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words ad war moran the sickness and some ethics actually her secret homosexual office actually but dot at it sucked

out the the national broadcasting company incooperation with the council on books in wartime presents another of the mostsignificant programs on the air today words of war dramatizing the most representativebooks to come up with this world conflict tonight again where wes gets absorbing all ofthe german character

apartment in africa rerun you mean to actually ended germinalspent time in the purpose is good policy then constant movement unions to suggests that but that's allthe more reasons only than a million as a suspect already personal guilt this will be you've goneover to the me web system mister than i am

or perhaps it or whether wives andchildren as much as i do closer only alex has this been tooeasily twin your cousin to have nothing but contentfor you so alex resolving they need no this proclamation today forces any greekfamily to take in german officers we're forced to it yes but if you make a friendly gesturetoward the enemy everyone will know what you know i mean disgrace without people congress i'd be so ashamed to be one ofthese nazi groups in tahoe mind air and allow you hate the germans are notexactly fun of them myself

but they are human toll of they needfour lodging why is awake we could get forty marksfor the front room for remarks and place and i think that'senough for a loaf of bread where they're going to realize that our problem is oneof sheer survival for the duration l we've used up all our resources i have a white internship what kind of a husband father would i beif i didn't try by every possible means to see that you would do survive notworth the cost of aiding the enemy nicholas announcements

reassert greece best by keeping aliveuntil she's prenatal sadik the quartermaster corps manic street those officers an entirely different ijoin their businessmen work long hours much better to choose one of them wellagain and one of the other type inflicted onthis you heard the proclamation you know what's going to happen you always make things so you stillreasonable

liberia roland do you think of youremotions a man has to keep a playwright man's alex exciting leader again whenthose grandparent hurtling towards so if you could you wear a they're like fairytales to a common quiet unikom annalise going to be rather proud yeah fortunately is playing at war relevantalready he wants a minute i'm practicing what do you think well it's an even war isn't for two ofyou

emails think of it is as uh... bilirubin earthquake removed we compete you'll be in prague make your my firstgerman nicholas make alexander standard injustices is always dreaming in planning so we'lltry to make it come true in the germans will catch and then always haven't haven't we sufferedenough to run yeah i really a m look at

my vague travel book on the top ofkeisha pecan but with the for one thing you said want malnutritioncause the famines getting where some the quartermaster corps controls all thefood and that seems to me there should have special privileges perhaps add one other officers' liveshere if we treated well he can't even give us good only conclude mechanicsindeed i'm going to see what can be done

world progress every ounce forty plan form ofcontraception or books and scholarly treatises once prosperous and on the statement civil court wives are important to me to children alex twelve we'll send realities that was not a compartment ofresistance but

problems but it was in your history onthe rebels fighting the mountain anyone going on since i was nine west is confidential not a good record dave and they suggest there is nothing against me personallymet maybe only because you're bumping found out we know that you would be stick together eliminate certain managed to the new orentitlement of your house on

well your honor maya we have quietretiring people share struggling to survive present difficulties we take part in those subversiveactivities that remains to be seen an inspector apartment was enough toknow and single dylan first localized sweeping only double beds now art but jonathan asleep on the ground won't have agreed to speak on the floor and another man and

with no one else massaged dot have entry doesn't show it to say and askedwhat sometime backing julia ramon international preaching here don't takeit seriously it's just the german lovable and how canwe sleep in the kitchen monmouth this captain had the sitting room as well asthe people studies at night and you know is eating alone is grandjurors you'll never notice how much we get avisual development you're such a good

recruitment i can't stand it if you werehis new book kitchen there's nothing dissipate the worst if we're attacked for them to our bestforeign you appreciate how can you be so it's home nicolas you're a big gentleman andthat's not to bully treat you like a simple peculiar to override please past me i still wearing down and uh...

don't worry about it i'm here decided not to mention online declining unprecedented and worried about these madmen and no risk for nightmare we were in thebanking our target is sleeping we've had since july two times in ourlives

these memories should sustain is nowthings difficult i remember once when you and i wear working in the royal guard just before we were married and we would we were the greeks pension company bucharestbefore i think you even consider sharing our prime issue with this new ceo stupidand there was another time we wondered among the ruins of the parthenon i remarked in a bit of a good too

that even the pregnant with thepresident jim grease indicator inequality we admire but cannot including all these nancy's nbspsold greece is about industry and every store of paid through distance between i'm very name as a politicalsignificance to live in minneapolis its long description to karen

is working para not specter as part of this is the best with rearming and have a couple allalong for in front of how this piece of cheesemccormack wasn't no sir put on a plate in my rom was the bread there is no bread gettingolder

many ford and as this house my soapopera you atlantic reported to me for the next two hours i want thatcellular silenced usual quarter esteem their quartermaster your bookkeepers dothey like to pick up on things it's our habit of mine we were going to live on the left of theparenthood knows exactly what goes into everydayshe learns to come for everyone's turn the tables really have to corporalcorporal

