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after close to a month travelling around chile,sam and i hopped on a plane to visit easter island, known locally as rapa nui. this wasthe closest we were ever going to get to this remote speck in the ocean, which also happensto be the southeastern most point of the polynesian triangle. we gave ourselves one full weekto explore isla de pascua, and what follows is a travel guide of our time there. we hikedancient volcanoes, stood face to face with the moai, watched spectacular sunrises andsunsets, and road tripped around the island while wild horses ran alongside. it was anincredible week and we hope this video will inspire you to plan your own visit to easterisland. day 1
so it is our first morning on easter island.how excited are you? beyond excited. this is incredible. this is a place i never actuallythought i was going to visit in my lifetime. and we're going to start off the day by climbinga volcano because why not. that's how we roll. let's go. this is the beast we're planning on tackling.right in front of us. that is an extinct volcano crater. right ahead. we have dogs leading the way for us. whichway pups? lead the way pups. we just witnessed an animals in the wild moment.we have two dogs who have been following us since we left the town and they've been walkingalong keeping us company. and then one of
them saw a chicken and it decided that's goingto be my breakfast and it just went for it. caught a live chicken, the chicken died andthe dog had breakfast. so, that is country living. country living. that is what happens. (dog panting) (dogs lapping up water) rano kau is 324 meters tall and it is locatedon the southwestern tip of rapa nui. we hiked all the way from town, and because of it’sgradual incline, we found it to be a relatively easy activity. that being said, we would recommenddoing it early in the morning, since there were very few shaded areas along the way.
we made it to the top. woo! yes! i feel likewe've earned it. there is ways you can cheat by taking the car. we could drive up to thetop like a whole bunch of people have done but we were up early and we walked to gethere. feeling accomplished. the rano kau crater is a protected area soyou are not allowed to climb into it, however, you can get some really cool views of theinterior by standing along the rim. here’s a little fun fact: because the crater is shelteredfrom the winds, it has developed its own micro-climate and it also has vegetation you can’t findelsewhere on the island. so we've reached the top of orongo but thehike is not over yet. the trail continues and apparently we're going to get some reallycool views of tiny little islands just off
of easter island. like little islets i guessyou could say. so let's go. let's go. orongo is a village and ceremonial site locatedjust past the rano kau crater. unfortunately, it started pouring rain shortly after we reachedthe site, so we didn’t get to visit, but we made plans to return later that week. that evening we made our way into hanga roato watch the sun set from the harbor. there were lots of surfers out on the water, andthe waves kept rolling in and crashing against the rocks. meanwhile we enjoyed the show withice cream cones in hand. day 2 so it is sunday morning, 9am right now, andwe are going to catholic mass. this was a
suggestion by our host who is renting us thecutest little cottage. she said this is mostly for tourists so i'm not really sure what toexpect but we were a bit curious so we're going to go check it out. (music, chanting and praying) so that was a pretty cool church service.it was unlike any i've ever been to before. it was pretty cool because a lot of the songsthey sang were actually in rapa nui. it wasn't in spanish. um, and also just the clothesthey were wearing. like i don't really know the terminology for this but the priest hadlike feathers on his head and some dogs made it in as well. yeah, dogs came in to the service.lots of music. we also had kind of like a
lay, i don't know if they use that word hereor if that just is in hawaii. he had like a flower necklace he was wearing. so it waspretty cool. it was nice seeing the culture and how that is incorporated into the localchurch service. so, if you happen to be on the island, on a sunday you can check thatout. after attending mass, we hopped over to theartisan’s market located just across the street. here we found all sorts of souvenirs,including: miniature moai statues carved out of stone and wood, as well as postcards, magnets,and jewelry. after the market we took a walk to ahu tahai,which is a ceremonial complex that holds 3 different ‘ahus’ or platforms with moai.perhaps the most famed of the three is ahu
ko te riku, which stands out from the restbecause it has restored eyes. having already visited ahu tahai by day, westill made it a point to come in the late afternoon. the complex is just a short walkto the north end of town, and it also happens to be the best place to catch the sunset onthe island. from this spot you can watch the sun paint the sky all shades of persimmon,pink and gold, before finally setting behind the moai and then dipping beneath the ocean. day 3 so day three on the island and look at whatwe just got. our official rapa nui stamps. how cool are those? very very cool. best souvenirever.
