question sir since youcome from a great moment state of utah moments of the known to be conservativein the past uh... is the state leading uh... towarduh... conservatives are now do you think wal-mart election would indicate amovement in that direction and i think the nineteen fifty three actions willferret out as they say well thank you very much forbeing with us tonight the editorial board for this edition not but all jane prosto flaws
mister william bradford chile and mr henry has worked our distinguished guests closely on theboat was stepped up united states senate uh... from utah it seems like a nice idea on the wedding day the pride in give watches if you're planning a wedding you mightbe glad to know that
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a television journal of the importantissues of the hour broadcast on the top all long jane the world's mohammed walked and working on a distinguished companion world all night long journey this is frank night reminding you about launching and withdraw watches also
by more than proudly display of december agency all daunting but not locked time for the something promised television journal of the importantcases of the opt talk show you every monday wednesday andfriday presentation of the laundry with robot health launching the world's most common law
and lifting off distinguished companionto the world on it on g this is fright night matter and reduced auto editors for thisedition of the mounting prosto editor of the american record and mister james h_ r_ problem former united states minnesota our distinguished guests for thebig-name is the although william f_ buckley united states and the fare fromconnecticut
the opinions expressed unnecessarilythose of the speaker senator then it's a pleasure to have youwith us a nicer on the crime itself i can heal for our for our viewers would youidentify yourself politically are you a new dealer a supporter of the presidentsaid general i'm a very consistent supporterof the press that they are differ with him and his advisors in certain major ways i have with senator paul toughest fightthere could be a part of the most
administrations and do to get our budgetinto balance to cut back on expenditures i have fought subsidies to uh...agriculture feature the substance of others subsidies the roughly speaking and certainly onthe foreign policy i would describe myself as a supporter of the president'syour onslaught of sound money and new deal again is that correct i like to think about stuff that theyare those who are thrown off the views that differ they should apply it to meyou believe that having a balanced
budget in other words senators thatright thought that was that i have joinedtogether in recommending not only have cut that seven-and-a-half billion dollars out of the budget mistercromwell but in trying to close up a tax loopholes maybe to catch them richfellows like uh... the crab apples to pick up an articulate a half billiondollars to bring the cash budget into balance at about ten billion dollarswould do it i'm sure that your is it like a prediction from you sir as towhether you think the budget is likely to be balanced
this year sisterhood is not a chance innorway it's going to be out of balance fivebillion in a presidential election year you'llnever get the congress to pass the tax bill which the president recommendedwhich i would be four and you're never going to get the congress to make these cuts inappropriations bills because the pressures of too many people uh... involved i have to spend the moneyyou remember that cindy four other guys don't you hold up a joke and into ayoung congressman by sun never vote
a for a tax bill or against itappropriately should be ok if you go out that applies that particular advisingthe for in an election year isolation now sir i believe that you have ah...taken a rather strong position on the civil rights program and our jurors are very much interestedin uh... tonight because uh... general eisenhower this week took a very firm stand against it federal civil rights program yes nowwhat what is your position on civil rights
cooperative marginalized and are nowhave respect for his judgment that all different him a lot different sharply on this particular question civil rights uh... mister who is a is a problem forall the people not a problem state-by-state and the reason it's a problem for allthe people is that our failure in the field of civil rights in power failurein the field of our racial relations are doing justice to our neeku negrogroup another racial minorities stuff out of communist all over theworld
thrown back at us and indeed it's themost damaging of all the communist propaganda we forget that two-thirds of the peoplesof the world have colored skin and pay after gaining a communistpropaganda hammers and a bit uh... mines of these people uh... that we discriminate within justwe don't live up to our democratic placements and that's too important to letmississippi and alabama decide that's a problem for all the american people
producing share senator that it'spossible to all of these days krishna fooled by legislation not if it uh... it's a long slow educationalprocess mister cromwell but as with all the education you strongerpack in front of you we have for civil rights legislation upin the state of connecticut it doesn't mean that there is the stuffof discrimination week redirect can't get rid of it
merely by passing laws but when the people of the states aticket we stand against if that gets the policy at the state uh... we are going to set up by thecourts and commissions uh... we have a case in the state rightfell against a labor union for refusing to permit negroes to join and it's the first case of its kind inthe country and it's a fine thing for the people ofour state to get the education that's
