design-leuchten für badezimmer

hello everybody! my name is markiplier and welcome to shadows 2. now, this indie horror game just came out yesterday, it's very recent, but it's already getting good reviews. not that i know what it's about because i've never played shadows 1. but i always play things out of order, "because that's how markiplier do." - markiplier 2016 so, it's apparently past midnight at the office. wonder what's gonna happen (probably rainbows and sunshine) ohh. oh, it's got camera. woah. what was that?... it was a book flying across the room. ohhkay. aaaah.
for a second there i thought it was gonna be like, five nights at freddy's style, but it doesn't look like that may be it. ohhkay... aaahhhh. uh-oh. wait, does that make me a security guard, or was i just weirdly looking at the security cameras? why am i at an office alone? "open inventory..."
"you can enable/disable object hints in the options" aww, cool! "personal notes" *reads* hey! i'll be the judge of that, you don't let me tell me who be scared. alright. so- "switch flashlight mode"? ohhhhh!
ooh, it's got a brightness setting, cool! is that gonna drain the batteries faster? maybe. hellow. aaaaahhhh. see, i'm really glad that i kinda branched out back into doing these indie horror games, because number one, you never know what you're gonna get. i mean, a lot of these indie horror games, they kinda go on the jumpscare trope,
but, occasionally, you'll come across an interesting little game that has a, y'know, it has a premise, and it has, a story, and it has an environment. these are all generic things that i'm saying, but i'm trying to... be intellectual about what i'm saying but you never know what you're gonna get once you go into it so you can see- oh, well why is this blocked off?
hello? can i move this? thank you. *gasp* what was that? what was that? hello, "i don't think i want to go there." i wanna go there! i'm an idiot!
i run face-first into danger! i wanna give it a big ol' kiss. ♫ come out, come out, wherever you are, ♫ ♫ marky's gonna get you ♫ oh! what does that mean?! how- how much could you forget that you need to write things down to remember how to get out of the building when you're bored?
well, that's bizarre. anyway, thanks, boob-eye lady for that *mutters* handy hint. was there something down there? no... "try the other corridor and go right..." (softly) well, i don't know about that...
there we go! how about i just stop being a big bitch and just go down the corridor, that would be good... ♫ come out, come out, wherever- ♫ oooh- woah, hey, woah, woah, woah, woaaahhh what am i looking at? something? huh? you don't wanna mess with me... huh?
"there's no power." well, that's a problem. hmmm, seems like there might be a monster around here... something that wants to mess with me... hm? *spook*
hello! what the hell? woah! why am i back here? what the fuck happened? wait, what happened? what, did i die? what happened?! what's that...?
ohh... hey, wait a minute! woah, wait a minute, "what the hell?" oh, my question exactly, what the hell just happened? how did i get back there? oh, no, you do not! ohhh. well,
oh, really? ahhh.. ♫ marky's gonna- ♫ *jumpscare* a ff-!!!!! *spoopified* ok! we're fine, nothing happened! nothing actually happened! ok, alright, we're fine, everything's cool-
woaaaaahh what, the fuck, was that? woahkay! woaaah, i can't move! huwhaatt? what happened? what happened? x2 i don't know what happened! what?
ohkay, well the- what happened?! i'm so confused! do i go back? what the hell happened? woaahhh... oh, man... this kinda reminds me of the stanley parable in it's layout, by the way, just wanted to say that...
so there was something over here... oh, now there's nothing over here, huh... alright... wait, is there power now? *ding* oh, there's power now, i wouldn't have tried tha- oh, goddammit,
it was just the door closing, i'm such a frickin' idiot, goddammit, getting spooped by a door... ok, why am i going to floor 9? what's here in floor 9? well, i have a funny feeling that bad stuff has already happened with you, bub, but you don't need to worry 'bout that at all, because i got yo back.
