küche modern eiche

küche modern eiche

peter gotcha gwinnett schools grozny all thanks but thanks for this lovely award andaccompanied by john national economy to be snc and sweet sticky in this context icould help because this is not designed for essencearity this environment here it is: we will struggle if we stop bringingsincerity in this situation

thank you place in the oracle would wishto me says i something that has recently been made out i nice liga whole lot just all likelihood will you come with thisyeah lol cool thank you for all the cool when i was a kid it was that type i'll tell it takes tooracle and see fax and nowhere reliable sources andinformation so i'm very grateful to be considered in the same vein as that pixelated newssource

also they also plan to grace the stagewhere boris yeltsin it just made like vector these have chemical weapons in syria meaning that she can can nowstand for genocide quits a i mention that i need to make his nextcomment a bit like a sieve any view that know you'll be abouthistory and fashion when i think you got lost my the uniforms for the nazis why not seize the day yes but you knowthey did look fucking fantastic let's face it all day k hold on thebasis of their religion and sexuality this genocide picture okay nice okaythis okay

it's already been sanctioned soco placewith him to feel about that trains says he's cool what did you think i was cool given anadmin the banned list as at so i mean i fucking difference wicketshe week issued just was a local one class is reallyreally rich people 0 well then you got you can't hide itmight take a serious issue of arca associated press a coming up the white house because now iam actually grateful to enable ticket because it meant a nice and look at me imean when a stick it just got worse for

checking people in that at home from the sun and i was alwaysextremely grateful for them allies as i am for this whether it befor their lower hip activity all the more cerebral activity a writing i'm very grateful to get theystaying i really do and i hope you have a lovelyevening so many people are coming up for world's no stuck at one enemy nannies i he said ifi say anything detrimental about him they will take the opportunity to properlane to make so

i i about lisa no essentially what knowwhat is a pastiche have an early age okay exhortation butthe live at present acutely in a way that appeals to the workingclass which one guy fucking relevant in this release okay so i'm it now seems lay on thetable grape bowl ammonium nitrate comedienne and is myjob to make jokes about being csiq god bless like a nice fair enough by a mine onirish but personalities like a flying off theshelves said we had a lot to clients in

the thirties info is a car remember even did you make it elasticated croce seeyou gotta didn't bring any politician quiescent now i'm seriously grateful tobe paul the publishing industry the fashion industry flight i i'm at eight and take life too seriouslysoon we will be in a good light of black sheet and also there are somepeople need as much serious love you people completo en ios 5 that proceedingsomeone i'll keep rampage 10 not even be in the same ring in thecsf nope

could not be more offensive and i soundset out there go asia case good he's a really big deal to do bymail. the i'm told this i'm not very pop culture i'm sorrycomedian movie star author and host to the show brand act russell brand this summary isembarking on his first-ever worldwide comedy tour

the messiah complex candy cane bryantrachman are here as well he already told brian that he might want to disrupt i'm just saying i just thought maybe icould loosen up a little show a little more chest tarantino may be a silent more often do that youlook fantastic that is very kind compliment you alsolook beautiful brian you are free to wear everyone this is one of yourfreedoms is afforded tipi i 0 so i'll the boots are i wanna valuemust put about what babe thank you for your time

well so there are some boneless nice everything in and out for lax i wouldn'tdo that i'm a district that this special program know what you think of the site and ilike fellow englishwoman to redo obliged by kinky boots recently yes todo is have to tell you have to go okay russell yeah it's just like yourselected the table doin django problems like your desk is a puzzle itis i'm sorry about that way to gym i think we tweeted i can certainly holdup big head how was i was very low cut dress i'm sorry

okay %uh my house from blood agoinstincts oh okay only what you need to know i'm you i'm just going to have a drinkhere okay except messiah complex that's my name to view 20 yet do youhave one no see how mental illness right you don't have that either ii howeveri'm here fully qualified professional gentlemanhave us are free from mental illness free from it not having this is a hotbed new rochelle psychosis %ah lol good i'mgrateful to be here yeah

joe is not here so there are no missilesthat's true although we actually bring more um comment onthis the table then we admittedly that's on this site here for sure i miss i arm so tell me aboutit or you're starting an apple too happy if at work began hitting them in a lotof middle eastern nations and the south africa and all across europe and ofcourse in your wonderful country and in our country i'm very very he is a really good tooi'm talking about malcolm x che guevara gandhi

and jesus christ and how these figuresare significant culturally culturally and how icons are appropriatein used to designate consciousness and meaning particularly posthumously and whatbrings all those people together they're all people that die for causethey're all people whose icons a used to designate meaningperhaps not in the manner in which they intended room i kinda like that dead serious theyway it's funny we need to ask fear stage get like you know thirty-secondsnow

