küchen modern holz

küchen modern holz

did i wake you up? i have a feeling you are going to sleep up on this couch aren't you? is that what you're planning you are going through a lot of food today cali that's fair. two thirds for me one-thirdfor you, okay? i'm done i'm having mine you've been very patient. that's a goodgirl ready for dinner are you? don't you be getting up there. you knowbetter than that. okay not the table though. go to your dishplease

go to your dish. that's a lot give you toomuch you almost as much as me you do you deserve that? do you deserve all this all? give me five girl okay go ahead go ahead,yeah it's true it's all yours good girlyou're welcome stay out of the way okay. it's myturn to eat give it a second to cool down okay high fivegood girl okay careful that's hot all right thank you cali. leave it thank you. are we going for awalk want your backpack on

she just chose to go out and sleepoutside by her itself on the front porch and watch for squirrels. let's see ifi can get her to come back in sleep inside instead? or stay outside in the rain? are you staying there or coming in? okay hungry? cali get up. okay good girl one more time. you smell good girl doublecheck a good girl yeah yeah you're right alright one more okay. give me five...giveme five nice warm bed in here it's the beginning of this cabin build and ihad a lot of funny questions people

being sarcastic but asking how manyslivers i got or injuries that i got during this cabin build and there wasone incident when i was lifting the ridge beams up on to the roof intoposition. i was climbing up this ladder with the heavy 6x6hemlock beam and it just shifted on me and it came down on my thigh and gave mea bruise but i kept working. it wasn't enough to stop me so itwasn't that bad but that was literally the only minor injury i've had in the lastnine months working on this cabin little slivers no black nails from hitting witha hammer no ladder falls no roof falls and i think the reason for that is acouple of reasons i think one of them is

that it's not a job so i'm able to takemy time. it's one thing about our not being in the work force and trying to make money's is thatyou need to do things quickly that certainly not the case here i think theother thing is that i'm just in the moment when i'm working here you listento the lack of noise listen to the silence outside and the fresh air ithink maybe makes a difference too i'm just able to really really focus on whati'm doing no distractions team what i'm deep in thought okay and what when i'mworking with them right now still doesn't just distract you from the workitself i'm able to pay attention now i do have a cellphone here with me and ihave a first aid kit and answering other

questions with safety i do have a carbonmonoxide alarm and also a fire extinguisher so that's screws later once i get to ahardware store yeah it's gonna be favorable la mode here clearing the snow off andgetting trucking out more materials to finish that bench and put some shelvesand stuff in visible answer a couple of your questions since so many new peoplecame to the channel as a result of that viral video last week but noticed onsome of the bigger social media pages like lad bible and nbc good morningamerica and the dot do i live here

full-time answer's no not yeti don't have the place righty first of all for my wife and i and because i ammarried my kids are still with us but they're just about to move out and moveon with their lives so just just gonna be my wife and i and my dog our dog soonce the cabin rolled in his homestead is ready she and i can move up here atleast for a year and see what it's like there's just too many things i need toadd to make this place comfortable for a couple rather than just for myselfincluding a bathhouse in addition to this a house somewhere to cleanyear-round just like laundry facilities somewhere to do wash clothing theoutdoor kitchen something out to cook in

there all the time and we can bake breadand stuff out here in the oven a workshop i can't keep working insidedoing construction inside the building you need a woodshed and i need to keepcutting wood and have that in at least a year or two ahead now before moving inhere full-time and needing to heat it full-time sauna like i said morebathhouse storage for food is probably my biggest challenge now if i livedalone if i was single 100% i'd be here right now this is morethan comfortable enough for me if you want to stay tuned near the end ofalmost all of my videos i have a section i call myself reflections where i talkabout my feelings for the week and some

habits and things that i use to live mylife in just observations on people and eventsstuff like that so if you want to stick around to that for help talk about inthis episode hypocrisy and how i'm a hypocrite but just about everybody's ahypocrite and you need to just decide at what level we want to be and cali don'tknock that tripod over something yeah just in this day and age it's hard to beone of any one thing so even though i'm building this wilderness off-gridhomestead there's things that i have to compromise on which leads me to anotherquestion and that's the roof boards and the floorboards no i did not mill thosemyself i don't have a mill and i don't

