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item #: scp-2480 object class: presumed neutralized special containment procedures: dimensionalresearch site-13 was constructed adjacent to bodfel manor, location of the scp-2480anomaly. civilians are to be prevented from accessingthe bodfel estate through non-violent means. class a, b, and c amnestics may be used atthe discretion of field agents. foundation personnel have been integratedwith the community surrounding scp-2480 as quarantine or relocation of inhabitants hasbeen deemed unfeasible. considered the best source of informationfor scp-2480 anomalies, agents are to make
local inquiries and investigate any rumors,reports, or claims of an anomalous nature. mobile task force epsilon-6 ("village idiots")have infiltrated the community and are to remain on the lookout for anomalous manifestations. mobile task force psi-9 ("abyss gazers") isto remain on standby in case of an emanation event. the use of force has been authorized and anomalousmanifestations are to be destroyed without prejudice. description: scp-2480 is speculated to bea dimensional anomaly located in ███████, massachusetts, a coastal and heavily forested town with justover 12,000 9,000 residents.
scp-2480 was allegedly created by accidentwhen agents from the global occult coalition interrupted a ritual on november 28, 1952. while the true purpose of this ritual remainsunknown to date, the foundation has concluded the anomaly to be the result of the ineptand heavy-handed approach of goc operatives. scp-2480 appears to be centered around bodfelmanor, home of the late cornelius p. bodfel iii (b. 1866 - d. 1952) - millionaire industrialist with anacute interest in the occult. prior to his death, bodfel was the leaderof a secret society known as adytum's wake. dismissed by the foundation in 1932 as simplybeing a "decadent upper-class social club",
their anomalous capabilities were not recognizeduntil the november 28, 1952 incident. due to the critical failure of their mission,there were no surviving goc operatives to be properly interrogated. however, documents were subsequently recoveredfrom a goc safe house located in ███████. it appears that the goc attempted to destroythese documents prior to their mission. a torn report (lower half missing) with aphotograph attached via paperclip was discovered in the back of a fireplace along with significantash. it is assumed that all other documents hadbeen incinerated. kte-0452-black
threat id: kte-0452-black - "grand karcistion" authorized response level: 4 (severe threat);liquidation pending description: kte-0452-black (hereafter referredto as "subject") is a humanoid threat entity of variable appearance. subject most often appears in priestly vestmentsand carrying a staff. subject is able to disappear and reappearat will, shape and manipulate organic material, bend reality (see document 37b3), and is hypothesizedto be biologically immortal. while subject is classified as humanoid, theyare not believed to be human (whether they ever were is still debatable).
psychological profile indicates malignantnarcissism and megalomania. subject is believed to have aided in the creationof "sarkic cults" throughout much of the world. see on sarkicism for further details. it is theorized has been verified that gocoperatives intended to assassinate poi-93. as poi-93 was not discovered among the dead,it can be surmised that the goc did not achieve their primary goal. the foundation became aware of scp-2480 afterintercepting and decoding a goc distress broadcast, promptly sending an investigative team. thirty-six corpses were found scattered throughoutthe estate; eight of which were later identified
as goc operatives. all but five displayed anomalous cause ofdeath such as implosion, disintegration, and fatal physical reconfiguration. scp-2480 is hypothesized to be a dimensionalanomaly that cannot be directly perceived. this cognitohazardous effect interferes withperception in such a way that only through the use of perception altering chemicals and/ or the direct and sustained observation of its effects on local reality it may bedetected. reality alterations were subtle and restrictedto bodfel manor - manifesting as impossible interior dimensions (interior larger thanexterior would suggest, non-euclidian architecture,
and additional rooms and corridors that didnot previously exist). scp-2480 has been classified as safe. addendum: the investigation of bodfel manoruncovered disconcerting evidence with regards to cornelius p. bodfel iii and the organizationknown as "adytum's wake". based on several meticulously kept journalsand a collection of photographs, bodfel and his followers would frequently host orgiesthat included rape, pedophilia, ritual human sacrifice, and cannibalism. discovered within the journals were sermonnotes and guest lists whose names have included affluent families, respected politicians,leaders of industry, and even those of religious
authority. among bodfel's belongings was a handwrittentome containing religious scripture; his journals frequently referenced this book as the valkzaron. the writing system has yet to be deciphered. the grand hall contains a marble statue depictingan entity with a leonine head and vermiform body. this statue was later studied by dr. judithlow, senior adviser at the department of history - religious goi threat analysis, and confirmedto be a representation of the demiurge among certain gnostic sects.
