kleines badezimmer modernisieren

have a nice evening work here is a bit english gottesauer then i will do it in german so there is also somehow also announced a bit first of all in general just how the stand at e-mail encryption is various projects that are currently on the road have changed a lot in the last few years years last year and then now a bit synonymous in such usability demos of autocrypt what i tell a little bit more detail anyone that the project in which i'm involved right now and the
if the third part is now then he has to watch you depending on what a mail setup beer is you have already managed to make this work for you old first to the motivation that i have an essential one. where people are dealing with different projects right now is that with the the e-mail and how old technology is and that's just it say dead again 10 years ago, there were the first short but still say
okay is used and also for mobile phones almost the anchor on which it is hung and also for many other services there is a bit of settling movement so well known from face facebook eg that now try their account recovery along with github so to do that you need in a grid for new password then just logs in facebook and virtually bypasses is there a good reason why it makes sense to look again that maybe e-mail increases a bit rescue value and overseer
the purpose is to continue expanding and thunder it better and the background is simply that of the email a system represents such a kind of public identification systems where can i e-mail addresses more or less either can do it myself if i somehow sufficient expertise to set up hmailserver or simply going to someone can be a grouping to a company to a possible where where i can create more in email account that is that's how the deployment works so that's the way email works
messaging works based on a social federation so the different servers that are being made speak different groups other quasi social promotion because there is also a technical a technical decentralization so bitcoin is a well-known example so where software runs decentralized but it is socially relative centralizes what's there to say a source sometimes quibble so maybe two but i have to say that is quite limited a group of people producing the software
and also what to say the whole deployment produces what happened then beer is but it is almost con conceptually, in a sense, centralized and that's not the case with him what is good at the same time because it is not in the control of an entity and at the same time one of the problems why it is not so easy to do new things everything has to convince relatively many players that they are really deploying some standards that are not no are implemented right now with imap and so the whole logs so to speak content of this e-mail system still play everything
it is, however, if you think about it the currently the current one sandra trick development in identification systems is more about mobile numbers say everything is hung on the mobile phone and that's just a thing extremely proprietary and controlled it can not just be my own open my own mobile phone thing and just create your own number or do something really with various laws and technologies underlay that just check everything which cells and so on and so on next are all things that are messaging or in the identification of the
always the team anchored that are not the case although gmail is very dominant, there are still many others in many many different groups, international ones also land their eggs own infrastructures operate maybe a quick question which of you actually uses email for yes, private emails do not work i asked my 22-year-old girl that she always uses only for work and spam what else to say what does today's whatsapp or something
my question to you is just to get it now who uses of you email he has you to write private letters exclude club stories yes 2% work at the internet filmfestival where we also did a session in the last month franz about 60 70 people that was the case is probably the reason why you're here for that at all fiat well that look so, for the time being, let's loose from the fact that there are many problems in emails dustin is that just your statements of the feature
that you can make your own user-generated id and that's not all checked from the front and so on then it is so n to end encryption you probably know the gp classic i say has been at least 15 years 10-15 years in development and there was last year satzvey ptt conferences his was the title collected that was so after a semi-closed event
and the other was the openpgp conf so there was such a split in the light split in the pdp caminiti on how to make the conference so the one said we want to have meetings where someone can come from google and jerry was already google then there and he can also say things again and what is somehow right now as a message somewhere is posted or something if then chatham house rules and that was in turn from other factions we had wanted to get closed things where
if you can not talk openly about things but that did not happen because of split but it's not totally blatant, but that's why there were these two meetings and that that in turn is the reason why people have met several times the earthworks meeting and in the course of this next to this autocad project where i would like to talk more about december last year in berlin and the reason why they met is that we have a kind of common view, so these people are involved that's one of the problems that has developed
for e-mail end-to-end encryption table that's a very strong focus right from the start so-called active attacks gave what's the name of so active and passive attacks first as rough eating group difference means when passive attack is simply someone who only collects data and somehow everything correlates, so to speak, in its own corner
inactive is someone who really is downgrade text makes somehow trying to change messages so that somehow no egypt takes place or then yes mitlesen kann the wickies exchanges so you can the example man in the middle attack someone both sides pretend something and both each think the talk with the actual but they are still talking to one in between a protocol tries to establish what is secured against active attacks if you are essential then it becomes much more complex
and then comes the whole web of trust mtv pirmasens somehow tries possibilities to find active attacks for the texts so that's somewhere fall protection gravel and a kind of security to get over this which i also as a kind of ticket describes problem is that that would make it so complicated or at least it became complicated in practice we are in a situation where most of the mail sent is simply text here so for people who passively collect data, just go to gmail or to a few providers
and just get all the mails and they are simply in plain text fits that he has resisted quasi have shared last year it's kind of really falling down somewhere and out of fear of death somehow they said we want and above all focus on mass surveillance in the sense of passive data collection someone from the waiting room for accepting that and that is quite difficult in the crypto scene because very quickly always over-active attacks device will automatically exchange quasi and so on what was that at least some discussion first and if not why to even establish that you think about it so much
first only tries against passive tacken now there will be an rfc that has been written after snowden that means i have 74 435 or so opportunistic security and that describes exactly this connection to say that when i try always a 100% security against active attacks to make it then very difficult and you should before you then plain language makes something opportunistic because that's at least if someone drives me massively on the active attacks you have quite good maps that it is not easy
