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it’s something we were toldthroughout our entire lives: six million jews, and large numbers of non-jews, were murdered by the nazis: “eleven million people died innazi germany’s death camps. six million were jews.” “an estimated six million jewswere killed during world war ii.” “hitler murdered six million jewish people” “six million jews” “six million died”

“six million people crying from the grave...” the term holocaust commonly refers to the systematically planned and executed extermination of six million jews by nazi germany during world war two. mainstream historians agree that, of these six million jews, approximately three millionwere killed in gas chambers. the vast majority of them, they say,

were killed or died in six exterminationcenters in polish territory. here is a break-down of these threemillion alleged gas chamber victims by each of the six camps. these numbers are an average of figures found on the websites of two of the mostreputable holocaust research institutions, the us holocaust memorialmuseum in washington, d.c., and the yad vashem museum in jerusalem. the holocaust is so important that the united nations even decided tocreate a dedicated memorial day for it.

every january 27th, the day when the infamous auschwitz camp wasoccupied by the soviet red army in 1945, the whole world is reminded to commemoratethe victims of the holocaust. in 2017, on the occasion of thisinternational holocaust remembrance day, the white house under u.s. presidentdonald trump released this statement. stop the video to read it, if you like. there is nothing unusual about the statement, except maybe the fact thatjews aren’t mentioned in it. that triggered quite some vitriolic reactions,

for instance from jonathan greenblatt, the current head of the jewishanti-defamation league. he tweeted on that same day thattrump did not even mention jews, which triggered a deluge of similarattacks on the u.s. president for not having expressly mentioned the sixmillion jewish victims of the holocaust. the white house countered a day later that it wasn’t just jewswho died in the holocaust, but that five million gentiles were killed, too, who also deserve equal remembrance,

referring to an article which had appearedtwo years earlier in the huffington post. that in turn unleashed a series of attackson the president and that 2015 article, claiming that this, quote, five-million-gentiles,unquote, victim figure is bogus and vastly over-inflated. among those, i may quote here the timesof israel’s take on this death toll: deborah lipstadt went over the top, however, by accusing trump of flirtingwith holocaust denial. so, here we seem to have a case where aprominent jew, the late simon wiesenthal, inflated the number of holocaustvictims for political purposes.

but did wiesenthal really invent that number? and was he the only one exaggerating numbers? during and right after theend of the second world war, a number of war propaganda movies were filmed with the support or even under thecontrol of the u.s. government. throughout these propaganda movies, there are many references to thethousands and even millions of victims of national socialist barbarism – yet none of these films ever single out jewsas the primary victims of a, quote, holocaust.

the most infamous among those propagandamovies was titled "die todesmã¼hlen," which was designed for, and eventually shown to, german audiences as a tool forshock-and-awe re-education. it was later also released in anenglish edition: "death mills." both movies mention as the death tollof national socialist persecution 20 million without making anyspecific reference to jews: “but these eleven hundred were a small fraction of the twenty million men, women andchildren murdered by the nazis. 20 million human beings,

equal to the population of 22 american states. 20 million corpses.” in fact, the narrator insiststhat the victims were “of all the nations of europe, of all religious faiths, of all political beliefs, condemned by hitler because they were anti-nazi.” this is only the most prominent example. there are more which highlight

that death toll claims ofnational socialist persecution have a history of exceeding the six million, and that jews have been mentioned with regularity as only one among many victim groups. this issue is also not just a matter of journalists and propagandistsmaking up wild figures. in 2015, in a book about the forensic examination of mass-murder locations of the holocaust, a british archaeologist who has been working

with the leading scientists in thefield for several years wrote, quote: she provides no source for that claim, though. so maybe she merely repeated what she hadheard through wiesenthal’s grapevine? but is it really wiesenthal’s? interestingly, the very samewashington holocaust museum that, according to just-quoted articlein the times of israel, issued a statement on trump’s text emphasizing the centrality ofthe annihilation of the jews to the understanding of the holocaust,

had announced in 2013 in a press release that their research has revealed that, quote: unquote, while leaving the 6-millionjewish death toll basically unchanged. this would mean that as many as 14million non-jews died in the holocaust, not just five. i may also point out that 20 million isnot the ceiling of death-toll estimates. for instance, an article of sept. 21, 1992, from germany’s most prestigious daily newspaper, the "frankfurter allgemeine zeitung,"

illustrates in a very useful mannerthe kind of topic we are dealing with and the problems that are related to it. the title of the article translates to “traces of the crime; shoes,shoes, even children’s shoes.” it is a report written by a student about hisvisit to the stutthof concentration camp not far from danzig, in postwar poland, that has been turned into a museum. the author, in his fourth sentence,states that he cannot imagine what an extermination camp might look like

and talks of, quote, unquote. so here we have a combination ofthe general 20 million victims plus six million jews. at the end of his account the authorwrites that he found himself facing, quote unquote by putting things that way, one of the most highly regardednewspapers in the world has given its definition of the holocaust.

the annihilation of a total of 26 millionpeople by the national socialists in ultra-modern killing machines is the cruelest crime in the history of humanity. so, how many victims were there now? six million jews plus a few others, or eleven in total, or twenty, or even twenty-six million? at most one of these figures can be correct,

but with all this speculation going on, it may turn out that they are all wrong. but if that is so, what is the truth? can you tell? one thing is for sure: we obviously cannot believe everythingwe hear about the holocaust, because the things we hearoften contradict one another. let’s start at the beginning, with the documentary “naziconcentration and prison camps”

that the americans introduced duringthe international military tribunal at nuremberg in 1945 as proof of nazi atrocities. psychologically speaking, it was one of the most powerfulpieces of evidence submitted, because a picture tellsmore than a thousand words. here are some scenes about the dachau camp. dachau was one of the first major camps theamericans captured toward the end of the war: “hanging in orderly rows werethe clothes of prisoners who had been suffocated in a lethal gas chamber.

they had been persuaded to remove their clothing under the pretext of taking a shower for which towels and soap were provided. this is the brausebad, the shower bath. inside the shower bath, the gas vents.” actually, what you are seeing here are notgas vents but recessed light fixtures. “on the ceiling, the dummy showerheads. in the engineer’s room, theintake and outlet pipes. push buttons to control inflow and outtake of gas.

a hand valve to regulate pressure. cyanide powder was used togenerate the lethal smoke.” interestingly, on august 19, 1961, a letter to the editors by germanmainstream historian martin broszat was published in germany’s biggestweekly newspaper "die zeit" stating, among other things: on january 24, 1993, the famous nazi hunter simon wiesenthal wrote in a letter to the editors of the u.s.military magazine stars and stripes

in the same vein: thus, between the 1960s and late 1990s, the dachau museum had a sign displayedinside the dachau gas chamber stating: “gas chamber, disguised as a showerroom never used as a gas chamber.” today, however, this sign is no longer there. instead, a less-visible text on asign outside that room states: “gas chamber this was the center of potential mass murder. the room was disguised as ‘showers’

and equipped with fake showerspouts to mislead the victims and prevent them from refusing to enter the room.” currently, the us holocaustmuseum itself admits, quote: “there is no credible evidencethat the gas chamber in barrack x was used to murder human beings.” barrack x was the official namefor the crematorium building where that sinister room was located. one of the leading books by mainstreamhistorians on the gas chamber question, the 1993 collective tome nazimass murder, states on page 202:

“it has not yet been conclusively proved that killings by poison gas took placeat the dachau concentration camp.” and on page 203, we read: “but during the trial there was only one witness, a czech physician assignedto care for the prisoners, dr. frantisek blaha, who declared that experimental gassings hadtaken place in the dachau gas chamber.” blaha signed an affidavit on january 9, 1946, in which he described his experiencewith the dachau gas chamber.

it is in german, but an english translationwas read into the record during the nuremberg tribunal as follows: “many executions by gas or shooting orinjections took place right in the camp. the gas chamber was completed in 1944, and i was called by dr. rascherto examine the first victims. of the eight or nine persons in the chamber there were three still alive, and the remainder appeared to be dead.

