ideen offene küche wohnzimmer

ideen offene küche wohnzimmer

what's happening, everybody. my name is sxvxn and welcome to a brand new video. now inn today's video is a special for myquarter of a million subscriber milestone how insane is that two hundredand fifty thousand people click subscribe right here on this channelright now that is mad myself and ali-a collaborated on a awesome build for hisbrand-new house now they've got a channel himself and his partner clairei'll link a video to their vlog in the description below for you guys to checkout after the video we built his house it is perfectwe then getting great gameplay afterwards and we have a laughing aswell so thank you for everyone who's just

basically support the channel theseopportunities are incredible and i honestly feel like i've made a newfriend today ali-a is a sound guy and honestly in that one-to-one situationjust chillin playing games i honestly thought he was most chilled mostpassionate and most laid-back guy i've actually spoke to in quite sometime so if you're watching this ali props to you man hopefully we can worktogether again in the near future if you guys have ideas for builds or anythingyou'd like to see me an ali or any of the creators out there do fire me in thecomments below and also go check out the v-buck giveaway link in the descriptionit's listed there for you or as well

other than that let's get just straightinto the gameplay thank you for quarter million subscribersthank you ali-a for the collaboration and thank you all for the continued supporton this amazing channel take care and enjoy the gameplay sxvxn: i'm not gonna noteven gonna go up tempted to go inside the fox, i just want to get the build ali: what is it? never know, it could be a legendary scar waiting for yousxvxn: don't- oh no! sxvxn: it's true you knowali: can't tempt you, can't waste any time, we're good, we're good sxvxn: we got five, six seven, alright okay yeah, we could do this sxvxn: the sun gonna be right for us or is going downali: i don't know i think the sun is going down

ali: yeah i think the sun is going down, it's fine sxvxn: it's going to be night time. it's going to be night time ali: the next storm is on us, we could, we could keep it. sxvxn: oh yeah, if the zone is centred, yo i think, i think we're reaching there though. sxvxn: do you not have been so good asif there was like in that little maze middle point if there had been somefurniture or something sxvxn: you know like some- ali: i know like a tv you know what i mean. something like that sxvxn: that would of been dope, i got 207, i'll be nearly there ali: okay nice, that goes there, goodsxvxn: pretty close. how's thefloor going? you got the bottom floor? ali: not quite i've been destroying with adestroying all of the main, that was, my, my brain during to a blank. we finally got the zone we must do thissxvxn: okay sxvxn: gonna take this. pop these two mini's, get rid of this, keep the weapon.

sxvxn: i actually decided to check the fox it'lltake a second, i won't be too longali: nice, yeah yeah yeah sxvxn: i had to check it, don't see there's athere's a chest here sxvxn: whoa, why did i fall down?ali: you good? sxvxn: yeah i am good, i'm good. let's edit up, there's a chest in here sxvxn: let's see what we findwhat you reckon we're gonna get, come on what am i gonna get, what am i gonna get ali: blue bolt sxvxn: i get a ar, i'll take you i'll take itali: okay not bad not bad sxvxn: it's it's better than nothing, there we go i am coming over, took a little bit of damage. i just wanna rush straight over ali: nice i've got enough brick for sure andthere's barely any players left i've also found a 50 pot as well, they are getting pickedali: yeah you're right everyone's just getting destroyed there's a 50 pot i'll bring over for youas well

so if you find it any mini's at any pointthat would be greatali: thank you ali: think the bottom floor-sxvxn: you okay for wood? i got around 70 soali: yeah mate, we're perfect for wood, i could drop some sxvxn: i got a grenade launcher and an extra 50 pot for you, bro you have me like whatali: i am panicking, i am panicking ali: i thought the countdowns were merging into one, you have a grenade launcher did you say?sxvxn: yeah i have a grenade launcher sxvxn: dude i'm hyperventilating you've got me so excitedali: buzzing okay i just dropped you, 50, actually i'll carry them i'll carry it till we- we just have to destroy our ways thoughali: yeah go for it even if we dont't have this next zone we're definetly going to look at the house place this all across the roof you yeah yoyou've done a good job man ali: yeah this is