data can be collected but that's definitely it a history of difference characteristics when you can be traveling very differently this is quite the thought of just in this fc and in other groups there is and then it is something always in the mind let's say three approaches about that now a bit more that may say first of all the blood kijiji team itself that's called webkita way 3 that's relatively easy so it's relative
simple concept actually if i have an e-mail address then i take the stupid part and do it in principle, such a kind of canonical lookup around in addition, the coming the one to always that he belongs so if i have to resse the means except posteo.de then i go to post theo and have a well-known namespace over https what are the interactions on the service where i then use the e-mail address
how to get what i have to say automatic the lookup what depends on the provider and since the provider you already at the first mail delivery da mega ultimately goes there too inside it is not necessarily normal for merklein https request somewhere where to find something to find out is not necessarily something small in many but it is at the same time a thing on all platforms is available he will be turned on and this is needed kitawerk of course the key must be there somehow
what is the meaning of e-mail clients supporting ours? but not yet released we just have to talk about this registration protocol so they have to quasi if i am a girl and i have for my news susa anarchy generated when do i have to give the quasi the provider somehow and that's about the mail exchange so i quasi email her a henrik and like a mail back and i have indica in principle, this can be completely automated but at the moment i think it's still just so semi-automatic so this thing castration step that my provider want my key for other people who want to email me
provides but that's underway as it were as etf draft comes from werner koch and the enough egt and of course it depends that the provider is supporting and that will be at least for some wzb google will be very difficult at google after 2013 so after this snowden history just like other big companies
so m2m projects started so google end-to-end means that or later what is the google removed and then again another name in between meanwhile they have the goal was actually to encrypt gmail end-to-end and then they have one no problem concentrated what they considered to be very important namely the transparency antiperspirants happens to be where the child is so certificate transparency
the principle is that i can be sure that what i get and in a way is free public key encryption key is a kind of certificate and i just want to be sure that it really is me the provider is not just something there there is a reason for the problem when i ask the provider the 4 provider where i do not want to send more give me the key for the user yes, then of course he is clean from the beginning and then absolutely perfect position to exchange things or he gets every message but he must hack me any news cisco router or something that is already the provider because every message goes through just meet me now only here personally because he identifies my network or something
a certain key he generates, so to speak, only for me and i use that and think that belongs to the other user yeah, then he can just be whole and exchange because he is in that perfect position that was one of the motivations i think google has to say because of them we have to somehow have a system which ensures that a provider can i just give different answers depending on who asks and so if i ask my own provider what is my key then i get my key wisdom i ask so give me my opinion that if someone else asks then another war will come again
the clever how can i know that the problem is called cryptography education adolf hitler say different statements meet to be at different communication partners and that is why they are very concentrated or 2 years on this topic that they somehow prevent that and have with merkel trees and concept that happens on a research paper from two years ago about comics where does a patient need an update from saturday certificate transparency history has been very busy and hannes now on release but will not be integrated with gmail
but then you thought that gave up now they have only so to speak, or at least is not the plan anymore now you have this tilting window minisystem what should scale somehow and what is certainly a first interesting story, but maybe the form of government she is just a problem in the question is a little problem in a sense, in the whole question how do you do it end-to-end a cat everywhere because there comes a lot of usability what happens with respect to tilos so if i or the white lausanne find the white lose or something very educated questions and i have to solve all of them and then i also have webmail
whatever special because because i get the code that runs on my computer from the provider so to speak, when i do end-to-end but i get the code actually from the provider, i can always get the modified code now the simply still something or so ne webmail again a special problem what i am now at deviance did not finish ready somehow may install my mac lion when is the independent of the provider because the provider can not just just something to defer so, there are a lot of problems
somebody needs to solve difference of paris is just one and that is webkitdirectory private i system was what i just talked about what it's going to say right now is what he's been a groupie at built there's not that special lookup done they want to watch that they make me as many providers as possible let's see, providers are relatively conservative in that respect because that's their business infrastructure and winter not so easy to do anything about it anyway if you're a bit of a job with
take over the certificate authority saruman other days just for hackers and so or somehow come in and change something so that will show up there is a second problem that is differently assessed in this story and this also affects the qisserver how to now i do not know how to get your keys either, probably inline by sending someone or just by shutting down on the kiss server and if you make a lukas on the keys server or that does too but will be gone again 3 so you just ask the provider you want to send
does one have the problem that one allows quasi an at anonymous low carb authentication yes, so everyone can do that do that too the whole point of the matter so a little bit in the place the problem with that, of course, is that you can do that yourself so right now spam in the e-mail ko system is not such a big topic because it is a combination of content filtering and ip trust stories so that providers, so to speak, get trust levels that are evaluated in real time may i just stop with the spam was somewhat limited if now but actually a lot of end-to-end encryption
takes place then at least part of this antispam infrastructure will fall away and that's natural, then just create a big database with all the keys and easy to send things encrypted what is at least one thing that said there are different views say well then we'll look if you have the problem but according to the motto and there are mike hamn has worked at google for a long time on the messaging mailing list where there are many different ones a form of messaging and crypto is discussed, one has made right long posting where he sees it from his point of view
so why explain this with end-to-end encryption to spam and open systems because email is different than god whatsapp open system as soon as i have the address i can just lie down while i'm at other messenger first of all, to establish contact, the other side must accept at threema i believe that even with some others and that's just not the case with e-mail if you have an open ended encrypted messaging system then it's just the spam issue always a topic i would also show how that again the impact and how the providers see it then
asian fiji mayfair i can not easily deploy something like that with you if they get a problem then it has a massive ne and for a lot of users so i'm curious if you say how there reactions are but that definitely works and think that a lot will happen in the next few months what is also published
