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okay! thank you, thank you! they promised me verve bold up here.can i get one? i crushed one before but i need another onenow, i think. i've got twelve minutes with you guys to share some thoughts and i was introduced to vemma almost fiveyears ago. went to school for some years, you know i was more the guy who didn't show upat the lessons but hung out with others.
i have been told that you need to goto school and get a great job. has anybody heard that? actually, when i was introduced to vemma is anybody in here who is at aconvention for the first time? cool! i've been there as well and i remember sitting at the backthinking thoughts like: "is this too good to be true? can it be real?can i do this and be successful in this company?" have you heard that before? people saying:"this is too good to be true."
i have some facts that i want to give youto raise your belief in this industry because it doesn't matter what you'regonna do, people will always tell you that things are too good to be true.i like to look at statistics and most people know that 3% of the peoplein the world control like 97% of the money, right? and that is the interesting part because97% of the people on earth to me - if i look at the people around me,friendships and the like - they have the same problem, the samethinking, they complain about the same things. do you recognize that? so if you see an industry like this whereyou start at the bottom and make it to the top
and you have a healthy energy drink and it is almost - i only know it for sweden - 500 million cans were sold last yearwith sugar bombs. and you have one here that hasnutrition in it. and you go to your friends and say:"i have a healthy energy drink and can do business with it." people will tell you: "it's too good to be true." and i believe that they say this because when you're growing up, your parents will teach you things and ifmost people on earth do the same things
and talk about the same things, you're gonna get into that.are you with me? no? can i get a verve bold? bold! from the back? thank you! too good to be true, right? with that i want to tell you that allthe things in the world are too good to be true. have you seen a bird?
a bird flies, right? at some point someone thought: "if i build a birdwith an engine and seats in it, we can fly people all over the world. too good to be true. somebody made a glass bulb and putsomething inside so that it produced light. just like the sun or fire. have you seen a lamp before?it's too good to be true. you can talk into this phone and my voicewill come out somewhere else in the world. that is too good to be true.
and people are weird.they go into a store and buy tobacco even though on the pack it literally says:"if you buy and smoke this, you're gonna die." if you go to them and say: "oh, you're drinkingan unhealthy energy drink? i have a healthy one here." how is this too good to be true? where lays the problem? is it the business,or is it the people around? the people around, because when youare young, they tell you - how many of you here speak one language... ...that you didn't learn in school? everyone, right?
that is the proof. you've learned something frompeople around you when you grew up. do you know why you are afraid of spiders? no, because people told you that theyare scary when you grew up. so you don't know. and that's the same: people told me that i hadto go to school to get a good job. that's great. if you want to be a doctor or anengineer, you need to go to school. but 97% of the people on earth dowhat the people around them do. the interesting part about all the thingson earth that are too good to be true is that most of them are true.
like vemma. this is true! verve. this is true!you can actually start... you can start with no skills, get into thisbusiness and do what other successful people do and over time you're gonna be successful as well if you are willing to put in the time and effortand what needs to be done to do that. so when people say to me that thingsare too good to be true, i laugh. i'm so tired of that because the world isfilled with opportunities. this is one! if you don't want vemma, you can get otheropportunities, but don't let people around you talk you out of opportunities.
you need to change your thinking into the3%-thinking of the people that are gonna hire you. the people that believed in their dreams,built up a company, the cellphone or whatever it is they are the people who hire those thinkingthat everything is too good to be true and that there is only one way to livewhich is the way everybody else does it. i'm not that kind of person. i love travelling,i love being with friends. i want to have the time in my lifeto do whatever i want to do. i want to leave you with two topicsthat can help you build your business. i will say it like this:we talk about helping people, right? but i can tell you:you can help people in two ways
you can help them fail oryou can help them succeed. and i believe in something called "tough love". and i love this quote that my friendput up on instagram the other day: "give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. teach a man how to fish and youfeed him for a lifetime." what i mean with that:when you help people, teach them how to do the business. my sponsor taught me and gave methe step-by-step roadmap to succeed in this business.