ted resurrected absolutely damage grateful whom letters one must be utilizing newborn son used in the region and seems to be

division german newsman greek looking at someone you know more or we ask them and there are you don't andi i'm not an intended you're on my without any it pants back did you get a higher price and then

one percent in outside on the morning but understand are he didn't need to make up somedisintegrating charity there were three big ones surely won't make a move todemand this massive one image just look don't say anything ornery duties testament protectedcompact hughes pinnacle of the child levin's metlosing their gorging pakshe hirsch tremon repeat which was just simplydidn't fit

the he's just didn't see the champs is awhite man derailment bonds he signed cigar who would like to play found ears illustration let me or give me a call the other the international the back and dot goldblum overnight mail improper knowledge uh...

kimono right box nomadic please accept my apologies captain so i wasn't going to go away present yesterday who he'll stand yes can't help it after this please let me get a feel goodabout myself we'll take care of pete make sure

permeability intelligent enough to knowyou get away with it up this bread and cheese intake and i'mkind of my company actually that mechanism nervous kauai playboy corporal punishment the only thing because it marked improvement over abouta mile in europe you'll thank me for the trouble i thinkwhat am answer if u excuse me nothing almost leveled hopkins wouldn't you be admitted heshould be patient

it's going to be alive no didn't mention standard analyst andanything for you and the children that's what happened alex tonightthere's no worse than the beatings valuable isn't going to missschoolmaster circuit that was really sticking point looked at the end of the heart pace thenremember it when you're bowing and scraping internet open it we're better off than people in prisonsin concentration camps the companies are protected from thegreater cruelties as long as we serve

him website pat itthe yeah what's the track record to be on the plane for germany twentyminute deficit complained no evelyn again on that we haven't gotten that dotcame on about being absent ideal alec could pete have can really prelim takes a littletime to get used to be a william get we won't have it will lead the way andeveryone in the clever family liberia

alice knows how to have a good timesomehow mhm when we had to be happy never too late who had pad arora you have that problem would protect them cauldron airfare went away on major uh... mine had been given him nomatter

bloomed one of our greek user-contributed ironman africa integrated yourself when don't go around and come up on the moonyou're aware so i was always particular wouldn't ask for that from the from old uh... don't put more police

crittenden economy in this area we've begun to plead innocent there is anything we can grab and mathematics who had never been sorry for you to i mean i think that uh... trial after this period compared to reduce the triple crown

but he was back in germany rememberedall we've done for him and decided to be placed fortunately for us he's a changed manchanged is adjournment output will be able to check uh... na na na na set out which i won't talk for many many of us in our lives anddiscuss things occasionally

they catch it early on you wishing substation about the challenges yes it was a publisher venus what we have noticed your boxevaluable cloutier we do know that my cut any country and therefore you will read it economylater talked like a democrat you have

era helped make about yesterday asked uh... up our company quit making my will that is remaking i am competent and have always had anawesome thing is that must be many new laws very well-informed mana within thepublishing business we pick up a great many are expensive informations

isi i have no family no family mansions you know from now on however disposing of my mother's fortune you'll find a scandalous germans only asoldiers the leaders vietnam susie

loves science music yes indeed securityhas been a great contribution to the arts and sciences is what i love this if things article that maybe next year next few years now demonization suffolk option worthy and allah dance islands everywhere right circuit where it would be poorerand without german music leon and use it

therefore my estate goes to the musicschool much discussions pension plan that human securely pop servation ankityou'll have a home commission will come to rome isn't being you something and mr he has me in your room what's peculiar wagner

when the pictures again regions of india p he's changed his mind of a tentative he's not a quarter you sent me you think so and guy there's a glass of our our style is whatmade him i thought you might enjoy it

very much nevertheless thank you in reading an article by lilac weeknight placement wonderful driven frankness german defeat would be reallydone a victory well how is that if possible would intensify the spirit of the nation increase the national through along very interesting argument

actually come close oliver joking is he was so intelligent reconsider the most remote possibility fascism losing this present or that surprises you doesn't it capricious wearing only mentioned incongruity

that is why we got on the world who else was equal to the past if i am a suggestion earlier americansare able wonderfully except that we had taken all inventions and we made something up would be americans out it's generously being easy between wars could internationalist greeks who wasthen that money

when peacetime makeup germany about sentiment bacon has the latest todo so you know we can lead the nations on yourintellect the americans help cost to prepare forthe next war against them lest there be another war in vietnam all are as the only way of life pieces of wood deadly once they've been doing timecostly if this is not the time we will have afuture

were always his piano really honest forever andforever it's true and that the democrats hands will be when something like the interestof delhi most stimulating made honorary lonely man these days the germans and great hots capacity sir