then the second project which has been around for quite some time stop for four years or so is the webergine that's certainly pretty easy privacy list what do you drink in the car group said that may nowhere in our text something with easy or god or something because that's kind of burnt what if you say that's all isi but detached from it for some time already there and there is the approach that she
what is a kind of ottensoos deliver product in library and that should or can be involved in all sorts of mail client and this library cares about the fact that with to get along with the keys and also to make the heads and that's beside it on all platforms bring me development effort to offer multiple platforms together at the same time
and that's why they have tried very early to catch at 4 clock entertains are there just now there are also disc releases in various areas the life continues to be integrated into enigmail zbb i do not know exactly how the status is in the different platforms and areas i've just happened there a whole lot but is just another way of seeing a code that is used by all sorts of people the iii approach the autocrypt that i just said that i am now only a few months almost in development
finds it's about us saying we want collect against passive attacks against pure data do we want to have a system that works even if the providers do not participate so even if they do not join me address does not say as a precondition that the providers first change something so that i can then do something in e-mail client what to say to it works but we say that is it is better if we manage that the series of andy knows it can be done the song where he has to change
that's at least a big difference to the lappi directory approach of which is quite legitimate it's something similar, what's a similar view as well, i think of the pep people divided is so to speak of the and devices ausguck ii. their autocrypt, so to speak tell me there have found before us is that not us want to bring an implementation everywhere but that we talks and protocols specify that we are talking to each other the different animals google just what is the minimum what consume
so that we can do this kind of end-to-end encryption and the basic concept is that in principle if the dickies to be transferred in the band that means within the mail messages so if i send a mail to someone then hang in the herder one thing the normal ratio is not displayed hangs information about those over the knee and a little bit more dran and then the other side can be easy
if this mail arrived so take that and use for encryption there is no keyserver lookup or anything like that and the mail comes authenticated in some ways overseas transport daniela so i do not do anonymous lookup i have to publish this one somewhere just the fact that i send a mail allow the other side to encode to me, so to speak that goes in the place also it always helps sugar resistant spam problem
because these keys they are not that easy to collect because they are nowhere in the sense centrally available where you could retrieve them as on a qisserver or as web.de directly agri but they are just in this messages which means the spammers must somehow create their archenemies because the e-mail operators are so to speak, so to speak, automatically those who are not trying that it then can you just do that of those somehow get the box because they get the law with i have an encrypted transport encrypted mail from me to amir to the provider
the provider has the herder so knows the key also sees the still to say while he goes through and then the mail continues next cleverly nowadays, most of it is secured by transport encryption, which means nobody gets it first also, none of the somehow hanging in frankfurt on the ex or something the whole bowl with horny coffee unless somehow you have somehow broken cds or something but first of all not so easy for spammers on this whole thing to reach alkis
how relevant what is there can we still talk about that the decisive story i think then the at let me say indesign autogrip discussions plays a very big role is that it very much in terms of usability our enclose so we do not want the least possible system won at users something with gravel must decide i can now trust this key or not and can not import or not or do i want to export my key or all these questions that are not even
massive easy they are simply not there anybody has the concept of what somehow a public key is or something so it's just difficult because what is a public key somehow i have such a key what is now in vienna public key is that so to speak if you do not somehow with the math what has to do or somehow start something then this is my problem since even to start talking anyway people get used to it then since somehow talk about it and some say then prefer encryption key so encryption t or sometimes an encryption number
what does he have to say a bit easier to understand that he can do odd things with numbers is an encryption number with it can i do it differently while something like a public key has none associations that are somehow helpful for a non-mathematical background causes bavaria and the usability is the central one of the central stories in usability problem provider webmail so i'm talking about getting an email i can not read
who has so first of all who makes of you just the jp in any form okay and who has been in the last month either even got more to wilma or heard from the other side that she can not read that somehow do not drive so many ok it is definitely a problem which very many shows up and there is so they also have contact with different trainers in venezuela and all sorts of things on the esf so talked to coaches with trainers teaching people to activists
advocate a possible people who really where the question depends on whether they are being persecuted or not so yeah, the status is saying after them and they get something or not and they say that, in principle, everyone agrees they somehow need somehow important because otherwise their state providers or others simply have everything in plain text right there everyone agrees in the course of the coaches and the people who then had one or two days course or something if you ask after two weeks who really does that as a rule, nobody else has everyone is important, but none say it really gets integrated into his everyday life that of course you do not yes
sausage nah, that's it for me moment i was about it, so to speak, this usability aspect that would be saying simply a big inhibitor is ne and exactly for the general public and there is then additionally the problem that's in 1 for some states, that alone is the fact that ttt is used already say problem is or the fact that you have a raiseup account or something that's enough
being used in court as a yes, yes, that's probably somehow somehow involved with that which people connected with something terrorist or something like that the problem is that simple it's actually quite ready for people to say stuff to try out but that with all the complexity the just with this active attack history gp gp classic tries to solve often overstrained and then there's the white going on kilos and many other stories back then when is used and the one of the stories is opportunistic encryption
that in case of doubt before the other side e-mails you can not read dear plain text checks other word for saying so a certain break because usually it is so well if i somehow cygne for example, i want to be sure that it is always encrypted because i do not encrypt it in between aside from being in sydney these sms sing me message not many people were confused by the history of the earth that they did not really realize that the sms sent them even if they ignore it sms message message not encrypted