people that you're going to hearon stage talk about how they have already done it.they are just like a book that, if you're willing to follow, and if you want to become a leader, you need to learn a good student. study success. because if you do that,you can teach other people. i love this business because of what we're doing when we're out there.,i'm so proud of all these people in my organization and in vemma as a whole.i see young people and older people.
today i'm going to talk about young peoplebecause i see so many that are out partying, doing bad stuff- i've done it before many years ago - and here you can come into something whereon friday nights and saturday nights i see 19 year old people talk about health. talking about how to become an entrepreneurand how to build your business. that, to me, is cool. that, to me, is true.not too good to be true. so that's what we do in theyoung professional revolution. we learn and we teach.
we talk about health,we talk about building a business. thinking differentand it's about statistics. if you want what 97% of the people have,do what they do. if you want what 3% of the people have,do what they do. and over time you will be successful. i want you guys to help me introducesome of the most successful people from sweden. they have done an incredible job.they are leaders for their organizations. they are doers. they do themselveswhat they want other people to do. so i want you to help me introduceto the stage mr. jiman daizadeh, executive leader!
okay, music down! next up, my wonderful girlfriend andexecutive leader sarah hellstrom! my best friend and executive:johan aslan! and the last one: brand new presidentialsaeed adibi! it's an honor for me to introduce thesepeople, because i remember sitting in the back almost five years ago and now a person calls me from sweden and says:"you're popping cars like champagne." yes, we do! okay, you didn't like that...
i'm gonna ask these successful people some questionsand they are gonna share with you some tips about how to build a successful business in vemma. a global business, because these people arestarting to grow their business outside sweden. that's really, really cool. johan aslan, you've done the businessnow for one year. almost star executive, that's many cycles last month? 154.that's cool, a round of applause! can you tell us a little bit about yourself and important qualities of beinga young professional leader in vemma?
a little short about me:my name is johan aslan, 29 years old. i've worked as an engineer for four years, i recently resigned my job to do vemma full-time. three qualities that i want to share withyou today which have served me very well: nr.1: be humble! because when you're humble,people will respect you. when you're humble, you are coachable and thatis necessary for you to become successful. nr.2: stay hungry and be consistent! you will have ups and downs, it doesn't matter.just stay hungry and consistent all the time.
you have to be hungry like a lionthat hasn't been eating for three days. nr. 3: i want to share a short story. there's a woman who takes her son to a master andshe asks: "master, please tell my son to stop eating sugar." and he says: "of course, but come back in two weeks." two weeks later she comes back and asks again:"master, please tell my son to stop eating sugar." he looks at the son and says: "stop eating sugar!"and immediately the son stops. then the woman asks: "why?why did i have to wait two weeks?" and he answers: "i had to stop for two weeks,before i could tell anybody else to do the same." lead by example!
if you want people to work hard,you have to work hard. that's my tips,thanks from me! and i have to tell you:he is a man of his word. he asked me when he started... sometimes it's so interesting whypeople become successful the second day he went into my living roomwith cameras and everything and he said:"i'm gonna film you, so i can learn." easy to do, easy not to do.some people do it, like 3%. 97% will not even pick upand make notes.
that's the difference. sarah went executive this month! almost four years ago, i triedto get her into the business. she liked the product but i think somepeople talked her out of the opportunity. that's why you have a name list and shewas on mine. i hit her up when i moved to stockholm and for one year she told meto stay away. but we successful people don't take nofor a no. we keep going, right? sarah, why did you decide to start with vemma,except me, though. why did you decide to start with vemma?