so we just finished renting a car and thatcalls for a road-trip around easter island. so our first stop is rano raraku. i'm probablybutchering the name but i think that is the sight you've been most excited to visit. yeah,this is a place we've been really wanting to go to and i can't believe it took us untilwhat day three. day 3 to actually do it. but yeah, there are hundreds of moai here. manyof them unfinished. a lot of them toppled over. so it is pretty cool to just walk aroundand see so many of them up close. yes, and we've got the car for 48 hours so there isgoing to be a lot of road tripping left to do. yes. rano raraku is yet another volcano craterfound on the island, and it is also the site
of the quarry that supplied the stone forthe hundreds of moai that can be found on the island. the quarry is believed to havebeen in use for a span of 500 years up until the early 18th century when activity ceased.it would also appear that this site was abandoned in a rush since many of the moai here areunfinished. so right now we're heading inside the craterof the ranu raraku volcano. and there is a lake in there. it basically looks like a wetland.it is pretty cool. quite green. so yeah, have a look. if you can see. there it is. and thereis sam filming in the background. awesome. after seeing the moai scattered on the slopesof the volcano, we took a little detour and hiked into the crater. this area is home toa lake with reeds. we also spotted wild horses
and a few moai inside the crater, which wasquite unexpected. from there we continued on to ahu tongarikifor a quick visit. this site is home to 15 moai, making it the biggest ‘ahu’ on theisland. okay so it is almost sunset and we're drivingback to a spot that we've already been to before and that is orongo. and we're goingto get some nice views of the crater from there and i think sunset should be prettyspectacular. we'll be looking out at the ocean. woo hoo. day 4 well good morning. it is day four on easterisland. sam how are you feeling? grumpy? did
you sleep well? grumpy, a little bit tiredstill. but we're up for a very special reason. yes, we're here to watch the sunrise. so wedrove back to the 15 moai where we were yesterday. and it should be pretty spectacular. the sunis starting to break-through so we're going to show you that. the best place to catch the sunrise in rapanui is at ahu tongariki. we made the drive in the dark and we arrived just as the skywas beginning to show its soft morning colours. it’s also worth noting that when we visitedin march, sunrise was happening at 8:20 a.m., so we weren’t up that early. so we are back on the road. we freshened up,had our breakfast and right now we're visiting
ahu akivi. and these are the only moai onthe whole island that lookout to sea. so that is pretty unusual. so it is not the best time of day for lightbut hopefully you can see them just over there. there is seven of them here. we keep coming across wild horses. right behindme. so cool. (airplane noises) it is time for ceviche. it is actually likethree or four in the afternoon but we're hungry and we love this place. it is our favoritespot on the island. so let's go in. making new friends. i think the pup wantsceviche. it is waiting for our order to arrive.
don't you. yes, you like your fish. you likeyour fish. can you see all of this? our ceviche has arrived.this one is sam's and looks like his has shrimp. mine is strictly local fish. catch of theday. i couldn't tell you what the name of the fish is but it looks amazing. we've gotrice, sweet potatoes, salad. let's dig in. that's good. i just love the lime and the cilantro thatthey've put on this. it is amazing. my favorite. so that was a pretty fabulous meal, wouldn'tyou say? yes, we're full. but never too full for ice cream. waiting for your cone. three scoops. threescoops.
i would like to point out that sam ran offwith his ice cream and he left me to pay for everything. and this is probably our favoritespot to eat. they have awesome artisan ice cream. uh-huh. and it is really good value.like it is not expensive and the taste is amazing. absolutely amazing. do you know whatflavors your are having here? you've got three flavors. i've got mint, i've got malpaga.malaga which is like rum and raisin. and the other one was torrone something. i can't rememberwhat that is. it had hazelnuts in it. you're having a hard time keeping the camera up.you're so excited to eat yours. i'm having a raspberry ginger. and i better start eatingbecause it is melting. one of the best decisions we made on our tripwas to rent a car so that we would have the
ability to explore all of easter island. onone particular afternoon, we hopped in the car and decided to drive the full island loop.we got to enjoy landscapes, the waves crashing along the rocky shores, and we also encounteredmany wild horses! if was one of the highlights of our visit. so we are finishing off the day with a tripto anakena beach. and sam just loves the beach. so we had to come here. yeah, i love it somuch we're coming tomorrow. just for her. day 5 meow. good morning. it is day 5 on easter islandand it is actually our last day with a car
so we're trying to make the most of everything.so, back at the beach. first up, back at the beach. yes, back at anakena beach. we werehere yesterday but we thought we'd come and get some pictures. and next up we're goingto head back to the orongo crater. or no, to orongo village because last time we werethere it started pouring rain and we had to run back. so we didn't get to see much overthere. so we'll be driving there next up. fingers crossed for better weather. mmmhmmm. so next up we're visiting puna pao and thisis where the pukao were carved. and those are the red stones that you see on top ofa lot of the moai. and they are not sure if these were meant to resemble top knots, turbansor hats. but you can see them off in the distance.
puna pao is a quarry with red volcanic rock,and although it is much smaller than rano raraku, all of the headpieces that you seeon the ‘moai’ across the island came from this very spot. later in the day we finally made it back toorongo, where the rain held up! the village consists of round-walled buildings made outof flat stone, and there’s a trail that winds through the entire village. so it is nighttime here in hanga roa, easterisland. and this evening we're going to a cultural dance performance. it should be fun.let's go check it out. (singing and dancing)
day 6 and now it is time for a tour of our littlecottage here on easter island. yeah, this is our last day here and we thought we'd justshow you the house. we've had a really low-key day. i mean it has been awesome. we've beenable to have such good weather on this island. and we've like covered basically everythingwe wanted to do so this last day we've really done basically nothing. well, it was pouring rain this morning. itwas. we couldn't go anywhere. i mean, that is part of the luck we've had though. we haven'thad rain except for on the day we didn't need to do anything. alright, so time for the housetour. lead the way, sir.
up the steps. so this is a kind of basic accommodationyou can find on the island. this feels like house hunters international.living room. here is the living room. yes, followed by the kitchen. the dining area.here we have the kitchen which is a little messy at the moment. and our messy humble abode. this is the bedroomwe've been staying in. so yeah, the beds. we've been staying here with my parents andthey have a room over there. the fancy room. and we also have a little bathroom. tada! hello! um, yeah. so accommodations on easter islandare very basic and a little pricey. for this
cottage we paid 830 us dollars for the week.yeah. and that is pretty standard. yeah, exactly. so if you come here, if you don't have a hugebudget this is the type of place you're likely going to be staying at. yeah. day 7 ciao rapa nui! ciao. so sad! first class. but we never get to sit in firstclass. and just like that our week on easter islandwas up! rapa nui is one of the most fascinating places we have ever visited, and we lovedgetting to explore every inch of the island.
now it’s over to you. have you been to easterisland? is it a place you’d like to visit? let us know in the comments below.