well not really love me on these okayall the guys go i-80 message to gather in the ass youknow it's it's funny though because i i travel alot and place baby girl look alike yeah itdoes that work 100 ok what a their facebook yeah idoing facebooking facebook et al shopping up with a conical pornography obeysblocks on i'll i don't know well i don't know pocus up flared up to no good if i wanna do theycan't we make a facebook

yeah to that spot probably tweetingright now tweeting themselves in a society where 30 lovely got a great atmosphere for ahotbed a video watching news hao actually actors there are very few legalquestions there they're all just now looking foracting work so people agree youve a pretty broad range here i'm ask aserious question outright never get out ahead everyoneasks what do you like better tv movies are stand up a little which exit whichones from more difficult me going on stage i thinkis probably be pretty tough movie can be

boring since shooting a hundred times tv is what it is there are challenges in all those different disciplines thatthing i enjoy most is stand-up comics director here orange you can bemisinterpreted people can get confused you know happens if you work immediatepeople like to a change the information said jesus aparticular agenda if you're in a room with people then what you're saying isclear if you say something that people andpeople are confused about you can explain it to them then

if you say something is a jokepeople.com pretend that you're saying is seriously so i like having direct communicationwith people because i believe people very very intelligent got me informationget manipulated on people at a course like in and for fake stirs and stuff unifying the accentyou know when i see him in person totally fineforgetting sarah marshall or the tv show it's fine but i'm satellite radio in the car i canunderstand a single joke you

call understand it the academy yes butnow i'm so when i'm driving the car me so everyone's laughing in the audiencethe radio mic i have no idea what he's the first you focus on your driving right your money don't want to bedistracted by cima remind crashing british too good i think isprobably for the best i think i'm just might this is my first i brand experience brands india i thinkit's not listening to him at six its experience it's just sort of takingit all in you're talking about is you i know hey s and as if i'm anextraterrestrial from a country hits me

up to you dummy way to serve admiring the wholeunit the whole thing if ok thank you for your casual objectification experience i'm glad that he is positive for a verypositive absolutely anymore any other questions it couldn'thurt you become never okay why you know hey i want yourpowerful woman got lovely job or seems to be thetrouble 30 got hair like princess diana oh wow yeah i never mentioned no i don't let me takea less up to yes

out petrified over for are out here shejust moved and i absolutely love this keep your name that what seems to be thetrouble no i'm for now in the care plan wouldtherapy with willy brandt with who really prefer to do therapywith him %uh and i don't think that's where he's heading okay i'm alright you shouldn't say p when a person is present you shouldrefer to a person other than that but a good man is where willy is heading who is willing i don't okay russellbrand this is what you do for a living

okay primary international okay let mehelp it i'm here to called a missile complexes for thepeople in america i want the people in america to come seeme to stand up guy to russell brand though tv where you can purchase tickets to see me these peoplei'm sure typically very very good at their job boise your comeback news tothe people in america yes people in america you are we gonnabe okay everything's alright 30 trusted anchor saying as i'm usingthese your papers are suffering in lhasa yet have a look at that that's good pennin your pet okay and

come at like to thank you very much cashokay we're gonna be here talking about the good bit awkward situation with edwardsnowed in this whistleblowers a good what he's done for america owes or ourour secrets being jeopardized by his intentions were going to go out also bradley manning da's bradleymanning an american hero is a compromising the safety american troopswe care about your views here on morning joe. we'll be talking about those like tohere with me abroad in kaprun nice try

what do you think about a edwards roadyou think about it the situation with snowed in dewey i a if you do anythingto hide should we be concerned about here the revelations current i don't try todo i understand everything he's got to be looking at when you don't know you'llsee the i lol thinks you're saying hey prison malice your cooking tonight i'll tell you tomorrow with it bignecklace animal planet be a little higherofficial a problem with current affairs

you can you forget about what'simportant here loudly agenda to be decided by superficial information what am i saying wanna talk about don'tthink about what i'm wearing these things are really dumb i'm distracting show okay i'm verydistracted what do you think that gesture means the way it's actionable what is a min what is that was thesubtext he had a great meeting you rainmakerthat mean nothing to you proxy jobs shop crossfire hack

russell that was free it worth the moneymembers will write tickets at st. with any see the told i got it now otherwork don't miss our complex thank you to thedorm higher pork complex entertainer does not get inelmwood st russell brand who you too is a politicalmagazine well suppose like a person is beingpolitely are spun track to a woman i don't knowwhat the typical criteria is i don't know many people the edit localmagazines boris he said he wanted me so on the car a person with crazy herequite good sense of humor

