badezimmer verschönern dekoration

hey guys, today we're going to make boho boots i think they're really nice and now that the days are going to be cooler and autumn is coming boho boots are perfect for an outfit combined with a short dress as you can see, this is the look we want to have for our boots now we put off these buckles and start with the first style: i found an old belt at home, which i bought years ago and found very cool but didn't wear it anytime
so now we're going to wrap it all around the shoe make sure you design the outer side of the boot nicer than the inner side cause nobody will actually see, whats on the inner side. now the belt is fixed and i want to add a smaller braided belt, which does match fine with the colors of the big one. now we finished the first style
and our first boho boots. please make sure, to always buy two types of a belt if you don't have belts at home, cause you have two pair of shoes if you have a belt at home which is long or wide enough, just cut it in two pieces. lets start with style number two where i will be using this white decoration material
i find very cool. so wrap it around again and always make sure, you pay attention to the outer side of the boot. you can fix it with some fixing pins or you can glue the cloth to your boot. i prefer the fixing pins, because i like to have the option to put off the whole thing. again i decided to use a smaller belt which is a leather substitute, of course.
it so happened, that all the decoration has the same brown color, what is actually perfect now we're also going to wrap this tiny belt around the boot almost ready, but we're not done yet the next thing i'm going to do, is fixing this glowy necklaces all around the shoe i found these at home, there are some pears in it colored in white and beige everything you want to hide,
like knots or tiny closures, you don't want people to see, you have to put on the inner side. last but not least the black necklace just wrap it around knot on the inner side now we're ready with our second style which you can perfectly combine with skinny jeans or maybe a white dress
for the next stye i chose some black western bootee with a small heel and bought some black cloth with a nice flower print from which i cut off some parts and braided them now i will cut off a stripe of cloth cutted and braided, but first we're going to take those silver necklaces and wrap them around the bootee.
i like that look pretty much, and probably you've already seen kind of these in shopping malls now put your romantic flowered stripe onto your rocky boot looks pretty nice, i think if your stripe is too short, maybe you have to stich it with your shoe so it doesn't fall off. now we're going to take our braided cloth
and tie it with the necklace. so here's boot number three which i like most, cause it's rocky, it's punky and the outfit i would chose, would be a leather skirt or a destroyed jeans lets start with style number four, this is a boot with a longer leg and you have to put over the upper part of your shoe here you can see result
now we're going to make something like a glam-rock-style so all we're going to do is wrap this belt with those tiny studs all around the shoe as you can see, the closure is on the inner side but it won't be bad, if you put it on the outer side still not ready! grab your golden necklace this one is from new yorker and was only one euro (i already used them in the diy where i was doing
a cover of the chanel bagpack) boot number four is ready and i really like the golden color combined with the black boots what would i wear with them... a black leather leggins! last but not least i grabbed my brown bootee again and now we're going to do something very fast and easy we just put this brown belt with this giant brooch
all around our boot here it's actually really important to have two identical belts for your shoes small effort, big effect i just pulled the belt around the boot and closed the brooch and now we're gonna add this tiny blue necklace after all, boot number five, little bit more massive than the other ones but very chic on your feet
skinny jeans in blue or white should fit very well but you should always choose a color that is matchy with your brooch well guys, this was my diy for today i hope you liked it and got inspired to style up your old boots thumbs up if you liked the video and please let me know in the comments below, which boot you liked the most
if you want to, you can follow me on instagram, pinterest and facebook or subscribe to my channel, if you like, that would make me very happy see you next time, byebye!