involved in that case when i'd like tosee the abuse that the american people not have before them on this general eisenhower i believe he's takena rare the firm stand against federal action in the civil rights matter absolutely i read his administratornolte there no qualifying clauses that he's he simply against it uh... senator taft has certainqualifying poses uh... senate if you fall bird who's been onthis program now if you had believe sir are almostcompletely on the other side from from
general eisenhower if you believe infederal action i'm not so either with any southern delegates i'm not acandidate for the presidency fell out of my long experience in uh...foreign policy mister who we are represented the united statesof aid international conferences as a delegate of this country i've talked to the people of other countries who sent delegates thereand this is jocelyn elders all the time and not only by the rush naturally
by the indians by others i told on the floor of the senate uh...last ah... martha is putting a mccarran immigration bill the study of nurses the story of missus clinton the meetingin japan in nineteen thirty seven we saw the proc flags break out all over japan it was the anniversary of our exclusionact on receptivity twelve cents of the people of japan not one of you is fiftycome into the united states japan went in the morning
all historians agree that our exclusionact against the japanese i can be one of the major factors thatled to the attack on pearl harbor so i give that is a quick illustration toshow how important uh... actions in this field is from thestandpoint of all our people so if you are a member of the senate next year uh... he had not yet when you're amember of the must be accompanied applies your constituents can depend onyou to try to overcome the traditional southern opposition to uh... to federal legislation in this fieldsisterhood connecticut secre literate
state that they didn't know that i agreewith you i would never chance to go back to the senate senator would like a few words you useyour own this uh... on your activities and they have mutualsecurity program the money that we are sending to europe now i believe if you have uh... have been the responsible for anamendment to that program not just what are you trying to do with that amendment so i'll try to combat communism ineurope and the strength in the hands of
our administrative officers who are fighting communism of course thebasic purpose of the mutual security act is to fight communism and to prepareourselves to fight communism if we come throws open uh... outbreak of hostilityand specifically how will your how will your program health in combatin communism in europe for my president that mattel's mister harriman and hisassociates the administrators of this act to spend these vast sums of money to sixbillion four hundred million dollar under discussion
insects raises to discourage the great european monopolies and cartelsfurniture hold back production and hamstring uh... productivity which is the verything we're trying to encourage and in the second place to discouragethe communist labor unions and to encourage the development of the kind offree labor unions really fighting for the welfare of the workers of the timewe have here in the united states senator increasing prepare great manypeople don't realize the difference between the way business is conductedhere in the united states to actually
run and the way it's conducted in europe i wonder if you would think it was alittle uh... discussion about uh... the differencebetween competitive business in the united states and monopoly business orcocktail business has returned in europe throughout the bait you put your fingermister kahwar right on the basic difference the basic difference uh... and attitudes of the american peopleaccords right back at two eighteen
ninety when we passed the shermanantitrust act there isn't any antitrust legislation ineurope it all our laws out mr jeffery crop there's a lot of thecolumnist but the thing wonderfully ready once said we put a man in the house of lords inengland for the very thing in the united states for which you put in innocence in penitentiary carlos a
you can't combine and mary's monopolized fixed markets fixed prices control production failed to put in new machinery and eliminate competition all over europe trip european businessman is changing exactlythe opposite viewpoints and every european country iran in abusiness sense abiding the cartels and the monopoly what do you think thechances are of a changing the european
point of view on that changing theeurope and businessman witnesses then it changed as you point out that makes thegap between the european in the business communities psychologically in american businesscommunity much greater the atlantic ocean it will take two years oddly enough the best chance right now ithink c germany center then take a break it up ingermany they sell for breaking it up throughout much of the reallyinteresting
audience of course i understand that youare up for reelection in connecticut and quite frankly i believe therepublicans think that they have a chance to win your seat this year israel uh... now what was pretty that now youare expected area and vigorous campaign uh... assume in connecticut it's certainly a vigorous campaign thatmister perot because uh... the status on compact uh... highly literate politically um... then feels much money spent inconnecticut by the republicans
in the expectation that i think he willnot be are vulnerable sectors who can't be successfully dislodged i don't like that topic that is that if the thought of it perhaps you'll be sure that was therefor me now i a m physician shirt you take nationally in mid-may inmates race between the democrats andrepublicans