their eyes were red, and their faces were swollen. many prisoners were later killed in this way.” and that’s it. if blaha was the only witness on trialtestifying about the gas chamber, and if he had no experience whatsoeverabout the gassing procedure, then how did the american documentarymakers know that the victims “had been persuaded to remove their clothing under the pretext of taking a shower forwhich towels and soap were provided”? only a few days after theliberation of the dachau camp,

a number of u.s. congressmen visited the camp. here they are shown inside the gas chamber. and this is footage taken in 2016. as you can see, the ceilingof that room is rather low. in fact, the room is roughly2.15 meters or seven feet high. why do i mention this? because an official u.s. commissioninvestigated what had transpired at dachau, and in a report to the u.s.congress dated may 15, 1945, compiled by david chavez,

we read, among other things, that in this room “the ceiling was some 10 feet in height” how can anyone confuse seven feet with ten feet? but that’s not all, because thatreport continues as follows: “the supply of gas into the chamber was controlled by means of two valves on one of the outer walls, and beneath the valves was asmall glass-covered peephole through which the operatorcould watch the victims die. the gas was let into the chamber through pipes

terminating in perforated brassfixtures set into the ceiling.” however, the ceiling did not have brass fixtures, but merely zinc-plated iron showerheads. furthermore, as can be seenin this photo of a spot where a showerhead had been removed bythe americans as a piece of evidence, these were merely fake showerheads – or rather watering can rosettes such as this – that were not connected to anything. already the documentary we watchedearlier said that there was

“a hand valve to regulate pressure.” but there’s a problem. zyklon b, which was allegedly used for the murder, was not a gas under pressurethat could be fed into pipes. it consisted of gypsum pelletssoaked with liquid hydrogen cyanide, the active ingredient in zyklon b. when such a can was opened,its poison evaporated slowly. in addition, from many cases of accidentalpoisoning with hydrogen cyanide, and from executions with that poison

as they were carried out in several u.s.states during the 20th century, we know that the victims blahaclaimed to have examined cannot have succumbed to zyklon b. such victims do not have red eyes. they do not have swollen faces. actually, if they show any symptoms, it is a pinkish-reddish discolorationof their skin as shown here. it is clear that the americans, when making their documentariesand congressional reports,

were jumping to a lot of conclusions, contradicting each other and thematerial facts in the process. but what’s the truth here? the tubing shown in the americandocumentary is really impressive. such heavy tubing with cast-ironhand valves are commonly used for piping large amounts of chemicalliquids or pressurized gas. the design of this tubing was investigatedby the french officer capitaine fribourg a week after the camp’s liberation. here is a sketch drawn by himshowing how the piping worked.

according to this, fresh air wassucked in through this intake vent, which protrudes through the roof. this intake pipe is subsequentlyled through a heat exchanger located over the gas chamberin the building’s attic. here, the air is heated by thebuilding’s hot-water heating system. after that, the now-insulatedpipe is split into two and led out of the attic area intothe room behind the gas chamber, where both pipes are led in a semi-circle, each of which equipped with the hand valves shown.

leading back into the atticarea over the gas chamber, fribourg shows the pipes beingmerged back into the outgoing pipe, but that would make no sense at all, because then the air would go nowhere. therefore, that’s a mistake. in fact, a report compiled by germanarchitect axel will in the early 2000s, a copy of which we receivedfrom the dachau museum, described in detail that thelayout actually looks like this. will wrote:

“air is drawn in via a pipeline of 400mm diameter extending over the roof, and is then led through asteam-operated heat exchanger. the pipeline is insulatedbehind the heat exchanger. it is split into two linesby means of a y-branch pipe, and leads with two pipes of 200 mm diameterinto the room adjoining the gas chamber. there the airflow can beadjusted with a valve each. both these and the other twovalves of the ventilation system are made of massive cast ironand carry a $ sign in a circle. such valves are common in gas pipelinesbut not in ventilation systems.

behind the valves both pipelines are again led back into the attic area above the gas chamber and merged back together into one pipe. this pipe enters a sheet-metal shaft, which again goes through the adjoining room and leads the heated air to the airintake at the floor of the gas chamber. this sheet-metal shaft is not insulated. this raises questions. design logic suggests that this shaftwould be the suitable location

to add substances [such as zyklon b] to the heated air prior toentering the gas chamber. the examination of the sheet-metal shaft has so far not revealed anyopening for such a manipulation. yet the missing insulationpoints to such a possibility.” so much from architect will. the air exhaust system startswith two openings in the ceiling. from there, the two non-insulatedexhaust pipes merge into one, and are led toward the wall tothe room behind the gas chamber,

where the pipe splits up into two again. then it is led outside in a semi-circleequipped with two hand valves, and led back into the attic area, where it is merged again into one pipe, as can be seen in this photo takenin the attic of that building. then that merged pipe is fed into the electricblower that drives the whole operation, here visible in another attic photo, and from there out the exhaust chimney, which exits the roof here.

now, if that gas chamber was meantto be operated with zyklon b, it would have been smart, asarchitect will correctly suggested, to equip the sheet-metal shaft running down the wall of the adjacent room with some trap door – hinted at here with blue lines – allowing for zyklon b to be inserted intosome kind of basket inside the shaft, hinted at here with the red meshwork. that way, the constant stream of warm air

would have evaporated the poison gas quickly and would have spread it outinside the room rapidly. but, as architect will correctlyobserved in his report, there is no trace of any provision to that effect. so, the poison was neither administeredusing the false showerheads, as the congressional report claimed, nor using the ventilation system, as the u.s. documentary that was shownduring the nuremberg tribunal suggested. but how else could it have been done?

here is the story as we are told today: “they would pour zyklon b down theseslots right here, and onto the floor.” “rocks with zyklon b could beinserted from the outside” here are some photos of these slotsfrom the inside and from the outside. so, the entire sophisticated ventilation system did not serve any other purposethan moving air around. why then was it so complicated? it makes no sense at all! it would have been much easier

to simply feed the heated air directlyinto the shaft going into the chamber, as shown here, and to feed the exhaust pipesdirectly into the blower, using the blower’s speed to adjustfor any needed change in air volume. for now, this entire ventilation systemseems to be a nonsensical mystery. but that’s not the only one. fact is, that neither the congressional report nor the postwar documentary mentions these zyklon b slots.

in fact, david chavez, the mainauthor of the congressional report, had compiled an earlier version of thisreport that did not get submitted. it stated: “gas chamber. gas tight doors. wooden shed believed tocontain pump or compressor.” this wooden shed located justoutside the alleged gas chamber can be seen in many photos and film footages shot right after the liberation. it was located where today thetwo zyklon b slots are located.

but according to chavez, itdid not contain any slots, but rather some not clearly identified equipment. the french officer capitaine fribourgdescribing the facility on may 25, 1945 as he claims to have seen it on may 5, 1945, hence, a week after the camp’scapture by the americans, also mentioned the wooden shed as follows: and he also described two slots in the wall obscured by this shed from the outside as follows:

that’s also what we see there today. fribourg even included thosehoppers in one of his sketches. if we look at the outside of thiswall in that location today, we can see these strange features. it may have been the electrical outletfor the device operated in that shed. looking closer at the zyklon-b slots, we notice that the mortararound them is not original. the original mortar used to build barrack x contains coarse gravel rather than sand,

while any mortar used around the zyklon-b slots, and on later repairs and patch-ups, as we can see them here, are made of mortar containing fine sand. here we can even see how some of thenew mortar flowed over the old mortar. on the inside, it is apparent that the tilesaround those slots have been damaged. in fact, a simple test with the finger nail shows that these rough surfaces aren’t even tiles. they are plaster made to looksimilar to the tiles around them.