the demiurge (also known as "yaldabaoth","saklas", or "samael") has no history of being presented with reverence and is believed tobe a figure of worship for "adytum's wake". at the base of the statue, written in greek,are the words: îµï€î¹î¸ï…î¼î¯î± îµî¯î½î±î¹ ï„î¿ î¼îï„ïî¿ïœî»ï‰î½ ï„ï‰î½ ï€ïî±î³î¼î¬ï„ï‰î½ . îî± î¼î· îµî¯ïƒî±î¹ î´îµî¼îî½î¿ï‚ ïƒîµ î¼î¹î±î·î¸î¹îºî® ï€ïïœïƒî´îµïƒî·. îšî±î½îµ ïœï€ï‰ï‚ îµï€î¹î¸ï…î¼îµî¯ï‚, ïƒîµî¿ï€î¿î¯î¿î½ îµï€î¹î¸ï…î¼îµî¯ï‚. "desire is the measure of all things. be unbound from moral tethers. do as you will, to whom you will."
in mid 1988, simon oswalt, director of site-13,failed to send a biannual report on the state of scp-2480 (which had no reported changessince its original containment). the foundation, believing it to be a bureaucraticerror, attempted to contact site-13 directly without response. initially, agent samuel roe and agent sarahvalentine were sent to investigate but neither agent has since made contact, and their fateremains unknown at this time. mobile task force epsilon-6 ("village idiots")was dispatched to ███████ in order to reestablish contact with site-13and properly secure scp-2480. members of mtf epsilon-6 were able to successfullyintegrate themselves into the community as
new residents or tourists. mtf epsilon-6 surveillance operations superfluous data expunged for the sake ofbrevity - listing logs relevant to the scp-2480 anomaly. mission log, agent myron goldstein: day 6 cliche as it sounds, i've been starting todetect a certain wrongness here. it isn't anything that i can actually pinpointto. in another place i'd probably dismiss thethought immediately. last night i saw a man mowing his lawn atmidnight.
strange behavior but not itself an anomaly. maybe just eccentric. this morning i noticed a man staring me downat the fish market - his eyes never blinked once. there's a smell too. not fish, not the sea; subtle but pungentall the same. mission log, agent adam grayson: day 11 i'm not comfortable in this hotel one bit. you can hear people running about at all hoursof the night.
can't get any sleep - keep checking the damnpeephole. last night, decided to check it one last timebefore heading to bed. saw a face, couldn't tell if it was a manor woman, but as soon as i looked they started to slam their head against the door. over and over. they just wouldn't stop. mission log, agent emma lightbody: day 16 i don't know what command is waiting for. our target is bodfel estate but they've stayedtheir hand so far; maybe know something we
don't. a nervous looking man approached me on thestreet. reeked of whisky but his tone was sincere- asked me if i was a fed. lied, said i was, and was able to get someinfo. talked about monsters in the fog. "screaming their secrets" he said. no idea what he meant by it. said it's been like this for over forty years. they found him dead the very next day.
locals claimed he drowned. this town is full of liars. mission log, agent frank giuseppe: day 20 fog is thick here. always raining. even the trees look sad. like they're stuck in autumn or something. too much gray, not enough green. the locals don't talk much.
seem to keep to themselves. strange for a supposed vacation destination. the majority of folks don't seem to ever smile. look damn tired too. some even sickly. my first weird encounter was today. saw a bunch of kids gathered on the streetaround dusk. thought they were playing a game but as soonas they noticed me, they scattered - leaving behind what had their attention.
it was a dead dog. looked like a black lab actually. had one as a lad and seeing it nearly broughtme to tears. hit my weak spot, i guess. i've seen plenty of human corpses. never felt a thing. that wasn't really the odd part. it would be one thing if they were pokingit with a stick. i mean, kids get curious and all.
but no. this was different. poor critter was partially flayed and coveredin bite marks. big chunks torn from it. those kids were having a god damn snack outhere. mission log, agent emma lightbody: day 30 giuseppe and i decided to do some exploration. plenty of abandoned buildings to choose from. decided to check out a two-story house bythe waterfront.
the inside wasn't quite what we were expecting. the interior was covered in gibberish andsymbols. odd, but not anomalous. another notable detail was in the living room. had one of those tiny screen tvs; the sortyou'd see in the 50s and 60s. there four "tv dinner" trays, still standingand holding half-eaten meals (decayed beyond recognition). what family abandons their home, and all theirbelongings, in the middle of dinner? thought we caught a glimpse of someone.