anja abolished sometime ne ancestors bayern or so that the sms is encrypted but they still make sms into the signal but that still means any reason that i send an sms if you say no data connection or something you have very exactly see where the symbol says below from different people happened that they thought it was encrypted but not what so nothing is said to be universally negative when it comes to e-mail, it's not necessarily the case because it's always so that they are all somehow. output text and depending on what i actually display the user also, not the expectation that everything is always completely encrypted is so invisible virtually
the essential story at the in the prevention of illegible e-mail or telecommunications you can not read is just thinking of what happened in because of levi's or kilos and what happens for us, the big issue with e-mail is end-to-end encryption when using different ones for example, if a device is also a web browser, then in this case it is simply multi-device as well introduced and that's just when i somehow have a k9 so the vincent of k9 is also at autogrip stories here the android app if i'm doing that now whatever cigarettes or something
and then i still have my webmail account but you also go in there then i suddenly get a video e-mail so i send out something i have my side brighter or pension no matter the other side sees it and then wants to encrypt to me but i can not read that in a webmail and this is for someone who does not put in a lot of effort sanimed has come to understand and what exactly is with the encryption and so annoying did you say then maybe i just turn it off but somehow i can not read the mail and that annoys me and these problems
in this case we are in defensive basic approach in autocrypt definitely defensive unless i'm sure i know that that on several devices that can be read d rather not the other side recommend to me to encrypt i would go there right now in such a place failure of usability or a huey we made marangi i would need that one
screen too so that the meat becomes a bit more concrete yesterday looks anyway, anybody here on my credit english keyboard is ready finds so i need a volunteer that i have in this user interface also not there herzkompass has to stop mirroring
so a volunteer, a volunteer who, just in a nutshell, says something about the new flag super simple how hard it is i was told scenario you were told that you now have an autocrypt-enabled email client it is currently being installed use said that you have to turn that on in the settings somehow among other persons
bob what is bob's name for and you are everything can i requirements functions good exactly so that was said that you now a autogrip because of always small haste and that you can switch on in the settings and then start to other people send magpie and if they have that too, so if they also seem to have the autocrypt then that would be very easy to vent you can talk to me i can translate you so now you have exactly enabled
as little as possible say so will send an email that you have to say look for yourself yeah then you can change bottle nerdesin bob so that's we're not really saying two screens right now we will then go straight to an email exactly you have to scroll up but sir rsh companies form one does not work let me know when the time comes stable
then i would write mail now that you have to reply must be replaced a bit limited just read it, do not say it yeah that's probably a tad down there is a scroll bar so or once control - it does not look like it will be a bit yes that's not yesterday what is english and i can also offer you german do not have to pee now you have to send exactly afterwards so alice sent bob a message with subject hello
and now it would have to be different the changing of pop exactly you are already on the mailbox and then that was sorry that was broken right now so you are logged in as pop water there is no save button i agree now bob has
intern people just do the file we are now here on the icon only that these mails are encrypted here everything what did a mockup have? no that's all logged in or bob when you're logged in as bob and you get the message from alice looks at bob so they look then it is just here what is a car
address to say basically thank you this is currently what to say what that is meant so the user must somehow understand and i have a little summer must e-mail and if you have somehow somehow established such a contact already then and he also autocrypt then give mother and then can i just fold in? so no one is not talking about gravel anyhow there are no so somehow i have to understand what gravel sand or something but on the plane there is one thing that is interesting you went straight and have ip for a shamrock and that is also the reason why in the reply
so if i have a mail now send bob to everything then that means in english yeah well then i have to say just because i entered everything and i have the key dog ellis has said in her fat as an examiner to receive encrypted mail that's why the default here is encrypt what should not i have done, i think is
look what is there because no one is reading any stuff, so to speak because here please please enable autofit in the only one device and here it says win car can one encrypted mail for piaggio center and that is not yet fully developed so want to test more reports test the problem is now following if i have a second device now so right now when i'm driving, i can not just call grip level 0 as we call it i can not agree to operate on 2 devices
hast you can operate on a device because we have something like a gradual approach when in the next few months, the quasi in different lions elisen and in the next step then multi-device automated support what's a little bit to the point is here in the settings that here now in the advanced settings alfalfa president rapidmail that actually the other side always gets the consequences on encrypted mail that is if i still have 1 webmailer yes have who can not be an autocrat i realize there just ptp messages wars i can say they can not read
that's why this is under advancedsettings and here do not normally open up and you just tell people to enable and that's because the default is actually not say that neither that nor that calendar default is everyone can see if he wants to encrypt or not this has default by default that means
it is not encrypted what if elispot number sends and has hired india ferdings nothing set quasi a preference then bob will when he sends then this button can do that too briefly should actually work if i log in as ls me now a performance esd advancedsettings happens to take back renã© schreiber thinks it's still important to bob now
hello can always take that out by luck yes that's also a matter of making a decision because people usually do not want to know stuff that the machines do not want eating ecb that someone is just traveling and anyway only has webmail but what makes no sense right now to encrypt such situations just stop there and then it is just difficult if someone you this simply decide and i can not change it at all yes, so you could say no if you can ventilate then you have to stay with the flu but that's one thing from the usability point of view and we said it's important that people note messages can read
yes that's their interest so to speak and if they have virtually no way to send anything and the other side can tiling on her way merklein eg then that is annoying after that, the feature insists, so to speak, and guessing might just turn it off can i disable that without access to my private key that's just what do you mean about now usually not because this mail usually will not arrive
so gmail makes eg thick yes domainkeys identified mail what is a signature that is if you just send a mail in my gmail account name when will it be normal for you to just not pass me by? you send probably not with me and google, i do not think so because google google yes makes a thick verification ne so i do not think you just go holger. krekel at gmail.com and send me an email so the basic story is that we say the current one too condition is text here and we want so many that the freeman want as many clear text messages as possible with ingrid