in other words, those slots are notpart of the original building. they were added later on by hackingholes through the existing wall. who did that change, and when was it done? chavez didn’t mention them, and neither did the u.s.documentary on dachau of may 3rd. fribourg saw them two days later, but he did not claim that theywere used to throw in zyklon b. that wouldn’t have been a good idea anyway, because a large amount of the gypsum pellets

would have gotten stuck onthe grill on the inside. but what were those slots used for? or is it a post-war forgery? and if that is so, what else is? here is one hint. this footage was recorded on october 25, 2017 from the website of the unitedstates holocaust memorial museum. when searching their video archivefor the term “gas chamber” the first result is this video.

it’s titled “exhumation; inspectionof gas chambers; lt. hodges.” this is footage taken afterthe liberation of paris of an alleged gestapo torturechamber near the eiffel tower. in the description, we read: “world war ii interiors of gas chamber usedby the germans in the execution of prisoners. demonstrating method of securingprisoners in gas chambers. various close-ups, pipes leading into room.” and “hand prints and scratches dug into cementwall of gas chamber by the victims.”

here are those ominous pipes. they are rather fancy, but not very functional. most of all, they would have beenwithin reach of the victims, and wouldn’t have survived very long, because they would have beendemolished very quickly. also notice all those windowsilluminating this room. how long would those window panes have lasted if the victims inside trashed theplace and tried to break out? for that footage, they even pumped some innocuous,

but dramatic-looking smoke through the pipes. here are the handprints in the cement, allegedly created by gassingvictims during their death throes. needless to say, handprints canonly be made in fresh mortar, and only insane people would usea room as an execution chamber whose walls had just been plastered. these gas pipes and handprints arenot evidence of nazi atrocities, they are evidence of a deliberateallied psychological warfare campaign to demonize the defeated germans.

because this hoax is so obvious, no mainstream historian has evertaken that claim seriously. that does not prevent the u.s.holocaust memorial museum from presenting it to anunsuspecting audience, though. unfortunately, most people just accept whatever the government, media,or religion tell them to believe. so, what was necessary for the americans, who had liberated paris several months earlier, to create that footage?

first of all, they must have had a plan. then, they must have had at their disposal the necessary hardware to create the film set: pipes, smoke-generating devices, and some workers able to install that hardware and to create a cement wall with handprints. in contrast to that utterly unknowngestapo torture chamber in paris, dachau was one of the best-knowngerman concentration camps. it was the first one to be openedright after the nazis came to power.

when the americans finally moved in in april 1945, this camp had dominated the fantasy ofnazi opponents for more than a decade. so, did the american psychologicalwarfare executives have a plan? you bet they did! and did they come with hardware andworkers to put that plan into action? if they did it in paris in january 1945, they surely were even morelikely to pull it off at dachau, which was a much more promising propaganda stage. so, let me ask again:

why are these fanciful pipes in dachauso impressive and even intimidating, but at the same time socompletely useless and pointless? before we jump to conclusions, let’s look at some wartime documents. first, there are the two photos shownearlier taken some time in 1944. on both, we can see the ventilation chimney that’s part of the gas chamber’s aeration system. so at least that exhaust chimney was builtby the germans prior to the end of the war. next, among the few original documentsavailable on that building,

there are two blueprints of special interest. this one shows a cross sectionthrough the gas chamber. it shows that the ceiling isindeed only some 7 ft high, not 10 ft, as the rest of the building. next, a section enlargement of this documentshows the floor plan of the gas chamber. as we can see, both doors are 90 cm wide and consist either of two doors each, one opening inward, the other outward, or of a swinging door.

either way, such an arrangement would nothave been suitable for a gas chamber, as swinging doors could neither bemade gas tight nor panic-proof, and in case this layout consisted of two doors, the inner one opening inwardcould not have been opened if dead bodies were piled upagainst it inside the chamber. such an arrangement isactually common for morgues. for instance, the blueprints of the morguein the old crematorium at auschwitz show the same type of door design. today, this room is equippedwith two heavy steel doors

of the type that were quitecommon for air-raid shelters. the doors are one meter wideand set in steel frames. the same doors are shown in the u.s.footage recorded on may 3, 1945, hence just five days after the campwas captured by the americans. they were therefore most likely built inthere long before the americans arrived. also, one of the walls actually consists oftwo layers with a hollow space in between, which is typically used as insulation, something also seen at theabove-mentioned auschwitz morgue. hence, it looks like this room wasinitially meant to serve as a morgue.

in fact, the striking featureof this building is that, if we discard the idea that this allegedgas chamber served as a morgue, this building has no other room of a suitablesize equipped with a ventilation system. but if that is so, what aboutthe weird, oversized piping? and what about those heavy doors? and what about the shafts on the outside, evidently added after the building was completed? and what about the peephole in the rear wall which capitaine fribourg described in his report?

he even drew a sketch of it. it slanted rather steeply downward, hence it wouldn’t have allowedanyone to see anything except for maybe the feet of a few peoplestanding or lying close to that hole. the hole inside that gas chamber that is said to have been theother end of that peephole can be seen to this day, although it is way higherthan what fribourg reported, who in his sketch placed the peephole belowthe second little port visible on that wall,

close to the floor. today, neither the peephole’s exit nor theswitches are visible in the adjoining room. the switch panel and switchbox are shown in the footage recorded on may 3, 1945 for the u.s. documentary. but that documentary neither showsnor mentions that peephole. there is, however, a photographof that area from may 1945 showing not only the switch panel and switch box plus some of the insulated pipes and hand valves, but also a crude opening in thewall just beneath the switch panel.

if we compare that image with a stillof the footage just shown, we see: a) that the lid of the switch boxto the left has disappeared; b), and more importantly, the upper, rugged edge of the hole in thephoto should also be visible in the still, but it isn’t. therefore, somebody must have hacked thathole in there after the documentary was shot. here is how that hole looks on theinside, seen from the gas chamber. it does indeed angle upward. in the background you see bricksand mortar used by the museum

to close up that gapinghole in the adjoining room. inside this tube runs anelectric cable put in there when the room was prepared as a museum exhibit. what we see here is the fact that, since the camp’s liberation on april 29, 1945, quite a few people seem to have tampered withthe evidence of this suspected crime scene. it’s difficult to assess whatthis hole was really used for. a peephole, however, would havebeen installed in the doors, as was and is common for air-raid shelter doors,

rather than hacked through a thick brick wall, and it most certainly wouldnot have slanted downward. so, is the dachau gas chamber a post-war fraud? considering that the campwas liberated on april 29 and that the gas chamber was inspected by four members of the u.s. congressonly 3 days later, on may 2nd, this seems to be not enoughtime for a major fraud. in fact, there is evidencepointing in a different direction. most importantly, there is a letterin the german federal archives

by dr. sigmund rascher to heinrichhimmler dated august 9, 1942, which reads, quote: – unquote dr. rascher was the infamous doctor who conducted medical experimentson inmates at dachau, which were among the crimes prosecuted by theamerican occupational powers after the war in the famous “medical case” of thenuremberg trials of war criminals. while there was plenty of evidence for a variety of experiments on human guinea pigs

such as exposure to low air pressure and extended submersion in cold water, tests of combat gases at dachauwere not among the charges. there was simply too littleevidence to make that case. we may speculate that dr. rascher had indeedtried to re-rig the morgue of barrack x for the potential testing of combat gases, with those shafts perhaps simply serving asair-intake shafts for a better ventilation, since the room had no windows. but since dr. rascher was arrestedby the german police in april 1944

and eventually executed for a number of crimes, child abduction and murder among them, that project, if it ever existed, ended up being abandoned atthat point at the latest. when the americans arrived a year later, the room was nothing more than a morgue, filled with the victims ofdiseases and malnutrition, which could not be cremateddue to the lack of fuel. for the time being, any answer to the questionwhat these strange objects were meant for

remains speculation to a large degree, because almost the entire original paperwork regarding the planning andconstruction of that building – cost estimates, progress reports,blueprints, invoices etc. – have disappeared from the dachau camp archives. only a few, not very informativedocuments are left, such as the ones we just saw plus a few others. so, either the nazis destroyed thembecause they had something to hide, or the americans confiscatedand/or destroyed them,

