schlafzimmer im wohnzimmer integrieren

schlafzimmer im wohnzimmer integrieren

hi and welcometo the brief introduction of beolink multiroom. beolink multiroom unitesyour bang & olufsen products in a single system. it allows you to play different musicin different rooms or have one tune flowthroughout your home. let's assume that i'm in my living room, and there i have the beosound moment. the beosound moment allows youto start the music

with a single touchon its wooden interface. i can also control the volume. of course, when i wantto do something more advanced, i can switch tothe more advanced interface where through a touchscreeni can browse throughout my music library. let's now walk maybeto another room of my home. it could be my kitchen. here i havethe beosound essence

which i can link to any pair ofbang & olufsen speakers. with a single tap, i can alsobring the ongoing music experience here and very simply control the volume. the beosound essence remote will be placedeither on the wall or on the table. now i could maybe walkto another room of my home. that could be my bedroom. here i have the beoplay a9. the ongoing music experiencecan also come here by simply tapping it on the back.

with a gentle movement,i can actually also control the volume. i can also switch to the next track without the need to pick up my smartphone. and the very same concept appliesalso to the beoplay a6. a single tap would actually instruct it to get the ongoingmusic experience also here. of course, bang & olufsen tvs are full members of the beolink multiroom system. this is the beovision avantwhich i can control

with my beoremote 1. i can perform what we callthe join function which instructs the tvto actually become a clever speakerand bring the ongoing music experience also here. when i'm leaving my home,i do not need to go in all the rooms and different productsto put them on standby. i can long press the standby buttonon any of the products we have and that actually will instructthe whole system

to switch off to silence. what we just saw was the basicphysical interaction with the products. in beolink multiroom we can of coursecontrol everything also from your smartphone. for this, we have the beomusic app. here, i can have an overviewof all the products in my home and can decide what i want to playin each one of them. for example here,let's pick up a music track from deezer to play to my beosound moment.

controlling the multiroomis very simple from the app. i can simply tilt my phoneto the horizontal mode, and this is what i get,an overview of all the rooms and products and what they're currently playing. i can take the soundfrom my beosound moment and can instruct itto play somewhere else, maybe the beosound essencein my kitchen. this is how i group experiences. i could also decide to play somethingtotally different in another product.

maybe internet radio on my a9. i can browse my a9,choose one of my favorite stations, and i can see how musicwill start flowing also there. if i would also like to groupthat musical experience with another product,i can also do it. i choose the sound from my a9 and maybe play to the a6which is in another room. this is how i have twoparallel ongoing experiences. two products playing internet radio

while two other products play musicfrom my music service. if i want to ungroup productsand put them to standby, it's also very simple. you can simply press on the x buttonnext to them and this is how they go to sleep. with beolink multiroom,you can integrate products of different generationsin a single system. for example here we haveone of our classics, the beosound 9000. i can also control it from my app.

i can start one of its sources,for example the cd and then i can wirelessly take the soundthrough the app from one product to another. in this case, it will play soundfrom this cd to my a9 which is in my bedroom. and the basic operationsi can perform from my smartphone, i can also perform at my wrist. with the beomusic app,i can do the basic operations for all the products,and when i'm leaving the home,

i can simply put all the systemto standby.

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