messages but this must replace you but not annoying under the faction the user promises not somehow somehow interrupt the flows and you can not read something and annoyed is just because then mostly leads to shutdown and that means at the moment it falls but that's still pending usability test i think i do not do that for example at k9 or others then pop up a warning or something else so you're getting this one now, of course, this is somehow portrayed as that, just like that of course, this depends on the context, because it looks different in enigmail than in k9 what had much smaller screen and something ne
but that's exactly i say that is the thing that is not meant to be visual as a visual prototype so to speak, to understand the concept and a little daniel flow as that is visualized that is really very mail client specific because that's just the vincent software so on an android or on an ios system you think about it very differently over it after that, then than somehow in the desktop or webmail or something history tell then very specific then solve and this is just so much of a flea i would like to make that test once i have changed that now
will i send an email bob hello to the second it's still encrypted because bob said he wants to prefer encrypted so dad said he wants to prefer encrypted i'm not going to do a little thing yet that's another feature i do not want to explain that at once go on performance again and make bob sometimes synonymous to the symmetry turn that off with everything turned off, i checked it out okay
here, all bob has sent an encrypted mail that thing is when you replied there then say the auto route specification should be independent of the setting what came there within the history of egypt remain so if you were saying something encrypted and i'm making a reply on a tablet mail so to speak, this commendation that one is kidnapped even if the setting of that of the person so of from
alice in this case actually or by bob actually says i promote alcohol not received encrypted mail but the pond expedit encrypted what does it mean to answer egyptians is, as it were, usually good style that's why design panels are now enabled here as well go out now that was now unencrypted and if i can do that i can do forestry and so is what i have sent to everything santa claus i do not have a new mail with that
diamond what do you have hey, have a look without preference s7 without private address and now if i'm on 4 now here bob this mail looks back on the concert when it comes to this l17 is not even staying there now you have to say both again on the status that she can not get it privately and the idea behind it music especially these i say level 0 story that we divide this in different levels the idea behind it is that we definitely have the key exchange in the background
and that the users have some sort of agency in relation to them can now be a peck for send but it is still a conscious act not to say at default because i have to go 12 performances and say i always want to have it and we do that because we just do not want a multi-device that does not make any pairing between 2 devices since we have something of discussion and also know about we want to do something but that's kind of in the will just not there so to speak of a different level of competence and that's why we're doing that now, that the decision is indeed a breast knew it and it may also be that in the course of the deployment, this shows that it will remain so for a while because there are all all sorts of situations people have which milk strip use
and in the end, they know that very well, even then so i have my set-up eg i know that it's ok to carry i drive now as i want i say it all just everything okay i get along but it will not apply to everyone by default you should not apply in the diaper a thing that is not here by the here is not in it and the values ​​in march already somewhat reasonably disinterested have been discussed that in level 0, we add one more thing that is important that is called transfer key
we want to enable people that they manual quasi pairing operate so the whole i say multipliers that may already have criticism wikipedia tkees and for that we want to teach people to play autocraft or so they should be able to play seven in their own set-up use and for this we need somehow the possibility to bring this key on the other device so yes, some k9 with openkeychain i know who knows of you openkey android and so dominik if i want to import there think and i have him but enigmail generated somehow i have to somehow rausge out
should we not yet have multi-device pairing what is established then must do we have to give somehow possibility that is one more thing that comes in the configuration so apart from what you have seen will give another button he's already called zwergi and that takes a certain specified format which will then be read by all muass can the car power support and then you can either on somehow storage chicken or on a usb stick
and do you somehow transfer the white that knows or any channel that you think out and that will also take with you run backup code so talk for some kind of pastries how to use and that means that i will mail this is a so-called self sendmail that is if i mean generate my key as an autocrypt client then and do a transfer like when can i choose to send that to myself and with that it will appear on my inbox in my imap folder
this allows the other client can notice that careless this mail is how can stop these chinese and importing itself is so to speak so the basic idea but that's just manual that's sort of in level 0 is not that now we are completely automated the only thing mistakes is just the format to specify and then it depends a bit on the different moers as they do the users offer that could bring what is called copy paced or page somehow times on the android one has not around absolutely a usb stick and everything must be different but we assume that the people are in mull want to create a multi-device setting pan insert are somehow
what they get out of the program to somehow bring the other somehow knows and that's the story that should be automated in level 1 so that i can say that when i install in level 1 client that automatically notices the other level 1 pleiad that's probably there via imap then the synchronization between the end-to-end encrypted between the two mail client dagi is exchanged and then i have to remember as well as no backup code or anything it just becomes quasi the other one the wise the pairing then finds another one to the typical diffie-hellman
comma secured so where i just had to quietly verify party password has to be 2 sama sama four numbers that they look the same on both devices and probably new ones kids a71 and that's why it's decided to divide because most of the mail clients currently being developed will be relatively low say i've developed manpower that's always eco-systems now not so that somehow five people fulltime i'm sitting in animal and doing something probably some of you know something tricky situation with thunderbird what he wants to get rid of mozilla somehow two years and what to do do not really say
a bigger advancement is coming and also a relatively old software is and what does that mean? bigger changes to make it for most mail programs now not even just a thing they can do just a two months and that's why we chatted kat and then said we make the first step first and look that works well then am also a little more field experience of how that works and the second step, the two next to this may you have already defined the transfer key format then continue to apply only it is next to it automatically exchanged between them
she knows but the part is missing in level 1 so i think that this specialty has this with the refrain bridge that's one thing we certainly have something like 30 40% of our discussions revolved around this this topic how to do it exactly with the covered wagon works and also multi-device and that is one thing the ecb at wkda so webcam directory so what against upg make today with the provider lookup and so it's just not there