if you endorsed any anything anycandidate for the presidency away in connecticut have endorsed mysenior colleague on the plan i believe that the uh... democrats theretoo much sense uh... tomorrow morning to campus groupswith whom we can't wait uh... you know uh... hahaha uh... i live therefore predict ademocratic victory though i i agree with there are some democratic candidates now in the field with whom we can't win
center so there is a tie-up between thecandidates at the anticipated victoria that on the first to admit i'm sure that i have here is very muchappreciate your views tonight show and thank you for being with allcongratulate you on the quality of these programs the editorial board for this edition ofthe mounting promised those laws mister william bradford chile and misterjames h_ r_ cromwell our distinguished guests closely on overwith him at that time united state senator from connecticut
confronting the manufacturer of anarticle of extreme position such as a launching to deliver to hit the pendulum in the same perfect condition in which it leaves the factory now for that reason building watchershave always been distributed directly from the factory through limited numberof joy qualified knowledge and experience to handle boxes
of monty growth these jurors are authorized long genewith north to imitate and in this way your show ethanol jing watch which would live isaware the representative of the only watch in history to end to end welfaregrand prizes twenty eight gold medals and highesthonors for accuracy from the leading government observatories of the world till the next fueled by a lot
for yourself or for an important to get the patient the laundry in the world's most commonlaw sold under our factory guarantee awayafter all thrived on gene with knowledge or agency throughout the world know what the nameon a watch means so much as long as being theworld's most common law premium product for the long game butnot what happened maker of watches all of the higher
for the logging problem television journal of the importantbusiness of the hour broadcast on the top of laundry in theworld's most on it locked and with nor distinguished companion forthe world on a donkey this is pragmatic reminding you that long rememberedvolatile are sold and service coast to coast by more than four thousand leadingdilemma
who proudly displayed as amber agency logon team with norwalk meeting time for the laundry television journal of the implementationof the house presentation of the laundry mclaughlincompany long-chain the world's most on it a lot distinguished companion to the world allnight long gene this is david rocks tonight the launching promised schoolturns away from the man-made problems of
the world to an examination of spiritual values a subject in keeping with the holidayseason to help you find the truth father john shea c_s_ speed editor of catholic world reverend dr william rosenblum rabbi temple israel of the city of newyork reverend dr robert j mccracken
pastor of riverside church father charles holographic saint john'schurch in the village our moderator is mister william bradfordleary promised group yourself now satisfiedall of the material requirements for christmas and tonight we'd like to explore some of their spiritual yearning and now up on the grant if our average viewer tonight for theirstories
spiritual gift for christmas what gives do you think would be hard to miss i think that men this year we arelooking for security a security which is based on uponmaterial factors but the security which is based upon godthe creator was the ultimate security from him i think men want a peace that can only be found as exemplified in the season and thechrist child in the manger
and piece of the price reconcile and thirdly i think men arelooking for moral forty-two and stamina in a time when men are not recognizingalways moral values soooooo security troops in morro stamina now were rabbi rosenbloom has been said that this is a nervousajun aspirin age and uh... beijing non-serb worked with you well for two hour beavers and some
from these tensions at that time let's not do what i a also her but ithink is analyzing a dramatist wrote taneja heartache and headache a greatmany tensions in all areas and the phrase asked for anaids is a very angeles eloquent description on thenegative side i believe is a positive awareness aboutthe station that people generally want to dosomething about is an aspiring it is part of theamerican slang deals and i think our presence here tonight
exemplifies what the formula would beflown to improve conditions because the religions of the world werepresent some of them having that keeping spiritual idealism on values that will make for peace in the from theworld and i think if we can get together no more constructive program i believethat's one of the great hopes for the future a public hearing
the infant christ has been cool a symbol of weakness and now in these days of means to meetthe challenges of our time do you think that we needed to move twelve twelve with the infant christ islord a symbol of human weakness about the same time i believe that uh...he is a symbol of uh... divine power are not only divine physical or a firmlybelieve that it's gonna be created this from the moon stars of
asbestos townsend says that the swings were like a trend that has atits worst but uh... more importantly he is aprofessor of infinite mohawk and i do firmly believe that uh... uh... his city dixon's law giver must beold buddy and any ruler roulette users who violate the naturallaw established by god must go down to destruction leprosy price contributed to the conceptof human dignity
vault soulful and p constantly emphasized the dignity ofthe human person means teachings being consulted with uh... video-harp scoring might say the skullon the streets of review of jerusalem balked at the same time he shortlyreference or for the souls of those persons and i think that uh... that their dignity as fathers in histeaching has come down to austin has been operated in the magnet caught inthe bill of rights
