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hello from rio de janeiro! this was our firststop in brazil and we were very excited to check out the top attractions, sample braziliancuisine, and squeeze in a little bit of beach time. we had an action packed week exploringthe different neighborhoods and trying everything from churrasco to brigadeiro, so we decidedto film a city guide along the way. this video will showcase 25 things to do in rio de janeiro.now let's get to it! first up, we started with the city’s mosticonic sight: christ redeemer. we boarded the train as soon as the station opened andmade our way to the top of corcovado mountain. sometimes the statue can be shielded by fog,but we lucked out with beautiful blue skies and panoramic views of the city as far asthe eye could see.
so this afternoon we are visiting the ipanemahippie fair. unfortunately, it was a bit of a rainy sunday so it is not too too busy butwe're going to take a stroll and see what we can find. this is a great place for souvenirs. the ipanema hippie fair takes place everysunday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. at praã§a general osã³rio. here you’ll find everythingfrom beaded jewelry and hippie pants, to leather sandals and street food. as you can imagine,sam had no problem sniffing out the street snacks! so sam is having a cocada. can you tell uswhat that is all about? yes, so it is basically shredded coconut mixed in with sugar in thiskind of like patty type cake. oh, it is so
sweet. so good. and the coconut is so fresh.i love this. look at the detail in that. oh, yum. now it is my turn. share. sharing is caring. for a bit of color, we headed over to theselaron steps, which is a tiled staircase created by chilean artist, jorge selarã³n.initially selaron would scavenge construction sites looking for tiles, but in later yearsas his work gained notoriety, travelers began donating tiles from their home countries. the museum of tomorrow opened its doors ondecember 2015 and it has been drawing big crowds ever since. this is a museum of ideasthat focuses on sustainability and ways in
which we as humans can create a harmoniouscoexistence in the future. so this morning we are doing a bike tour ofrio with rio by bike. and it should be a really fun way to see some of the main attractions. if you want to see a lot of rio de janeirobut you’re pressed for time, a biking tour with rio by bike is a great option. we coveredthe neighborhoods of copacabana, botafogo, flamengo, gloria and centro, with lots ofcool stops for pictures, refreshing coconuts, and anecdotes along the way. our guide knewthe city like the back of his hand and his excitement for rio de janeiro made the outinga lot of fun. and because we enjoyed our bike tour so much,we also ended up doing a favela tour with
the same company. for this tour we met inleme and then our guide took us up to babilã´nia and chapã©u mangueira. on our tour we sawlots of street art, learned about the intricate workings of life inside a favela, and thencapped things off with a beer at a local establishment. next up, if you enjoy hiking you’ll be pleasedto know that there are lots of great trails in rio. we hiked up chapã©u mangueira hilland were rewarded with great views and vultures. so it is our very first lunch here in riode janeiro so we thought let's go for the classic grill. we are eating at a churrascaria.and i'm probably making that sound a little bit more spanish than portuguese but basicallyit is a grill house and you just eat steaks and meats. and the waiters are going to becoming around to the table with like these
giant rotisserie sticks and they just basicallyslice the meat onto your plate. so it is pretty cool. we're paying a fixed fee. a flat rate.and that also gives us access to a salad bar and we get sides. and free non alcoholic drinks.so, we're going to be eating lots of food today basically. hahaha. sounds good to me. so i think this is quite clever. at the tablethey leave these little cards and basically you can flip it if you're full and you nolonger want any meat. you just show the red side and then if you do want more meat youshow the green side. and you just leave it like that and the waiter comes around andhe just keeps bringing you different cuts. so we are nowhere close to tapping out yet.we just started. this has just begun. alright,
time to try the meat. the star of the meal. oh, that is good. yeah?yeah. it is really tender. nice and tender and alsoreally salty. you can tell they've added a lot of salt but not a lot of other seasoningsor anything else. it is very simple. very simple. they're keeping it salty, nicely cookedtoo. it is a little bit pink in the middle. that is cool. that way the flavor of the meatcan really shine through. exactly. they have come around with meat probably fiveor six times. give us a status update. how are you feeling? status update is i'm feelingvery satisfied in terms of the taste and man am i ever getting stuffed. i think i've hitmy quota. it is time to flip over to the red
card. since we chose to stay in the neighborhoodof ipanema, we ended up spending quite a bit of time at ipanema beach. we noticed thatthis beach was really popular for beach football, volleyball, and surfing. and of course, whatmakes this beach so iconic are its two mountains, known as dois irmã£os. if you come here ona clear day, you can catch a killer sunset. next up we're going to visit the metropolitancathedral here in rio. and it is a pretty unusual building. like normally you have thesecolonial structures and this is just like a concrete pyramid. yeah. in the middle ofthe city. it is really strange. it is really bizarre but it is also quite unique so let'sgo check it out. let's go.
