pimp mein wohnzimmer

hello its ricardo and i'm still playingelite dangerous i thought i'd pimp the corvette yep that's rightpimp my vette everybody so i went on to the frontier store that are currentlyhaving a sale and i picked out the predator pink pack that's right pickedout the predator pink pack thank god i got a pop guide on this microphoneanyway you get five pink jobs in this paint pack from the garish to the moresubtle and subdued i mean the corvette it's grey it's quite drab unfortunateenough to have the black friday paint pack for all my ships anyway but nextyou get predator blue that's not bad quite subtle very military i think and acombat sort of way predator line
straight out of the doritos packet in myhonest opinion i like that one then you've got green very camouflaged againvery military predator crimson well to me that's got a sort of pinkish hue it'snot for me and then we've got predator red now this has got more yellow andorange in it than red and that sort of flame effect should have been calledpredator orange or predator flame or predator hotrod i do like it bitostentatious you know what i mean and then you've got predator teal teal issomething perhaps you should have in your living room i'm not sure it suitswell on a corvette it's nice but i've got my favourites so it's gonna be greenin my favourites lime in my favorites
and the red orange flame sort of colornow if you haven't done so please do me a favor click the subscribe button andthe like button and put some comments in nice comments in the comment section andalso check out that notification icon as well and that will let you know and i'mputting more videos of elite dangerous and other games on youtube now we'regonna play the video with some music and see the paint packs on the models you