but more importantly i'd say that thefact of the incarnation has uh... given western thinking anne and awareness of the dignity of man and the fact two adult children chronic himself anewman a jury the uh... became one of us in order thatwe might be adopted into the family of god and i think that uh... the fact of theincarnation the fact of the broke the ball and christmas
has ah... given to uh... what's important for you plo awareness of the dignity of human person and not this christmas and there's achristmas nineteen fifty two prabhu for the future wall we think it does lolhope provided we have humility netsolmail someone said that arroganceis the key people of art and that's very true
and i think there's no surprise to uh...the yield on home and adoration of the incident uh... doctor mccracken most of us are familiar with professorto engage the u_n_ of the human procession creeping up the mountain side ratherlaboriously and their periods in human history whenthe perception seems to make progress and other periods when it seems to be inconfusion and retreat
now how do you feel soon christmasnineteen fifty two do you think that we are they are perception at this plant ismaking progress so that perhaps we are so confused maybe in retreat i know mister show you how i would liketo feel i would like to think that we were making distinct hariharan disposed to avoid generalize issues because while twenty certainly made when i had aprofessor of history who use to st louis never generalize
seeing it making a generalization at the same time i i think it's ancontest the bluebird that things are going from bad to worseand the lives criminal minded or they fight club created in nineteen fourteen when war broke out lights are going out all over europe yet try on christmas eve nineteen fiftytwo i'm not without hope costs at all
christianity is an optimistic religion founded on uh... provisionally pessimistic view man exclaim and realizes his predicament feels neat and except their point of course thechristmas particularly significant inasmuch as it means that man doesn't lift a workof his themselves which will not only friends
she represented here the principal judeo-christian please is it true that today's date on alerted great danger that time and the danger of the all-powerful statethe danger of communism on the the the only thing that is theprincipled intervention i would say that there's a deepeningunderstanding of the on that hopefully uh... restaurant
of the problem presented to us by sovietcommunism bull i would they want to read deeply conscious to problems closer tohome and of the danger of home so decadence from within point i might add that twenty brings out uh... pomegranate do you feel hopeful as an individual forthe human perception in nineteen fifty two thank you very much
because i think that the realization that faces ultimately the the basis of seeking for security and peace and most eminent that many awakening is going to have a profound effect upon oversight in his words i have because i think menare realizing now
it isn't waiting holdings in june for us to have hope for free government there and i wouldn't is it necessary for us to have must beinhale fades and all in order to support free government i think well i think we have seen thatthere is no freedom because every single dictator what wehave in the past those in recent years and those are inpalma some of the first things they tried todo my fourth in between
seceded states out of the lives ofpeople and i think you find in the democraticcountries like iran while there are some tensions anddifficulties and disappointment somewhere on the great situation so there's always the swelling up offthe face of god their faith and light puzzle to realpurpose and i think they simply go together bothers her and you mentionedthe great documents magnetron earn declaration isn't noble work shit from command ofman
do you think that those could havesprung only from and well very definitely when the very home to upload concise religious principles and is that you did the when the dreadedtotalitarianism his over all of us is it true that all totalitariangovernments problem sounds must first destroyed even attempt to destroy if any
dot mccracken is that from relative high idle no destroy she's about to leave this allthe states in the media the leader of principle chastened involved seems to go but do you think uh... or whether youthink you know post-soviet well the totalitarian concept even believe in the all-powerful state was not run room here it is a uh... ofchristianity christians
the idea that the individual manconsidered himself important bloodline written to be free homeowner enemy the outlook for nineteen fifty three uh... do all of you believe that uh... that there is a any any realization on the part of theamerican people have a need for morphing into a proper balance betweenthinking reasoning
financial thank you liane blossoming dogs in churches in their wayof life and returns home to the idea isinstalled anything to perhaps more more americans will will go to church forinstance in the next twenty-four hours ended last year well certainly the tightening of thereligious element in the christmas celebrations this year was that than women throughout europe appreciatethese expressions from you and thank you
very much for being with us very distinguished guests all belong toimpose corpus evening world copper john feur m c_ s_p_ editor of the catholic world reverend dr william rosenbloom rabbi oftemple israel of the city of new york product charles hologram of saint john's church in the village them operator for the special holidayprogramme was mister william bradford hwy