chased them upstairs but never found anyone. guiseppe thinks we were chasing our own shadows. maybe he was right. we'll check out another place tomorrow. maybe secure us a proper anomaly. mission log, agent reese maynard: day 37 seven days. seven days without any word from guiseppe. lightbody said they had plans to rendezvousat an old mill but he never showed.
did a sweep of his place and found a few thingsof interest: all the doors were locked. windows too. dna and fingerprints gathered at the scenematched no one but guiseppe. the tv was left on. we have nothing to go on. it's like he ceased to exist. mission log, agent harold mason: day 39 the others underestimate the dive bar scenein this town. some think you can't trust a drunk to offerproper intel but they're wrong - just have
to filter out the noise. besides, the inebriated seem to be the onlyhonest folk here and easy to bleed for information. chatted up a cute native. loosened her lips with a few drinks. got nothing of value, at least with regardsto information. conversed with an old fisherman. looked like he'd seen some rough living. rambled a lot. started sobbing about lost siblings.
said bodfel took two sisters and a brother. questioned him more but couldn't get him toanswer if he meant the estate or the dead millionaire himself. guess he was old enough for the latter. saw the original report in the mission briefing- bodfel was a sick fuck. i doubt the whole cult died with him either. man was delirious by the end. said the town had a "god-shaped hole" in it. couldn't get him to elaborate.
mission log, agent myron goldstein: day 40 agent grayson is dead. i can't say exactly *what* i saw but it wasenough for me to know that he didn't make it. we were having a few beers at the docks, comparingnotes. said he felt like he was being followed. told him we were all feeling something likethat. his eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep;kept twitching too. it all happened so fast.
i felt the hairs on my neck rise. the air smelled of thunder. assumed a storm was brewing. i saw grayson's eyes widen and in an instanthe was turned to slurry. hit by some invisible force. there i was - covered in blood and bile - thesmall chunks of grayson spilling into the harbor. through it all i felt a presence. whatever it was, i think it wanted me to knowhow easily it could do this to me too.
i don't know why it spared me. a crowd looked on from a distance. a few twisted their lips into a plastic smile,but most averted their gaze, lowered their heads and went back to their daily routine. i wish we could just raze this place and haveit all done with. experimental research statement of dr. calixto narvã¡ez: surveillance of ███████ revealedpatterns of possible significance. this includes:
excessive procreation - the average ███████ householdhaving twelve children; a number unsupported by census data. approximately 80% of children born over thelast thirty years lack birth certificates or social security numbers. local inquiries have failed to ascertain whythis might be. i suspect religious reasoning, similar tothe quiverfull. cognitive impairment - many residents appearto have difficulty with memory retention and subsyndromal delirium (mental fatigue). subtle hallucinations are not uncommon.
drug abuse - the community appears to consumeapproximately 200% more alcohol than the statewide average. the use of hallucinogens is seemingly non-existent. disappearances - the number of disappearanceswithin the vicinity of ███████ is the highest in the state. this has been blamed on geographical featuressuch as dense forest and marshland by local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies. the actual number of missing is speculatedto be much higher, involving the unreported disappearances of transients and local residents.
suspicious deaths - many local fatalitiessuggest foul play and possibly anomalous causes of death. all such deaths have been recorded as accidentalor suicide, even when contradictory evidence is provided to law enforcement. example: a woman was discovered with her bodystructurally inverted. police concluded her state to be self-inflicted(although this would be impossible). apathy - an unusual malaise affects the town,as should readily be apparent from the previous examples of abnormalities. from my experience with scp-███ andscp-███, i hypothesize that we are dealing
with an anomaly beyond our senses (and thatof our technology), one capable of creating a facsimile of baseline reality; invisiblebut not entirely intangible. request access to n,n-dimethyltryptamine (n,n-dmt). previous experiments with human perceptionhave yielded positive results from n,n-dmt. a requisition form has been filed and awaitsproper authorization. to better explain the reasoning behind myrequest: in 1976 i was sent to investigate ██████, brazil- a community displaying abnormalities akin to those related to scp-2480. i eventually came in contact with an indigenoustribe in the southern part of the brazilian
amazon; a people unaffected but surprisinglyaware of the anomaly. introduced to their shaman, i learned of theaberrations that lurked beyond mortal sight. the tribe had many words for these entitiesbut the most common could be translated as "none stand where they do" and were associatedwith a condition known as soul sickness. they were viewed as distinct from the spiritsof their animist traditions, a "living wound" on nature brought to their land by colonists. their shaman showed me yopo and i experiencedthe world as they saw it. at the time, i merely dismissed it as a hallucination. dmt is commonly held to be a hallucinogen.