anything we can do to make you morecomfortable should not connecting don't put yourself into the mississippi and i'd like to go nicolas you're unreasonably swinging atthe major during the conversation b and the comings brain it's a great stepahead what he has inspected the kitchen objecton the phone for two weeks leading matters or use germans are very clintonweakness they invite your confidence is by pretending to be in there's exposecame down this was realized her

some things from him there were tears in his judgment living on my mansion nicolas you're moreof the child and alexander an explosion war and i played being aphilosopher superior war zone you are always ready to believe the bestof everyone there never tested german newsweek's cover right you don't think i always agree with themaiden whom or why don't think that the strongly that yourself absent mindedbeing

sometime they won't thinking you'll seethe rupee one very careful very discreet and kindness always based never wasn'tgesture anywhere because pre-med consumer company clueless please don'tcut any summers understandable okay he cannot congratulate now to make a stand on semi shut the door

to trade doctor what's already i think what possessed i'd better go back to the people said or if you will headquarters as yet if i can do something for you saw itmakes them you're a good time and time here that map belong began in office and it was discoveredjudgment about i think it's the end of

everything and and about it thank you that i can see record how much help passes tank deadly time you greeks and the other or a nation until blasted concede you'll recall thatsomething that was on the outside not so

are going to make it you will this is what happened department head on the job and i have ason who was a fighter pilot quach what what a tragedy almost every time and it was somethingabout that what i was on my way home my house andclinics aquifers platinum and rain anoop suffered all this in a silencer mac i got home i don't have some spirit in russia

young boy queens soldier for three days my wife and advantages company for the death of herson p restored my faith in the future one on boot and she died

words cannot express again same time and your children youyou'd understand song weeding out this morning and quite mom cal hallam at or how intolerable it is between the two men with too much powerin about all this tragedy of honest about women really want and if you're a littleshit

out there mr bailey about victor the mitigating it was okay would oppose the agreement that we usedour own are it's quite like your known milestone prescription rationally angela more intelligently and you know what comes next entries deleted

handout telephone the military policekept coming and taken into custody fortunate when your him galway right here yesterday on us and chapter than the money dot permitted to minutes privateproperty up and a higher rate of thirty

we have in a moment belongs annex an expansion your mother's been right all along mineral terribly and paint them i don't know i know youdie here on if i need you need to be proud of him alex tonight i want you to steal out ofthe house

an accurate amount you know when i present because the orchestra primary when we come are moved to yank you think you wouldn't you think nevertrusted genocide remembered every moment reasonableness in the military man in german was seems to have gone soft it's a hard lesson in europe

what is a lesson that makes print jim arrow it tonight on where the for we brought youa dramatization again way west coast novel apartment in athens radio dramatization was written byphyllis park in the past wendell holmes played early on those because they are was captain called her

medicaid was really alex was paid by ronnie less leader was played by jean elkins words at war car there this is the story of a man of simple hai went out and did something about freedom

and justice indecency he did not rest his foot on the radioand found words into a market he claims to syndicate interests andmoved in rap against the forces of evil some people who knew bill donaldson people in his home town in regina canada others in england they think a bill was a boy whodisgraced his family but for those of seniors so as i have he's one of the great

unrecorded heroes of our time a hero but he said there's nothing else i can do it i'm going to the search british army activity was in here and you will see why when i told you the story up my brother

national broadcasting company incooperation with the council on books in wartime presents another program in thewidely discussed series words at war many of the books that i a stunt thisprogram deal with the issues which havestimulated considerable controversy it is not the purpose of words that waror the national broadcasting company to take sides on these issues admitted to bring you the mostrepresentative books to come up with this great world conflict our story tonight is based on a portionof l_s_d_ shapiro's book

at the back door open mother always said that bill was typicalold country my sister betty and i had studied and worked to make a place forourselves in the new world does still belong to the crowdedpoverty-stricken slums of glass cover well there's all kinds has to be to makea world and i'm one of the kind that e_c_'s satisfied yeah go it all overagain he was also interesting one

and is that bad here it goes to gainstink breath a little bit that's up fine thing to say betty marking the barry country that gave youa puzzle i was just joking joke england something to joke about them poses something to thank the lord foreveryday of your life yes it was the only thing really becoming billsimple-minded level two p_m_ britain was a religion

implant was the greatest power of thedecency freedom on the face of the year run suppose that the world have stoppedspinning through the years if it could have been riveted to onetime there would have been one of thehappiest admin is chosen level let the world as a way of doing this forthis morning's and in nineteen thirty five great poverty fell on the canadian northwest high it added up to be whom

bottle grumman thing at all has such a thing as a job of us i can't seem to find this wins and military and and you're bound to get some look don't think so it's more than six months now got to do something and

going to england hui hai well mobile there's no call for you todo that determined anything they'll do for the below that justin that garland behaved treated me fine figured it out something else to

that would be granting want daily sending my foot some sort of britain something i've dreamt about all my lifemein to be in england and sadness majesty that one on the same time could be most people and see we've big deal to stay with us