don't know much about politics i'm idealbut is it really don't even vote you know the impact will how do you haveany authority to talk about politics well i don't get my authority from thispre-existing paradigm which is quite narrow and only sent a few people i'll lookelsewhere for alternatives that might be of service to humanity alternate means lieutenantpolitical systems they being well-known vanity a chairmaybe i've their magazine of legal battle of me play

by i say but he's the phoenician doshouldn't destroy the planet shouldn't create massive economicdisparity shouldn't ignore the needs of the people the burden of proof is on the peoplewith the power not people like doing a magazine how do you imagine the people get power well i'm at in there so highrocco systems they've been preserved for the gatorade lies being voted intotornado id be asked to vote on this guy quite narrow prescriptive parameter thatchanges within the the the in a democracy that's how it workswell i don't think is working very well

jeremy given that the plan is beingdestroyed given that there is economic disparityrefused a great what time does note any no to know about the day's i'm saying ifyou can't be asked to vote why should we be asked to listen to yourpolitical point if you don't have to listen to my political point of view butit's not %uh i'm not voting out apathy i'm not votingout absolute indifference and wearinessexhaustion from the lies treachery deceit above the political class but has beengoing on for generations now

i which is now reached fever pitch wehave addition franchise this illusion despondent underclass not beingrepresented by the apple ecosystem servo injuries pass it complicit a withthat system that's not something i'm offering upwhat you change it then up to 18 one stop by vogue think it works peopleabout it already and that will create the currentparadigm the last vote never you've never ever vote know do you thinkthat's really bad so you struck in that issue what before the age of eighty was busy being a drug addict that pointto come from the kind of social

conditions that are exacerbated by adifferent system that really just administrator for large corporationsignore the population it will rain in the south who claim the political classthe fact you had a drug problem no no no i'm saying i was papa socialand economic class that is underserved by the currentpolitical system and drug addictions on the problems it creates when you havehuge underserved impoverished populationspeople get drug problems and also i don't feel like admit they want to engage with thecurrent political system because they

see that it doesn't work for them they say that it makes no differencethey say that they're not serve i not working if they bothered aboutjeremy mike golic on a sign that the apathy doesn't comefrom us the people the apathy comes from the politicians they are apathetic to aneasy run interested in servicing the native corporation look at what i the tories going according to take inthe eu to call because they're trying to curtail bank bonuses is that what happened atthe moment in our country is in it

there's a rather shoot him for that youdon't believe in democracy human revolution don't you the plan is being destroyed we arecreating an underclass we are exploiting poor people all overthe world and the genuine legitimate problems the people are not beingaddressed by our political well as those things may be true theyare true but you too i would not be with you about many ofwell outcome i feel so cross with you the cards because about be it it'sgorgeous possibly with the daily mail don't want it all ido i get where

grow it longer you are angry and yourarmpit hair you are a very trivial matter good evening i'm trip youyes a minute ago you have to go back so whenever a revolution now i must know aboutwithout a lot of major you because you want a revolution many people want arevolution but i must be what it will be like well i think what it won't be like is a huge disparity between rich and poorwith three hundred americans have the same amount of wealth as their85

be million poorest americans where thereis a an exploit and underserved underclass typing continue ignored wellwell well very slash while cameron and osborne go to court todefend the right bank is to continue receiving active their bonuses what's personally that's all i'm asking what's the schemeyou talked vaguely about revolution what is it i think a socialist egalitarian systembased on the massive redistribution of wealth heavy taxation of corporationsand massive responsibility

for energy companies and any companiesin sport explain environment i think they should be how i think the very concept of profitshould be hugely which is david cameron said profits in a day worki say profit is a filthy word because wherever there is profit thereis also a deficit and their the system currently doesn't address these ideas and so why would anyone vote for it whywould anyone be interested who would let me these taxes i think wedo need like anything a centralized administrative system but they were gone

at yes i used to be a gun well not mybecause i'm a close call in like the admin boats right now they don't getabout how they say shows term it done of me to sit here in aninterview with you in a bloody hotel room and devise a global utopian system on merely pointing out that you arecalling for revolution absolutely after i'm calling for changei'm calling for genuine alternate but there are many people who wouldagree with you good the current system is not engaging with all sorts ofproblems yes and they feel apathetic really epic thatagain

but if they were to take you seriouslyand not to vote the edition by i think they shouldthat's one thing i should remember though in prison when it reaches thepoint to these new valves the spotlight look cozy little valvesrecycling in previous in like in a turn up somewhere it stops us reaching the pic point witha nice enough now stop blowin stop attending wake up be in reality now time to be mad at youknow why but we don't have to make any difference we know that already

so you know i have no impact out westand you know it cheering them on i'll of the city unnecessarily that if you are now you're being facetiouswell what position is has as much value a seriousness i think you make a mistakeever mistaking seriousness no cuz soul world problems by facetious thatwe're not going to solve them with the current system in this position it isfunny sometimes yet yes sometimes jeremy solisten to this approach this optimistically espanol career beret inharanguing politicians an unmanned supply make meto go general worthless what's the point

