küchen modern ikea

küchen modern ikea

hello, i'm neil... and everything i do iswrong. [theme tune]today i'm going to show you how to build this - the ikea duktig play kitchen. we boughtit and i built it for my little daughter, and she loves it. if you want to jump forwardto the time at the bottom of the video - that's where the how to starts. but i know what you'rethinking - i know what you're thinking... but hear me out. she loves playing with this.she absolutely loves playing with it. and the idea to get it didn't come from us. believeme it didn't come from us. but, do you know what, she loves pink... and she loves shoes...these ones light up. and she loves things that light up... and she loves disney crincesses?as she calls them. none of that has come from

us. all of it has come from her. and if ithink hard about it... maybe her... mimsy negative role model... is me. maybe she seesme, and is trying to emulate my level of girlyness. but anyway, here's how to build the kitchen.hope you enjoy it. i've set it to the soundtrack, of the full theme from british dad stuff - performedby my kids. i'm sorry. [loud music] so that's how to build it. this is what happenednext... [thwarted "ugh!"] [another thwarted "ugh!"] yep, all of our stuff is in here now. if this

video has been of any help whatsoever - clickthe subscribe button in the corner or underneath the video - every subscription really helps,i really appreciate it and thank you for watching. happy playing in your ikea kitchen- aghhh! [subscribe here! thanks!]

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