küchen klassisch modern

küchen klassisch modern

it's called the "loud basstard"? loud basstard... not 100% percent sure. it's a hand made bamboo sound amplifier. now this falls in to the category of phone amplifiers that don't need to be plugged in to the wall instead they're using strictly acoustic amplification. i have thought these things are pretty cool for a while. not sure how much it's going to amplify sound but i'm looking for somewhere to just quickly drop my phone in

move it around desk to desk. maybe even just amplify the speakerphone on aphone call for example. so this one does that and i think it looks pretty good.it's made out of bamboo. you know i like bamboo so there's a picture of the sidedoc and play. that is a pretty straightforward package. whoo pretty sleek. this is a giantpackage of silica gel for jack there you go buddy. it comes in a coupleof different colors this is kind of the classic bamboo look. it also comes insome darker finishes it will not that is.. *smells the basstard* that is very nice.

i mean it looks like it's carved out ofa chunk of stock of bamboo. maybe it is? on the side here engraved "loudbasstard", "basetard". now because the slot here is so big it doesn't really matter whatyour device is. i mean for example here's an s7 with a battery case on it. and thatgoes in there. here's a regular iphone 6s. i'm notreally sure if you want to kind of have it that way, that way or slid down.there's all kinds of like professional versions of this as well as like thisdiy versions. you'll even see some people turning beer cups into acousticamplifiers. or some people just under bedside table have like a glass thatthey dropped their phone in and then

that helps amplify it as well.essentially you're looking at it an acoustic amplification technique. thisstuff is super old fashioned and been around for awhile. but anyhow this isjust on an iphone.. iphone 6s as you know speakers on thebottom. that's your volume you're working with so not very much. now let's see whathappens when we drop it in here. *music playing* so it gives it a little bit.. a little bitmore low-end again let's do a comparison here without and then with. so it not only kind of amplifies it abit but it also gives it up a bit of a

thicker tone as well. for the sake of iti'll do it on the s7 here as well. now into the device here. now i would say it worked even better onthis one. it's not going to replace like abluetooth speaker for example. but it's kind of like a nice little, i don't knowdesign piece? aesthetically it might be pleasing to you. it's really easy to moveit around. and it's kind of just a place to stick your phone anyways. i could seepeople just having it in your kitchen and just kind of dropping your phone inthere and boom it's a little bit louder. it's not going to take you your music tostadium level. but it is certainly going

to do the job of slightly amplifying whatyou're getting out of your smartphone speaker without the need to pluganything in. and with that i don't know kinda aesthetically pleasing look to it.they're not too pricey. check them out.

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