schöne moderne möbel

what makes furniture, fashion, jewelery, oraccessories special and unique?well, it’s all about the design. i’m at the international design fair, “blickfangâ€,at the mak, the austrian museum of applied arts. “blickfang†is the german word for “eye-catcherâ€, and i guess that says it all. 130 exhibitors from austria and abroad showing off the latest trends in design,and all of these refreshingly-designed, innovative, creative, and pretty thingscan be tried on, tried out,and, of course, they can be bought.
my name is chris’s all about design and shopping in this episode of vienna / now. if you’re into fashion, design, craft, and art, i recommend you visit the spittelberg, a village-like neighborhood in vienna’s 7th district, where you’ll find well-preserved historical buildings, and countless boutiques and design shops. let’s have a look. from the 18th until the mid-20th century,the spittelberg had a seedy reputation as a red light district. today, it’s one of vienna’s most beautiful
neighborhoods,very peaceful and quiet. at first glance, at least.because on spittelberg and in its surrounding areas, there’s a lot going on. in between well-preserved biedermeier houses and narrow streets, you’ll find restaurants and bars, littleboutiques, and a wide range of arts and crafts and design shops. art nouveau or modern design, vintage or new.spittelberg, and the streets surrounding it, offer an interesting mix of furniture, lighting, and decorative art, from classics to state-of-the-art design.
and in the midst of this young world of art, fashion, and design,don’t forget to catch a glimpse of this little curiosity,the smallest house in vienna, also located here at spittelberg. and did you know, emperor joseph ii was once thrown out of apub on spittelberg back when it was the center of the city’sred light district. an inscription on the entrance to the restaurant, witwe bolte, is a reminder of this infamous incident.what happened? no one knows exactly,
but joseph ii was notorious for visiting prostitutes,and for being rather tight-fisted when it came to paying for their services. design has a long tradition in vienna. founder and curator of the vienna design week, lilli hollein, will explain how tradition and innovation in this city come together beautifully in design. my name is lilli hollein, i’m a curator in the field of architecture and design and i’m director of vienna design week.
good design is something that moves me, something that touches;design is a discipline that works for society. where do things come from?how do we, how do we treat the planet, how do we work with resources? how do we interact?and this is, i mean it’s the major – the major questions in lifeare things that designers can answer. when we founded the festival,we did that out of the idea that we thought vienna has so much to give,and it was not exactly a design hotspot, so one of the main objectives wasto put vienna on the map of design, and perceive vienna as a city full of design.
i would recommend everyone to go to lobmeyr because you have design history in form of a beautiful glass and chandelier manufacturer. i’d like to mention wiener silber manufactur, a shoemaker like scheer, former deliverers to the court like kã¶chert who did the stars in the hair of sisi. well that’s it from me, from the “blickfang†design fair.i hope you’ve enjoyed this little insight into vienna’s vibrant fashion and design scene. in our next episode of vienna / now,we’ll visit some of the city’s outstanding
museums, and some of the exciting art venues. don’t forget to subscribe to our channel,and i’ll see you next time.