they problem out but i think that giftof great preppy profound one-day randhir trio ismaelproperly solve for the long email throughout the world no other name on alot characters like that the fed long jeans the world's most on it well manuel program prizes and for the eightgold medals for excellence and elegant and hired followed for accuracy probablyteamed up with the burgers as i recall being in fact the world's most all nightlong
now whenever you need to prevent thegift of great prestige for about uh... for an anniversary for an importantoccasion remember the fact and remember to thank you made by admiral walk by andprobably have alone being dropped logging in the world's most powerful premium product of the wrongdoing butnot what company maker of what uh... rob and gary we invited to join us every mondaywednesday and friday evening
at that same time for the long beingpumped a television journal of the importantpaper that we are broadcast on behalf of logging in theworld's most on a block and weapon or the fingers companion forthe world are daunting if in fact knife reminding you that longdenied but no i want to october forever probably the greater than agent report on greenwood norwalk don junkie thomas a television journal of the importantissues of the uh... brought to you every
presentation oven on jane what's notwatch company maker of plunging the world's most on ablock and whatnot distinguished companion tothe world ahmed laundry good evening that the strike that may i introduce our collateral for thisedition of the monthly incomes co larry let's uh... from the c_b_s_television news dot and august texture chief editorialwriter for the new york herald tribune our distinguished guests for thisevening as sir alexander graham governor general of hong kong
most of this is a company with the namehong kong is that with that british crown colonyitself because of the korean war and those charges that the island ofhong kong was furnishing communist china with theseniors of war well british and american troops were fighting the chinesecommunist on the other side in korea but our guest tonight who is governorall that strategic atlanta knows the story so i don't know how much illegal trader
was going on with the chinese communistwell british and american troops wereactually fighting the communists in korea well that's where i'm saying that would be to quote performer american consul general inhong kong who said coming up trickle give substantiation of that and makethese parts hong kong has la really carried out thetowns on the united nations embargo on trade in strategical semi strategicguards with china
part of the hong kong itself producesnothing nothing whatever that communist china now for all the communist china wantsfrom hong kong has to come from other countries fucks and other countries will not export tohong kong unless they are satisfied that those grows up teaching value are not going to bepassed on to come in this china
if those countries want to export tocommunist china the goods will bypass hong kong themdirectly arrive hong kong because the payoff afraid other controls and thepanel does that hong kong imposes on such form ofillegal train sags and they've had a large massiveuh... of legal trade going on now between hongkong and china homes have been greatly reduced as a result of the circumstances ambience of the matter is that yes inboth cases that might be a little bit of logical look
homecoming has as its natural trading partner as a result of of the united nationsembargo and also on the terms and conditions with chinese communists inpodunk trade event with our country the trade has dropped today considerably on trade now has tripled since theimposition of the embargo has dropped by one-third which naturally has had a veryserious effect on the economy of the culinary
and the livelihood of its people uh...or what happened uh... so it's and it's a untitled all its trade with chinabecause china is not a peace-loving country even upset promos now if i might uh... kicked the ballmcentee rumors through some of my house here effect on hong kong on commonest child difficult hong kong out of the effect on hong kong would bevery serious indeed because hong kong
is not self-supporting foodstuffs rose in the food stamps taking the overall picture we get about haha food from communistchina notably and notably fresh vegetables and then hong kong would have to besupplied from overseas and since the distances are very great either frombritain or frustrated or america it would be quite a problem though so it ended
now the where is it if it anytime a chinese communist let'sdo it get hong kong they could me stop you out there i don't know if it if you if it came tothat uh... that is really wall and when it's warm and we would beappropriate and uh... since the free world controlsthe seas it would be possible and i'm quite sure would be done to continue tosupply hong kong with all the food stuff
that is needed to carry on the fight for freedom hongkong was that overcome by the japanese early in the second world war and event that is quite correct hongkong was okay on how how the day and if surrendered to the overwhelmingforce of the japanese on christmas day but we have to remember live in thattime the japanese and control not only of the seed but also theapparatus today we have control growth
of the sea and of the application so youreally have a panel a defensible island i certainly do i do not pose myself as amilitary expert i am quoting the opinion of the highestmilitia charges uh... without mentioning any names alsoin the united states facilities nl valuable is hot dogs withthe world is a uh... naval base is that does that outweigh its economicimportance as the naval base i should say it's notvery great at the moment because
from the british pond view there is thefile and more up to date naval base andsingle call which is only fifteen hundred miles turf fifteen hundred miles away that is notthe real importance of hong kong today well uh... so i can do is uh... hong kong ever threatened bythe chinese communist today to make uh... gestures dangerous justice in yourdirection well i've got to use polite languages charles butler