since we had a lot of rain on our visit, wespent our days visiting museums, including the national fine arts museum. this museumfocuses on brazilian art from its early beginnings to contemporary times, and it was a nice wayto spend an otherwise wet afternoon. after a bit of museum hopping, we headed overto the municipal theatre for a closer look at this beautiful structure. the buildingdates back to 1909 and it was inspired by the paris opera. today we have come to confeitaria colomboand this place is considered one of the ten most beautiful cafes in the whole world. andif you just take a look around me it is kind of like a french belapox style with art nouveau.they have these huge mirrors that came all
of the way from belgium and it just feelslike you've traveled back in time here. also, they've had a lot of really distinguishedguests. like kings, queens, presidents. yeah. so i feel pretty special sitting here. queenelizabeth has come here and apparently almost all of the brazilian presidents have frequentedat some point in time. a popular spot. indeed. so this video is going to be all about a popularbrazilian dessert known as brigadeiro. and this is the classic form right here. soi was asking our waiter about it and he basically said it is milk and chocolate kind of likecooked over a very very low heat and then you let it cool down and harden. and thenyou basically scoop it up with a spoon, make it into little balls and then you roll itin chocolate sprinkles. you can see over here.
so that looks super decadent to me. so friendsthis is for chocolate lovers. oh, yes. so i'm going to dig right in. oh, look at that. it is almost like a thickfudge. like i don't know if you can see the detail here. how i pulled it out but it isso so thick. man. mmmmm. wow. decadent? oh my gosh. it's almost likepeanut butter, like that same texture, but it is all chocolate. i can see why they giveyou very small amounts of it. because it just like you really need to chew it slowly andsavor it. it is so good. is it really sweet too? hahahaha. it is good stuff.
no visit to rio de janeiro would be completewithout heading up sugarloaf mountain, so when the skies finally cleared that’s exactlywhat we did. we paid for our tickets and boarded the cable car for a somewhat unnerving rideup. if you’re scared of heights, this probably isn’t the attraction for you, however, ifyou manage to make it to the top you get some really cool panoramic views of rio. so this afternoon we are visiting the botanicalgardens here in rio. and it is a pretty nice escape from the hustle and bustle of the city.so yeah, we're just going to be taking a stroll and checking out some cool plants. does it work? oh, the fountain is broken.oh, no there it goes. there it goes. there
we go. do you dare have a drink? do you thinkthat is what it is for? hahahah, i don't know what it is for. let's just enjoy the sight. the rio de janeiro botanical gardens sit atthe base of corcovado mountain. the park is 140-hectares in size and it showcases thediversity of brazil’s flora and fauna. it is super quiet and it feels miles away fromthe chaos of the city. this is a bit of an unusual attraction, butif you’re in botafogo, the sao joao batista cemetery is worth visiting. it houses intricategraves and mausoleums, and it is also the final resting place of brazilian presidents,aviators, poets, and celebrities, none better known than carmen miranda.
copacabana beach is the most famed beach inall of rio de janeiro and if you were to visit on a weekend during the summer months you’dfind that the place is packed beyond belief. we happened to be here in winter so thingswere a lot more relaxed, but that didn’t stop visitors from braving the waters. the beaches in rio are lined with food anddrink stands, so if you’re feeling parched, just walk up to the promenade and order yourselfa refreshing coconut like sam did. another spot you shouldn’t miss is lagoa.this neighbourhood is home to a giant lagoon, where people come to picnic, work out, rollerblade,skateboard, and rent paddleboats. the lagoon is encircled by a walking and biking paththat is 7.2 kilometers in length.
voila! so of course we had to go to casa dopã£o de queijo. and that means the house of the cheese bread. and over there they've specializein these little bread cheese balls and they are amazing. i used to eat these as a kidwhen i used to visit family and they are so so good. this is like my favorite braziliansnack. i know, they are super tasty and you can find them almost everywhere. i mean thisis embarrassing to admit but we've even had them at mcdonald's here. mcdonald's for breakfast.you can get coffee and pã£o de queijo. so let's just dig right in. i'm going to grabone of these. so i have to admit these are best when they are like fresh out of the oven.and we've had these in our apartment for a few hours now. so they're not warm anymorebut they are still a little bit gooey inside.
