badezimmer günstig wien

badezimmer günstig wien

what is the zero waste lifestyle? with every purchase that you carry home, you don't only have your groceries with you, but also a lot of waste. you pay for it, carry it home, unpack it,and then get rid of the waste. zero waste is a lifestyle that aimsto avoid this unnecessary waste. you replace your usual packaging and disposable products with sustainable,resource-saving alternatives.

this could be reusable containersmade of glass or metal, compostable packaging, or simply a cloth bag. this doesn’t only work for groceries. there are also many alternativesfor personal hygiene products that save money, are free of waste, and make you happy. many people have already foundcreative ways to reduce their waste. five, six years ago

i was still using plastic bagsat the grocery store and i was putting gasolineinto my car with my credit card at any time i needed it.i was totally unconscious to these things. the zero waste movementis very young because it couldn’t have existed in the past because we just didn’t waste thingslike we do today. i do a lot of very extreme thingswith my activism and my adventures but the message isn’t togo do these extreme things

it’s what can we do as individuals to live more sustainably. helene said “come to vienna and speak here!” and she found me through social media,so here i am in vienna. hi everyone! i'm helene pattermann the founder of zero waste austria

i began organising events in 2015. at the events, i invited zero waste experts and bloggers that presented their projects in order to strengthen the community and to learn from each other. at zero waste meetingsi always learn new things because i am of course focused on food waste. i always learnnew things about what else is out thereand what else you can think about.

and i realise how nice it is that i caninspire people with my story by talking about what i doand how to do it and others realise,"true, it can be done that way too". when i started i hadnobody i could ask so i had to figure it out all by myself which was incredibly exciting and challenging and i really enjoyed it. but it’s also nice to know thatthere are other people

who maybe have other ideas as well. the idea to establisha zero energy bilanz hotel didn’t happenright from the beginning it was an idea thatdeveloped naturally, i’d like to say. we have and produce exactlythe amount of energy we need and this has led to agreat cooperation between us, where we’ve planned variousprojects together, so to speak, to make a difference not only in small ways,but in big ways too. it’s all up here, really.

that’s where it begins. that’s where the first stephas to be taken. and, it’s also… i don’t think it’s important why one does it, i think it’s important that one does it. reuse and buy things second hand. what to bring home,and what materials you can use again, and what actually lands in the rubbishand how one can reduce this.

for a long time, my colleague and i have been growing mushroomsfrom coffee grounds. my aims are that we have more conferences and more businesses that think in closed loops, and that don’t produce waste,but that the waste of one is a resource for another. right now we’re all alive and let’s do what we can right now because there’s no point in waitinguntil tomorrow or next year

and we can’t go back ten yearsso we have to do it today. for us, sustainability is not a state, for us, sustainability is a development,a process. rethinking is a big part of it, that you come out ofthe conventional rutt a bit and see what alternativesthere are out there. if you’d like to be activein the zero waste community, i recommend you simply join a group. my vision for zero waste isthat i bring people and businesses together

to create a more sustainable future together. you can already use thesethree simple items today to reduce your waste. be part of thezero waste community.

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