deko für kleine bäder
hey guys, how’s it going? my name is micaela,and this is my airbnb in azabujuban, in tokyo. so apartments in tokyo have a reputation forbeing pretty small, because it’s such a compact, dense area, but they’re still biggerthan hotel rooms which is why i prefer renting an airbnb over a hotel when i visit tokyo. straight ahead is the bath and shower room.and this is a typical shower-bath setup for a one-room apartment, it's very simple; there'sa nice deep bathtub because japanese people love their baths, and the shower is kindajust like, a little hose. some people like to wash their bodies in thisarea here before they have a bath, that nozzle has a lot of mobility, you can bring it overhere and wash your body before you have a
bath. this is very typical--it's very small,you know, it's for one person. it's not really the type of place, it's not really the typeof bathroom you'd have if you were living with a family. from the bath, here, we have the hallway andright away we've got this little kitchen. and it's functional, it's functional, it'snot you know, a kitchen for someone who is doing a lot of cooking. very very simple,but, as you can see, with only a microwave and one gas stove burner, you're probablynot going to be doing too much cooking in an apartment like this. this is mine, i haven't eaten it yet. "carameltruffle haagen-dazs", this is my favorite,
it's so good. so, i bought one to eat duringmy stay. and diagonally from the bathroom we have thetoilet closet, which is really just yeah, a little closet with a toilet. very cute,very simple, the lighting in there is very blue. right here we also have a washing machine,so if you're staying long term, you can do your laundry! and, through here, we have theone-room, let's take a look! very cute, right? so the reason i did a two-bedroom room, isbecause i'm actually here in azabujuban to take cooking classes- japanese cooking classes.i thought it'd be really fun to kind of learn
how to make japanese food because i suck atit! um, but i actually invited sharla to come to one of the classes, and she wanted to stayovernight so i needed a place with two beds! and this place is just so adorable! i loveit! the decor is so nice, it's like this babyblue, and it looks so much better than my house, like, i feel like, "man i really shouldspend more money on decorating my own home. another thing i really like about this airbnb,is how bright the room is--there're so many windows! and from the patio, you can go outside, andoutside you can hang your laundry! these here are solar powered bird lights,so at night they light up and they're so cute!
another good thing about airbnbs in japanis that a lot of them are equipped with free internet, portable wifi routers, so, if you'recoming from overseas and you don't have data for your phone, or a foreign sim-card, youcan use this pocket router. i use the same one, i have the same one inwhite. but yeah, you can unplug it, it's usb charged, it'll last about 8 hours, and youcan take it while you're out on the town, and you've got internet wherever you go, it'ssuper useful. um, a lot of japanese people have apprehensionsabout using airbnb because they're like, "doesn't that mean that the owner is there with you?isn't it dangerous to stay in someone else's apartment? but in a lot of airbnb cases, theapartments are totally empty! and you rent
the entire apartment. like, there's nobodyelse here! um, yeah maybe they have a key, but usually, usually, it's safe. always checkreviews, make sure that the place you're staying in has good reviews before you decide to rentit out. that's the best way to ensure that you'll have a positive experience! but um, for me, it's always positive, and,it's nice, like, i really enjoyed staying here--i stayed here for about three? four?three days? three nights, four days! i felt like it was my own house, and it wasso comfy, and i looked forward to coming home all the time! home? home! it's my home!
it was a really good experience! comfortable,easy, and yeah, it's like living in your own little apartment, like, you get to experiencetokyo lifestyle this way. it's cool! check out my lon earrings! do you see these earrings? this is my cat! this is my cat lon, my friendmade them for me! aren't they cool? isn't that so cool!? i love these. i love these! alright, talk to you soon!