but we couldn't answer islam soldiers' lives love of security and thesimple existence combined that et cetera stickingimprinting did you read the sum total of billsdemands on line so bill worked his way to liverpool andsigned up for a six year hitches a private in the british army at an amazing development took place inbill his letters that was startling

long an eloquent detailing every moment of these newexistence looks like child in the land of batters dean mom if you need to home weblogic i'm on my first ethan and we do youthink of that printable with jesus did you infantrymen you won't beinterested to see linden

well i certainly never do unproductiveto it as we grow old with alex france buddy of mine want to believe i was so excited for the first night icouldn't sleep at all i set up all night looking out thewindow and waiting for morning what you get out that bilkul mapping out translate that so thinking of

seemed bummed tomorrow what you think you'll find set default molded all the things i've only seen inpictures alex waterloo place nelson palace westminster expectancy taking out lisa glad to be british aspect

mid-level film another dream for bill doing these london scenes you go to deepsatisfaction in the sense of homecoming a few months later dil closed one of his letters with animportant announcement you see even developed a sense of climax it is right just about to say goodbye mister he has been used i didn't seem to thebody and

we still have training for indian and managing is donaldson goingto india like an empire green deaconess didn't pick each ten you even more emphatic my mexican asit would be in well i guess bill is found his niche inlife at last and it's a healthy life too a good life two ways of looking at that john

he's a soldier when all is said and donehe may have to fight some beaming and more nonsense mum illinois will have to fight them well nobody wants would do the jobnobody nobody wants and i guess and it won't be any either thanks to broaden his tune well sensible man really you believe in certain things but comesee not fun a look at the tangled situation inethiopia uh... instituted does seem to

be avoiding a pull some of that aa seeded appeasement so carefullynurturing our whole state moritz flower in the summer of nineteenthirty six today was derived from here sketch acting prostaglandin lester the streetsbills attention because he made no mention of the many flowers devoted his training for india

andy mention one other thing too shins payens team but she's meeting a hair is blonde realblonde and piled on top of healthful now if that isn't built for the new if ucheese pale empty and excuse me and he didn't want bruno week or you know i ask you it'll be just as easy to fall in lovewith a substantial bilko mom i'm sure these is getting nicer he wouldn't taken to a it was onlyjoking being too

support teaching immigration hooking into being hosted by motherlesschildren since she was twin and saddled with a father who can't work isn't that terrible well have been written reported biel no ever that was only the beginning ofbills trial bar in october eroded leasing become seriously ill

loot whose just heard you said when you do oxford hectares of me everytime missing these hot won't take no for an answer doctor says you've got to quit your joband quick to will

attempted what happened to be found in prime kids it's not too sure on the peking to thecontinent when get marriage that's why i want to tell you something the grandest that's not a good man netscape

after cny on vietnam not going to listen at all consciously i've been nothing but the badminton sickbehind him at piedmont began bed bed seemed to happen it's middle sixties password is

new quit the factory will be well andall time and it's in my mind to take you out of that place will be married an extreme i guess those determination was brave but helpus lisa died a few weeks later with her body build a radius tragic woman

but not his rank or the conditions whichdraw the line he wrote this early in the draft burialpromo why simonds felt good reading he's a million times better offpromotion it beyond a face these fluid going to be hard for him soon when you do now five little might feed nothing but uh... bill doing newt couldn't be worse no more than it is being you've got todo something then

whose kids and stuff something's got to be done proof foreign key we wish to receive young man investor prediction it over and we're all going to soumyamight lose then rightfully just like it did mine and i've sort of new alban reading both

spanish situation i think it's a terrible thing because in the early months of nineteenthirty seven build began to ponder in his simplepuzzled manner apply to the spanish people do you think maybe move the meeting upwith left wing from helping somebody or he would have mentioned it before let's not write that song

republican government was elected by thepeople of spain it was their government what does this man frankel wants justice of the things seemed all wrongto me looking back at it now i can see pretty clearly the link thatexplains bills disturbance of the screen amused breathing tragic romance and the pitiful condition of lease hisfamily an overtone still sounded in his mind

it made a kind of communion with beingsuffering of the spanish people i think just imagine time to britaintakes two hands thing it's no more news do you think and you can think you'd do jerking justshe had every time in history report you've got to be stopped and we've just the boys to do it anyway i think he hoped we go to spain speedindia and evelyn p

it wasn't it has gotten into overbuilt he's in for a big shock if he thinkswe'll meddle in spain yes there was active in a serious noteto build the document spanish card and he didn't give it to himself is nota whole southern he will decide detailed account of an angry discussionyou had with another soldier i tell you what's just a matter of time will never let frank owen what we do

it only dot i dot communist you are in the british army on what happens in spain is not a lotbusiness i thought to forget how you listen the british will never let themget away with a crime like that just you wait and see training pretty hard depicting india life it was you remove one of the firsteven as we move more into plus com minds room is that the loyalists had beenreceiving secretly from the british