measures of the day so to speak i have the key and then of course just stop and if the others get along or not it's not my problem, so to speak water slide dad think so what does that mean that he should say that they should be able to communicate with each other at the level they really want in their ze do not find there but could theoretically take place but there we also talk people who are interested in the environment and at pep if i'm not sure i think there is such a preference if you have the key outlaw or
hã¶rgenau and that's just one thing there is a difference to say that we just because of our usability considerations as not being a friend of are just always encrypting everything automatically because that's it ideal situation just wanted to be extremely annoying then if you can turn off my adjustment will see if the mail arrived i do not know wait, what did you do? you just took any address from yours no but you have that via your own mail server that configured so poorly choosing one or rejecting it but good okay, well, but there they are because the major providers have not yet another policeman ne
can not you do that? okay, you say hercules i would not continue now yes, yes well then the other question is whether you as a melkline somehow even look at spam mails with regard to also somehow pull this out probably if you do not even look at things that are a spam message because it is not clear that somehow confused stuff but the problem is
i will do it in a moment bridge blocking i like to watch my mail folder while there kaya vaccination recommendation is not exactly so say the mattress does not accept son so easily yes that would be so now i say so can the thing that you do that i think that now it is relatively clear that we yes, good yes, okay
so it certainly was exactly the same maybe a graph of these alicepub stories we've done now too english images so here's it what is that big enough shall i say in the left so everything is oh no, no one knew that so if copy everything sends e-mail then this autokreta is there and there is just apart from the key that is base64 encoded apitherapy pee here is just the privately run it in the case so the other side is supposed to encrypt me
but now if that if szb address what is the most famous inria of the mail server from the inside yes no idea ne but when i look as we look what does posteo what makes web.de do that with gmail, what are the big mail providers doing, and you become a problem? have a gmail address here and that eg a sent address or any other they will not get that mail because you can not just sign a name from gmail's always thick and what the providers are talking to each other a check-up just send things like that does not mean that it does not give but as from inria and ccc where you get it somehow ne but we're just looking at the provider that is
so on the big providers that's like this cup of practice spf exactly so one thing we but that's just the reason that it is certainly a thing that has to be tested in practice, so to speak in practice a problem is on in any case, we had in our group also navi is of course, come back from the people so just anarchy multichannel mailpile various other stories sms for you people who somehow with times ever do things that somehow use different mail servers different identities i also have somehow four different mail account i use and something like that is not what people usually do
so that means most people can not just the setups and i do not have linux and do not do everything possible and the problem is just when i am now in the discussion with it reboot i take between cc and then somehow inside and any knives were then does not work and so this is a problem that you do not look at, but i have to look at it all the time to say something more general text so what do people really have because so provider like gmail and also gmx have the course against that things with v false women are being sent out for phishing and stuff so that's because it came to say so on this and all sorts of things yes, that's right
is also the question where this develops and mine in my opinion in recent years all policijska tend to all have expanded there so the i know yes can i discard yes yes that is in principle so maybe very short for the so far not so good recognize what to avoid in fishing and this is just that anyone just takes from the address is not right have different providers introduced that they make navigator on the lighter just like you said what does domainkeys identify mail
what does that mean in principle in the dms for the provider and public key no particular canonical way where i rank so and then i can so if i get an email where in a certain form lookup the signature is correct that means this form address has actually come from this domain who was standardized 3 years or 5 years ago for something standardized 5 years ago and is used by many not all but so many of the retracting thing too and that's one thing and there's the problem, so to speak that's one thing that works between providers in the first place but you can say a provider gets email from another provider
difference then said that comes from gmail and then makes the verification that the herder votes yes you can but then if this mail continues to migrate mnt know we are not making quite strong verification anymore the reason is that you like me for microsoft exchange which is also in reality stuff to write and then you have, so to speak, the provider can still check that i get it from gmail but this is an exchange server man sends you the further on the nt knows and the nt knows then i look times whether the signature voices and that is not true then what you say i'm here now with the situation it's not about diminishing gmail would exactly that's it in some cases that goes i say so you can at least more
everything was in principle just as different i am also favored a few months ago but i know of people who then a little more in there still hanging in the ecosystem saying yes yes the kids fenty knows it's not that easy so that's never cell phone that was none rake water level alarm clocks are definitely times i say things that if so it's not just the problem not so much so i would say if you now have the input default status yes for encrypt yes or no change for someone that is unattractive but not as bad as if i did nimki on google
transfer android mail for that i can say so just tell you all somehow send e-mail yes and can pretend although the pine has changed and then the next time you somehow send her e-mail it just can not be read or wars so, so to speak, a kind of denial-of-service at the site, that is, the problem is already clear yes, so if i can just start wilderness maciste against send and they all arrive and are all seen then i have a problem antithesis that i have there is that is at least i say in the larger ecosystem that does not take place anymore you can just ok me now in irctc but you just can not just somehow conform to gmail
geo just kind of send mail and have to tell you he fits well already what comes from me everything clear or the spam check then somehow assigns to my alarm clock and so she does not like zidane the mail client as he would not be in spam folder that we already said he would look me in the spam folder prudent and what to pull out in the sense of not every incoming e-mail but every incoming e-mail that creates my inbox the not at the sr how do i look at terms abstract from konstanz to the concept so here is the weather here it is at herder and in the
in the second mail so if elispot has sent a mail and then sent back boardmail then already that can already be refunded alice has already told somehow here's what's called popcorn then in the case immediately to everything quasi in reply and grip do that in this case too in depressed encrypted stands now the advantage is that two people are the ones no longer have installed and maybe no new ones with hatchimals where their melkline vendors to import what but can start all the people who are not logged in, yes, some not an e-mail or can a93 any of the encryption clients have the get it then somehow. eski