because they wanted to preventanyone from figuring out what that room really lookedlike and was used for. at dachau, imagery of a gas chamber disguisedas a shower room was driven into our minds. dachau is where the worldcame to believe the rumors and saw what we believed to be evidenceof well-engineered german machinery, capable of gassing with precision and efficiency. so, if that gas chamber wasn’t what we are told, or at least wasn’t used atall for mass executions, why were there massive amounts of clothes

hanging in its vicinitywhen the americans arrived? “hanging in orderly rows werethe clothes of prisoners, they have been persuaded to remove their clothing under the pretext of taking a shower forwhich towels and soap were provided.” actually, these are clothes airing outoutside the dachau disinfestation chambers. the narrator merely claims that this is theclothing of homicidal gas chamber victims. then they deceptively cut to the shower room door, making the viewer believe they are the same door; the one with the obviouswritten gas warnings on it

and the supposed gas chamber,disguised as a shower room, designed to trick those entering. the hoaxers showed film of these disinfestationgas chambers for fumigating clothes, located at the end of the building. they claimed these doors, clearly marked with warningsigns and skull and crossbones, were used to gas prisoners. this is where the disinfestation chambers areand the doors clearly marked with warnings. but the, quote, “shower room,”the alleged gas chamber,

is located a few rooms away. the deception was to trick theaverage viewer into thinking, the clearly marked delousing chamberdoor with skull and crossbones located at the end of the building was the same as the shower room door. this dirty deception continues to this day. for example, take this 2012 documentaryon dachau by filmmaker levi mierau. after showing the gas chamber anddescribing how it allegedly worked, he, too, deceptively cuts tothe disinfestation chamber

while continuing his narrationabout homicidal gassing. watch it: “a door labeled shower bath went into alarge room, which is meant to deceive, since the room was not actually ashower room but a gas chamber. the room consisted of outletsin the walls, floor and roof.” stoooop! outlets in the floor and roof? these showerheads weren’t an outlet for anything, and those six drains in thefloor are actually real drains,

which indicates that the room was originallydesigned to handle a lot of water, not gas. fast forward a few seconds, we have this footage: “rocks with poison gas pellets named zyklonb could be inserted from the outside. since the gas chambers were onlybuilt during the camp’s last months, only seven were killed in the gaschambers used as test subjects.” so, while showing the disinfestation chambers, levi deceptively talks about gas chambers,in the plural, used to kill seven people. the same kind of deception is committed by the united states holocaustmemorial museum on its website:

“view of the door of the gas chamber at dachau.” “an american soldier stands outsideof the gas chamber in dachau” “view of the door to the gas chamber atdachau next to a large pile of uniforms.” “the door to the gas chamber in is marked ‘showerbath.’” “view of the door to the gas chamberin the dachau concentrations camp. a sign above it identifies it as a shower.” the us holocaust museum uses the singular “the” to imply, both of these doors were the samedoor of the same homicidal gas chamber, disguised as a shower room.

they show the outside of theclothing fumigation chamber doors, located at the end of the building, then show the inside of the shower room door, located all the way over here. there are four disinfestation chambers, not one. but they chose photographs which showone door and used the singular “the” and mix it with images of the shower room. you can see the disinfestationchambers had warnings not to enter and marks designating whenclothing fumigations started

and when it was safe to open the doors again. here they refer to this as “a” gas chamber, of course ignoring that it was one ofthe four used to delouse clothing. the photograph’s caption reveals the earlypropaganda lies, still perpetrated today. “gas room – people were hung up in here” these hooks were not used tohang people in gas chambers. they were just hooks for clothing, of course. “view of the hooks outside the doorto the gas chambers in buchenwald.” first, this isn’t even buchenwald.

this is a photo of a dachau delousing chamber. the original caption reads: “buchenwald was the home of ilsekoch, wife of the commandant. she was known as the ‘bitch of buchenwald,’ an insult to every dog who ever lived. she had her inmates tattooed in various designs, then had them killed, then skinned and their hides tanned to make book bindings, lampshades, and other articles.

i saw these things! one story has it that she enjoyedsexual intercourse with her victims – this may be apocryphal. these ‘meat hooks’ were usedon the bodies of humans!” just about every claim in thismiscaptioned photo is false. this example illuminates the typicalhysterical propaganda common at the time and still repeated today by agovernment-funded institution. in reality, these alleged “meathooks” are just hangers for clothes to air out after passing throughthe fumigation chambers.

this complex machinery surelooked like it would be something we’d expect in german-designed death chambers. but because this equipment could not be usedto introduce zyklon-b fumes into the chamber, today we are told the germans insteadjust dumped the pesticide pellets onto the room’s floor throughthese vents in the outside wall. this is quite odd, because the disinfestationchambers right down the hall actually did have advancedspecially designed mechanisms to properly heat and circulate cyanide gas

from the zyklon b pesticide pellets. this was called the degesch circulatory device made by the manufacturer of zyklon b. a member of a clothing fumigation crew wouldput a can of zyklon b into the holder. a built-in can opener operated from theoutside with a crank would open the can. the pellets would drop down a chute into a basket where hot air would be blown through to speedthe release of cyanide gas from the pellets. the pesticide would be spread throughoutthe clothing fumigation chamber, and when finished, the gas would be removedfrom the chamber and fresh air blown in.

one should be very skeptical upon learning that today the official story is that the germans, rather than using something likethis specially designed device used in the clothing delousingchambers right down the hall, simply poured zyklon b pelletsthrough holes in the wall. such a procedure would have been very detrimental, because once those pellets were inside the room, they could not have been removed, unless the room had beencleared of all the corpses.

since zyklon b releases itspoison for an hour or more, depending on temperature and humidity, this means that any effort to swiftlyventilate the room after an execution would have been in vain. hence, these shafts, if they were added during the war within theframework of dr. rascher’s testing frenzy, may simply have been designed toassist the ventilation of that room. anyway, this is not exactly theadvanced german engineering we are constantly propagandized with, is it?

in the face of overwhelming evidence thatthis room was never used to gas anyone, mainstream historians now claim that theinmates employed to build this gas chamber managed to sabotage its completion by dawdling on the job for some three years, or so we read in the original french edition of paul berben’s “officialhistory” of the camp, quote: so, the narration of the nuremburg trialevidence film “nazi concentration camps” was completely wrong. this clothing did not belong to inmatessuffocated in the gas chamber.

this was just clothing which passed through the real gas chambers for delousing clothes and was airing out. this deceptive narration of the dachau segment is an important part of the falsehoods in the nuremberg trialsfilm evidence center piece. this bizarre practice of calling showerrooms gas chambers continues to this day. we can see on the website of israel’sholocaust museum “yad vashem” a photograph of the actual inmate showerroom at the dachau camp captioned

“a gas chamber after the liberation.” this is just another real shower. “flossenbã¼rg, germany, gas chambers,which were called showers.” this claim is repeated on the “historywiz”web site “the final solution”. the photograph is captioned: “the final destination for those whocould not work, the gas chamber – here, the gas chamber at flossenburg.” the hoaxers pulled the sameold trick angle in the camera to block out the many windows ofthis real working shower room.

the top official authorities todayconcede this room was a real shower, never used to gas anyone. moreover, no mainstream historian has ever claimed that there was a homicidal gaschamber at the flossenbã¼rg camp. this doesn’t stop israel’s holocaust museum andothers from spreading gas shower nonsense. the “historywiz” websitepresents an important quote “to be ignorant of history is toremain always a child. – cicero” that certainly holds true for those who childishly and ignorantlybelieve showers were gas chambers.

a major reason we believed in thestories of the showers of death is the terrible images of corpsestaken at the end of the war. “this special presentationof the oprah winfrey show is brought to you with limitedcommercial interruption. it is supported in part by the newat&t, committed to education. i am here in poland at the auschwitz death camp, where it is estimated that1.1 to 1.5 million people perished here in the holocaust.” at an early age, you were probablyalready exposed to a program like this.