it looks small thing ever monitoring maybe sentenced and understands the loyalists are in the right everybody admits that a losing battles one after another why don't they send us all governments must be a street asked we could see spaniards leases

guy school system x campus can schiavo you give to them some of what's your complicationscatholic it is hard anna there is nothing else i can do i'm going to desert from the britisharmy

cantons under destructing the british army announced today thatthey are seeking the arrest of william donaldson regina canada charges a decision to avoid farms haveassault he's done it who want to hello what is goin to india

who should you want to go to stay what's it's do it here albright i will be across the border and no one doing the right thing and i'm sorry if mom feels i've brought shame to thefamily client explained to her really fighting for britain

and that someday she will understand ad manuel noriega biding my time he'll probably laugh i'd tell you whati'm waiting for a rifle mckinney i can't send me to the front

until another man turns from fightingwith a rifle guide here as the last letter we have received fromyou we wrote again and again the guidelines meanwhile the fascist shadow broaden thelength and over the aliquots of spain the frankel wracked and harder andharder and the breath of resistance began torun out of the spanish words finally

human cutting-edge reach the limit ifit's endurance and on march twenty eighth nineteenthirty-nine just came off the medium term straight-talking think teenage steve outside didn't know then with the bill was aliveor dead don't thousands of loyalist prisoners infrench and spanish concentration camps all legal was that bill might be amongworld

dating back to inform you that in someballerina amanda mackenzie packing a division no definite information about him isavailable however we will continue to make it by yet by the fall of nineteen thirty nine we begin to a just to the idea that wemight never hear anything of the road we're a little distracted to by theominous clouds rolling across europe justin

on these clouds bust michel at the de tocqueville on thepeople of britain it was the fruit of the spanish tragedy overhaul of the second one day late in nineteen forty while iwas with the canadian on in england i received a frantic letter from betty music people mckinsey panel people wrote that he waswounded in spanish hospitals for many months

his frantic as you can imagine must try to find i was stunned i couldn't understand it how could they ll be alive not writtenall this time well identifying whom should ask you don't listen no wonder they would never heard of him no konjevic had a name and phone and face coming the other pure captain

that we can do the relentless today metro dade fans a republican state bill don wilson of close i knew amy wasone of our great fighters it's you died on the field and on allison to shut either i hope i have lists nothing but a flickranytime going on with my purpose knocked outfrom under me i wondered aimlessly to the streets oflondon darkness was falling

when i came across a cue of peoplesettling into the underground shelters for the night suddenly problems almost simultaneouslyoutside packing my stuff payment and the shots handles doing night as i looked around at the white conflictis racing to the doc night cut the screams of pain and watch the greatfires i was glad does not get sick does britain was no longer mask destiny

i felt suddenly that illustrate was notentirely without disputes the k squeeze my way to the following palmer sitting space beating a donkeyastrakhan woman how one leg again hello detector dispatched make room for me onaristide canada this dot that's great happen every night london they've been getting us a packet wasevery night three months

three months dot uh... these you'll be able to go out and they should be less redistributed aroundtaking holding on a crutch basically fan fair france out my brother fought there too because a couple of division won over by himself

what you think illegality so you know what's he doing now he was killed atrophy in spain bill donaldson stuck in the canadian

high state wise across somewhere that might be he was in the hospital friends with me delivering to the following day taipeivisiting right here in london tell me where for heaven's sake i was shot he was dead with what can i find it i wouldn't know i tell you what i'll do the you give mea name and address gestational

astronomer some of the fellas i find out where billions all right the load week after week went by where it came to the one negative thing then one day killed in the latter it was not intended no sign ikram

bill donaldson is living at one threesix strapless pinkney london docs handwriting was not does imagine the state of mind it is thetrain race to london waves of heat no cold equipped over meis a taxi rolled slowly painfully to the address and the docs disagreeing with chevy two-story house the landlady chillin shakers came to the door dallis brothers

in his first name is bill is moreinstinct have selected lasted two minutes to delmensaje dates and yes yes our way sectarian dimly lit power every one of those minutes had awaitactivity one of the doorbell rang night jumped upoff my chair and relaxed turned out to be the postman the raidone and the front door banged shop withoutthe benefit of a ring

oxidant do you work on it which have a and uh... that we would agree with you mindful about her decision on the amountof brother i must be some story my mistake i was looking for a mp brand-name billdonaldson was told he lived here

i handled almost and you will meine name is johndonaldson there was my brother he was missing out of the spanish warner i was he i'm sorry i know you must be i definitely going to stay please icon delay the disappointment you've had

uh... maybe i can make up for debate what do you mean well you see i poured in spain to i'd like to give you some things aboutyour vote republican governor you knew him i'm happy to say i did people we're getting is mixed up inspain same named but coming canada

in fact i often lived in his reflectedglory he did a good job in one of the best estimates of job out of the d_n_a_ no matter what happened bad times defeat doctor defeat under there was always cheerful laughing all the time and he hated the fascists the waitress to being buried deep invery strong inside but you know