sometime weird file this triggers their nation out of many people when the real weird attachment is because one of the stories tells the jews will it be weird guy minecraft then this is a spam or is somehow a problem if you do not just bowl small and then you look like that and that is one of the cable i have to drive two to three days more essential. why we say we do it in the herders what is actually one thing that the mail client negotiate with, so to speak, that must be love no longer muscles seeing a crisis say it's done at the disadvantage that for the next say for 2017 now
western car care is small then candy with existing pgp if i have any great imex or anything else nzfh but where do i pee chic things then i can get that either, but with my tooling but nothing to begin while you could just double-click attachment or do something and it would just import that means there is a promise the interoperability with the existing one do not exist so well in chiptuning but there it is
say so that at least now of the autocrypt people just the view good, we really want users bring on encryption what's the name of the place have to stop the people who have already pee care small do you have a little something left in your pulling that you hold this goat's cheese can be read on the header rastatt ahmetaj human it's not that difficult that is also the part i am still in hands-on because the whole thing is in a quasi not directly afferent denial
fermentation but at least a fermentation with which you can play around and i quasi on my own corn field function has but it has the capital lsbsetup since then it's just that i can say the pool here is the mail and then comes at the end just a kira yes or i can just ngp epg import what does that mean i can do all sorts of setup that can somehow already for the people who petit somehow having the little one the hassle is not very big just import this title but in the east reason, it's not just a patchman because of that for most other users problem is question: how do you handle gravel? they change so if
now use a new phone that has no idea the right mail account rhine-weser take advantage of new toddlers are also autocrypt capable but now he gets a new key because the car club says the same create a kida you can send encrypted with your friends but of course he has not made any backup before what does not give a qr barcode because the first small is not in it or whatever what do you show it? traffic on the other side changes exactly in the team that is exactly the questions we also where, so to speak, a lot goes around this brother is just doing something and does not know what he does and has just new
where is that knows and says autocrypt in the fog or and an answer is on it that we have dation again in the whole is yes if you are on autogrip. also works and then here on level 0 support there are the current things held so to speak and there's a recommendation that that if my car planned hapega client starts working so new really sorry auto-kueck.de or new way gas then he should check the inbox
look at legend has already been sent out with he must get him back on imap muschenich configure via autoconfig or whatever and at that moment he can already determine at least already autocad point was active i mean an indication that maybe i'm not just the one with full speed pointing and ii send a new key generated and then it depends
then it will be used in the future and yet no warning so if everything has a new device and there one and there autocrypt one is directed to generate a new key and then bockenem effect right now in our scenario then bob will just take this new key so it will not be any wonder before now or soda water offer will somehow give you a new key anyway and i'll take that now
what is today saying exactly that. why are you leaving why the not to worry about active attacks in the place possible massive simplified because otherwise one would say the provider so easy times anaki dranhã¤ngen and then i have a problem natural is lions allowed that has a warning to display or no, that's as it were
my child is from single and usability studies, for example when you're in such a group development with ten people under 20 people is open and then all sorts of people change turquoise because they have new phone and so on and then who really makes the verification that is recommended by zegna yes that then said or has something changed that candy red or somehow has a true color or something but you do not usually do that which hardly anyone does. you can almost see who is changing in the gravel and thinks so so it will fit so to speak verify ok there's very interesting with you anyway when i react to it, it's totally not distributed
piano notes easy but what also leads you can anyone atu bags i am now fighting on my practice because i just stop in the week where 3 to 5 kilos sign because we have the use of it for business i recently had the colleague of whom i signed niki extra telling you please go to the keyserver i mean i always do that and broth cult against the whole stream society for the pgp key because he is stupid in such a
modrando baywa which ran over the qisserver and there was just with bottrop of the over the various keyserver is running and has tried the last 8 digits of the pesches just copy and the king of the film policewoman for the seventy also succeeded that does not mean twice now only kyocera e-mail address on the gravel keyserver but the last 8 digits also fit together exactly there are already problems in the current system
extremely problematic are in the kisabac as tried autocrypt as maybe to respond to it crown there is a new daycare has a hashtag maybe looks something like that then i have to give the spice a warning because then had the same active tried to cheat me or well the problem is now just that is possible but knew what you just brought fits there is of course so that it is even so visible ne in autocad, the keys are simply not visible to anyone nls bockenem suffocated is this key except for alice and bob's provider
somehow saved somewhere what is there to say no no central place where i can just go and start any fierce at all alison break because i do not know the key but of course i can do it as someone if you do not mind me anymore text can i just try to start somehow now your key somehow fingerprint moderately something but for me, not helping to swap your knee what i can say to no qisserver go upload anything or so because your your conversational park partner will only be guided by what i get from you as mail what's in there
and that's just a relatively authenticated one strang because you have to authenticate the thing with your provider, the providers authorize each other and that means there is not the possibility so easily thank you is the third person and that is also the question christian has already raised so there are quite a few sentences about years old rfc822 fish and in the updated version 5322 it says that the maximum length of a header should not exceed 998 characters and they should not be over 78 characters design
then i just looked how big is my pgp public key and that's 4773 lines divide characters allowed for longer than the maximum the packerie but in my opinion i do not have that in my head but as far as i know these 998 are so so what he's going to do with all sorts of people is getting bigger wheels, so exchange is going ahead camping carrera and stuff like that it's about the
limit per line not in the entire limit for the herder oh so good but that's sorry houses of parliament that's why i have just that but clearly, for example, show you now for a very short time here in the so if i'm here for example maec harder and i want my own email no then it looks like that and he'll just break that up mercedes not exactly we have already tested with all sorts of servers in private that goes through everywhere at gmail everywhere