♫ come out, come out, wherever you are! ♫ *kerchunk* alright, ♫ marky's gonna find you... ♫ ooh... this looks familiar... well, that's a good stratejum... alrighty then... *creeeaaaakkk*
who's over there?! huhh?! what was that...? did you hear that? i heard that... why does it seem like exactly the same layout as the other place? seems like exactly the same layout- either someone is dicking with me, or this is
laaaaaaazy level design. i don't know which. oooooh.. *reads while chuckling* ohhh, good observation there, buddy. oh, you're such a keen observer.
so this must unlock... this over here... hellow? no? maybe i gotta uuuuuse it? no, i don't have anything in my inventory! that doesn't make any goddamn sense, but i picked up a key...
i definitely did pick up a key... i'm a hundred percent sure that that's actuall- woah. *raises voice while reading* let me just put that down, i don't need to learn about a goddamn thing, do i? ohkay... so what happened to the key that i had?
oh! ohkay, so i needed the tv remote. why do i need that? that doesn't seem like a break that i should take in the middle of this endeavor... alright, here we go anyway. ahh... [static] "emergency action notification", ok...
why? how does this affect me? [we interrupt this program.] [this is a national emergency.] [important instructions will follow.] *shut down* ohhhhh.... *door creaks open* oh- woaaaaahhhhh ohhhh
what door opened? ohkay.. let's see.. bruh ugh i'm so scared alright, did this one open? yes, it did. ♫ come out, come out, wherever you are ♫ ♫ what are you doing in the bathroom? ♫
*instant shit bricks bruh* fagh you! oh, fuck off! *grunt* alrighty, then! oooh! goddammit, it's a mannequin. how did i know? "no idea what this thing is doing in here."
well, i don't either. except exclusively for jumpscares... alright, then, so that's how you're gonna be, mmkay, i see... well, no need to be sorry about it, you-
things are being spooped! spooped all over the place! maximum spoopage and i can't handle none of it... none of it... k... well that didn't do jack diddly shiet.
ah, here we go! key! got it! ok, so i got that key, so i should be able to open the door down here, leading into the other corridor. i wonder what awaits me... something gonna pop out at me?
hmm? anything? maybe? *undecipherable mark noise* did somebody fart? *high pitch squeal voice* deeed somebody fart? hellow! is that sum? is that a thi-
is that a- who the fuck do you think you- uuuwweegghhh heyyy, you runnin' away, little bitch baby? huh?! *random coughing*
*creeeaaaaakkkk* oh, i see how it is. ohh.. oh, this is good. oh, hello. oh, hello. x2 ♫ marky's gonna find you ♫ oh, dammit. goddammit.
oh, another heart! oh. agh, "this is horrible", apparently. ♫ come out, come out ♫ ♫ wherever you are ♫ ahhhhhhh......goodie but i didn't go down over here it's so dark....did i miss something? i must have missed something over here
"boink" vacuum.... secret found?? i don't know if it was much of a secret but i found it. i don't know what's that going to do for me... but i found a secret carrying on... carrying oooon~~ i don't know where we're gonna go now
floor eight. goddamn it. do i got to go all the way to floor one? all these identical floors.... *creak* huh... *creak* ooh! oh! well! somebody got dismombered h'oh no! someone lost an arm and a leg :(
all right so we got to find... okay, as a general office worker, how have you seen worse stuff than two legs displayed out on your...floor? hello? *sharp inhale of marky breath* you doing? mhmmmmm that's my thoughts exactly. mhmmmmmm alright, you stay there then. fine. fuck you.
i'll just carry on don't mind ---hello........ good l-hehggguuuuu. alrighty then, oookay~ oh god! why? can i get boob eyes back? (nervous laugh)appreciate her more than what you're doing... (quietly) alright. *creak* hellow
♫ come out, come out whereve--- *wary voice* fuck..... i don't think they like mesinging that song ohhhh... ah! oooh. hellow. *sniffle.* mmm. i don't know if that's gonna happen. *sniffle* i have a funny feeling that's not gonnahappen. well that seems like a warning sign fornot being around here anymore
probably bleee. okay, hello *diiing* well i'm not gonna go in that just yet i got other places to explore first likeover *weird k noise* heyuhhh dammit there's got to be a key to this. they wouldn't just put it here. oh "whatever walks there. i won't open this door" well shit ya big bubble blowing baby. come on. get some balls on ya. alright, fine here we go. oh. goodbye! uh-oh.hello?