what happened to him uh... they've got to tell you it must be around the middle of marchand thirty nine you know what is happening to the sincetrain them who have done for a minuet on one of the last days of situationsreally desperate dept was all around us escape play on the across the bridgeborder withdrew a hand in my ring officious doyou

but was hoping i mean one course if a small portion to carry out ofthinking action against the settled just enough to distract the enemy and the rest of us would be able topeace in the breach they made while india's record for and there was a good section stepforward they had nothing to give them but if yougrenades paupers will be in the way of arms andammunition

but don't cash it in separate droppedfrom the brunt of a tree gave the grenades jasmine been in broad daylight he laid his section against the precious he was last seen cunningham and bouncing in a machine gun post club you here club against machine guns krupa

bill donaldson died in the way that willnever be forgotten not by the spanish peasants he's one of the blood of the house are on are don't send flowers they lose grave is unlocked unknown unrecorded

but there are monuments all around if you want to say a prayer in the might dove allied forceseverywhere in on ships and planes and others battling the enemy the same man i mean mayo all monuments that common hot and courage got my brother

build on those tonight and waited for you heard adramatization based on a portion of m s b shapiro's book they left the back door open the radio version was written by edwardjurist john donaldson the narrator was playedby ben sergeant and palm and was bill donaldson the music was arranged in played bywilliam needed and the production was under the direction of anson and lead

to restate something we've said beforemany of the books presented on weds at war deal with controversial issues and it need hardly deported out that theviews expressed in the loop i'm not necessarily the views of either words atwar or the national broadcasting company worded wars offered only in the spiritof putting free discussion and thinking join us again next week for anotherimportant program this area is brought to you incooperation with the council on books in wartime by the national broadcasting company

and the independent radio stationsassociated with the n_b_c_ network this is the national broadcastingcompany yes he had used up his chances on the island of the eight beforeabreast of jeff machine gun fire ernie pyle america's best-loved war correspondent diet has so many american boy he'dwritten about anytime was killed in action hand

pad the national broadcasting company cooperation with com songbooks in wartime presents words of war dramatizing the most representativebooks como discreet our original schedule called for thepresentation of another book the death of pretty pile in the pacific made his brave man the time is programwe could bring tonight

and so we bring you the story is prettypowell wrote about the american fighting men the songs they sang together here is a tribute to the little guy whoheld the love and affection of every american soldier he ever met is very piles last book untitled with his simple elephants brave man in

mowers unlike the farm battle one of the think about mother brain i'm not afraid of the physical part ofdying that in the way it is emotion is on the one of almost desperate reluctance to give up thefuture to give up such things as seeing the oldlady again going on in college and getting marriedin holding on uni just wants to kill you

never seen becoming the championship miniatureattorney and five minutes cold front from kansas city once more reissue saying in this sunday in the south side of thehouse it's these little hopes and ambitions for some bright tomorrow that makes up the sum total over theworry and anxiety in the hearts of the

waiting room i don't think you can ever fully understand the ties that growbetween men and women savagely together relentlessly communingwith at times of great strength is a sense of fight delegate to each other in a littleor maneuver endured so long andrews hopefully and can be so smart lieutenant colonel

dissection i'm supposed to go back to risk andtonight would go to attack connect content and planning things that medical prostate meaning course any given priority george and i want to go pledges to sendspace nine over thank god

that's an autocrat ball i'd hand leave my buddies milind handful even my buddies time off for a long somehow on and a long way from home this was a middling sergeant mark cowboy from idaho came back with a group of long-time isamong my list and

you thought he was leaving for ever railway bad i guess i'll be going that left me alone thanks caller get yourself a good rest pierre amending on fridays you may recall and knowledge the airline

chuong everybody good luck to you as frank spark today need uh... movie gears and made me a blanket julian noonan on local muslim mom on and a long ways home loan and it was very late in the mail isresponding at this moment artillery both sides black mumbled around arriving

including doctors was every informally i worked with buck to the waiting dot can keep his eyes on the ground and i think you might have tried to gethim out cava their first battle avenues with us today kiddin wishing i feel like a dessert more

i went back and lay down on the groundand i have a friend waiting for the night or is too much alejandra darkness thinking touched by the great simple devotion ofthat soldier who was a cowboy drinking millions of people far away at home would remain for ever unaware of this feeling of thesoldiers chris conrad you know what's a person and i do when iget home

i'm gonna fix it so my kid won't have tofight annexed more are you going to do that first of all i'm gonna take 'em up on agarage roof on put ten pound weights in his hands are making me jump off set outa breakdown the artistic no and i think i'll feel a little ground glass everynow and and to give my bad stomach that ought to make a bora bora idea and i'llmake them read by candlelight tour on his eyes when i get there with the mailbe doubled for after all if i didn't know yourself well i'd say you don'tlike it over here call you know me better and that's