i mean it is getting kind of dark here soi don't know if you can see that but it is like really cheesy and ooey and gooey andjust oh so good. mmmmhhhmmm. so the key ingredient for these pã£o de queijois the casava flour. that is what makes it sticky inside. and then of course the cheesetoo. oh. mmmm. aren't they so good? oh man. i could just eat like them by the 10's. yeah.and you know what? if you want to make these back at home you can actually pick up a bagat the supermarket of the powder and you mix it yourself. we have to do that. definitely. praã§a mauã¡ is a plaza located in the centreof rio de janeiro on the edge of guanabara
bay. it’s a really cool place to hang outon weekends because you’ll find street performers, food stands, some live music, and an overalllively vibe. if doing a guided biking tour of rio leftyou craving for more, you can always rent a bicycle to explore on your own. the entirecoastline is lined with bike paths that connect one neighbourhood to the next, so it’s agreat way to explore the city. so we've been taking taxis so far but we havedecided it is time to try local transportation. exactly, so i've got the metrorio prepagocard. it is super easy to get. what you do is you just load it up, you charge some moneyon it and it takes it off naturally as you go so this is great way to get around thecity. alright, let's go ride the metro. let's
go. so today's lunch video is going to be allabout black beans. we are at a place that specializes in feijoada. and that is kindof like a black bean stew. so everything we're going to be trying here from the appetizersto the mains is going to have black beans in some component. and this is something thatyou really find a lot in brazilian cuisine so looking forward to sampling that. so the food is here and we have a nice selection.just have a look. lots of different pots and things happening. so i'm just going to servemyself. wow, that is a lot of food. yeah, so we're going to start with a base of whiterice that i just spilled all over the table.
but white rice is one of those things thatis never missing at the table when you're in a brazilian home. and on top of that i'mgoing to put my feijoa which is the black beans. black beans on its own. oh, that looksgood. and in the next one here you have the feijoada which is the black beans and themeat. so this is like a bean and meat stew. it has different cuts and it is a mix of porkand beef. so i'll grab some sausage. let's start with that. that looks good. oh, thereis more over here. so i'm going to grab some manioc. i think that is the english name forit. some greens. and then over here we have - what is this one? oh, okay so the powderis farofa which is kind of like a manioc flower. so you want to be careful with this becauseit is really easy to choke on it. you know
what i think that is the one i tried on itsown and i didn't enjoy it that much. but i think it is going to be pretty good with beans.it is very dry. um, yeah and this apparently is fried pork skin. i think that is what iunderstood, so. it looks like a puffed cracker. it does. i've never tried fried pork skin.i'm not sure i'm going to like it but let's get started shall we. it is now sam's turn. time to dig in. yeah,time to try it for the first time. so i've got the meat here, i've got the beans andi'm going to make sure i get a bit of the rice too. time to try that feijoada.
that was a big piece of meat. yeah. it's good.it's good. it is very salty and it does have a lot of flavors considering that it is justa bean dish. yeah. i mean it is really high quality beans. a lot better than most of thetypes of beans i would eat back home in canada for example. more flavorful. but yeah, itis simple food and it is tasty. i can see why it is popular here. we should also mentionthat we kind of tried to play it safe with the meat in our feijoada because on the menuwe saw they had like pig ears and pig feet and intestines and just different cuts. wecould have gone all out but we played it safe today. yeah, we were like um. we have a flighttomorrow. maybe just beef and sausage will do.
rio is known for its legendary nightlife.you have a lot of different options. you can go out for samba, you can got out for bossanova. we're doing the more tame option of just going out in our local neighborhood barhere in ipanema having beer and the national drink. but there is so many different areasyou can check out. one of the most famous areas is lapa. yeah. alright, so this is my caipirinha. this isbrazil's national drink so you just have to try it when you come here. and the caipirinhais actually made with cachaã§a which is a distilled liquor made from sugarcane. i hopeit is not too strong. oh. potent. yeah, it is like sweet but reallysour from all of the lime. yeah, it is a bit
strong to be honest. yeah, i would call it refreshing. it kindof burns on the way down. want to try it. maybe it is more of a manly drink. first time trying caipirinha. what do youthink? you know what it is not nearly as strong as you think. i just think you're not usedto these kind of drinks. i'm wimpy. yeah. and that is a wrap! we hope this video willgive you guys some ideas of things to do in rio de janeiro on your visit, and for thosetravellers who have already been there, feel free to add your suggestion of cool activitiesand attractions in the comments below. for more travel videos from around the world,be sure to hit subscribe!