engage a venue for me to have a go at me because i'm not poor anymore i'm nothaving a go at you about that i'm just asking why would you take youseriously when you're so unspecific you don't want to tell youwill ii firstly i don't mind if you take meseriously i'm here just to draw attention to a few ideas i just wanna have a little bit of a lotof i'm saying there are people with alternative ideas that far betterqualified than i'm and far better qualified moreimportantly and the people that

currently doing that job because im not attemptingto solve these problems then no they're tempted to placate thepopulation the measures the company been taken aroundclimate change i mean different will not solve the mostly is it'spossible as human beings this simply overwhelmed by the scale of the problem not really will possibly might be that imean but i so just semantics really but the overwhelmed by orton tacitly maintaining it becausei've had beach well i mean

make i was 10 is when i was in the houseof the parliament is decorated exactly the same as ian isdecorated that the same as oxford so certain type people guys and if it'sall this makes me nervous and a number of other people gonna go this is how it should be and i thinkthat's gonna change now we can no longer have peronistduplicitous systems held in place unless it's for the serbs only systemsthat serve the plan and said the population of the planet can be allowed to survive not ones thatseven lakes be they political

or corporal 8 and this is what'scurrently happening you don't really believe i completely believe it doesn't meanvery reliable wi-fi side a life that you had me at we wear the same prime and promised withboris identity but he then went to a conference in school in north london's that's all well and good on but what i'msaying is that within the existing paradigm the change in a dramatic enough not radical enough so you can wellunderstand public disturbances and

publicize faction when they're not genuine changes andgenuine alternates pilfered i say women is a genuine alternative a genuine option invoked that until then obama why pretend like be complacent inthis ridiculous illusion because by the time somebody comes alongyou might think it worth voting for it may be too late i don't think so because the time is nowthis movement is already occurring is happening everywhere

wit only communication is instantaneousand their communities all over the world the occupy movement made a difference ineven if only in i introduced to the popular public mexican the idea of the one percent that is a919 people for the first time in a generation are where massivecorporate and economic exploitation these things and not nonsense and theseare subject are not being addressed there no one's doing anything about taxhavens no one's doing anything about their political affiliations andfinancial affiliations at the conservative party

them to be without dressing the actuallyreal why would not be facetious what would itake it seriously why would i encourage a consistent pictures young people backabsolutely indifferent to vote why would we all want you bored on youmore bored than anyone you been talking on year after yearlistening to their lives they're not then if this one gets in then is thatone getting but this problem continues why we gonna continue to contribute todisperse are i'm surprise you can be facetious whenyou're that angry about it yeah i'm angry

i am angry because for me it's real me is not just some peripheral thing notturn up once in awhile to church by for for me this is what come from thisis what care about to see any member that yep totallythat's going to be revolution is probably going to happen i don't know you i england flickr aboutthis is the n this is time to wake up i remember i seeyou in that program way look at your ancestors and you sawthat way your grandmother we're at a process l4 got fucked over bythe average the cracks you wanna

gap you cried because you knew that itwas unfair and i'm just not what was essentiallygot that happens people now just come from a woman is being treated like that has been talking to women today is beingtreated like that so im if we can engage that feeling sortof some moment the black remote sentimentality played out in a tv forpeople to pour over emotional porn if we can engage that feeling andstrange things why wouldn't we why use that naive why is that not myright because i'm act-up i me i i picking the right i don't needthe right from you

only the rubber anybody i'm taking dojo by and of folks i wanted to get him on it for along time russell brand who is a comedian bestselling author actor tv host you name it who is been popular for many years literally asensation now the whole office today when i found out he was coming on i got really excited we have a lotta ona big gaston

i and and what's exciting about this is that i russell brand is outside the box and any age gettingpeople to fake obviously went viral all over the world a few months ago when he confronted ican do the talking heads that are on the a mainstream media msnbc channel withmeager brzezinski and so russell brand he's doing his jobworldwide turn right now joins us russell thanksfor giving us some time

alex is a privilege spanish i think such a privilege to have you here what'sthe best site for people to visit to find out about the theater is that russell brand .tv yes beperfect thanks you bet wow so a bottom line what isfront and center most important to you right now that's happening in the world i think the for is not simple to me is afinancial crime russia is the cultural narrative we're told the way that we are presentedwith information

the way the news page ignitedsignificantly different and issues and not others and the lightin which stories are told thing and i could obviously comprised a edwards no didn't always could comprise syria they could comprise a bit morebroadly the manufacture consent all the manipulation of thecountry's first on civilizations through conglomeration conglomeration of government businessand media coming into this interview we played a clip