quick this is definitely the quickest we've ever donesxvxn: master builder ali: we are on it nosxvxn: this is the roof now, i am on the roof now, yeah cool ali: yeah yeah yeah sxvxn: rotate this and we want to change it to brick ali: have we got everything, i am down to three wood wow that was perfect timingsxvxn: have you just run out of wood? there's part of the maze that still needs destroying bro i thinkali: yeah ali: let me go go smash it, good point sxvxn: once you get that then obviously if you need to do any extra little details you got all thewindows and stuff it's all yeahali: yeah yeah yeah sxvxn: oh yes! ali: this is our quickest one yet, we've been on itsxvxn: think that's it and i literally just have to put that on the front, rotate that there i can tellali: is the moon going down or is it coming up, i can't see itsxvxn: i can't tell, i am going to destroy the inside here

because obviously sure that's blockingone of the windows ali: yeah i think the sun's coming up sxvxn: it is! dude it is! ali: this is it, this is perfect sxvxn: look at that oh my lordwhoa okay here's your 50 pots so you got himali: yeah yeah, thank you mate thank yousxvxn: i'll grab these grenades ali: that loot was worth itsxvxn: i know, you were right, you tempted me to go get a scar ali: glad i did tempt you man, if you help smash the rest of this, i honestly think we are donesxvxn: i am done, i am helping you now ali: come on!sxvxn: dude we did this in seven minutes, in seven minutes ali: nice!sxvxn: but that's down to for anyonewatching that that's down to like 50 tries ali: that's rapid mate, let's get rid of this barbed wiresxvxn: let's keep the little scarecrow ali: yeah i like it, i like it

ali: do you have much brick left?sxvxn: i have 65, do you want 65? you just destroyed the lightali: no! ali: it's okay, mate it looks so good! sxvxn: that is awesome, let's do a tour inside ali i am just going to put down this entrance along here and a entrance pathway sxvxn: going out towards this way, towards me ali: we go out like this, cross one like that so its two thick at a time sxvxn: yeah ali: no! scarecrow is gone! ali: this is perfect, you come insxvxn: yup ali: let's pretend sxvxn: okay this is your real house ali: this will be the gate here, okay welcome, welcome to the housesxvxn: okay, alright now worries man ali: i am going to give you a private toursxvxn: this is nice man ali: this is my new and upgraded r8, i hope you like itsxvxn: that's pretty swag man

sxvxn: i want oneali: meant to live in the garage but there are so many boxes in there sxvxn: all that extra storage of the recent moveali: yeah, exactly!sxvxn: that is understandable ali: come forward, one more thing i forgot. do you have any wood to drop real quick sxvxn: yeah i have, there's 66. ali: okay so a little bit of building leftnot much just gonna add-sxvxn: yeah on the front, cool cool ali: adding that there and then let's do a very speedy tour, so welcome, welcome, just finishing sxvxn: yo,yo, yo, so this wayali: come in any door you want and this is the main entrance sxvxn: there's a little mat as well 'go away! ali: yeah i kept that, i kept that ali: this is claire's recording room basically where she will be doing all her work sxvxn: oh cool! the youtube job ali: yeah, yeah, yeah this is our joint kitchen / living room sxvxn you can see up there as well

ali: yeah, yeah you can see up to the top floor as well sxvxn: okay that's swag i like that ali: this is our second living room for basically watching more tv, having people over sxvxn: you got a friend in here ali: scarecrows our tv basically sxvxn: this is the fastest tour everali: 30 seconds! 30 seconds! ali: this is my recording room the one i am in right now, this is the spare bedroom, no one is in this one, this is another spare bedroom, this is our main bedroom, our master bedroom sxvxn: oh that's nice ali: giant, huge, huge sxvxn: run! ali: this is our balcony ali: we gotta go boys!sxvxn: okay that was sweet! that looks amazing sxvxn: i've got a standard ar, blue pump and a grenade launcher i got some spare grenades ali: yo! nice okay, we're fine we are fine