documentaries such as this one arespecifically aimed at young people. you can even see this copy was takenfrom a website called “school tube”. videos like this shock their audienceby showing atrocious imagery which, if it were fiction, would berated unsuitable for children. “that evil has a name: the holocaust. a systematic mass murder meticulouslyplanned and executed by nazi germany that brutally wiped millions ofpeople off the face of the earth. more than six million of thosehuman beings were jewish.”

but since this imagery is real, it isnot rated unsuitable for children, although it is even more traumatizingexactly because it is real. however, hardly anyone, let alone a child, has the ability or experience toanalyze the context of this imagery. this horrific film footage of emaciated corpses is presented with no context other than the claim that they are proofof a systematic extermination policy. “the holocaust. a systematic mass murdermeticulously planned and executed…”

these images, however, were takenat the very end of the war. mainstream historians claim, however, that any extermination activityhad ceased in those camps in october of 1944 at the latest, based on an affidavit bygerman ss officer kurt becher, in which he quoted an order allegedly issuedby himmler in september of 1944 as follows: [that's actually on p. 68 of imt vol. 33, not 32] both kaltenbrunner and pohl were topofficials of the concentration camp system. no trace of that himmlerorder has ever been found,

but that’s beside the point i want to make here. when we look at what was reallygoing on in those camps, we are in for a surprise. here is a chart showing thenumber of inmate deaths at dachau as recorded first by the germanauthorities and then by the americans. it clearly shows that mortality exploded at a time when hitler’s extermination policyis said to have been abandoned. the same happened at the bergen-belsen camp, where mortality exploded only in early 1945,

as can be seen from this chart exhibitedtoday at the bergen-belsen museum. the reason for that was severe overcrowding combined with the disastrouscollapse of food and water supplies as well as medical care and hygienic measures, which taken together causedmalnutrition, starvation, and fatal diseases such as typhus anddysentery to spread out of control. in those months, the allies bombed germany’sentire infrastructure to smithereens, including the supply lines into the camps. shipments of medicine, sanitationsupplies and food into the camps,

power plants and water treatmentplants were systematically bombed, and in some cases, they evenbombed the actual camps. not only jewish concentration campprisoners struggled and perished during the final months of world war ii. for months upon months, the germancivilian population was the target of an unprecedented fire-bombingcampaign by the western allies. from hamburg to dresden, tens ofthousands of innocent german civilians were deliberately targeted and murdered. women and children were burned alive,

and terrified families suffocatedfrom poison gas in bomb shelters. they don’t ever show you these pictures, do they? you should ask why, though. anyway, many germans who survived becamerefugees running for their lives, and also struggled to feed themselves. in the east, german civilian populationswere also fleeing the invading soviet army which was torturing andmurdering civilians en masse. the red army raped untold numbers of german women from young children to the elderly.

using these horrific images, the catastrophic last days of a collapsing germany surrounded on all sides and bombed to smithereens, as proof of deliberate extermination camps is the dirty trick that is the mainreason people believe in the holocaust. it’s why many react strongly against those critically investigatingmainstream holocaust claims. after all, we all saw the bodies, right? these images were taken in campsliberated by the western allies,

primarily dachau, liberated by the americans, and bergen-belsen, liberated by the british – camps which are today admitted,even by mainstream historians, not to have served asextermination or death camps. today, all of the so-called deathcamps or extermination camps are claimed to have been in polishterritories conquered by the soviet union. early witnesses originally claimed these western-liberated campsalso had homicidal gas chambers, disguised as shower rooms.

however, british and american doctorsperformed thousands of autopsies on some of the corpses the alliesdiscovered in those camps. russell barton, an english medical student who had spent a month in belsenafter the camp’s liberation and had investigated the reasons forthe camp’s disastrous conditions toward the end of the war, stated, quote: here is an interview dr. bartongave to the late ernst zã¼ndel some ten years after thisarticle had been published: “you were on the scene in belsen as a young man.”

“yes. i went with a group of medical students. we arrived in belsen on may the second 1945, and i first went to the camp on may the third. himmler ordered the camp to be cededon april 11th in order to stop typhus, which was an epidemic spreading throughout europe. the british came in; a tank division came in on aprilthe fifteenth at three o’clock, and they did their best tosegregate the typhus[-infected] and the dying from the other.”

“how many people were in the camp at thetime when the british took over the camp?” “i think there were aboutfifty-seven or sixty thousand. the british bombed everything, and theamericans, that moved on the roads. so getting food there was extremely difficult. the water supplies becamecontaminated with sewage, and the administration in thecamp more or less broke down. the distribution of food in theindividual huts was left to the inmates, and the inmates, we found out – we were fooled at first, but thiswas after may, after i got there.

the inmates… one particular group was in control; they would take what they wanted and then leave whatever food therewas left to the rest of the hut. so that meant, perhaps ten powerfulpeople would gobble everything, and three hundred and fiftywould have whatever was left. there were, i’d say, all nationalities,mainly polish and russian. most of them were jewish.” “were there men and women?” “yes, there were men and women, and children.”

“and were they segregated?” “segregated.” “segregated camps. and that was still segregated when you got there?” “yes.” “even, let’s say, if the german camp administrationhad made maximum effort, and had been given everything at hand, could they have prevented this?”

“there was no cure for typhus at that time. the british put ddt, which is aninsecticide, over everything and everybody, and in that way, i think,the typhus was contained. but it was a great danger. people don’t realize it was typhus. it was… i supposed 50, 60 percentof the people died of typhus.” “why are these bodies naked? i mean, some of them are so emaciated. why don’t they have their clothing on?”

“well, they did. when they were pushed outsidethe huts, they had clothing on. but clothing was so scarce – everything was scarce – that the inmates would immediately rushout and take all the clothing off, because it was a pity to waste it. that’s why they were naked.” “did you see, when you got there twoweeks after the british army took over, any evidence of gas chambers,

the way propaganda has said thatthe germans had in these camps? or was there any claim to that effect?” “no. i don’t think it was ever thought therewas a gas chamber in belsen-bergen. people were dying at 500 a day,by the way, a rate of 500 a day.” “even under british administration…” “under british administration, yes. and what was happening mostly, the english soldiers weregiving people their food,

people half starved, had very thin stomachs. the stomachs would burst, and they’d die. the inmates said that the conditions there, this is what inmates said, that conditions weren’t toobad until the end of 44. and then this mass immigration… but by the time they put in another50,000, fully 50,000, of course…” “were you there during the time when the bulldozers were actuallyputting these bodies in the graves,

in these long trenches that we’ve seen?” “the bulldozers… the bodies were being thrown in. they would put… a truck went around every day and picked up the bodies outside the hut, and then they would take them to wherethe bulldozer had dug the grave, and they would throw them into the grave.” “you are a man born in england. you published this article, ibelieve, for an english publication?

and the london times picked up onwhat you have published here?” “that’s right. this was published in november 1968. i was asked to write it. i was solicited. i had no intention of so doing.” “nobody ever interviewed you fromany german magazines or papers?” “oh no. no, no.” “to this day?” “not to this day.”