sometimes impolite noises about this butit has not farther than that played a little bit making a major part of their propagandato educate continuing the hong kong grinnell no that is eased offconsidering they did in the early days and they work accusing hongkong of all sorts of uh... crime as an annex which is amongst thosebeing a screwed of american imperialism loose a little bit what are your relations with the chineseon the main another hostile or
new conduct business on the uh... politecollect correct basis or is achieved as friendlyfeeling the official relationship is mailed wehave no official relationships whatever i would describe it the attitude of the chinese communists towards hong kong as one of hostility but mainly other passive rather than allthe naked nature well then did you up
prove uh... of the visit of the uh... labor the former labor prime minister ofbritain to uh... baking penitentiary well value-added marilyn red hot potatouh... himself but uh... americana potatoes sellout even take the tough part i thought that visit was unfortunate
so we do that go ahead sister identified to change the subject what is life like now inside the island of hong kong there i think a great number of refugeesof commitment amid try their of economic conditionsdepressed is living intolerable about take that question by staging abackward
living is certainly tolerable and thereserve a remarkable and degree of confidence we are very overcrowded and i'm show you appreciate that when itell you that on the liberation of the column by thebritish pacific fleet in august nineteen forty five thepopulation was half a million today it is true and a half millions and our trade has dropped by one at the way the people of hong kongcarry-over under such difficult conditions i think israeli mostremarkable facilities and i take it that
most of the people in hong kong arechinese i'd like to ask you other a friendly tothe communist regime org to the and sisters even it's almost a originator when i see original that means nineteenforty nine when the communists overran for the whole of china then they were inclined to be friendlyto the new regime which of the communist regime theydidn't men see it in its true colors
but and they are now disillusioned and that was well demonstrated lastoctober went on the respective national days ofthe communists the first of october and of the nationalists on the tenth ofoctober the display of flags on the tenth of october was tremendous greaterthan i've ever seen a purple as tigar secular come to uh... to hong kong knowing he has not come to hong kong atany time whatever well so do the our ticket that nevertheless in this uh...
flood of refugees if you had originallythey must have been some uh... chinese communist agents some sort of a fifth column there is any danger that hong kong mightbe entirely supported by the chinese communists and might wake up one morning at find us asa prisoner i say that the danger of that is aboutmail admitted their some agents do sleep in but we know
would be main communist leaders are inthe car and uh... accurate we would if we wanted to pick them up uh... we prefer to keep them aboutground rather than have them underground on the net result and an unnatural on carnival access to the free world aswell as the great britain itself they're definitely they're definitely well instead is a uh... the communistsin regina
talking about increasing trade now nowthat the is a seventeen eva well they certainly are aris alrightrhonda great propaganda line intelligent businessman one fall far although they would like to seelegitimate trade in non embargoed goods with china increasing what is the valuethen of hong kong is again phase to get information from behind the so-called bamboo curtainboyish figure i think it's a it's it's the best of allplaces for that because i did it
nastiest could you say in hong kong that you can read thetemperature of the world in regard to warranties in asia and you get some idea of how the chinese feel about this from out of that would be a good night that i would say in the trustees all
wall are not many great well let's wishful thinking on our arereally working hard to say meet other is the chances of the chinese uh... making for the war against hongkong against hong kong action tampa'sjuncture thank you very much is the most editedat nite session for three months the opinions expressed on the dauntingcom let's go for those of the speaker the editorial board for this edition ofthe lunging cosco clause burial
assailant and august extra our distinguished guests closer alexander graham fromgovernor-general of hong kong the autorads accuracy and reliabilitytake on a new one the true meaning when applied to a daunting watch apology and watch brings priceless peaceof mind for knows where one stands with time allthe time for almost a century lunging has madewatches which by observatory measurements have consistently beenequal or superior inaccuracy to the
highest achievement sab each decade further proof is found in this fact among the finest waters of the worldonly launching watches have been honored with ten world fairground prizes andtwenty eight filled out yet though don't gene is one of thefinest evolve watches there are many beautiful models for bothladies and gentlemen for as little as seventy one fifty whatever the type whatever the style onjane has made a point filled one x two y one either three orso
boris an important get these are factsto remember for total dissatisfaction that comesfrom owning a mounting is above and beyond price laundry in the world's most on as well the world's most on a gift senior product of the lawn gene but knowwhat's happening maker of watches are the highest debt this is frank dot reminding you that long gene and whatnotwatches