when you are on msnbc and that reallystruck a chord with people when he just laughed at their narcissism and said you don't talk about anything areal you're basically much a peacock's up here i'll what was it like behind the scenesand and edit and it seemed like you were clashing with them up and and it really captured people'simagination what happened there cuz you're in the middle of it well i mean a showcase quite typicalwhen you go on

cut tv shows that there is a particularfrequency or case to the midi there is a normalmanner speaking not only that cut off topic fordiscussion kind a banal slightly real hi only in the air the information the east predicated on celebrity and gossip and why would call low frequencydata low vibration information trying toidentify that when you go on anything on

mainstream television and programs allsound the same people who look but i'm a little concerned i might attack time there's atmosphere the onlydifference was he is that the being polite missus such an extremelevel they gave me an opportunity to point out some other stuff which iwouldn't typically day because it sometimes doesn't seem appropriate tellpeople what they're doing it point that's just silly i want to getinto world events your turn that so popular that i hope to see when you cometo austin in a few weeks i here in texas but justgetting back to that

they genuinely shamed extremelyuncomfortable but the women also seemed very sexuallyexcited and more not not faking and i could tell that somehow you absolutely like brokethe spell love their self centered pettynarcissism and i'm not kissing your bottom it really happen at a magic club from myperspective axe you become her okay right nowhigh-water a powerful woman got lovely job or seems to be thetrouble go ahead like princess diana oh

wow i think is what do you do for a livingwe're gonna be here talking about the good bit awkward situation edward snowedin this whistleblowers a good what he's done for america owes or our our secretsbeing jeopardized by his intentions were going to write all why do you think you should come upshow that i don't know i'm a bit confused by it because i just went onand did too i normally do just thankful i am any point out something idiosyncratic allweird i observed

think alex supposed to be doing so muchto get a win win situation where you're in it in the on the tv on the radio orso making a purchase in the shop basedsometimes we lose our authenticity are believed to be in chi minh andtruthful with one another thinking she's in iraq's in a very humaninterest away 10 matches just can be very disruptive shirley is not like that there's anindividual that good in certain individuals that bad i know myself butyou know working films inc work unlike media so imust be

culpable as well for propagating needideas in supporting them miny i'm not a bad guy i just now i ride kit at see how apple and otherpeople that wanted autographs never kind of people they fail the finaldraft on of 2 g'night and i in a light grey i don't want to be self want them to afelony by as i couldn't be published said tryna ijust don't feel like doing it iran after have the absolute best expected need aperson the person i aspire to be way sign everything for everyone thenice i like

i'm comfortable with myself beingselfish egocentric and self-assessment extended like i i think is more a problem whenyou have matches my shemales conduct consciousness i'm orchestrates the way that we thinkon mast has a set of priorities an image and is making people in huge numbers thinkima still faced in schiller surmised after 10 take inbritain way while man i j you're on fire it seemslike you have a really i had an

awakening and i i mean been awake for along time it seems like your awakening is accelerating as thatis that accurate to say year think you might be right as amatter of fact i examine it like up for me spiritualityis an important component i i'm meant it i la renta a practice andspiritual principles that mean i have to be very mindful monday time about the way i live my lifei'm like a drug and alcohol-free and come on i'm detached myself from missingthe whole would make me happy like i mean i and many other people became

more true state being revealed i that is pure vera tasha because that'sbeen my experience as well and what you were just talking aboutjust being aware that you're being selfish or doing things that are self-centeredor narcissistic is is half the battle most the peopleout there especially the in the mainstream media they are purely turned over to thenarcissism enter like biological and rides they're not even a real

and i think that's why you freaksburzynski's daughter out and other so much is because they got into this consciousup the manipulation they were involved and but really what you do to others comesback on you so now they've turned into what they tried to do to the publicmaking the public one dimensional cut-outs on what they projected it's now blownback on them very interesting i'm for alex had asituation the contrived physically work

in the media for so many still as you know you'rejust not going to get back on the job mixers sucks because i'm a slow the risefighter on cutting she'll be sure how it's about time you get to the point wehave your own child came on the screen came keeping greeceny easy alignment with nearly 50% interest behind whatever corporation i only seehow the event like i think true that there isprobably at least obvious why an understanding in terms ofi wonder what happens here logically

i wonder what the energy in a brainlooks like i wonder what the age like if they see our brains are surrounded byother brain thinking in a certain way broadcasting transmitting and same frequency you knowthat this is what i feel that we have a bit of a situation where such a strong man hypnotic message existno i just externally but more worrying inc emily i'm always more worries whenasked by much that's why i don't like it when i'm transgressed my own personal printsposter thing will then