this is demonstrably false, as noted withmy experiments with scp-███. it is a perception enhancer, allowing us tosense that which evolution has strangely seen fit to obscure. dmt, when properly administered, should beable to activate this normally dormant level of perception for anyone. to put it simply, it removes our perceptionalfilters so that we might perceive reality for what it really is. what it really is. dmt testing i:
i (dr. narvã¡ez) enter the town center at0900 with an inhaler containing 60 mg of dmt and a concealed radio and video feed connecteddirectly to my assistant (dr. wu). i intend to use the first hour to observemy surroundings before administrating dmt. i inhale the dmt. within approximately one minute i experiencea tingling numbness throughout my body. colors have become more vivid and soon a yellowfog cloaks the town. i see people in dark, hooded robes; theiroutfits appearing to be composed of poorly stitched together leathers and hides. i cannot see their faces and i feel, instinctively,that i must not look upon them.
the majority of locals appear surprisinglynormal, they move around or stand aside when the hooded figures approach; never do theymake eye contact. wu informs me of this odd behavior, notingthat the locals appeared to be evading something unseen. i continue to explore. i now see that the buildings are in a stateof ruin, covered in a pulsating, fleshy material. wu states that they look perfectly normalto him. i see a drainage system, a black fluid flowsthrough it and carries with it an amber sheen. wu cannot see it whatsoever.
a church in the center of town has been completelyreplaced by a black ziggurat. the cowled entities prostrate themselves beforethe structure - i must assume that it holds religious significance. i see a robed entity in the distance; theyare abnormally tall and holds several unknown creatures by a leash. i examine the leash more closely - its compositionnot unlike that of intestines. the creatures have small, unblinking eyes;their mouths display several rows of needle-like teeth. their flesh is sickly pale yet muscular.
they gibber madly and move with a frenziedpace. wu tells me that he sees a teacher with youngstudents. possibly on a field trip. i observe several of the creatures attackone of their own, its size suggesting it to be the runt of their pack. they rend its flesh with their talons andteeth as it squeals in pain. wu states that he sees several of the childrenbullying another. i avert my eyes, unable to watch more. i look skyward and see tall spires, composedof a chitinous-like material, towering over
the town. i do not understand their purpose. i require proof that this hidden world isreal but must obtain it without drawing attention to myself. i remove a bottle of water from my satcheland consume it before backtracking to where i had seen the strange liquid. crouching down, i fill the plastic containerwith the viscous substance. the other world begins to fade and i am returnedto reality, the effects of the dmt having likely worn off.
i turn my eyes to the bottle; it appears emptyto my eyes but i can feel the weight of the liquid. never before have i experienced anything likethis. besides the organic structures, i recall seeingblack banners with a yellow, spiral-like symbol. i felt as though i had seen that glyph beforebut its meaning and origin escape recollection. lab results: material became visible afterits removal from scp-2480's hypothesized zone of influence; it is black and reflects lightwith an amber shimmer. substance is a liquid, although somewhat gelatinous. miscroscopic analysis has revealed organelle-likestructures resembling free mitochondria in
a particularly viscous serum with high levelsof unidentified fatty acids. research is underway. dmt testing ii: i (dr. narvã¡ez), accompanied by agent lightbodyand agent goldstein, enter the house that - until recently - was occupied by agent guiseppe. initial investigation showed no evidence asto what might have possibly happened, although foul play is assumed. as was done in my previous experiment, i havea live video feed connected to my assistant (dr. wu) and intend to inhale 60 mg of dmt.
after inspecting the building, i administerthe dmt. as expected, within approximately one minutei experience a tingling sensation throughout my body. i now perceive the house as it truly is. decaying, covered in excrement and blood. i can smell it. taste it. i imagine this to be what it is like to biteinto a tumor. better to say a rotten tumor.