apostles and service from coast to coast by more than four thousand leading to it who proudly display this emblem agency although i'm jeanne but not much acknowledging what knowledge illiteracyf most of our pets religion clock created by the court equus runs without finding withoutelectricity are delayed by variations in the temperature of the atmosphere at most product of the contra divisionoblong came but now
anytime plod along gene promising a television journal of the importantissues of the art promptly elaborate monday wednesday andfriday presentation of the laundry and whatnotwatch government maker of laundry the world's most on ablock and whatnot distinguished companion forthe world honored laundry good evening this is frank not that the sale of them out there are someof the equation nam and produce awful editors for thisedition of the launching promised
edward p morgan and larry leseur both from the c_b_s_ television news dot our distinguished guest for this evening his third level jet permanent representative of the unitedkingdom delegation to the united nations it's a good one we're glad to welcome you back to crimehas gone particularly at a time when i when theunited nations general assembly is
moving into the area of decisions onkorea itself of course no news for you sir that uh... nevertheless many americans have becomewhat we might call disenchanted with the whole korean business and at the outset of this specialassembly session of are greeted with headlines of differences uh... among thehouses of cousins between us the police in theamericans uh... can you straighten this out alittle bit on that sir before we get
into the main discussion well this question differences it may bea legitimate to discuss them but i i i i just think this is not setbut we don't know about to agree after one of the position you are the most uh... powerfulindividual nation but leave and we asked a great power and we offer them or i would be my guiltat the center of the commonwealth which comprises
lenovo i think a quarter of the population would not and therefore if we agree uh... that hopefully well in my viewsick uh... and and uh... that recently wemust agree that there was no alternative we've got to agree but again if we ought to agree is not a good day just calling also eachother means logo and a lot just announcing this is apieces
it's no good are just announcing itwasn't journalists or whatever is said by as some people in great britaindoesn't help at all with the thing is look we all are always seven you oughtto be what does that mean that means thatuh... as democracy as both of us we have a rub on to express the majority ofpeople in our country's and quite back to life a bit and if we do have expressed majorityopinion in our government's it it's no you know point in thinking that it's theend of the world and uh... terrible
happening at we've got to get agreementas a result of the expression of do this expression of opinion and their fault sometimes obviously had uh... one government has got to differ to do is another government allies thereis no partnership not in the far east of course we wouldn't dispute that you after your enormous sacrificesand career have got to use a a major
interest in the forties but neverthelessi suggest we who've also made sacrifices into other commitments quiteconsiderable we have alright to express our point of view when we don't see whyour opinion should not at least it out so that when they get down two specificquestions the united states strongly opposes theparticipation of india a british commonwealth nation in thiskorean political conference that follows the armistice sometime next fall allthis fall now could use did you get a statewide
the uh... united kingdom's pollution ison the participation of india in this political conference on korea yes iworked that across means that we must explainedto us what general position is and we think that uh... in the firstplace united nations passport a great victory and repelling aggression andpushing back the aggressively came from intending to back which is not the onlyold mission decision western vino uh... in a terrible situation with acentral role threatening celebrity and diplomatic and interrupted it diplomatsare grabber that brings up a point right
there around that it seems to me isquite important to americans and that is that we have been taught in school uh... and this in a general life thatwhen you go into a game or into a war you're supposed to win it a lot of people think that there hasbeen no victory in career that we haven't won it but it seems to be bothering i don'tagree i think we have one and so far the games being played wewon't be repelled aggression
but what is not having a field missionwater on objectives no i think the dollar detective skills and ahsanobjectives of the site and i'm sure that's been set on bothsides of what is the objective the objective is the unification by peacefulmeans that is on objective well if you willnot wall because we're not going to go on with this war having one of wilkeysent out to do what is the the procedure dad usualglendale unified riyadh by peaceful means of a bit by peaceful meanspeaceful means mean it means by talking by negotiation bartels got its name
but you don't have to go station it wasgreat and the best possible way as a sailor's get uh... into the negotiation antibody whocan effect uh... one way or another affect definitelead the situation in korea and have an effect on the peacefulunification that is why we support the indians andindeed the russians veterans also question who doesn't go see asian eyesclosed the united states for example isstrongly opposed to the invitation to a