i'm not behaving in accordance with whati believe in i'm policing myself i'm selfish spent i'm part of theproblem you know like and he said be the change you want to see in the world really all i can control is i treatpeople well in a absolutely and it thinking about that the establishmentis aware of the group consciousness the grid collective and they're trying toprogram and as you said on record a written books about it tolower the frequency down to a peace deal brimelow be sheer level of beyond commonsense even shop reservation

show that people can be programmable soit comes down to the older a question of free will versus notreally well and i think that's how you can tell thegood guys from the bad guys if someone wants to expand consciousness awakeningunderstanding and empower people then that meansthey're on the good side if they want to shutter the horizons yeah and and and put wallsaround the mind that's the bad guys and from what i'veheard it's got amazing reviews sold out many

places in the world messiah complexrevolution unconscious mister you're attempting toshow people what different perspectives are windows and others describe it for uswell to i take seriously allegations point toany a personal heroes of mind i talk abouti'm malcolm x k camara can be and jesus christ and how aged guyscharacters represent any trade share any

seeming silly east the suppressed comment been lost from a culturalnarrative like the economy have speakers like gandhi sagar malcolmx being celebrated in the mainstream because she would 10 have a namesturgeon population it people stopping by malcolm x and notgoing to tolerate being created as i comply and consumer at all the people sing like che guevara gonnabe prepared to take up an armed struggle with a pic like and a big and they're not going to be seducedby consumerism and gonna be prepared to

protect a mask i also put down all those individualsexplored a checar with xtina finally got a broom and kinda homophobicand malcolm x at a starbucks difficult criminal past and can be hadsome domestic and personal issues complex and i point out all these freepeople human and therefore flawed but that does not negate the positivity andthe message i also say that why we have loss to thezoo i funds lost these heroes and indeed seem appropriate in corporate context the posthumous inegypt and is used to apple compusa

k give our crops up in haiti's a.m.sat's car exhibition it because we're we're in a situationwhere our heritage out have cultural mix andi'm stories that keep ask parlayed and unified and to a degree i don't know she meant arebeing lost and subjugate because as long as human beings going tostay in spear and stay at stimulate desire we will always be beholden to the eliteswe were always been holed beholden to the cooper interest offer to resolvethese problems by selling its products

gotta keep it fun and exciting to talkabout sex every few seconds as well while russell brand is joining us rightnow on the road part of his international turner and you're speaking of gettingpeople outside the box i for my own researcherabsolutely on target to call here that the establishment is expert at hijacking icons or i as jack campbell road are types archetypal images and thentwisting them

george their aim and then reallyrewriting all the basic cultural knowledge that every group out there had and replacing and basically only withthe new world order's propaganda i mean a thing as basketballplayers are movie stars but if that's what kids aspire to bethere's not many slots there but by making those people the iconsartificially and maybe not the only thing thatmatters then kids will never think about being a revolutionary are never think about a standing upnon-violently to oppression

or never i think about the fact that daycould change the course and be an example to others and so i really get from this thatyou're trying to almost go back and shoot digital really stoodfor and try to get folks to become aware of this power yes exactly alex i look at somecorporate slogans like mcdonald's levin et which is kinda the mansion camekn an explication have an interesting piece of language to do with the last i look at diet doctor pepper financelogan unbelievably

satisfying and how ridiculous andhyperbole guy is even the slogan appears raises the besta man can get a comedic a point out that the same lolbarry at the bar very very low is a human kind i'm for mankind the kind of language he used bannedslogan geez by malcolm x by any means necessary che guevara it's bad tax die on your feet than tolive on your knees and candy be the change the want to see in the world themessages to subjugate furthermore

me heroes i all-star replaced it got and got themselves are symbols ofcertain traits and ideas a dangerous place typically are paidagain which means they were shipped via some air in parliament if you have aculture of people like that killed worship million weavers how we feel when corporations want to believe yourreaders if you have an indigenous placed like the nordiques here in fearless &noble oak tree how we feel about deforestation if youhave people at the many people in this country

really and worship the urban soil how wefeel when people say that fracking in a goodidea and necessary it means that we've lost our narrativebut i just go out actual reality i would tend to gravitate and call from hs not living separatefrom ancient par sure recognition for narrative wherewe live in accordance with the the is dangerous wow say yes to shellout for like beer and blue jeans as they are saying and i recent popular film them or notsatisfied by the light beer

and blue jeans house gotta russell brand.tv to find out they can still get tickets in their area of the worldrussell where else are you going now on the turn nn warmers a your favoriteplace you've visited as issued on the road well phenol at thecanada and had a great time there i'm currently inc being to just comefrom san francisco i was fantastic and i'm in seattle nowsome kind pole and then i'm going back to mycountry for a few days and then a like a b&w york and floridaand austin texas have enjoyed all the beerreally i mean the highways like when