in the beginning i saw vemma as a chanceto get some extra money. helping other people become healthier andearning some cash sounded good to me. then this guy forced me to go to thelast convention in munich. i think i was a bit shocked, because ihad no expectations and i saw all these people and everyone was super excited andso fired up and swedish people can be a bitlaid-back. and i remember sitting in the crowdand being so inspired by bk and all the people on the stageand i just thought that i wanted to be on that stage andinspire people the way they inspired me
to make a change. i think a lot of people out there want a change.they want to do something bigger but they don't have the confidenceand the trust in themselves. i saw vemma as a tool to reachmy goals and dreams, but also as a tool to help other peoplereach their goals and dreams. great...great. i looked at the statistics of the industryand i think 70% are women, right? in vemma it's much less. i think that we have many upcominggirl leaders here in europe for sure
and i'm really excited about that,right girls? do we have any girls in here? that's cool! saeed, you've done the businessfor 2,5 years. you went elite this month.let's give him a round of extra applause! that's also a cool thing about this took me about three years and this guy did it in 2,5 years. can you tell the people about the keysto success and building a successful business? sure, i think the main key is consistency,like johan said.
expect to be doing vemma at least for two or threeyears before seeing good results. but you still have to work five to tenhours every single week. you've read the book "the compound effect"by darren hardy. definitely my favorite book.i've read it many, many times. it has helped me a lot and the best wayi could explain it, is if you compare vemma to a gym, if you want to get into the best shapeof your life, you use the gym as a vehicle, as a tool. but you still have togo there every single week to work out, right? your sponsors and uplines, they areyour personal trainers.
they are there to push you, to coach you,to motivate you. but they will not do the work for you. it's still you who has to go there every single week,work out for five to ten hours a week so you can get into the best "shape"of your life, right? that means that, every week, you have tostart doing uncomfortable things. you have to do the list, you have to do the calls,you have to do the home events when other people are out's uncomfortable in the beginning, but you have to do it again and again,until it becomes comfortable. when it becomes comfortable, it's part ofyour lifestyle and when you get that momentum,
you can actually go all in. that's my tip for you. this guy was at the convention in las vegas.i've known him before from jã¶nkã¶ping, 1,5 years ago. it is interesting sometimes. i was in gothenburgdoing a seminar and this guy came by bus - he didn't evenhave a car at that time because he got fired. he went there by bus, was sitting inthe back taking notes. it's small steps at a time and i knowi was thinking, when i saw him: this guy will be successful in this business,because he does what other people don't. so tomorrow he can do what other people can't do.if i said that right...
can you tell us some benefits of becoming avemma leader - and i know you're doing this part-time. my name is jiman, 30 years old andalso from jã¶nkã¶ping, sweden. i saw vemma at the convention in las vegasin 2013. i was in a really bad spot, as he said,lost my job, my car, my fiancã© etc. so i had a friend pick me up, bring me over thereand show me that there are other opportunities out there than just going back to work. when i went there i saw bk, vemma,the company, the success stories and i saw one thing that i needed: hope.hope for myself to do something else, to take my whole life to another level
and i stuck to that hope, took action andlistened to that wonderful man as a coach. i started out with a vision and that vision was,when i was sitting in the back of that room in las vegas, my vision was to stand up here. and if ididn't have that vision so long ago, this day i wouldn't even have come at all. my suggestion is - andreas always says it -dream big dreams, small has no magic. and that's true. if you in the back don't even see yourselfsitting here at the next convention, it starts with you, it starts with your vision. and the benefits of taking this actuallyto that leadership level and being up here, having a business,are just tremendous.
the amount of personal growth is phenomenal.i think we all have grown so much as people and leaders and except all the trips and thechecks and, of course, the paid bmw by vemma... except all that, i also appreciate all thesenew friends. it's just unbelievable. i really appreciate it. in sweden we call him mr. selfie, becausehe makes the most selfies on instagram and i have promised him to take a selfie.jiman, we have two minutes and ten seconds. do you think you can make it?can everybody stand up? can you stand up? todd falcone, this is for you.selfie, alright!
thanks! i'm so excited to be a part ofthis revolution. i love what i do and it doesn't matter ifyou do it for five years and become ambassador or royal ambassador.i see people out there doing home meetings and that's what it's all about:lead by example and follow the people thatare actually going somewhere. and with that we hope- i'm talking for all of us - that you have a magic evening and weekend.thank you let's go to work!thank you!