“did anybody ever, officially from germany, come and contact you for a kindof historical documentation, of the [???german federal] archivesin koblenz and places like that?” “no.” “no. never?” “never.” similar to this is the account given by dr.charles larson, a u.s. forensic pathologist working for the’s judge advocate general. right after the war, dr. larson performedautopsies on hundreds of victims

in some twenty former concentration camps. in 1980, a newspaper article appearedreporting about his wartime experience. we read there: “larson has talked little publiclyabout the war experience. one reason for his silence hasbeen that his autopsy findings conflicted with the widely held belief that most jews in nazi camps were exterminatedby gassing, shooting or poisoning. ‘what we’ve heard is that 6million jews were exterminated. part of that is a hoax,’ larson said. […]

never was a case of poisoning uncovered, he said.” larson’s biographer wrote thefollowing about this episode, quote: today, these particular camps are admitted notto have had homicidal gas chambers at all. so, none of the corpses seenin these images were gassed. what you see in these images areprisoners who died from desease as well as a lack of appropiatefood, water and medical supplies. a large part of their condition was due to theallies bombing supply lines to the camps. allied fighter planes even bombed andstrafed trainloads full of prisoners as they were being evacuated to different camps.

those prisoners who weren’thit by bullets or bombs were without appropiate supplies for daysuntil arriving at their destinantion. the liberation of dachau concentration campis dramatized in the film shutter island. the americans liberating dachau came across what became known as, quote, “thedachau death trains,” unquote. they saw bullet holes in the sides of the trains and dead prisoners inside in terrible condition, believing the germans locked starvedprisoners inside the trains, then machine gunned them,

the americans turned their furyto the capture of german guards. “the guards surrendered, we tooktheir guns, and we lined them up. it wasn’t warfare, it was, it was murder!” many of the german guards who surrendered the camp had only recently been transferred tothe camp in the final days of the war. some were just teenagers from surrounding towns. ironically, this young german guardeven looks like the young dicaprio. this young german was not a deliberateholocauster of jews or anyone else

but a young man tragicallyswept into the final days of the most brutal war in the history of mankind. the german soldiers surrendered, and with their hands up, the americans shotdozens of captured unarmed german guards. and it didn’t happen in the heat of themoment either, as this movie suggests. in fact, the americans actually broughtthe guards to the camp’s coal yard, got a heavy machine gun from theirvehicle and brought it into position, and they had their army photographerstake pictures of the event, as this photo and others prove.

it was a war crime. the americans played judge, jury and executioner. they even dragged german soldiersfrom a nearby hospital and shot them, even though they had nothingto do with the camp at all, let alone the death trains. here is the testimony of one of theamericans involved in this murder: “i was not prepared for what i saw in dachau. nothing could prepare you for that. nothing could prepare youfor that type of slaughter

that was carried on in that camp. […] i never liked to see people killed unnecessarily, no matter what their stripeis or what they have done. we did kill some people therethat i consider unnecessarily. however, given the circumstances, while i am sorry about it, it was just one of those thingsthat no one could control. actually, the people that wekilled died a much easier death than the people that they tortured andkilled as we subsequently found out.

torture and hangings and executions invarious manners was a daily occurrence. so, in a way, we were kinder to them thanthey were to the people that they murdered.” the only problem is that thepeople he helped to kill were not those who had runthe camp for many years. but evidence has come to light that the germans did not lock prisoners inside thetrains and machine gun them. the bullets which tore throughthe trains full of prisoners were not german bullets but in fact the result of alliedwar planes strafing the trains.

here is a jewish former prisoner talking aboutthe allies bombing and shooting his train, killing prisoners on the way to dachau, explaining their condition: “i was ordered to go march out to therailroad station back into the cattle cars, but this time they had openwagons and regular cattle cars. but the only difference it was thatthe railroad tracks, on one track, the nazis were retreatingwith the heavy artillery, ammunition and all their hardware. in another track the concentrationcamp inmates in the train load.

the nazis were hoping maybe becausewe are there they will not be bombed. it would have been a short trip, but it took us almost three days to get to dachau. what had happened, we got hit by air raid. they bombed the both of the tracks, they machine gunned our train. and in the train where i was sitting – this time it wasn’t so loaded – we were all squatting down.

both of the fellows beside megot hit by machine gun fire. and i just, days… by then the guards were gone. we opened the railroad carand stumbled out of the car and walked into the woods in nearby, and hid there. remember going out on the fields anddug off some potatoes for food. but they came back next morningor a day later with dogs, gathered us together and orderedus back to the railroad cars. they never removed the bodies.

this is how we arrived to dachau.” this jew’s train was bombedand shot by allied planes. the prisoners the allies killedwere left inside the train. prisoners who weren’t blown up or shot bythe allies suffered further malnutrition, in part due to the bombing of traintracks, delaying their journey. the allies were directly responsible forkilling many on these death trains. bullets from allied air planes torethrough the bodies of those prisoners shortly before the americaninfantry arrived at dachau. american infantry, ignorant of the roleof allied bombing and strafing runs

contributing to the deaths of theprisoners inside the death trains, put the blame on the germans. they lined the unarmed, surrendered germanguards against a wall and executed them, committing a war crime, which hasgone unpunished to this day. misunderstandings, propaganda, falsehoods, blind patriotism, mistakes,

rushing to judgement. how else could millions be drivento killing their own people, themselves essentially? “it wasn’t warfare, it was murder.” the allies also directly bombedconcentration camp prisoners, and today we are told this is proofof a german planned holocaust. this is another segment from the americanpropaganda film “nazi concentration camps” which was shown at the nuremberg trials. “the slave-labor camp at nordhausen

liberated by the third armoreddivision, first army. at least three thousandpolitical prisoners died here at the brutal hands of ss troopsand hardened german criminals who were the camp guards. nordhausen had been a depository for slaves found unfit for work in theunderground v-bomb plants and in other german camps and factories.” a deceptively captioned image of nordhausen appears in steven spielberg’sthe last days companion book.

we see american solders walkingpast corpses strewn on the ground. the caption reads: “the horrific scene of mass annihilationwithin the nordhausen concentration camp.” let’s look closer at the photograph. we can see the buildings have been bombed. testimony of former prisoners shows they werelucky to survive allied bombing attacks. this jewish former prisoner and doctor describes prisoners laying in the camp hospital sick of tuberculosis in the final days of the war.

“and there i had over 4 thousandprisoners laying on tuberculosis. sick. what are you doing? it’s tuberculosis. no medications, nothing, hardly food, it was very meager already. the germans didn’t have to eat.” this former prisoner and doctor described conditions in the campin the final days of the war.

sick prisoners didn’t have enough supplies. however, he points out the germans themselvesalso didn’t have enough even to eat. clearly, the germans could have killedthe sick prisoners at any time, yet instead treated them in hospitals. “and all of the sudden, it was april 3rd at 3 o’clock, alarm, and american air force over us, and dropped the bombs just on our camp. and the whole camp was entirely destroyed.

and out of this four thousand people, we were 200 survived. because they died there. they were in the camps, you know. hanging in the ceiling, their bodies and… it was awful. it was burning days and days. we were still…, the nurses, the doctors, the administrationpeople, the working administration…

we ran away. and the americans made a mistake because they didn’t know thisis a concentration camp. they knew it is a military camp. they emptied the military the month before and in january they put us in, you see. so, they didn’t know. so, they came back at 9 o’clock inthe morning and hit the whole city. the whole city they flattened.

we ran away in the wood, in the fields, and when they emptied the planes, they came and strafed us with machine guns. they didn’t know who it is. they are germans, you know. and we went into the woods, and we remained about a week in the woods. and we ate only the raw potatoes.” british royal air force bombed thecamp, full of sick prisoners.

they turned around and shotsurvivors running for their lives. they flattened the nearby town,full of innocent german civilians. the british are primarily responsible forthe scene of, quote, “mass annihilation.” but images of nordhausen recentlybombed and strafed by british planes are still used today as proof of adeliberate german-planned holocaust. and it’s important to note that mostof those seen in this photograph aren’t even jews but primarilynon-jewish political prisoners, including poles, russians and jehovah’s witnesses. these majority non-jewish victims ofallied bombing at a former labor camp

are used to sell a supposed jewish holocaust. the oprah program deceptively used two shots of the aftermath of the britishair raid at nordhausen. “more than six millions of thosehuman beings were jewish.” this victim of the allies blowing up andstrafing sick prisoners at nordhausen being carried over rubble wasin fact likely not jewish. so, we’re looking at someone whois both not killed by the germans but by the british and who is likely not a jew.

here is another clip of nordhausen. the prisoners of the campfor seriously ill prisoners were blown up and shot by the british, and were buried in this mass grave. the soldiers standing at the edge are americans. but we are led to assume they are germans, standing at attention after a job well done. “[…] that brutally wiped millions ofpeople off the face of the earth.” actually, the british brutally wiped theseprisoners off the face of the earth.