you're cheering you don't spend an awfullot of time in any one location so like a i really loveand america and not being with the americanpeople i'm them and find broadly speaking american media inamerican politics is not representative of my experience product directly withthe american people sure employees it's a fake projectedculture that the world sees that is not even america's like new yorkers still moved austin are still visitaccidentally ride horses dork and that and it will our all the beverlyhillbillies and the 10 minutes we've got

left russell i wanna go over some other worldadvanced with you that are happening right now like syria but first what do you think's happening in themedia revolution because mainstream media is dying every metric shows that alternative media the people's mediawith its real diversity is exploding i want to get your take onwhere you think the future up the media's going and cultural development and do youthink that the human species will

survive to become a type one civilization makeit off the planet cuz i type country by nation's cool but i mean the sri andextraterrestrial operations guy in popular have a tank well with alex well i think we've hadlike the media stuff he's been i i think that yeah ithink the butler diverse city provided by social networking and view media is veryvery positive

like it the the status quo exper actually need cleaning co-op think anycountercultural movement if you look at how he popped began thereason for radical anti-establishment away and eventuallybecame couldn't be more about consumerism andbullying and welfare think happened with punk it so i think anycountercultural movement is re costing what approximateinappropriate by the mainstream and i think we should she already theweather subspace social networking in cahoots with where the government andwith it the whole prism expand

even like it can be very difficult fortruly radical new media survive particularly effective try i'm still very optimistic about himthe more the people communicate the most people realize but even if we are different from oneanother we have more in common with each other that we do with the peoplethat grew last and govern ask anything that we have a chance to changein the world i think we do i here buzz about russell brown all overthe place mainly in new media and other system want to try to shut itdown i don't think the genie can be but

back in the bottle and i know you like talking aboutyourself specifically air meteoric rise but i don't really follow even pop culture isee it there when i get a look at it but also see on the streets which isreally whatever graeme i'll why do you think you're getting isso much more popular and well i don't know i'd like i i wanna like five to eight you know after i hope i think that is aas a result through

be moving away from a living out of alignment with themessages in narrative mainstream media and being truthful to my to appear in my original intentions andi became a stand-up comedian especially inspired very much fine began like dealhe couldn't many proofs and richard pryor to made telling the truth funny which remainanonymous injury but i assure you i do in my show is a very very different kind of format when i first i doubt veryinteresting anti-capitalist protest

environmental issues and and i'm so several the occasions when iwas arrested when i was younger was there rizzo matter pavia surpassed anti-capitalist marches andenvironmental marches and stuff treasure which always been something isin may but now i'm finally disillusioned disenchanted with thespell for a mainstream popularity something youcan flourish i didn't start living until i gotdisenchanted with at about eighteen

years ago and just my life gets better and betterthe more i realize it's almost like a matrix it's fine tobe on it to use it to try to wake people up but other than that that's the only thrill there there's no30 anymore just in the fiction tetanus shot russell i want to talk about some goodnews from my perspective nobody saying assad's a good guy but theless did start awarded fun the rebel starting

two-and-a-half years ago and for thefirst time shared 1782 won the british parliament voted in the war against the coloniesday voted down are you the prime minister in the ukdavid cameron wanting to go to war obama he has a9 percent approval ratingon this war in a reuters washington post poll i meanwhat bush did all these lies he had a 72 now it's very unpopular i see this is asea change or libertarians conservatives liberals everybody i know she's through this andknows that it's about the take cover the

middle east that wesley clark expose the seven nations they wanted totarget catholics i went through the pentagon 10 daysafter 9/11 and of certain a joint staff call me intohis office and said i want you to know he said sure we're going to attack iraq and isaid why he said we don't know and i came back tothe pentagon about six weeks later i saw the same also i said yaar why we tacked iraq which are gonnatag iraqi said all sherry says it's

worse than that i just got this memo the sector defensesof it says we got back and destroy the government's and inseven countries in five years we're going to start with iraq and nowwe're gonna move to syria lebanon libya somalia sudan and iran what is your view on syria and are youoptimistic i an excited that job the uk parliament for the first time in two hundred yearsdid the right thing on warm i certainly agree with you then have toit is there is no love

widespread disillusionment with thepolitical process i i think obviously in the middle eastis on the rise complex issues a gaming act in tempe world affairs andhas been the millennia well i believe thatoutspoken have to be our humanitarian aspects that thedisplaced refugees and friend is a standard for somethingits results from the military contract in the area what i would have believed i is there couldn't be there to pay theconducted behind paratis ingenuity ntpc is very difficultfor

any of us to understand what's trulyhappening my experience tells me there i whatever land tellin me are insuranceyou if we don't trust is typically about the interest thinkthe nation and government and how they align with one another so that's why i'm gonna issue andcarolina bahia otherwise slide in electric planes are going toiraq and afghanistan which you prefer san tiring much first time porn i am he'sgonna be not to trust any and any