but of course that's clear so dicom has ne exactly that belongs to the authoritarian yes that i am the by this indentation here so you can just add a header here double backslash airbag bags or so if you want to make sure and then stop here in the animals all this belongs to the same value and no moment you say that you do not quite have the provider because you want to be agnostic today 3d question which one now actually after the s6 and any key exchange in which it is is irrelevant should all my e-mail header
bells tree almost simply on the fact that it is reasonably the one e-mail message from a to b send peter although not perfect but reasonably secure between the providers and then just send dickies in there this differs from all systems, the quasi have any central mockups so both web kitawerk 3 and keyserver and that does not mean that it does not exist without problems so there are problems so if you're in this speck. or so then we write different risks
data table of contents there's a whole potion ko system dangers of autocrypt give me a lot of stuff to write down we already noticed where so to speak are a bit problematic areas and so ne that is so erfurt employees of the provider exactly but to say very minimal history old town will not be so difficult to convince providers that they in your existing the hallmarks on this heitersheim to say so because they really need to change configuration once only do not change the way the operation is done we do not have to suddenly deliver as certificate authority keys or anything like that
ok, so i hope that i can communicate a bit now contra to say where currently the e-mail encryption approaches stand webkitdirectory webengine i would say the earth dark internet mail extensions so i read that they thought so much, so you probably know this thorium lava bit apprenticeships otherwise the guy who did his shop lavabit i think or how is it silence dafabet or something in the course of the morning story because somehow then ssl root certificate issued his certificate
should somehow be able to decode everything and something like that and he has been working together with other people for years or even longer on what has worked at home dark internet mail exchange environment what exactly what has a lot of interesting thoughts inside a lot of interesting head design is just as well as i see it now as well as many other approaches has the problem that's almost the entire world needs to change yes, yes, different approaches to make something better than e-mail with encryption and so on
but those who follow the approach you must both giessen case germinable little colors and you also have to have your capable server changing the bus infrastructure throughout the site must change both the providers and the clients and that's just a relative what is an extremely high update yet there's no real incremental fit, as it were, to come to a better and better situation if you take a step-by-step approach, it's all a bit annoying, but you can not just say you have to do all the insta now have lost or you have to use any of the following software or something that is a pity what i can say
but on the other hand, you have the advantage that you have a gradual way as it were compatible with the existence of yours has just the problem that you either diamond do or the current ecosystem those who do exist do not agree with a proper incremental path and so far, i think it's a very difficult one chic occasions, even if he has a lot of exciting things in it i just read through. was really impressed what they all for the refueling also had to be specified but i'm a bit skeptical about the approach itself replace the world
summer holidays are always difficult to enforce something like that it still needs a bit more very good ventox okay that was already there baesweiler i'll wait my okay uta
so as i said i have my opinion about that so the three things three projects almost on the way are currently torn a bit tells what somehow now on the way the auto-powered water, so to speak, are the approaches and where we are right now we will meet again next week on the back of some people, at least to keep it going, so to speak mobile will also be a webmail as you put it in the cell phone maybe some medilog how loud is a plugin what you get web.de and gmx and posteo and others can use this is almost a plugin for chrome and fire
airfox what is actually such a way only in the browser so a mail program in the browser because that means that we do not this plugin install and thus make end-to-end encryption via webmail that's the provider does not have this control over the droppings because i install the plugin in firefox or chrome and that is the provider so posteo or others can not change that papa pear saga installed on my local machine and i get a certain amount of webmail
end-to-end safety in and that's what we want to do today compatible with autocrypt then, for example, that's what it's like then too so all this is one of the problems that is actually all the platforms and also the partial ones e-mail programs also have a very different architecture eg on android k9 gmail actimonda uses the whole key management of hzb what we are doing well what
hidden so it has outsourced in open keychain what is a separate app what do you mean there are the knees is there too i can also make verification regarding gravel and stuff and that's for what completely different something like enigmail yes where that is a plugin where the key management is in there but then again dpd use what is a special history bios so at the apple, the architecture of e-mail program is back a bit different because there are some mail programs use the feature that you encrypted on the icloud
car over the apple cloud story that can sync white and since dickies means we are, so to speak, all these stories are always a bit different and that's why we always have a lot of discussions there to first understand how the other architecture works at all and then to think about how you can do something the easiest way to do it so a small example if somehow i say i'm doing something with imap zib with us has also come with multi device then dining chair at k9 tricky if that is then somehow on the neighborhood have to do
yes, because openkeychain has no imap access makes only the wiki administration if there is now something with a running should be a problem then while k9 does not do anything with gravel that you openkeychain everything else that means if i then something what do i have to think with a stop how do i do that then there navi i can install that this particular android situation and that depends on what you're looking at. enigmail works on different platforms or just webmail.de it all quite different constructions so the webmail constructions of mail program is sometimes completely different again
but how it works and what kind of differences they are so to speak symptomatic of the e-mail eco-system and are also often called anything so stupid as anything is just a hindrance that i can not promise innovations in euros charlotte perform but i know exactly as a man effect this whole federation, yes, that's just not in the control of an entity, kidney failure is simply defining the world when can i use whatsapp for example whatsapp is the source all whatsapp client about that
and it can always define how something works but then may i have the software quite a bit of control that means when you say there has to be something built in there you just have to go to whatsapp and somehow convince several men friendly do that when did this happen? while if the bmw is trying for example now the e-mail client then saying real problems would have talk to a lot of people and it will be it will not be that easy to install it
what is our strength weakness story and us are these actually food feature that's true these things are but it just requires a lot talk to each other and understand how it works meanwhile are at least the people who are busy there very good things that it can work, so to speak