tumors are just flesh, after all. in the living room, written on the wall justabove the couch, is the phrase: he is dreaming waradytum will rise the meaning of these words are beyond my understanding. there are other symbols; they are in a languagei have never seen before and impossible to decipher. we intend to search the basement. it is an ancient root cellar. on the far end is a large spiral painted onthe wall - i feel compelled to inspect it
closer. as i draw closer, the wall fades yet the symbolremains as if painted upon empty air. through this archway are descending stairs. as i enter, wu informs me that i walked intothe wall and the camera went black. there is no wall. there was never a wall. only a clever illusion. the agents are concerned. they cannot see the way.
i tell them to close their eyes and step throughas i did. now, all three of us, are on the other side;they too see the descending stone stairs. we walk down the stairs and enter a tunnel;into the bowels of the basement's basement. the walls quiver and tremble with life. porous, they bleed a sap like material. contact with wu is lost; our gps devices failus. lightbody looks to her compass, the pointerwhirls and twirls. the tunnel divides, branching out in manydirections. i choose the path to my left.
we walk for only a few minutes before reachinga rotted, wooden door. i ask the agents if they are able to perceiveit as well - they can. we push the door open and enter, only to exitfrom an old shack of obviously baseline appearance. gps shows that we are on the entirely oppositeside of the town. contact is reestablished with dr. wu. we appear to be in a field of some kind, ayellow fog blanketing the land. dr. wu and the agents describe the area aslikely abandoned farmland; gps suggesting that we were relatively close to bodfel estate. i inhale another 60 mg of dmt (note: researcha way to lengthen the effect) and request
that agent goldstein takes the lead. i feel a sense of dread but attempt my bestto hide it. i hear heavy breathing. even heavier footsteps. the others hear nothing whatsoever. these notes must be done in retrospect; goldstein,regrettably, could not see the threat and i was too slow to react. i mourn his loss but must describe the encounterin as much detail as possible: i saw the silhouette of a massive humanoid,estimated to be over 4 meters in height, as
it shambled out from the fog. i wanted to scream but attempted to remaincalm in order to gather as much data as possible. physical description: its flesh was pale andflabby, its face dominated by a large, tooth filled mouth; entity lacking visible eyes,ears, or nostrils. its teeth and three-fingered hands were heavilystained, seemingly caked in viscera. the entity charged us, loping like a colossalgorilla. i inform the others that it would be bestthat we retreat but it would prove too late for agent goldstein. the entity lifted him with a single hand andbit down into his torso, disemboweling him
in the process. we serpentine through the fields, unable tofind the shack from which we came. i was unarmed yet i alone had the means tolead. i should have supplied her with dmt, somethingi deeply regret in retrospect. i could feel the ground beneath my feet quake;casting my eyes downward, i saw not soil but fragmented flesh - like harlequin-type ichthyosis. with each step i took, the skin splinteredand gushed like an infected, puss filled wound. the ground would soon rupture with slithering,crimson colored tendrils; they snatch agent lightbody by her ankle, pulling her into ahole far too small for any human.
i hear her screams and the breaking of herbones. i ran and never looked back. i hope this is enough evidence. i have no wish to return to that place. access restricted to level 4 personnel orauthorized sitra achra personnel an introductory statement by o5-4: scp-2480 is currently projected to lead toan sk-class dominance shift by the year 2030. we will not allow this to happen. our predecessors blamed the global occultcoalition.
we assumed, as always, that we knew better. you have been selected to be a part of project:sitra achra; welcome to the invisible war. another world is bleeding into ours - an invasivecolonization of our iteration of reality. their soldiers do not experience fear or pain. they know nothing of restraint or mercy. they swirl with rumors; rumors i intend toaddress. what you have heard is true. genetic analysis of the enemy has arrivedat one conclusion: "mostly human".
do they come from another iteration of ourreality? from our future or past? we don't know. they cloak themselves in a facsimile of baselinereality. they will wear the faces of those you love;forcing you to kill, over and over, the very people you are fighting to save. every word you've heard about these abominationsis, in all likelihood, absolutely true. there is but one common myth i wish to dispel:these aberrations can be destroyed, despite various falsehoods that claim otherwise.
make no mistake, we will not achieve our objectiveswithout substantial sacrifice. you will see friends and comrades die: devouredby behemoths, sundered by the cries of jabberers, torn to ribbons by fiends. despite your significant training, the survivalrate for mtf psi-9 operatives teeters at approximately fifty-five percent during the first monthof active duty; a vast improvement over initial rates of mortality. flesh is their weapon; ours is technology,innovation, and the wisdom of those who came long before us. so few had the vision to recognize the threat.