soviet russia participate in this political conferenceon korea as a member of the united nations side how do you feel about that well we get ah... uh... we think is still under the strictinterpretation article sixteen it's true that two sides one of those who fought on both sides onone side really koreans in the north korea and the communist chinese onthe other
sixteen nations and the strictinterpretation of my time as the two sides that may be so he wouldn't dispute but if you want to have a successfulnegotiations with peaceful duplication grip that popular to get in some other peopletoo and we think the general assembly of thepetty right to recommend and recommend because of recommends must be acceptedby you the chinese
this you can recommend that other states we have a great interesting russia butthat's what's the point of going to be sent well you don't think that lettershould be exposed as a apartment fictitious role as a neutralin korea bear no responsibility and to actually sit on the aggressor side ofthis political conference i didn't say she was a a neutral and career that she had little to do the needfuldoes not find but i think that presence is necessaryif you want to get his head solution by peaceful means adolescent lesser gradewhat would you say sir that
one of the things that might be bothering americans at this pointparticularly is that there there are frayed that a a what might be called a round table withgroceries and uh... would be one of appeasement ofthis and that uh... out of discussion they might lose something no i don'tthink so at all what is appeasement uh... appeasement i suppose is doingsomething dishonorable in order to secure solutions something that youwouldn't agree to our model on the
grounds that would be appeasement went intonegotiation or not compelled to accept in it and uh... dishonorable and you realize made snowfall moves noneof us would agree to anything disarm anti-japanese that there's no reason why we shouldn't havebeen into negotiation despite another thing the decision isnot appeasement when you get uh... projecting beyondthis immediate united nations assembly meeting and intothe political conference that is very
said come sometime this fall uh... what are the mechanics are as yousee it as they're going to be uh... an agreement uh... a majority agreement ona piece uh... document or will it be uh... matter of an axis between britain the united states and westernallies on one side in china and russia on the other moslem get into negotiation i hope weshop into the question of the anybodyimposing their will in may the resolution which racial shortlydiscussed in the united nations name dob
that they shouldn't be any question ofuh... majority view preventing how can a majority of you prevail uh... you save uh... solution is notacceptable to you or indeed that the other side it can't be imposed and that was laid down every countryparticipating in the indian negotiations fish are not the bombed except by anincision except by john concerned that applies to you whose does one have to make the
in dubious inference from that sir thatthere is a great possibility that there will be in agreement with this rockalong with the divided korea as we have with the divided germany guess is thatpossible you know he's my shouldn't rogersubmission who knows what may happen control was again when you think that the koreanpeace conference to take place this fall should be strictly limited to thequestion of the unification of korea orchard go into other questions in thefar east well i think uh... certainly to startoff with the question of korean
that's what led down the aislemississippi would love to have the right to profit now if there is any progress on that andif tank too big it considers possible ifthat should be in a disposition to to discuss other questions in the far eastleft of the job either in the context of this uh... particular negotiation or insome other uh... that is possible island extended that i think certainly ought toconcentrate on korea best trying to be my preference i quite agree with that and then i think if they find anythingout of the question do you think
possibly go into them was a good and i guess you questionabout regina uh... her majesty's government recognizes red china anduh... is my understanding that your government would also like to see admitted and united nations we recognize regina because we think we're joined in thegovernment of china and uh... you mean the communists andgovernment intriguing we think it is the
government of china constantly well fortunately or a person there i don't get into the model questionuntil uh... myself we never have we think that the two years actually it people who are government china nowthat's always said nothing else massey question if the regina were admitted tothe united nations invent think that they would do it thenthe defense britain and i don't know that whether they werewell they they were
was a change in chinese representationin the united nations would depend on it and can be in the united nations we will never happen i don't live withand have some extent on on how the chinese behavior needsnegotiations and other things that brings this producer grab on to a finalquestion most of our experts agree that three overriding communist strategy isone to try to divide the allies what's the british reading uh... on that effortas of now well i think i think the sovietstrategies unbounded to develop the
island's and to trying to make nato australia and divide awesome you haveseparate someone objective boxset let them know that present inthis conference or not is another question despite audible and a six fivehundred since they were not present in this negotiation they would inviteyou and ask for more suggestions they were thank you very much sir good wordfor being with us on gone to school the opinions that you've heard ourspeakers expressed tonight
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