helloummm... *ding* oh good i'm home free let me just sprint towards my destiny *loud noise*oh, fuck you *girly screams* fuck off! i wanted to read that.ah, shit. *breathing and awkward/clenched butt cheeks silence* there was a note on the ground *ding* oh..... ohhh okay..
ok cool alrighty then carrying on.let's not fell unconsciousanymore alright.jeez damn it.... lawwwked oh that's a comforting glow what do ineed that oh good, now i have that how is that going to help me? uh boy ehboi yeah boi yeah boi oh ok wait. hang on a second what is going onhere whoa eeuuggghhh something bad happend here or areally good party maybe. found another secret for whatever that's worth
oh boy all right i'm out of here i hadenough top pine time dancing on the pile of dead bodies all right let's carry onover here havetyhup! oh boy more i was hoping for more deadbodies. oh boy! it's a smorgasbord whoa who threwthat? who threw that? who's that-- who throws atorzo? who does? come on now.. *ding* oooh... that don't look good. huh, maybe i'll avoid that for now maybe i'll go check out the otherareas before i walk into the elevator of deaalth. m'kay well let's go. what's the worst thatcould happen?
everybody else seemed to have a goodtime over here! hahauuhoho floor seven god damn it how many floorsare there? holy shit oh hey how's it going baby howyou doing baby you're not gonna say anything about thatwhat did i just pick up i have no idea what i got well i got something alrighty then *phone ringing and other beep noises* hello.*more beeping/ringing noises* hello?*glass shatters*
oh... oh.....oh..... i don't have a flash light anymore. ooo... hello. hi. what happened to my flashlight??oooooh okayy... oh okay. what happened to my flashlight?"glowsticks never end" "smartphone barely works" ooohhoh okay. how did i get off of my flashlight whatthe fuck happened hoooly shit oh. ahhhh fuck you!euh let me scribble a note real quick i'm so fearful but i can write. *reads*
me neither bruh me nei-- ooooh hey whoa hey alright fine then. alright that's howit's gonna be okay goodbye goodbye goodbye all right goodbye all right. god damn it is there a key in there that i didn't get? god.. damnuh there we go give me that good byesayonara eugh. *banging on door**weird mark noises* no one's home. no one's home! don't come knocking around here anymore.alright
ok blinking lights what a clishuh (cliche) damn it locked door. heeyyy don't throw a boxdid you throw this box mr. dead lower body i'm coming for youright. great! who and why and how well that wasn'tthere before wow ok huh i'll go down. why not? ahh -- fuck *sings* oooooooooooooooooffffffff ok i think i scared him with my opera.*reads* but you're not allowed to see it. that'd be against the *rolls tongue* rrrrrrules
hi no one here oh hey how's it goingfriends how you doin'? "they are completelyunmovable for some reason." huh well that's bizarre. oh well.*reads* well it's not like i had a choice no mani did have a bed in there but i guess i got to go out to eat eventually *sharp inhale*♫ come out, come out wherever you are. ♫ ♫ come out, come out--- ♫ oh...... oh, okay.... whoa what are you conferring about overthere
what are you doing? "i can feel weirdenergy while standing near these or maybe i'm just paranoid."noooo i think there's some weird energy going on youknow if i had to guesstimate apparently they moved from here dammit bing! okay. oh hi, you're gonna join me on thisride? oh shit ok door isn't concerning at all. floor 6? holy shit now i can only assume that there's more floors to go for this buti'm all out of time for this episode so i'm going to assume that it has aloading feature so we'll get to the rest of this in another episode. i'll probably justfinish it out to the very end but i just
don't have any more time to record rightnow so thank you everybody so much for watching and as always i will see you... in the next video! buh-bye!