ali: we are going to make it in to the thing. we aren't going to get touched, we are finesxvxn: do you reckon? i think i am going to get touched ali: nah, nah. half of a million v-bucks, we aren't going to get touched, there you go that is how confident sxvxn: okay, half a million dude that would cost a lot! damn!ali: that would probably be- sxvxn: 13500 is like â£75-â£80 ali: you are going to get yourself half a million v-bucks, there's a chest here, i want it. that was worth it, spare shield, i like it sxvxn: oh yes lets go! no it's fine, it's fine sxvxn: oh you got a full 50 nice! ali: what's me getting out of this without getting touchedsxvxn: i'll be kind to you man, i'll only take half because i didn't get touched by it ali: i haven't yet, i haven't yetsxvxn: no you haven't o my, have you?, you didn't! sxvxn: you've just saved yourself half a million v-bucks sxvxn: us versus 10, it's us versus 10ali: we got this, we need some good loot

ali: this is an awkward finishing positionsxvxn: i know, this is what happens with the builds man sxvxn: they do this they provide you with like so little at the end ali: yeah sxvxn: i'll stick with you once i got resource, i am literally just hopping getting as much as i can ali: yeah all goodsxvxn: i'll just stick by your side, its the best way to do it. on a first couple of attempts we got a little disconnected ali: honestly i am so bad, i forget i got a teammate half the time sxvxn: do you need any of my wood i got some extra wood, there's 209 ali: half it that would be amazing, that's perfect ali: this open space is dodge sosxvxn: yeah, we got the big builds over there ali: there's big builds, that's not going to be in the ring surely sxvxn: let's see if we can get any spot, susan spot, anything from up here, there's people building over there

ali: there's a guy a guy here to you guys these guys likethey're not moving sxvxn: knocked him he's doneali: good job sxvxn:i don't know where his partner was that he was running, he came from the south-east moving west ali: alightsxvxn: so it looked like they came from like crates ali: watch yourself, watch yourself, is he shoot at yousxvxn: no, no, no , there's someone else they are fighting sxvxn: he has a port-a-fort dude and a pump do you need a pump?ali: no i am going to stick with what i have got ali: i will grab that auto ar though that's it sxvxn: i am throwing grenades over by the hut sxvxn: okay i'm gonna grab that port-a-fort if that's okay if you find any rockets just let me know ali:yeah will do you definitelysxvxn: you getting hammered? i clipped one

of those guys ali: nice i've got an in-scoped sniper, these guys are doing some crazy builds right now sxvxn: yeah i know, they are building down there too, is that two teams? is that still two teams? ali: yeah, oh my god that could be sxvxn: dude, that's it sxvxn: the rest of the enemy, we are looking at the enemyali: oh my god!sxvxn: we are looking at the final guys!ali: we gotta clutch up, we gotta clutch up ali: i am going to grab that port-a-fort sxvxn: i got it, i got it, i got it ali: i am going to pick up the nades and spam their bases, with our nades sxvxn: i think we should push for the cottage you know the cottage because they bailed from the cottageali: yeah, totally agree mate sxvxn: take the high ground from the cottage ali: they may have killed the team that was there this team and another, be carefulsxvxn: there was two teams

ali: good, was that at you?sxvxn: no, no no, not me not me ali: where are they where are theysxvxn: there's people they were literally done here in this ditch yeah they were literally under therejust before, there he isali: he's there, he's there, he's there sxvxn: i'll grenade overali: yeah do it mate do it ali: nice doing some worksxvxn: did we get any hits on himali: no i don't think so sxvxn: no hits no hits ali: this team's behind, do you hear those shots from behind? sxvxn: yeah, the tree behind it yeah they're behind, there's a guy here he's put his he pushing he's pushing away from us okayali: what is he doing? ali: let's finish of this dude, i think he's by his selfsxvxn: i think if we get him, we will have the team, i am going to port-a-fort to you in a second

