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two hearts two wheels invites them to accompany them in43-day adventure in motorcycle through 15 us states, 2 provinces and one territory in canada, will be 16 kilometers .153 adventure two hearts two wheels chapter 3 by the month of august for those who love themotorcycles there is no other place like sturgis and motorcycle festival. according to historians the event data the year 1,936 when he carried out thefirst festival which was only 9 participating and today attractsmore than half a million people.

welcome to sturgis. we arrived at the campground. camping. our friend "esperanza" canada, booked us acabin, is something like an intermediate between atent and room a hotel in this cabin we can find bathroomprivate, hot showers, kitchen air conditioning, microwave,fridge, tv and two beds. its alot better to do camping friends, now i would likeshow quickly than

we in the trunk of the bike: herethe right tool and carry case elastics, in the central bagpatty bag, water some fruit, s camera and accessories intool and left more suitcase the first aid kit in the trailer weel campin all things, our clothes and some foods with renewed energy we leave forenjoy a new day. woody's is amotorcyclist giving away a bell for good luck, thank woody. uscaballo loco head mount rushmore, devil's tower

that's the work of a passenger withexperience motorcycling 3,535 kilometersit gives a little hungry and stopped at this restaurant oh and surprise when we entered we saw thatwalls are decorated with tickets 1 dollar visitors and obviouslywe had to leave our dollar two hearts two wheels chair next to the restaurant morebiggest in the world caballo loco sculpture arriving

this will be the largest sculpturefitted world of a mountain in tribute to the great indian leader horsecrazy this giant granite face is sohigh as a 9-story building, its extended arm pointing to infinityit includes a football field. the construction started in 1948 isit is done on holy ground for american indians and still farfar from complete mount rushmore before construction 1927 1941

today over 10 years and 400 workersthey were required to complete this monumental work the faces of 18 meters from thepresidents: lincoln, roosevelt, jefferson and washington symbolize the first 150years of american freedom listen to this story thomas jeferson invented the recipe for this delicious ice cream year 1,780 devil's tower, wyoming.

the origin of thedevil's tower has two explanations the first is scientific: known asvolcanic neck collar, this tower formed 65 million years ago,erupt and drain lava, leave these brands, has a height of 386 meters and was the first national monument usa. india legend: legend has it that makeswhile some girls came to play and they were found by several bearsgiants began to chase, in an effort to escape the bears,the girls climbed on a rock they knelt and prayed to the greatso that the saving spirit, hearing your prayers the great spirit brought upthe rock of the earth toward heaven

bears could not reach thebears in their attempt to climb the rock which had become too steepto climb, they left deep marks claws on the sides and when the rockhe had grown so much that the girl had already reached heaven, they becamein the constellation of the pleiades. the truth is that in the year 1977steven spielberg popularized this place with the film close encounters ofthird type, since the tower has been accessedmore than 400,000 adventurers year undoubtedly, a magical place and so they spent the first 3,875 kilometers in 11 days

this just begins with the hiatus forthe next 12,278 kilometers two hearts two wheels adventure next chapter this was more than just rain the surprising landscape coming out of thistunnel we know the park together national yellowstone and its wildlife perhaps too

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