have power equipment or generator uphere to do that i have a chicken chainsaw mill that i've never usedbefore maybe that's my compromise i start doing that that's the one powerequipment or power process that i use to build the rest of the things up here atthe cabin so i did get these things milled locally though extremely cheaplythe rough sawn lumber not from a lumber store but it fit into my model into myplan my plan was to build this thing as cheaply as possible i wanted to see if icould build a place free essentially and almost live for free that's not quitepossible i'm doing my best to accomplish that but there's compromises at everyturn lighting for example now that's one

of the other main questions i get is atthe end of that short time lapse video and then the longer video i show me upin the loft with lights in behind me of course that's my wife's touch not minethis little twinkling lights and the in the loft in the bedroom but actuallythey're functional so i'll turn those on at night before going to bed and that'senough light to get ready for bed by those are powered by little justdouble-a batteries that i recharged using this goal zero solar charger ibecause again this is a mix of modern and and old traditional whatever youwant to deemed traditional if you can call anything traditional and when youcall something traditional what period

and you referring back to but you know ihave to run these batteries the camera run the lighting for thecamera and i need some kind of lighting even if it wasn't for camera which wouldmean either bringing it fuel or finding a place that i can collect enoughbeeswax i guess to make my own candles which is not really practical i've neverfound anything like that in fact honeybees aren't even native to tocanada and that would not have been a traditional method of use of lightinganyway i digress but basically the point is that everything's a compromise i needpower here so it means i'm probably gonna have to install a solar systemwhich answers another question that a

lot of people have what am i going to dofor power right now i have to go back and charge my batteries back in my truckat the roads i've got to hike out of here right nowplug my batteries in keep the truck on i need to bring materials up from the roadanyway so that's going to take some time and while that's happening the batteriesare charging but that's just not practical i need to get a chargingstation close to the cabin that i can you know charge a couple of deep-cyclebatteries full-size a car battery size and i can charge everything off of thatand then we got address the things like wi-fi right now it's just cellular andsurprisingly i have cellular service

here right here at the higher part ofthe property if i go down even to the back of the cabin sometimes or down intothe valley certainly or on most of the property i have no cell service soit's expensive of course to just keep doing cellular so i need a satellitewi-fi system here eventually again completely against the grain ofcompletely being off-grid but that's the compromise and i'm just going i'm goingto continue doing this that i'm going to continue sharing all my experiences uphere with you guys so i need to have that wi-fi to be able to do that rightnow most the time i have to run into town even though i'm not up herefull-time like i said my internet's not

much better at my house so i need to runinto town to a library or a starbucks or something like that what you get is justso opposite of what i'm doing here it feels odd to sit there starbuckswatching uh listen to the sounds well while i upload a video of thistranquillity here but those again that's the compromises that's the hypocrisy ofthe age that we live in and what i'm doing here so am i 100% off grid youknow doing something that hasn't been done in 50 years 400 years no i wouldlove to do that but the practicality isn't probably not going to because i'mgoing to have to have some modern conveniences i will have to continue tobring in batteries or you know even

kerosene or lamp oil trying to reduce myinputs as much as possible if is that dedicated very serious about reducing myliving expenses to as close to zero as possible and that was my dream twentysix seven years ago and when i was a teenager i'm getting back to that nowand i want to try to fulfill that now that i'm almost 48 i want to be able toget to that point in my life where i could be totally self-reliant or asclose to self-reliance as is possible in this day and age yeah and in the pastthat wasn't really possible either typically communities helped each otherthere's always barter there's always a importing and trading i mean break downto the spices that i use for my cooking

i can't draw those locally so they'retraded in and they would have been for the last thousand years or more weare in a global with globalization things are easier to get they're cheaperbut my goal is to reduce my footprint ecologically as well live a moresustainable lifestyle which means trying to limit the inputs or the imports iguess from you know far off and that includes things like soybeans that arejust not growing and corn for that matter not growing organically orsustainably and we have to import a lot of that stuff here so i'm trying toreduce that as much as possible while also having a clean healthy diet so alot of compromises and a lot of

contradictions and a lot of hypocrisythat's uh that's the way it is that's the channel that's who i am so what i'msetting out to do here is there just reduce that hypocrisy as much aspossible so if you are new to the videos this is typically the way they'restructured that i'll build or do no fishing orsomething productive at the beginning of the video most of the time it's silentbecause i'm not a big talker i'd rather just go do my stuff in the outdoors andand enjoy the peace and quiet and the solitude the serenity and then at theend of the videos i tend to talk and ramble on because it's so quiet for solong so this is what i'm doing right now

so thanks everybody for watching thisvideo i really appreciate it look forward to seeing up the cabin next weektake care and have a great week

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