the germans put them in acamp with doctors and nurses. what’s incredible is thatyou were shown these images as proof of an organized, planned,systematic extermination program going according to plan. “a systematic mass murder meticulouslyplanned and executed ...” …when in reality, this was theresult of the total disorganization and utter chaos of a collapsing germany which was still being bombedrelentlessly into submission. rather than do the right thing and accept blame

for what could be said isaccidental collateral damage based on faulty intelligence, the allies instead just blamed the germans. images of a camp full of sick prisoners bombed and strafed by british planes at nordhausen are used as proof of a systematic,planned german extermination program. however, every single mostlynon-jewish prisoner in this imagery was killed due to a british bomb or bullet. the editing of the film “nazi concentrationcamps” was supervised by budd schulberg,

born seymour schulberg, son ofthe head of paramount studios. schulberg was jewish and a member ofthe communist party usa until 1939. all of these dead were murderedwith british bombs or bullets. yet no mention is made of that. schulberg claims they died atthe brutal hands of germans. “at least 3 thousand political prisoners died here who were the camp guards.” this is a total lie and inversion of history. the final shot of the “naziconcentration camps” film

shows footage of a prisoner atnordhausen who had his head blown off. a prisoner account describes exactly howthis happened and who is responsible: “the april 3 bombing. the accounts refer first of allto the tuesday, april 3 bombing: ‘right from the first blast, i took shelterunder the concrete staircase of the revier. a bomb hit the block and thestaircase was demolished. i ran to the middle of the camp, to ashelter dug right into the ground, where there were already a dozen civilians,women, children, and also an ss man – as green from fear as his uniform –

who could only stammer: ‘schrecklich!schrecklich!’ (horrible! horrible!) and indeed, it was not a pretty sight; corpses every five or six yards,headless or their innards ripped open.” today, images of nordhausen are widelyused as proof of a jewish holocaust. why is this particular image so popular? the bodies of those blownup or shot by the british, then pulled out of cratersor the rubble of buildings and lined up in ordered rows by the americans are meant to imply an orderlygerman method of mass murder.

apparently, they want us to believe thegermans lined all these prisoners up here in neat rows and shotthem where they stood. if these dead peoplewere german soldiers, the brits would pat themselveson the back for a job well done. instead, the allies just blamed their bombingand shooting screw up on the germans. what a horrific scam, pulledright in front of our very eyes. imagery of tragic deaths which were thedirect result of the allies’ actions are cynically exploited to sell a lie. “adolf hitler was pure evil.

and he was in command of themost advanced technology and the best-disciplined people and the best-educated people in the world.” “in the wrong hands, technology helpedturn europe into a slaughter house. this was a war that was also a crime.” “eisenhower, when he firstencountered concentration camps, was shocked and surprised. he hadn’t been told about it. his immediate reaction was,

‘this is so horrible that there will inevitably becomea revisionist movement some day to say ‘this never happened; this is propaganda; this is a figment of wartime imagination,’ so he insisted that every gi who could be marched through those camps and he said ‘bring your cameras with you.’” this is a classic quote used toattempt to refute revisionists.

eisenhower said, there wouldbe deniers in the future, so he ordered witnesses marchthrough camps and film them. no one denies these are real bodies. but the false analysis of their cause of death deflecting all blame ontogermans is the propaganda. every single shot in this newssegment was taken at nordhausen. all of the footage of murdered prisonersin the sick camp at nordhausen shows prisoners blown up or shot by the british. this is another example of the propaganda formula:

supposed expert, deceptive imagery, plus calling those who question it evil haters. it turns out this master historianwas later accused of plagiarism throughout his entire career. he even lied about spendinghundreds of hours with eisenhower and meeting with him daily. official records show he spent fivehours on the record with eisenhower. this is the mentality of these master historians,

promoted to the forefront of the monopoly media. there was no plan to turn theseprisoners into this condition. this was the result of thecatastrophic end to the war. not everything going perfectlyaccording to an evil plan. up until this time these images of a bulldozer dumping naked emaciated corpsesinto a mass grave at bergen-belsen were the most horrifying imageryin the history of film. this film footage was shown to ourgrandparents’ generation on a big screen. it has been shown to you at a young age.

what are you to believe? some programs such as the oprah presentation lead one to assume this is agerman driving this bulldozer, making his quota of gassed jews for the day, rather than a british solder pushing epidemic typhus victims into a mass grave. until the end of the war, bergen-belsen was not a death camp were germans deliberately starvedto death and murdered prisoners.

in fact, it was originallydesignated as a recuperation camp, or krankenlager, where sick prisoners weresent to improve their health. it wasn’t such a terrible placeuntil the final days of the war, and there is evidence to prove it. rose kahn, a hungarian jew, was transported from auschwitz tobergen-belsen in the summer of 1944. before auschwitz was abandoned, and bergen-belsen was severely overcrowded,

she describes bergen-belsenas not such a terrible place. “so, when we arrived to bergen-belsen, and they told us to get out, and the nazis came with those big, big dogs, with their wolves, and they asked us who cannot walk, is sick, should tell ‘em, so they gonna put us on a bus. i was afraid to say it.

i couldn’t walk, but i didn’t say it. and if i would say, would been good, because this was not a bad place. this was not at that time, at that time.” “so in other words it wasn’t a trick?” “no, no.” “they really would have taken you by bus.” “yes, yes, yes.” “i think you were right, though.”

“yes, but i was so afraid, so my mother and my friends were holding me. we had to walk a few miles,quite a few miles to it. and we arrived there, and we lived in tents andstraw, we slept on straw. and we weren’t treated badly. no, it wasn’t too bad over there. we were given nice meals. what happened?

they wanted us strong to send out to work, so they didn’t want weak and sick people.” witnesses such as this help prove that bergen-belsen was not a speciallydesigned death camp whatsoever. before the catastrophic end of the war, prisoners were routinely fedand decently cared for. the major trick of theholocaust promotion industry is to show these horribleimages of emaciated bodies and make you believe thatprisoners were always like this.

that the germans immediatelystarved them to death, and this deliberate starvationhad been going on for years as part of their plan of extermination. however, witnesses such as this and others prove that at times the concentrationcamps were not so terrible. “this was not a bad place. this was not at that time.” it was only as germany was losing the war, surrounded on all sides by a terrorbombing campaign from the west

and marauding soviets in the east, that conditions in camps such asbergen-belsen deteriorated disastrously. “and then we stayed there until they started to build barracks for all the other auschwitz people when bergen-belsen became hell.” bergen-belsen became hellishat the very end of the war. the major cause of this wasthe allied bombing campaign. as the allies fire-bombed germancivilian population centers,

burning innocent men, women and children alive and shot at or bombed just about anythingthat moved on roads or train tracks, even the germans themselves had troublefinding enough to eat at the time. “…hardly food, “food didn’t improve very much because, simple reason, they didn’t have very much themselves, so…” “did the civilians try to help you at all? did they trade goods for things?”