ali: getting shot on the right ali: you good you okay matesxvxn: yeah, there's a guy on me ali: coming, coming ali: i see him, i see himsxvxn: you get him, i am in the port-a-fortali: let's go baby!sxvxn: nice ali nice! ali: there's a scar here mate a legendary scarsxvxn: i am coming, i am comingali: all yours, all yours sxvxn: let's go!ali: i need some spare shield though, let me go grab itsxvxn: i don't have any spare sxvxn: where do you- yeah you got the mini's down there, where do you think the end guys areali: just underneath from where i was bro ali: i heard them shooting a while a go, they are in the big base behind them sxvxn: oh yeah okay, yeah yeah up on the hill. there's a supply drop thereali: yeah, yeah, yeah sxvxn: i am going up in the port-a-fort, they might- i don't think this is them here

ali: be carefulsxvxn: i am just covering my back and everything sxvxn: we aren't in the zone but if we can get the pick before ali: trying to be smart with what weapon i'm holdingsxvxn: i have a bold so i can also get a long range shot i picked that up in middle of that fight ali: okay nice well i've got a port-a-fort, if we need to chuck down if you need sxvxn: actually if they're in that big baselike your saying ali: i got 65 grenade launchers sxvxn: okay okay how many how many assault rifle rounds you have i have 35 and you are right here ali: come here ali: come here, let me half everything i have gotsxvxn: alright sxvxn: whereabouts are youali: just under here, right at the bottom bro come all the way down bro sxvxn: i am having a bit of a nightmare on these tyres, there we go. oh come on game let me get down, there we goali: you good?

sxvxn: the tyre's keep-ali: your good, your good, your goodsxvxn: come on game... thank you ali: all the way down, all the way down. just here sxvxn: there we go ali: this is it, this is it sxvxn: you see the top left sidethat tower he's gonna come out with aali: yes sniper he literally sat with a sniper inthere literally-ali: shall i port-a-fort in this ring now, so we can have at least some high groundsxvxn: yeah, yeah i would just solidify our position niceali: here we go ali: i am going to build a connecting base to itsxvxn: why isn't it editing? yeah i am trying to edit the- oh there we go i see, i see cause it was a door

ali: here we go, here we gosxvxn: don't think we have enough-ali: is that him peaking?sxvxn: he's in the top left he was definitely in that top left ali: let's see if i can get my grenade launchers over there sxvxn: i nearly got himali: not quite enoughsxvxn: i am going to take the risk and put rounds nice niceali: i am going out to try get grenades in theresxvxn: oh careful he sniped youali: that was a heavy shot sxvxn: that was his made down at the bottom right, okay i will get out of your wayali: that hurtsxvxn: that was a sting sxvxn: are they building up? trying to build across, i see, i seeali: yeah, yeah, yeah sxvxn: just scare with grenades,you stay away mate ali: i am going to put down my launch pad in the centre of our port-a-fort sxvxn: alright yeah cool just in case i like it oh dude that would have been a clutch snipe i mean such a clutch snipeali: launching over the top, launching over the top

sxvxn: there we goali: come on grenade launchers, they are so close, i got him, i got him sxvxn: did you get hit, yo i just got hit in the back sxvxn: i just got hit in the backali: you serious?sxvxn: yeah seriously there's a guy behind us ali: okay, he may have flanked around sxvxn: there's a guy in front and a guy behind ali: oh god!sxvxn: he's grenading our port-a-fort sxvxn: i am focusing on this guy forward, he's by this tree he's by this treeali: you focus on that guy i focus on the other guy ali: this may be two separate people, oh my god bro go go, it's a 1v1 bro! you got this mate, you got this sxvxn: he's literally here he's literally here dude i've weakenedhim i'll put him to 70 we've got him for 70

ali: let's double, lets double it upsxvxn: i am going to hit him with the ar boom!both: lets go! sxvxn: oh we did it in syncali: let's go baby! oh my goshsxvxn: well played ali ali: when he sniped me and i dropped to 20sxvxn: that was scary dude i thought that was it man dopeali: two teams, from two different directions as well matesxvxn: that was pin point ma, that was good

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