any had extreme military action anyserious what is known issue i think attended fully understand it seems likeit's extremely complex that there are many factions ryanair is likely could even as thesituation absolutely for a ron paul recently cameout saying basically thanks it's a false flag there's evidence atthe al qaeda graves staged a chemical attack we're not really positive who i who setoff the gas the group is most likely to benefit fromthat is that some kinda

i think it's a false flag i think reallyindeed it is obviously an incredibly complexsituation in closing because this happens to me a lot everytime i finish interview after an answer something or a group of things i wish that i wouldhave shared russell brand we really appreciate your time in closing in a mentor to any other keypoints that you'd like to put out there to the millions that willend up watching and listening to this well an existing probably a minute tominute things from a different

perspective but me and she had let mybeautiful more informed by soviet socialism amen marxism i think ultimately wepeople even if freedom untrue and i think there'salways people respect each other's differently then acting and also acknowledge that wethe people struggling against oppression have more in common with each other can we do than the people to control itand i think there's a chance the unity in change

sure i mean i think that a.m. at a levelyou can see is a counter to the centralized corporatist up communism socialism but then yourealize that they selectively huge the deployment of collectivism toonly create a permanent peasant class 2controllers i show that we never have come a libertarian view up the individual being empowered andhaving a giant middle-class i mean what's your view saylibertarianism ron paul i mean of air you said that you are aware of my workwatcher

what's your view for function what i doi think they are fantastic because a you're challenging authority newchallenge in states quite so i agree with the above me from simi the in the number one priority priority forany money once i should change has to be the welfare and its most immediate there the supportsociety's poorest and most vulnerable and from for me that's not casuallygenetic a spin if anything it's chris dna spiritually for yet that's why i believe it might bepollination i think if you're in a

position of power your priority is not helping the poorand the dispossessed 10 mediation be in power in an outcallto help east i across the board a you know is i land and hierarchies arealways going to be to a degree message very but for me i on a t-shirt human levelactual application is to help both suffering sure you got a giant twitteraccount what is interesting rock edge i is there any other places on the webpeople should should visit other than

that and your a tv side now national callfrom a maid that i'll i already fully un staffer let's keep iti look i and ii hope to see you in austin you bet and i said that was the finalquestion one more knowledge you to get on down the road tire at the airport one last question about asking herrussell you you mentioned jesus you shake move our and gandhi and malcolm actually

it says and hitler and that's one reasoni wanna see your show this is such an icon this usedeverywhere but in your research you gotta give away a little bit watch the angle on herr hitler well that while to a shapeless actionswere deplorable it snow is extremism a terrifyingdisease mentality he was just a normal man created by ithink number geopolitical economic religious circumstance their size timeyeah

yes costas i i'm a friend theanti-semitic anti-semitism is very prominent in that part europe at thattime and all that but now we don't highlightin those days it was clear what evil was our he's always had a feeler now evil comes dressed as per in the yas ronald mcdonald now even the hidden behind the apple logo now easily indecipherable in the riveris on those and dispossessed millions chloe again isabout a narrative in the way we tell stories

exactly it knows how to hide indeciphering and and knowing what evil is yeah is is really the answer russellbrand thank you so much and i look forward to hopefully meeting on your an awesome in a fewweeks i'll be your show regardless fine touch alexa.com i this area exertedby see my thanks so much well fudge theregoes russell brand and i had been told by david i like thathe was a listener and we got all other discovery was without was following us on twitter atrelish on jan

got him on and i've been fascinated withhis work for a few years he's been around for a long time but he certainly has gone from just gonna be in the wildparty animal guy to being a have serious thinker intelligent smart guy and look folks you know i don't likecommunism but he's on a journey here he said that was a long time agonow his views are changing we have to reach out to everybodyespecially if they're outside the box and want to try to make connections toothers and shove this is how those of us thatwant true thomas jefferson style

liberty are going to win the fightagainst the tyrants but i tell you that interview couldn't have gone better that was amazing and show i know thatalicia is out there probably wanna shen me their commentsyou can do that at real alex jones on twitter and thenout later on in the broadcast i will come back and i read over some others will also bethe phones up later and get your take on that amazing groundbreaking interview where therussell brand

and i hope this one gets a half millionviews or whatever like as msnbc because this will reallyget people thinking and talking him just shaken up those to those cutout paper people i went so viral and spurred peoplehumanity this will really get people talking to police function the shot was postedon youtube everyone you know we'll be right back alex jones and thisis the alex jones show check out our web site info wars dot com in

d in yes be matt that power favorite poem yeah market new and david not gonna

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