kleines wohnzimmer viele gäste

kleines wohnzimmer viele gäste

hey guys! welcome to iwate prefecture! i am in tono right now i've decided to come to this farming village it's actually a reconstruction of a traditional farming village i thought it would be really cool to see because i've never experienced anything like that this place is called tono furusato mura it's about a 25 minute drive from the station i would say i'll put all the instructions on how to get here down below i just arrived, and we're gonna go check out some of the buildings now

here's a map of the place, it's pretty large actually so this is where we arrived and we're just headed up to this place up here apparently they have some horses in these buildings and i'm gonna be making some traditional crafts a little later on today some other stuff to see here and we're also going to be eating some traditional food from iwate which i am really looking forward to! it just started snowing! so that's interesting...

it's not bad, as long as it doesn't rain i'll be happy they've given me some cute pink boots to wear so that i can walk through the snow these houses are bigger than houses nowadays so a few hundred years ago these would have been considered gigantic all right let's go inside! there's dolls in here... oh there's a little writeup about them look at it, check it out! that's huge!

wonder what they use it for is this what i think it is... well this is interesting... it's lucky i guess? okay let's read about it "straw dolls" this is a male yeah we uh... noticed that there used to be a female doll too apparently

but it somehow became just the male these dolls protect you from sickness so people would pray to them for health and put money in the... exactly so these buildings actually aren't reconstructed they moved them here from their original places that's really cool smokey in here

good morning we're going to see the horse now, there's a horse in here apparently! hello so cute umagama: used for heating water for the horses this is an old bathtub the beginning of the showa period is when they used these we're just gonna walk around now and look for some more horses and check out the other buildings and see what they have in there

wow it's huge! i think this is the one they told us was 17-18 years old that's apparently around 70 in human years it's so big! i've never seen such a big horse! i guess you guys can't really tell how big it is but it's huge look at the view! isn't that beautiful? all the buildings have the same layout the cauldron in the floor here

in the back is the kitchen this area is where everyone hangs out, the living room over here is the room for entertaining guests and in front of that is the bedroom this wide open area was used for work the bedroom was only used for sleeping so they didn't need a light there are no windows either so it's cool in the summer and warm in the winter

i heard there was a hidden entrance in here so at first glance you can't tell there's a second floor she was just explaining that there are some hidden rooms in this house they're not sure exactly why this house had those hidden rooms they don't know what they were hiding in there one theory is that they were christians in a time when being christian wasn't acceptable here so they had those rooms so they could pray and not be seen they would have one patch of land where they would grow the grass for the roofs and it would be just enough for one roof

so each year they would change the roof of one house so they would choose like "this year will be this family!" that's cool that they grew all the materials themselves and changed the roofs themselves nowadays they don't do that, they get a pro to do it but i thought that was really neat traditional craft time! we are going to be making some "take tonbo" bamboo flying toys? don't really know how to translate that into english but it's a traditional japanese toy and we're going to make them today!

ok it starts like this and then you have to shave away the sides of it and end up with something like that can i do it? stop laughing at me! it's getting a little thinner! i did it! (maybe) i don't know if it will fly take-copter from doraemon yay it's time to eat lunch now!

so we've come to the little restaurant that they have on site here and they've got some special iwate dishes so i'm gonna try a couple of those there's this one made out of mochi that i've been really looking forward to i looked it up and they have it here so, awesome! hittsumi is one of the most famous local dishes of iwate dough made of flour and water is flattened and pulled off into small pieces and put into a soy sauce broth and it also includes lots of vegetables like carrot, mushrooms, burdock root, onions etc! it looks really delicious!

it smells really really good it smells amazing i'm dying to try one of these noodles itadakimasu mmm so good the broth has a really simple flavour like a light soy sauce... kinda tastes like chicken broth that's so good. great for the winter for sure! nice and warm and filling

i'm excited for this one, i love desserts especially traditional japanese desserts and mochi! let's try it! oh wow it's really squishy! there's red bean paste inside, can you see that? it's really soft! like you took a daifuku and melted it a little bit and made it really squishy it's really good well that's it guys, it's time to go home

i hope you enjoyed tono furusato mura with me i had a great time! it was a really interesting experience i learned a lot about traditional japanese farming culture and i got to eat some really really good food! so if you happen to be in the iwate area which you should be! if you're coming to japan i really recommend that you come up here definitely check out this place because i had a really great time

they've got lots of cute stuff that you can buy for souvenirs and stuff so also check that out thanks for watching guys and i'll see you soon! bye!

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