“it’s as i say, we had almost everything what we wanted, from the soccer teams, from the civilians, from outside civilians.” the spread of deadly diseases and severeovercrowding exacerbated the entire situation. prisoners from areas in the east which were now being overrun by the soviets were hastily evacuated west. after days or weeks journey,

often on foot, they wound up in these overcrowdedcamps full of deadly diseases. and because the germaninfrastructure was being destroyed, this was catastrophic. in early february 1945, a large transport of jews wasadmitted to bergen-belsen while the disinfestationfacility was out of order. as a result, typhus broke out andquickly spread beyond control. the hot-air delousing machine sometimesfailed to work for several days.

the worst killer was typhus. but typhoid fever and dysenteryalso claimed their lives. there was a breakdown in order andcommunication throughout the german system as the germans were losing the warand fighting for their survival. trainloads of food weredestroyed by allied planes. at bergen-belsen, the final factorwhich guaranteed mass casualties was in the final weeks of the war: the allies bombed the power plant which supplied electricity to the facilities

that pumped water to the camp. “water too had been cut off. and so, the water cart was themost important thing to arrive. there had be no water supply for six days. the germans pleaded it had been cut.” the electric plant which powered pumpssupplying water to bergen-belsen was not cut by some unnamed force. it was blown up by the british. a destroyed system for providingclean water to the camp

compounded already disastroushygiene and medical conditions. clean water, necessary to shower prisoners, wash clothing and treat dehydrated typhoid fever,dysentery and typhus patients was indeed cut off by british bombs. “one might ask why all the inmates surviving were not removed out of the campaltogether to a large town, for example, where there would be feedingand housing facilities. the answer is simply the dread word – typhus.

a mobile bacteriological unitand all medical aid possible together with 90 medicalstudents from london hospitals were rushed to the spot to deal with it. lack of soap and waterbrought lice to the inmates, and lice carry typhus. to get rid of typhus, one must first get rid of lice, so contaminated patientswere removed from their huts and put through a laundry process.”

the british struggled toremedy disastrous conditions in bergen-belsen after liberation. many thousands died after liberation. in the end, the britishburned the wooden barracks, as they became infested with deadlyepidemic-typhus-carrying body lice. images of the disastroussituation at bergen-belsen are fraudulently used to portray adeliberate german extermination policy. these post-liberation images of bergen-belsen as well as dachau and nordhausen

have become symbols of german barbarism. but these people were victims of the larger war, not a deliberate german extermination policy. the germans did what theycould to keep people alive, and in some cases contactedthe red cross for assistance and even turned over some camps to them. the shameful truth hidden amongstthis holocaust propaganda is that not only were none of these people gassed, but the allies played amajor role in their deaths.

as terrible as these imagesof emaciated prisoners are, images of union prisoners of the americanconfederate civil war camp andersonville show liberated prisoners alsoappeared in a similar condition. what happened at andersonville was acomplete breakdown in hygiene measures due to inadequate sanitation facilities. toilets in the overcrowdedcamp didn’t drain properly, exposing prisoners to filth anddisease, in particular dysentery. symptoms of dysentery includediarrhea and rapid weight loss. in extreme cases, patients may passover a liter of fluid per hour.

it’s easy to see how someone who isrepeatedly defecating, vomiting and urinating would quickly lose body weight, especially if food supplies,medicine and water became scarce. at andersonville, as overcrowdingincreased, so did the death toll. the confederates also lost the war in acatastrophic way much like the germans. so, there is a direct correlation betweenthe images of andersonville prisoners and the so-called holocaust images. now, these people at andersonville aren’t jews, and never has anyone alleged the southaimed for a total genocide of northerners.

the photographs of andersonville and forinstance bergen-belsen are quite similar and correlate with the breakdown in hygiene,overcrowding, the spread of disease and one side of the war losing catastrophically. what you see in these images at bergen-belsenis primarily the result of typhus. typhus is a disease carried by the bodylouse which is similar to head lice. but body lice prefer to attachthemselves not to the scalp but to the inner seams of clothing. typhus was responsible for the deathsof millions throughout history. typhus epidemics routinely occurredthroughout europe during war time.

during world war i, more than threemillion people died from typhus. what you see in these images areprimarily typhus epidemic victims. the germans did not intentionallystarve them to death. we can see several peopleliberated from the camps. although not in pristine condition,some appear well fed, some even fat. they simply didn’t have disease. the germans in fact tried tostop the spread of disease. the insecticide zyklon b was a pesticide used to kill these deadlytyphus-carrying body lice.

there is nothing inherentlymurderous about zyklon b. in fact, zyklon b was used on the mexican border to gas the clothing ofmexicans crossing the border. the delousing process went like this: prisoners entering a campwould strip their clothing and get a haircut to prevent any areas where deadly typhus-carryingbody lice could thrive. then they would take a hot shower. at the same time, their clothing would be putinto specially designed fumigation chambers

where fumigation crews woulduse the insecticide zyklon b to kill deadly typhus-carrying body lice. the prisoners would then be givenclean, lice-free clothing, and enter the camp. it is easy to see how thislife saving delousing process involving real fumigation chambersfor clothing and real showers was misconstrued into wartimepropaganda about showers of gas by prisoners spreading rumors as well as soviet propaganda artistsdeliberately framing their enemies.

one of the final exhibits at the united states holocaustmemorial museum in washington, d.c. sums up the importance of theinformation presented in this video. museum visitors are bombarded with film clips taken after the allies capturedconcentration and labor camps. these films are meant to represent proof ofa deliberate german extermination policy. but you have now seen many of theseclips, explained and debunked. near the end of the museum’s main exhibit two banks of three video monitorsflanking a fallen nazi flag

play film footage taken after campswere captured by the allies. each of the three monitors is dedicatedto one of the three major allied powers: the soviet union, united states and great britain. on this screen is us army footage takenat nordhausen, dachau and buchenwald. “local german civilians are ordered totour buchenwald concentration camp.” this is an american army official gathering germans around thesupposed human-skin lamp shade and the table filled with propaganda props. visitors are shown the dachau death trains

full of victims of alliedbombing and strafing attacks. majdanek, the outside of a real showerfacility, “bath and disinfection ii,” and the inside of “bath and disinfection i”showing the real, working shower room. again, the camera is angledaway from the many windows. “soviet army officers inspect chambers whereprisoners were killed by poison gas.” today, every serious mainstreamhistorian acknowledges this wasn’t a gas chamber with fake shower heads, it was a real working shower room designed to keep prisonersalive and free of disease.

again, the bulldozer pushing epidemic typhusvictims into a mass grave at bergen-belsen. a disaster, but not deliberate or planned. on the last television screen, we’re shown footage ofnordhausen bombed to smithereens by 500 british warplanes over two days. much like at the nuremberg trials, the final shot we are shown before movingon to the exhibit on post-war trials is the victim of british war planes atnordhausen with his exposed brains. how sick to show gory imageryof allied air attack victims

as proof of the evilness of germans. mothers rushing their children past this section never question the context of this imagery. this is powerful, trauma-basedmind control used to brainwash, not by using logic and facts, but by searing these horror imagesinto a captive audience’s mind, and manipulating emotionswith mendacious narrations. real shower rooms, phony planted evidence like this lamp shade,

and victims of allied bombing are not proof of a genocide using gaschambers, disguised as shower rooms. we were manipulated, misled and lied to. we were shown images taken during the finaldays of a destroyed and collapsed germany as proof of a systematic,planned extermination program. upon further investigation by the western allies, these claims of extermination camps equipped with homicidal gaschambers in western-liberated camps have fallen by the wayside.

however, the powerful imageryof these western-liberated, overcrowded, disease-infested camps, devastated due to the allied bombing campaign in the final months of the worstwar in the history of mankind is still used to brainwash the public as proof of an extermination program ofgas chambers disguised as shower rooms in camps captured by the soviet union. in part 2 of this documentary, we will explore some aspects ofthe most infamous of these camps:

auschwitz. disclaimer this documentary is not meant to whitewashthe national socialist regime of germany from any of its undisputed wrongdoings. imprisoning people withoutproper due process is a crime. any authority committing such a crime ultimately bears responsibilityfor those in its custody. however, this crime was not onlycommitted by the german authorities prior to and during world war ii,

but during the war also by the u.s. authoritieswho imprisoned many japanese americans as well as italian and german immigrants. the biggest criminal in this regard, however, was the us’s most importantally of the second world war, the soviet union, where millions were imprisonedand ultimately murdered prior to, during and after the war. unfortunately, this crimeof unlawful incarceration is today again committed by u.s. authorities

in guantanamo bay and other similar facilities. holocaust handbooks, the world’s leading book seriescritically exploring what the powers that be don’t want examined. mesmerizing comprehensive presentations, such as "lectures on the holocaust," as well as cutting-edge research results, such as "the real case for auschwitz." read most of our books free of charge at, where you can also watchour riveting documentaries. all this high-quality contentwas made possible by viewers like you. please consider making a donationto help us create more of this content. we cannot do it without you! thank you!

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