i'm just love this election mightimagine i'm not going listen if i ever get home lappy catch meto bring me back here or and you'd be home a couple weeks and read about usover here remember these bull sessions dot dot blotting you'd be psalms afarewell just a minute chance at so i just give me the chance me with gun gun than that pretty high and low waller while long poland and and and and

premium really high and low lonely alonglilongwe but they tell me that a lot of americansoldiers who returned to america do get homesick for the front they get in to get ready all old miserable life a disgustingtheological yearning to be back again in a place they hated i'm sure it's true what i know a lot ofsoldiers who would like a chance to put the ferry to the test behind me is a distinguished andunbroken record

from being sick and every pancreatitis i've been in sicily five days and i'vedecided to get sick and get it over with where they established in the clearingstation finally decided i had planned to you don't diet and you just think you will as i began to feel better i became aware of the wounded in the dining room and constantly being brought into the field i feel ok

i think you make it after costume we allright recollect coloring fingerprints well now i want to go there's nothing wrong with me dot you don't want to scratch anything letme i a m going to take care of that news sam gonna send it back to the hospital i do i go to any hospital i want to getback to my account that you wouldn't be around for any good right now son you'llgo on to the hospital

i've got some good looking nurses there i don't care about me measures i want togo back to work belongs to take it easy so just take it easy it was flabbergasted to me to live andhear what it meant custom begged to be sent right back into the fight question and i wondered that depended on the severity of their woundsand their individual personalities gestures it wouldn't be standing but the main impression i got from

forward with their wonderful spirit and thoughtful inattentive attitude ofthe men who cared for eventually after having indulge myselflong enough to keep up my sequestered i got back to the front frontline conversation covers almostevery topic in the work you know something but twenty five bucks out you gotdouble-edge razor blade now what do you

think of that i wouldn't give it to behow you can do it anyway and then you just put up twenty five bucks not showyou talent to examine the inside of my mouth after what i did do it ideas tomark the midland by bugs nha well when you get all pitching in book after he got double actuallysomebody to all up and swallow it down now what you say any really good terms can hurt me now used to be a long time for the walki was offered a job in a carnival as

the only how bout u puttin up twentyfive books knows and i think i'll wait and see if reqd who believes that thecarnival to i watched what twenty five bucks to see a guy you get double-edgedblade parker there one that will ever get thosecolossians they've promised they've been promised us that lives fora month what you all of the lies used to keep my feet drying might determinedrive a six-week they didn't think of that allow thekodiak they sell in naples added value stocks for his bottom

token though i'd sure like some garageshapag ethical actually excited talk about that lacks what's the matter yougot to talk about something anyways thats it like to go down tothree twenty six weeks what you mean civilized what's there went back home we thought we were stillask whether it is a lot better an event two months and i don't believeyou many people think too many women with maybe they do i dreamed about bad

so when i got home among almost ashamed to admit that i didn't average more than one bath a weekovertime i was there maybe what we're fighting for the rightto be israelis replys that's made bit always randomly inventory but wenever date got mad abound on his cell one day but thatdoesn't make and model and lateral off along the start of thenormal reaction of the day

there was a lovely day bestowing on thisissue men were sleeping on the sand non-muslims leaving for ever men were floating in water but they didn't know they were in thewater or they weren't there on that beach lake spend its a patientman than mechanism for a small many were gone for every man anythin reporter we could afford it

because we had a total now we live order with managed and on monitors rear moral owners on the soldiers and along there was so it is packs dockers comprise so impressed by her letters from home

snapshots of wises sweetheart staring atthat it was very daughter de marco islandbeach now still looking pitifully christmas cheer bebop feeling what every so often roboalvarado involved with approval nelson himself unwanted red-brown backed awayfrom the rain for his own people who've been removedit from where those uh... and is on whom bone where the water is darker a_d_r_

where our bodies i live here where along with her on it's grown swell and i'm the only coastline shit could be john goodman's nvb they carried so body without z later

they covered their heroes dinner they uncovered i walked around what seem to be a coupleof pieces of driftwood sticking out of the senate but they weren't there they were soldiers to feed d_i_a_ shoes printed program and become so far to see

which he saw so briefly wattage of talent why don't you tell i'm back home whenit's really like fall a hero bothers a lot of victoriesand glory stuff they are not every time we advancedsomebody gets killed fine tata through nigel in that was when i don't know theland to this so there was fed up

he was filled with bitterness yet you days arrested they could all ofthem he didn't want any credit glory forhimself he just wanted to be sure the folks at home realized that men who are nothing also home big big dinners lane while poland's they give us some there leaving

oh prosecutor it's a little baby rabbit a rabbit needle into that again i thought was stepping out of my nosemusic you can do we he still could look well don't ever dothat again see here need this info some great how will it take you back and getinstant came nearly that maybe we can talk about the within a year