this is our world. these are our people. we can live for ourselves today or help securetomorrow for everyone. project sitra achra dossier - introductorydocumentation project: sitra achra was conceived by thefoundation and global occult coalition in order to contain and eventually neutralizethe threat presented by scp-2480. mtf psi-9 ("abyss gazers") was formed as ajoint task force consisting of personnel from the foundation and global occult coalition. mtf psi-9 is a battalion-strength force trainedin unconventional warfare against invading
enemies through the use of heavy artillery,dmt enhanced perception, and counter occult stratagems (cos). mtf epsilon-6 will continue working undercoverin scp-2480 infected locations, collecting data which will then be employed in mtf psi-9operations. this has proven an effective, albeit costlyand significantly dangerous, method at preventing the spread of scp-2480. please see document engagement protocols:scp-2480-2 through scp-2480-46 for further details. with the use of dmt, mtf psi-9 operativesare able to perceive their targets.
after twelve years of clandestine operations(operating primarily between dusk and dawn in order to limit public exposure), sufferingheavy causalities, mtf psi-9 were able to reclaim bodfel estate and site-13. the apprehension of scp-2480-1, formerly sitedirector simon oswalt, has greatly diminished (potentially neutralized) the threat of scp-2480. although still invisible to normal perception,scp-2480 entities in ███████ grew idle; refusing to feed or even defend themselves. it is currently hypothesized that scp-2480-1controlled scp-2480 entities via pheromones, its removal causing said entities to becomedirectionless.
several cadavers were discovered impaled tothe outer walls of site-13; estimated age of the dead and the style of uniforms wornsuggested they perished in the early 1960s. physical examination of scp-2480-1 revealedsignificant mutation from baseline homo sapiens. a vivisection was performed (anesthesia wasadministered but scp-2480-1 showed no reaction, although neither did they appear to sufferpain), the subject noted to be absent of all internal organs save for the brain, lungs,and heart. the brain showed notable deviation, most significantlya pineal gland eight times larger than normal. scp-2480-1 is currently secured at armed biologicalcontainment area-14. scp-2480-1 interrogation
interviewed: scp-2480-1 interviewer: dr. peter hull
i know your rules well. state your queries, unwashed one, for i haveno interest in your feigned pleasantries. dr. peter hull: very well. although we do not yet understand how, thefoundation believes it understands why you disguised the infestation. what was the point of allowing so many tolive in the town? couldn't you have replaced them all? scp-2480-1: fresh materials are always indemand. why would a farmer butcher all of his pigs?
the population must be kept alive and encouragedto breed. never deplete a necessary resource. dr. peter hull: what happened to those thatvanished? scp-2480-1: pigs are clever animals you know. intelligent and noble. but pork is delicious. [smiles] dr. peter hull: i…i see. moving on.
how long have you had these anomalous properties? was it before or after your recruitment tothe foundation? scp-2480-1: it was soon after my appointmentto site-13. soon after i was made aware of the foundation'sdossier on me. "dullard", it called me; a "mirthless bureaucratwithout known family or friends". "perfect" it said, to be director at the "inconsequential"site-13. dr. peter hull: that is not nearly enoughto justify your traitorous actions. scp-2480-1: you unimaginative imbeciles thoughtit safe. [raspy chuckle] safe?
dr. peter hull: please answer the questionwith regards to your anomaly. scp-2480-1: a gift from one who saw my fullpotential. [placing its left hand over its chest, speakingin reverential tone] kul ion nth saulnak bythos. dr. peter hull: i don't understand. speak english please. scp-2480-1: az beliek! [tone suggests profanity]ion - our immortal father - breaker of chains - his divine shadow - grand karcist of adytum- lord of the nevermeant - ur-priest of the blind god. archon of…
dr. peter hull: ion. that was all i needed. please do not waste my time with gratuitoustitles. scp-2480-1: do not interrupt your better![shrieks] disobey me and i'll have you nailed to the wall with the other heathens! adytum will rise! dr. peter hull: calm down or we will be forced… scp-2480-1: [interrupts] i will make you dance,meat puppet. you are a joke to me…
scp-2480-1 breaks its restraints, self-amputatingits arms in the process. entity squirms on the floor toward the ballisticglass. security and medical personnel, dressed inprotective hazmat, enter the containment unit. subject is restrained, gagged, and treatedfor its injuries. on 11/24/2014, anomalies similar to scp-2480were reported in ██████, romania. investigation is currently ongoing.