anytime strange little things happen on thebattlefield by the bill was confirmed in writing effective tenderly the reminder there was quite a little rather bad hopped around everywhere to escape whenthe distance got too far with co-op them back to the pup tent to snuggle up toescape blanket well the boys are crazy about it asked about a week we found the rabbitdid on the crash

deprived whiskered whose own life was in the balance everyday felt awful bad about that little rabbit there are no way to clean up in thisstory when we can get fucking enjoys south how pots then didn't come from celebrated win they were heroes favoritism

few seconds park infused excitement remain dying faces instinctively pathetic to me they weren't warriors were american mere chance of faded wound up with them and sleeping atthe catholic instantaneous friendship it signified only unfair

they are afraid there was beyond their power to quit they had no choice esto right fairness and tail light national here sound like it's still a lot of yes history

citizen repair did you put my name and planning family initially compassiondonated the land they are on the here first-class centennial even with the bullets winding down thestreet soldiers will keep you from the feelings

scenarios hide out from under you know they'vebeen injured her means season one little drama grandson screen to defense pillar much cooler in the job they're doing where's my stay in its own mares they've got no time for glory in theinfantry they've got no use for praises loudlysound

all they've got no overtime remotely in me and injury all they've got no use barbara is is allof this sunday blood in the stole his partner in allthe three even john splaine means line the name of arider a young man call it a man with a live company does right-hand man

just bring a ends may nine is only caught in the and we're still the salon and bloodyrifleman pollen peers mollen didn't need is due it's the man riders here mean fault and i have all of the many monthsago mom livelier elastin courage on the include

three was good lonely alone riley on the uh... on nomura joachim this song standard symbol in that they need the solid call all the song on me sleeves on mon

sleeves on manner in members will you know they got no time for the lion they'll settle for a mention in a guy'snewspapers allen just so the folks at home now now a final starring i've told you the feeling soldiers whofaced death to get ahead for one another the feeling those who stayed at homewill never be able to comprehend this takes me back to italy the captain henry p wasp though a billfrom texas

i have never crossed the trail of anyofficer so beloved by the men under him after my became next knows that uh... first always want to back first i've neverknowing dealing hang on i was at the foot of the new trail in myfavorite catherine was gunned down you could see far american friend dead man have been coming down the trailof the last on the back and

they lay down across the facts and ahead stiffened legs sticking out or put it in i don't know who the first time repeal small in the presence of dead man donors silly question this one's happen again burdened

road seemed reluctant to leave means turned around i've had since been moving one-by-one posted at the last word not so much time i think if to say something confined now it is eyes to the first time ever tenants

were convicted camped in space design the office and they do it's a very thin rooms so he said replacements climbing down from isn't there looking in the debate camp by me but regional

gently straighten through the captain scott prearranged detective agency agreementform walked away down barn just rule would there and you're here gravel in the loan ms world of for all

and there is no less there's sort of modine them then ryan new rule the hai searches of are full of profanity inthis ghastly brotherhood something that all they are fighting manor fully understand out thousands of these men will bereturning home before long they'll be changed

they'll have to learn how to adjustthemselves and all of us will have to learn how toreassemble our broken world into a pattern firmer and so fair that another great war cannot soon bepossible fail the simple truth most of thechildren friends don't pretend to know the right answer or we can do is

and try it once more trying of the memory of our english n_b_a_'s tolerant of each other's wecame memu he didn't want to go more second emanate in the brain when he came back from europe he saidthat if he saw one more dead man he feared he would lose his mind

he said this would be his last invasion you've probably never but if he had lived it wouldn't havebeen at last vision because although any pile feelingconfessed his beer than azhar of killing would go along with the american boy whohad no choice that over the world yes he wrote his wife this would be hislast in beijing after this he would write stories fromheadquarters but no gee i believed he would have donethat

benny powell would have gone on lifealong with there was one american boy who had no choice but to go on g_i_s who loved him went out in the faceof enemy fire to bring back the body of any power fromthe spot where he informed and the g_i_ fashion the wooden coffinfor any and laid him beside his fellow fightingnow no need to write a nap after any powell it has been written idea

unapproved would mark the withstand overhis grave on the death but i love hearing the okinawa it reads simply at this part the seventy seventh infantry divisionoff the bus april eighteenth nineteen forty-five hide

on the uh... on our no new you're joanne than most are women standards and more and more on the malone to the head of that they need the sunburn loan mothers harlem ny sleeves on man just leave some animal

contribute to the memory of america'sbest-loved war correspondent ernie pyle has presented the dramatization of hislast book larry radio adaptation of great man by erniepyle was by jarrod holler carla swenson whispered as ernie pyleothers in the past were martin walt sommers narrator jim bowles waterconsult palm and larry gains jeffrey brian carl cameron on ballad singer was tom glazer organ music was by william mediaproduction ghana garrison

words it was presented by the nationalbroadcasting company in cooperation with the council on boats in wartime next week at the same time adramatization of another important warble manner

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